
Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
I get what you're saying, but it's not a secret why this didn't become a major concern for most news pundits until Bernie started doing very well in the polls and getting endorsements very recently. That's why I don't think that it's likely to affect anyone's perception of things, his supporters can see through stuff like that.

And it's definitely unfair, but I think it's a definitely a good thing as well in this case.
So, this is a little off topic, but I'm not sure that thsts the right read on the media environment. Everybody who hit front runner status went through a similar teardown period - even Biden, though I'd argue his was more genuinely damning han most (remember back in the dawn of time when he entered the race and all those "he's handy" pieces sprouted up? Enough to put me off him.) Then Warren hit frontrunner status, got blown up over M4a. Pete hit Iowa frontrunner status, wine cave debacle. Bernie, it's looking like his health. Its been the same thing all cycle.

Up until now, I kinda think that being ignored has worked in his favor. Like I said, the focus a new frontrunner gets has rarely been positive, and it's given his team something to rally and fundraiser around. Besides, he didn't need the name ID like the smaller candidates did. I'm really not sure it hurt him.

Dark Knight

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
You can't be a Bernie supporter who wants him to release the records, you have to be ALL In or you're no supporter at all. It's silly.
I don't think it's necessarily an all or nothing philosophy. People have a right to want to know, but I don't think it's important to release everything. His doctors and advisers would have told him to pull out already if they thought he wasn't even going to make it a year or two into his presidency. In the end I trust Bernie's decision-making, both in terms of his decision to keep seeking office, and his eventual VP choice, which are both integral bits of this "issue."

Bernie's consistent standards for his platform and the massive shift left for the party he's somewhat responsible for are what I've put on a pedestal, and if his VP believes in those same standards and policies then I just want the man in office, health problems be damned. Besides, he's proven since his heart attack that he's still sharp as a tack, so I'm not worried at all about his ability to perform anytime soon.

Deleted member 3896

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Two thoughts on this: first, a candidate is more than a platform. To argue to an extreme (I'm not trying to suggest this is likely), if Bernie were to drop dead Octover 1st, his platform and policies wouldn't count for much. Or, to use a less dramatic example, if you don't trust Bernie as a person implicitly, maybe his decision to reverse himself here is giving you the nerves a little. Both are fine reasons to be concerned, and should probably addressed as if they're real things people really believe, not just dismissed as obviously disingenuous, because that really doesn't accomplish much and it's unprovable anyway.

Secondly, I don't think it's ever a good idea to put a candidate up on a pedastal. All of these people have problems, and it's important not to become so wrapped up in defending and arguing over them that we seek to minimize those issues. Stuff like "if you like Sanders platform this shouldn't matter at all" is bad because it doesn't leave people room to hold nuanced views on the candidate. You can't be a Bernie supporter who wants him to release the records, you have to be ALL In or you're no supporter at all. It's silly.
This, all of this. Thank you.

Looks to me like you wrote that.

More bad faith posting from Mercury.
I see. Did I misunderstand you or did you want to clarify what you meant on your post about "centrists" then?


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think it's necessarily an all or nothing philosophy. People have a right to want to know, but I don't think it's important to release everything. His doctors and advisers would have told him to pull out already if they thought he wasn't even going to make it a year or two into his presidency. In the end I trust Bernie's decision-making, both in terms of his decision to keep seeking office, and his eventual VP choice, which are both integral bits of this "issue."

Bernie's consistent standards for his platform and the massive shift left for the party he's somewhat responsible for are what I've put on a pedestal, and if his VP believes in those same standards and policies then I just want the man into office, hell problems be damned. Besides, he's proven since his heart attack that he's still sharp as a tack, so I'm not worried at all about his ability to perform anytime soon.
See, I think this is all perfectly reasonable. I think it might be wrong - the idea of a candidate dying right before the election against Donald goddamn Trump is terrifying to me - but I get where you're coming from, and i don't think you have to dismiss the idea that other people might disagree to make your point. That's what I'm getting at.

Deleted member 3896

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Centrists are more likely to forget that Trump is the enemy in 2020, not Bernie. Was that really hard to understand as written or hard to understand because of the extraneous commentary in your head?
Oh I see. So that post (which was inflammatory and inaccurate) had nothing to do with this thread or the people posting in it?

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
So, this is a little off topic, but I'm not sure that thsts the right read on the media environment. Everybody who hit front runner status went through a similar teardown period - even Biden, though I'd argue his was more genuinely damning han most (remember back in the dawn of time when he entered the race and all those "he's handy" pieces sprouted up? Enough to put me off him.) Then Warren hit frontrunner status, got blown up over M4a. Pete hit Iowa frontrunner status, wine cave debacle. Bernie, it's looking like his health. Its been the same thing all cycle.

