Oct 27, 2017
Reminder that the wealthy have no loyalty to anything so long as the can access their wealth. They are by definition an adversary.


Nov 26, 2017
The problem they don't seem to realize that they have is that despite their disproportionate wealth, their votes count the same as the rest of ours.


Oct 27, 2017
Something tells me this is either bull shit, a bluff, or a handful of idiots.

Wall Street Donors backed Clinton over Trump in 2016, and it didn't matter.
Yeah they backed Clinton because she picked an empty suit like Tim Kaine instead of Elizabeth Warren:

Shocking... oh wait no it's exactly the same as 2016:

Wall Street donors seek to block Warren VP pick
If Clinton chooses the Massachusetts senator as her running mate, donations will dry up, fundraisers warn.

By Ben White




Oct 25, 2017
The ultra-rich are the real enemy to progress in this country, and the more that we can focus on that message, the better Warren's chances will be.

Deleted member 43

Account closed at user request
Oct 24, 2017
The best result of this is if a massive number of individual donors contribute the same or more than these giant donors do. That would go a long way to showing these interests don't need to be coddled.

So, make sure to donate.


Nov 11, 2017
These articles can be annoying when they don't name names because less than 2 months ago we had Wall Street donors favor Warren over the possible frontrunners and was contrasting her with Sanders.

Because she had very little support and was a useful cudgel against Sanders, whereas now she is approximately tied with Bernie and appears to have more room to grow.


Oct 26, 2017
Wealthy business guy I know said the same thing. I shouldn't be surprised but I am. Has more than enough money to retire comfortably, but would rather see Trump again over Warren. I just don't get it.


Oct 27, 2017
Fine. Hopefully she won't need your money. Things change and you give a little or we end up killing you motherfuckers, which would you rather have?

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Yeah they backed Clinton because she picked an empty suit like Tim Kaine instead of Elizabeth Warren:

My point with Clinton was that Wall Street backed her over Trump, but Trump is president. Wall Street also backed Romney in 2012, but Obama won.

ALso I don't think Clinton was ever going to pick Elizbeth Warren in 2016. Warren and Clinton were both North East liberals, and Clinton desperately needed to appeal more to the heartland -- Where Trump won the election. Of course, Kaine probably wasn't the right pick from that perspective either :D

But in any event, the backing of some wall street donors is not as important as Wall Street likes to think.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't get why they prefer Trump?We are projected to be heading into a recession, which is definitely not good for their business. Like why would you want to choose the man who is leading us off a cliff for some short-term gains?
There has been a massive stripping of federal regulatory powers, consumer protections, worker protections, etc. Trump fascism has paid off in pure political power alone. And with climate change adding apocalyptic pressures over the already catastrophic sociopolitical crises across the globe, we can expect to see a rise in oppression, fascism, capitalist constriction of power, etc. Life is going to get harder for poor and marginalized people, and it's not going to get better until we start walking away from capitalism and working for our mutual wellbeing instead. Wall Street knows this, and their profit forecasts align them with neoliberalism and fascism.

These are the new poles we're working with under the current global context. Right now those poles might seem extreme, but look at how far things are already sliding.

We need to all be taking deep and drastic action to take care of each other immediately. Build local food systems and share food with your neighbors, start housing cooperatives, childcare collectives, etc. Build infrastructure of support and solidarity, build community relationships and resilience.

Thankfully there's been a lot of amazing innovation coming together on the grassroots, neighborhood, city, regional, academic and scientific levels. I've heard disaster preparedness experts, indigenous farmers, black power activists, and public health scholars, and urban planners all say the same thing: grow food locally, get to know your neighbors, and prepare for a difficult future.

I think as things get more dire and people get more organized, we'll see grassroots organizing driving local policy more and more -- or there will be riots, and/or we'll be baited into being slaves via capitalism and fascism.

Anyways, the point of my rant is this: shit is bad and by necessity things are getting much more polarized. We're seeing the beginning of that now with Trump making fascism mainstream and progressives winning elections, polling more and more viably, and putting forward proactive initiatives. We see it too on the political margins.

Again: Wall Street knows all this. And they're not willing to endorse any candidate that threatens their growing power. They want to protect the new status quo at all costs.


