Septimus Prime

Oct 25, 2017
I'm the opposite. I love how he can get his ass handed to him and isn't the end all be all ultimate weapon. Makes it far more interesting to me both in story and action.

Voltron showing up and ending battles with no effort all the time would be boring.
I think it's not so much that I think Voltron should be unbeatable, but rather I don't like that every new enemy just gets way stronger and wins that way.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not too keen about how there are several mechs that can easily curbstomp Voltron. Like, for being the ultimate weapon that everyone wants, Voltron kind of sucks.

I think it's not so much that I think Voltron should be unbeatable, but rather I don't like that every new enemy just gets way stronger and wins that way.

I mean, Voltron is old as shit. Literally over ten thousand years old. If you built a weapon today that people still used in ten thousand years, you'd have to be pretty happy with how that turned out!


Oct 25, 2017
Season 8 is releasing on December 14, 2018. A teaser video went up, but it doesn't have any new footage.

Hours Left

Oct 26, 2017
With how popular it is, I'm feeling pretty confident a second Voltron series will be green lit.

Shiro centric please.


Oct 25, 2017
I wonder what Studio Mir will work on next (do a sequel Avatar series!). But it all seriousness, I'll be behind anything these guys decide to make. Their work is impressive.


Oct 25, 2017
Looks like production has wrapped:



Oct 25, 2017
Man, I remember when this show was just released and there was no telling where it was gonna lead. It was a fun ride for sure, can't wait to see the finale.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
It's been a long two years. Really excited to see the end of this show. ;A;


Oct 25, 2017
It's been one of the best Series reboot/reimagining yet. Now if I can get a modernization of the 80 dungeon and Dragons I'd be happy


Oct 25, 2017
I'll try to update the thread for Season 8 later. This week is really busy for me, so it's kind of a bad time for the season to drop.

(I also need to renew my Netflix subscription)


Oct 25, 2017
The final season is out now.

All Season 8 episode discussion should be spoiler tagged for the next two weeks.
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Oct 27, 2017
I skipped to the final episode, because I wasn't a fan of the last season, and wanted to see if watching the rest of the season was worth my while.
My dawning horror when I realized the leaks were legit, and they were killing off Allura...



Oct 27, 2017
Wow I just finished and I'm so sad to see this end... 9 seasons is amazing and this show turned out way better than I would of ever imagined. That final episode got me all fucked up.


Oct 25, 2017
Wow, they really bumped off Allura lol. The various fandoms are losing their collective minds right now that basically all the ships were nuked from orbit and the one that didn't had one half of it die in the end.


Sumo Digital Dev
Oct 24, 2017
Wow. Just finished the last season with my fiancée. Got mad Gurren Lagann vibes from it. Amazing work from everyone involved and turned out way beyond expectations! :)

The death flags flew high with Allura absorbing the dark entity, but still sucked to see, especially with the whole Lance romance. A bit of a super happy ending, all things considered, especially with the revival of all the realities, but I'm good with it. And yay for Shiro! And dat Car Voltron tease!

EDIT: Also, the way episode "Day Forty Seven" was framed was great. Loved the perspective they took and again did a nice job of fleshing the characters out even more.
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Oct 25, 2017
We bought our boys a small and Large complete set of Legendary Defender lions for Christmas. Going to make them wait until winter break for Season 8 to really butter em up for their Christmas Presents.

Its so great how they went from, Aw dad we don't wanna watch this to their absolute most favorite show ever over the last few months as they've gotten caught up.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I was fairly well satisfied with how it ended. Never watched the original Voltron growing up, so I didn't have many expectations coming into this series, but season after season it has been astounding me with its developments of characters and themes. It felt great to see how far the characters have truly come, and I think that's what this season reflects back on really well
(except maybe Shiro)

Season really escalated to crazy heights, at moments I was expecting them to start throwing galaxies at each other like Gurren Lagann. I think this is why Honerva didn't really feel as fleshed out, despite them dropping threads in earlier seasons; It all kinda went by really fast.

Honestly sad to see Allura go, they gave her a nice arc, but I suppose it was the Paladins' story foremost. The epilogue was alright with some sweet moments, well enough with the time they had left.

Great to see Shiro with someone at the end, not only simply hinted at.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Marathoned through the show last week and just finished watching the last season. This was a good ride.

I wasn't a fan of Honerva and how it all went down with her as the final villain, just felt off idk. The fights were cool though, it was some Gurren Lagann shit. Wish they gave Shiro a bigger role in the final season, but glad he got the final scene with his wedding.


Oct 31, 2017
I really enjoyed the ending.
Overall the show was marred with a lot of pacing issues, irrelevant plot points, plots that went nowhere and they seemed to of entirely nerfed the entity to this plot device as opposed to a virus like species that wants to devour everything.
If I had to rate it I would give it a 6/10. It's biggest saving grace was the art direction, designs, and lively animations. Otherwise this show would of been kind of a stinker.


Oct 25, 2017
The last story arc reminded me of the final season of the green lantern animated show. Sad the show is over. I hope netflix reboots it in a few years and even bring in the voltron cars with lions.


Oct 27, 2017
Just finished the first ep, loved the OG Voltron throwbacks, still hate looking at Shiro's floating arm.

