
Oct 26, 2017
Usually people criticize political alignment metrics for being too broad but this is a good case of when the granularity is overly pedantic.


Oct 25, 2017


I'm kind of surprised distributism never really gained more traction.


Oct 25, 2017
Social Liberalism and honestly seeing others' responses, geez I guess it's the most common one lmao.


Oct 27, 2017
Social Liberalism
Economic: Centrist
Diplomatic: Peaceful
Civil: Liberal
Societal: Very progressive

I tried to answer as honestly as possible. Know I'll try to learn what Social Liberalism is.


Oct 26, 2017
Libertarian Socialism provides well balanced starting stats but Libertarian Communism has more raw stats and is good for players who like to maximize economy.

Nazism is only recommended for experienced players of the Political Alignment series.
"name": "Nazism",
"stats": {
    "econ": 40,
    "dipl": 0,
    "govt": 0,
    "scty": 5


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Did it.


I like to think i am representative of most of the "common sense" wave of socioeconomic progressives coming up in modern American culture, even so, this test is very simplistic, a lot of the questions felt like they were very obviously written so people would say what the most common sense answer is, so i dunno about its accuracy.

FEATHATEATHN is a Marxist credo. It's the final goal of a communist, stateless, classless, marketless society - a world where there are no commodities or exchange for profit, just production for human need. Humans, having conquered scarcity and overcome market forces and the capitalist mode of production, will not need to work "jobs" but will be able to do what they want and take what they need.

Basically, automation combined with democratic collective planning.

Thank you so much!


Oct 26, 2017
A libertarian socialist is like Noam Chomsky. Anti-state but will take the welfare state over not having it. A social liberal is a socdem.
Since Noam was mentioned here they do have Anarcho-Syndicalism but the weights are pretty strange:
    "name": "Libertarian Socialism",
     "stats": {
        "econ": 80,
        "dipl": 80,
        "govt": 80,
        "scty": 80

     "name": "Anarcho-Syndicalism",
     "stats": {
        "econ": 80,
        "dipl": 50,
        "govt": 100,
        "scty": 80
I guess the quiz's Anarcho-Syndicalism is fully stateless and semi-isolationist. I don't know how reflective this is of Noam's actual ideology.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
I would consider myself a european esque social democrat, which is pretty whitebread globally, but in America its definitely off the rails considering how much of a right wing militarized, entertainment media despot we live in. I feel like capitalism must be reformed, and well regulated, so a lot of the ex-capitalist sentiments dont really appeal to me.(since every "pure" social construct has significant flaws and are prone to abuse by human nature, changing to another one isnt gonna do much. Take the best parts from each and make it actually work outside of an idealized fictional world unlike most other mindsets) That's probably the start off why i am not considered so hardcore from a revolutionary perspective.

And the questions about violence and whether science and progress at the cost of all else would help or hurt humanity were interesting, because i feel like those are too nuanced and on a "case by case/extremity" basis than the ways you can answer in the poll.

Have you people not learned anything?

This is exactly how the Russians were able to target people with fake news.

Stop taking these types of quizzes... on Facebook or anywhere else.

:l Soon people are going to be saying thinking for yourself is just what Russia wants you to do. The better advice is to, obviously, actually think for yourself. Russia's people are under seige by a Krelmin intent on suppression of ideas and thinking outside the box, dont become so hysterical that you yourself fall for that in the opposite manner
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Deleted member 40797

User requested account closure
Mar 8, 2018
I just want to point out again that if you look at the quiz rubric, you can see that it's not particularly sensitive to the actual political ideologies. It's basically politics and economic, the RPG.


Nov 1, 2017
Economic Axis: I prefer a well regulated capitalist market economy. State should only intervene when necessary, but often it is.
Diplomatic Axis: I'd be all for a more global government, but I believe concentration of power is bad, and smaller populations are better off making their own decisions, as long as they don't hurt the whole.
Civil Axis: In theory people ought to be free to do whatever, but since people are dumb-dumbs, some level of authority has to be maintained.
Societal Axis: Climate change is a big threat, and tradition for traditions sake is dumb, mmmkay?


Nov 7, 2017
Gothenburg, Sweden

It feels kind of tailored to the U.S which probably skews the results given that i'm a Swede. But results are what i expect, 50/50 on most except on tradition/progress.


The Fallen
Oct 5, 2018
Libertarian socialist. I know I am not a libertarian, I suspect this is due to the neutral/unsure answers I gave.


Oct 26, 2017
The usage of the word "libertarian" is in an ideal/academic sense rather than what's commonly associated with libertarians (big business small government racist fuckwits), don't take it too personally.


Independent Developer
Nov 25, 2017
The usage of the word "libertarian" is in an ideal/academic sense rather than what's commonly associated with libertarians (big business small government racist fuckwits), don't take it too personally.

Yup. Particularly left-libertarianism. That's how I interpreted it anyway.

Deleted member 40797

User requested account closure
Mar 8, 2018
Libertarian socialist. I know I am not a libertarian, I suspect this is due to the neutral/unsure answers I gave.

The right co-opted the term "libertarianism" in the 20th century. It more or less is synonymous with anarchism and anarchist tendencies in leftist politics.

EDIT: people like Rothbard, Murray and Hoppe attempted (succesfully) to co-opt anarchism as a political philosophy. This culminated in Nozick, who is nevertheless a worthwhile read. When you see right-wingers use "libertarian" to describe themselves, substitute "neo-feudalist" (unless they are philosophers, in which case substitute hardcore liberals); when left-wingers describe themselves as libertarians, substitute anarchism. Then all is right in the world.


Oct 26, 2017
A "true", or "classic" libertarian would recognize that the current system of liberalism/capitalism infringes on the liberties of many people worldwide, usually colonized peoples and lower economic castes in every nation. They would be opposed to this infringement, hence, "libertarian".

Modern libertarians now only believe in a single inviolable liberty and that is the businessman/capitalist's freedom to create profit by any means possible.

Deleted member 40797

User requested account closure
Mar 8, 2018
A "true", or "classic" libertarian would recognize that the current system of liberalism/capitalism infringes on the liberties of many people worldwide, usually colonized peoples and lower economic castes in every nation. They would be opposed to this infringement, hence, "libertarian".

Modern libertarians now only believe in a single inviolable liberty and that is the businessman/capitalist's freedom to create profit by any means possible.

To be fair, some libertarians have more nuanced views (e.g., Nozick). That said, most self-described right-wing libertarians are essentially looking to reinstate feudalism.

(e.g., try getting an anarcho-capitalist to agree with the Lockean proviso).


Oct 26, 2017
Libertarian Socialism is what happens when you're raised as an American and vote Democrat (or awakened to it if you were previously an R voter), but realized the Dems kind of suck as well and isn't there something better than this?


Oct 26, 2017
Libertarian Socialists get to wear better gear but have roughly the same spells as Social Liberals.