Oct 26, 2017
I know this is not a popular opinion, but I just don't think Warren can beat Trump. Biden has a better chance and I don't like him either. Trump can do so much more damage in the next 4 years. It will make these first 4 look like a warmup. Trump has to go no matter what.

I'm worried we get another 2016 in 2020.


Dec 4, 2018
I know this is not a popular opinion, but I just don't think Warren can beat Trump. Biden has a better chance and I don't like him either. Trump can do so much more damage in the next 4 years. It will make these first 4 look like a warmup. Trump has to go no matter what.
Trump ain't finishing his term lol


Nov 11, 2017
She's not tied with Bernie, she's significantly ahead. Bernie is over.

Polls do not bear this out in aggregate. There are some where she is ahead, some where he is ahead. It does look like she has more momentum, but it's hardly decided, especially given Bernie is explicitly targeting non-voters who might be poorly-captured by likely voter models.

That said, lol at the weird gloating tone of this post. I wouldn't be so snide about my candidate if he were as bad on foreign policy, the thing the President has the most unilateral control over, as Warren is in comparison to Bernie.


Oct 25, 2017
I know this is not a popular opinion, but I just don't think Warren can beat Trump. Biden has a better chance and I don't like him either. Trump can do so much more damage in the next 4 years. It will make these first 4 look like a warmup. Trump has to go no matter what.

I'm worried we get another 2016 in 2020.

It's okay to be afraid.

Turn that fear into action instead of paralysis and fearmongering, though.


Dec 4, 2018
Not only is he going to finish his term. He is going to claim that the Senate fully exonerated him. It will form his reelection campaign.
ain't happening. He's quickly becoming political poison and republicans will act the mighty and start turning on him in no time. Watch.


Oct 27, 2017
First... there was the collapse of common sense... stupidity... racism... ignorance...

Then... when it seemed like shit couldn't get anymore fucked up... we got William Barr... the living corruption... blatantly parading around the whole country...

Then the rumours started... The last hardcore democrats were working on a cure... that would end the corruption...


I like the misconduct... I like the corruption...


Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
Hold a minute there buddy...
Let me stop you right there.

You might be pro environment and lgbt rights (so long as it doesn't affect your portfolio, amirite?), but opposing taxes on the rich and corporations to pay for social services -De Facto- makes you a non Democrat/ Left.

So... Might as well stop pretending, even if you like to schmooze around (probably both sides in secret) so you can be owed some favors layer on.

Those guys are unfortunately Democrats too. Democrats are not a leftist party but just has a leftish contingent within it.

Loan Wolf

Nov 9, 2017
Wealthy business guy I know said the same thing. I shouldn't be surprised but I am. Has more than enough money to retire comfortably, but would rather see Trump again over Warren. I just don't get it.

He's probably upset that the ramifications of a Warren administration means he'll have to postpone buying another yacht


Oct 27, 2017
Man this is great press, keep it up Wallstreet, your doing the work for your own demise yourself.


Oct 8, 2018
Wealthy business guy I know said the same thing. I shouldn't be surprised but I am. Has more than enough money to retire comfortably, but would rather see Trump again over Warren. I just don't get it.

He cares about money more than he does for other people. Pretty straightforward. Money speaks for money.

Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
Rich people in general may put on a fake face caring about social issues and matters that affect the general public, but will every time vote Republican no matter the candidate and donate to superpacs to get Republicans elected to benefit themselves for the tax breaks and less industry regulation.

This is too one sided. Plenty of rich people donate to the Democratic Party in order to keep it under their control as well. They're both pro-big business parties.


Oct 27, 2017
I wish there was an option to just close Wallstreet and be done with the stock-market in its entirety.
It's all bad news anyway. Holds the world in its greedy grip.

Geist 6one7

Oct 29, 2017
I know this is not a popular opinion, but I just don't think Warren can beat Trump. Biden has a better chance and I don't like him either. Trump can do so much more damage in the next 4 years. It will make these first 4 look like a warmup. Trump has to go no matter what.

I'm worried we get another 2016 in 2020.
If Biden can't beat Warren than he certainly can't beat Trump. This "only Biden can do it" shit is a self fulfilling prophecy.