Up until now, I kinda think that being ignored has worked in his favor. Like I said, the focus a new frontrunner gets has rarely been positive, and it's given his team something to rally and fundraiser around. Besides, he didn't need the name ID like the smaller candidates did. I'm really not sure it hurt him.
Oh, I agree. He got his biggest boost after his heart attack after all, and I think it's fair to put people under higher scrutiny when they rise near the top. The difference is that I think stuff like Pete's history and Warren's policy mistakes are a little more substantive than a "Bernie is too old" op ed if that makes sense.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Wow, you honestly think people are going to fall for this okeydoke. We all see what you said, now you're telling us you didn't say what you said.

That's gaslighting, bruh.
wow my already low estimation of people's reading comprehension skills was clearly too optimistic still

there have been numerous smears at the end of 2019 of Bernie Sanders being an antisemite. Clearly Conservatives and Libs saw it working well against Corbyn and wanted to try the same method against Sanders. Here are a couple of examples of reporting on such claims against sanders:

there was also a twitter account (democrats against antisemitism or something like that) that posted a long thread with such smears that went semi-viral in december

clearly other posters understood what i meant. e.g. this comment:

you can tell how much its burning them up that Bernie is jewish and the smears wont work

clearly, that comment is saying that Libs and conservatives are mad that that smears saying that bernie is an antisemite (obviously) don't gain much traction when he's jewish himself

file_id_diz, i feel sorry for you that your underfunded american education system failed you so substantially that you failed to acquire the reading comprehension skills needed to parse the simple point i was making :(

(underfunded schools is starting to be a problem here in sweden as well as a function of policy having moved rightwards over the last 30 or so years so this is something i can really empathize with)
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Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Centrists are more likely to forget that Trump is the enemy in 2020, not Bernie. Was that really hard to understand as written or hard to understand because of the extraneous commentary in your head?
This is excessively rude.
Oh, I agree. He got his biggest boost after his heart attack after all, and I think it's fair to put people under higher scrutiny when they rise near the top. The difference is that I think stuff like Pete's history and Warren's policy mistakes are a little more substantive than a "Bernie is too old" op ed if that makes sense.
That makes sense to me, but at the same time, other people can and do evaluate things differently. I don't really think that Warren's thing measured up to the other two, tbh, and I'm not sure how real this thing about Bernie is or isn't, but the central point - that once somebody becomes the clear front runner, the knives come out, regardless of subject - doesn't really change.


Alt Account
Nov 9, 2019
I sometimes wonder if having bad health is a far greater obstacle in the presidential race than simply being a well-known crook and criminal.
Oct 27, 2017
Oh I see. So that post (which was inflammatory and inaccurate) had nothing to do with this thread or the people posting in it?

I was agreeing with a thought by another user and adding my opinion to it. Sorry you seem to dislike that. You know what i dislike? Calling for a top 3 candidate to drop out of the race in Summer of 2019.

This is excessively rude.

That's what happens when people get tired of seeing the same BS from the same people day after day, year after year.

I sometimes wonder if having bad health is a far greater obstacle in the presidential race than simply being a well-known crook and criminal.

Time will tell.


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
file_id_diz, i feel sorry for you that your underfunded american education system failed you so substantially that you failed to acquire the reading comprehension skills needed to parse the simple point i was making :(
That's what happens when people get tired of seeing the same BS from the same people day after day, year after year.
This goes for the both of you - if you don't think you have it in you to disagree with other people without posting stuff like that, I'd advise thst it might be time to take a step back and a deep breath. As has been said, nobody here is the actual enemy, as far as I know.

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
Oh I see. So that post (which was inflammatory and inaccurate) had nothing to do with this thread or the people posting in it?

I thought the whole point of this thread was that Sanders' not releasing his full medical records hurts his credibility among people not already supporting him. It strikes me as a criticism of him as a candidate about as substantive as if he, say, went on Fallon and promised a free ice cream cone to every American. He may have broken a campaign promise but it's not one that's particularly significant nor tied to his platform.


Oct 25, 2017
There was legitimate concern over Hillary's emails, but mostly they were used to poison discourse. Plenty of legitimate concerns are used to poison discourse. The hyperbole itself is dishonest, which is what bad faith is all about.
There wasn't a legitimate concern over Hillary's emails. There was a legitimate concern about the practices that predate Hillary and exist to this day but nothing specific to her. It's a prime example of a bad faith argument because the legitimacy is contrived based on something people don't care about (evident by nobody discussing it today), not because it poisons the discourse

Boiled Goose

Nov 2, 2017
Yeah, following up on promises and commitments, who values that? & who does that? /s

Giving a guy a pass on commmitments he himself made because he's "your guy" makes supporters no better than a Trump supporter IMO.