Lance & Allura getting together is cute.. Obvious foreshadowing was obvious.


Oct 25, 2017
As much as I love the design for the Atlas (and it's respective robot form), it's so comically big, that it takes a century for it to hit anything.

The other part that was comically big was
near the end when they phased in the giant rocket wings. I literally laughed out loud because it was so ridiculous


May 9, 2018
oh snap. season 8 is the last season? I just started season 8 and I've been on my friends case to start this show. best animated show out right now!!


Oct 25, 2017
US, East Coast
Loved the final but one thing that always bugged me was that... wern't Alteans originally taller and blue? Allura showed her true form in season 1, but in all flashbacks (going as far back as when her father was Voltron red) they just have human form.

If they had no contacts with humans then (what was it, 10,000 years ago or something) why is the king not in his original form? Why do all Alteans keep that false human form
and apparently Alteans in other realities too
Oct 28, 2017
Loved the final but one thing that always bugged me was that... wern't Alteans originally taller and blue? Allura showed her true form in season 1, but in all flashbacks (going as far back as when her father was Voltron red) they just have human form.

If they had no contacts with humans then (what was it, 10,000 years ago or something) why is the king not in his original form? Why do all Alteans keep that false human form
and apparently Alteans in other realities too
I think you might be misremembering something, she changed height and skin color to impersonate a Galra. Alteans have those abilities, which help them diplomatically.

Internet searching for the word "Altean" is a super bad idea right now if you're trying to avoid spoilers. Luckily, I finished watching the series this morning.


Oct 25, 2017
US, East Coast
I think you might be misremembering something, she changed height and skin color to impersonate a Galra. Alteans have those abilities, which help them diplomatically.

Internet searching for the word "Altean" is a super bad idea right now if you're trying to avoid spoilers. Luckily, I finished watching the series this morning.

Maybe you're right. I'm going to watch that episode again to put my mind at ease. And yeah, thank goodness I finished before looking up that name in google lol.

Hours Left

Oct 26, 2017
Just finished S8. Voltron has been one of my favorite animated series, and Shiro one of my favorite characters ever. S8 did neither any justice. It was just okay, and messed up some pretty important stuff IMO.

Please give Shiro his own series.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
N. Vancouver, BC, Canada
Just finished S8. Voltron has been one of my favorite animated series, and Shiro one of my favorite characters ever. S8 did neither any justice. It was just okay, and messed up some pretty important stuff IMO.

Please give Shiro his own series.

There were a lot of hints with Vehicle Voltron in the final moments, so perhaps he will command the new team?
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Oct 30, 2017
Gotta say, I am not pleased with that ending.

But regarding Allura
I was definitely not buying that noble sacrifice stuff at all. She just says "I know the risks." and they don't do the Voltron thing of overexplaining with technobabble or whatever, it's just she needs to go and everyone gets a heartfelt farewell. And it was a nice farewell and it mirrored how she spoke to them in the beginning and I did like the semi-retcon of how Allura told them they were going to save the universe but it's explained she just said it because she had to believe it was true and all.

But of all the plot points Voltron randomly throws out, why the noble sacrifice?

When Allura says she has no family waiting for her, I thought the build up was "Voltron is my family to go back toward" but I guess instead they were going for bittersweet "in memory of Allura, who was like our family" but what a bum deal for Allura. She had things to live for!

Regarding the villains
The last minute redemptions of Zarkon, Honerva, and I think even Lotor didn't sit right with me. Probably from the that thread a few weeks ago about how Japanese anime is too lax with forgiving enemies who do heinous things and those three did unacceptably, unforgivably terrible things! I guess it's better to leave a lesson of forgiveness and optimism but it's so unearned! These guys are super evil until you meet the un-quintessence mad version or you give them a 30 second speech about who they used to be. There were a lot of flashback episodes to try and smooth over that transition but the actual moment of change is still super abrupt.

Spoilers for Spider-Man Into the Spiderverse outta nowhere!
Also this isn't Voltron's fault but I happened to see Into the Spiderverse just before Voltron and the villain's plot to cause world ending chaos to find the reality where they can reunite with their dead family only for that family to reject them, the plot was just done better in Into the Spiderverse because it was hard coded into the universe and they didn't like try to redeem the Kingpin after he freaks out about losing his fake family again. Honerva's crazy face when fake baby Lotor rejects her was too good, there should've been no coming back once she destroyed her perfect alternate reality.

Overall, season 8 was a cleanup session and I didn't buy most of the emotional beats.
But I enjoyed the individual stories leading up to it so it's about the journey, not the destination. Most of the cast had already reached the conclusion of the arcs so the finale mostly had to deliver a giant robot battle to top it off. Though I guess the intent was good in that instead of
solving it with a giant robot battle, it's with extending a hand of friendship to a former enemy to work together but the redemption of the enemy was too sudden and the noble sacrifice left me too quizzical as to why it was necessary so the impact didn't land.

Regarding Shiro,
I think his ending is a reaction to the poor reaction to Season 7, but lol, everyone else's ending is like "we're doing cool world changing shit" and Shiro is like "I got married."

Glad to have reached the end.
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