Just wow.
People saying meh at no healthcare records being released is the same thing at giving a pass for all the atrocities and corruption and treachery Trump does on a daily basis.
Ok. That's where we are now.
Oct 27, 2017
Well, I'll call thst progress.

The thing is, he *is* a 78 year old man who *did* have a heart attack. Convergent evolution of phrasing is not a conspiracy.

As for whether or not it's a scandal, that's not really something that can be dictated effectively by anybody. If people decide that they're scandalized over it, that makes it so. You can argue that they shouldn't be so worried about it, but I don't think it's true that they actually aren't, by and large.

Two thoughts on this: first, a candidate is more than a platform. To argue to an extreme (I'm not trying to suggest this is likely), if Bernie were to drop dead Octover 1st, his platform and policies wouldn't count for much. Or, to use a less dramatic example, if you don't trust Bernie as a person implicitly, maybe his decision to reverse himself here is giving you the nerves a little. Both are fine reasons to be concerned, and should probably addressed as if they're real things people really believe, not just dismissed as obviously disingenuous, because that really doesn't accomplish much and it's unprovable anyway.

Secondly, I don't think it's ever a good idea to put a candidate up on a pedastal. All of these people have problems, and it's important not to become so wrapped up in defending and arguing over them that we seek to minimize those issues. Stuff like "if you like Sanders platform this shouldn't matter at all" is bad because it doesn't leave people room to hold nuanced views on the candidate. You can't be a Bernie supporter who wants him to release the records, you have to be ALL In or you're no supporter at all. It's silly.

This is an interesting example and it reminds me that I should have been peppering a caveat into my statements: none of what I said applies to Republicans. They actually are full of shit all the time. If a Republican says it, definitely feel free to ignore/ridicule it. It's when other Democrats or people on the left say it that good faith engagement becomes reasonable.
We can't see other people's party affiliation online. How am I going to give Democrats the benefit of the doubt? Especially when they talk like conservatives.

Democrats have been known to act conservative and use conservative talking points when it comes to money. Hyperbole doesn't become reasonable when other democrats say it. Homophobic and transphobic concerns don't become legitimate because some Democrats might have regressive views. Being a democrat doesn't give people a pass on poisoning discourse.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
This goes for the both of you - if you don't think you have it in you to disagree with other people without posting stuff like that, I'd advise thst it might be time to take a step back and a deep breath. As has been said, nobody here is the actual enemy, as far as I know.
Well, either those posters were deliberately misunderstanding my posts to try and get me banned by making absurd claims that I was accusing people of being antisemitic, or their reading compression was bad

I like to assume the best of people so I assumed the latter.

If you disagree with me that their reading comprehension skills are bad, then I assume you think it was the other way around? That they were trying to get me banned by arguing in bad faith, deliberately misrepresenting the point i was making? If so shouldn't you warn them too?

(them being mercury fred and file_id_diz)


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Centrists and Wapo would surely love Sanders if only he was younger.
It is possible to be down on a candidate for two separate reasons at once. Neither has to be fake.

As for the Post, I'm pretty sure that this is just 'cause it's his turn in the barrel.
We can't see other people's party affiliation online. How am I going to give Democrats the benefit of the doubt? Especially when they talk like conservatives.

Democrats have been known to act conservative and use conservative talking points when it comes to money. Hyperbole doesn't become reasonable when other democrats say it. Homophobic and transphobic concerns don't become legitimate because some Democrats might have regressive views. Being a democrat doesn't give people a pass on poisoning discourse.
No, but I think that that serves as a fair delineating point between the two examples. Jason Chaffetz going on Fox and Friends to talk about how Hillary's server is a dire threat to America is safe to dismiss as nonsense, forum posters who avow to vote D (even if they're not enthusiastic about your candidate) should probably be granted more slack.


Oct 29, 2017
As for the Post, I'm pretty sure that this is just 'cause it's his turn in the barrel.

oh, for sure man


These articles were all run within 24 hours


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Well, either those posters were deliberately misunderstanding my posts to try and get me banned by making absurd claims that I was accusing people of being antisemitic, or their reading compression was bad

I like to assume the best of people so I assumed the latter.

If you disagree with me that their reading comprehension skills are bad, then I assume you think it was the other way around? That they were trying to get me banned by arguing in bad faith, deliberately misrepresenting the point i was making? If so shouldn't you warn them too?

First of all, the ban baiting? Not cute.

Secondly, it's possible to say "you read this wrong" without being an ass about it. You know it, I know it.

Bernie should really let others have a turn. He's hogging all the barrel turns.
oh, for sure man


These articles were all run within 24 hours
Hah, fair enough. I just meant this thing, but yeah, the editorial board doesn't much like him.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
We can't see other people's party affiliation online. How am I going to give Democrats the benefit of the doubt? Especially when they talk like conservatives.

Democrats have been known to act conservative and use conservative talking points when it comes to money. Hyperbole doesn't become reasonable when other democrats say it. Homophobic and transphobic concerns don't become legitimate because some Democrats might have regressive views. Being a democrat doesn't give people a pass on poisoning discourse.

Often times it feels like the discourse is boiling down to good guys vs. bad guys with Democrats vs. Republicans and loose cannons need to fall in line with the party. I don't find party loyalty particularly meaningful as a voter. I would never vote Republican just because nobody would identify as a Republican without identifying with right-wing ideals, but as a leftist I don't care if someone adopts the Democrat label but would otherwise run as independent. Being a Democrat isn't a pass either.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly I'm torn on this.

How much privacy do we want candidates to the highest office to have?

On one hand, it shouldn't be allowed for someone to hide medically troubling news if they are going to be running the country. For instance, if someone is showing signs of alzheimers and dementia (hi trump and biden) maybe the public should be aware?

Bernie is 100% my ideal candidate but my biggest concern for voting for him is his health. I'd like to be more informed.

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
You'd almost think that Jeff Bezos and Sanders had fully competing interests
Yeah. That's what it comes down to with these editorials. Like somebody said earlier that attacks like this shouldn't be taken seriously when they come from Republicans, but the NYT opinion column thinks white supremacist Republicans like Bret Stephens need to have a voice, and WaPo editorial hasn't been much better.

Bernie's health does concern me but I can't seperate this article from where it comes from.


Oct 26, 2017
True, nobody who breaks promises has ever been elected president.

(For the record, I agree with you! Which is why I said he'll get some deserved flak for it)

It's not about the dishonesty, that's to be expected in politics occasionally. It's about not being politically savvy enough to not make a promise you can't keep in the first place while in the middle of a campaign.

That's so dumb.

It's like Warren and the ancestry thing. Great that she had the integrity and follow through I guess to release information knowing how bad it'd make her look but really bad that she set the trap for herself in the first place. At the end of the day I guess I prefer Warren not just saying things without follow through but I would like it even more if neither of them set themselves up to look bad when plenty of other people are eager to do it for them.

Dream Machine

Oct 25, 2017
Honestly I'm torn on this.

How much privacy do we want candidates to the highest office to have?

On one hand, it shouldn't be allowed for someone to hide medically troubling news if they are going to be running the country. For instance, if someone is showing signs of alzheimers and dementia (hi trump and biden) maybe the public should be aware?

Bernie is 100% my ideal candidate but my biggest concern for voting for him is his health. I'd like to be more informed.
I would hope one of the three separate doctors that okayed him would bring something like that up. But maybe he cast a wide net and just used the only three positive doctor evaluations and shredded the rest.


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Often times it feels like the discourse is boiling down to good guys vs. bad guys with Democrats vs. Republicans and loose cannons need to fall in line with the party. I don't find party loyalty particularly meaningful as a voter. I would never vote Republican just because nobody would identify as a Republican without identifying with right-wing ideals, but as a leftist I don't care if someone adopts the Democrat label but would otherwise run as independent. Being a Democrat isn't a pass either.
I don't think I'd say fall in line, precisely. For one thing, I don't think it's possible. Big tent party and all that.

But I think that unless somebody specifically has exposed themselves in a fairly bad way - and no, "I don't think M4A is the best Healthcare policy to pursue right now" and other intra-left disagreements dont count, to me at least, I'm talking Lipinski or Gabbard levels of fuck up), it's probably best not to accuse somebody of just saying stuff to sabotage you. There are genuine, good faith disagreements and debates to be had.

Deleted member 3896

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Well, either those posters were deliberately misunderstanding my posts to try and get me banned by making absurd claims that I was accusing people of being antisemitic, or their reading compression was bad

I like to assume the best of people so I assumed the latter.

If you disagree with me that their reading comprehension skills are bad, then I assume you think it was the other way around? That they were trying to get me banned by arguing in bad faith, deliberately misrepresenting the point i was making? If so shouldn't you warn them too?

(them being mercury fred and file_id_diz)
You posted:

the time to hit bernie on his health was right after his heart issue. it's too late now. no one gives a fuck. it's not going to stick. did y'all give up on the antisemitism smears already?

honestly, i'm not sure why this concern trolling front for ageism is allowed?

I'm not sure how else one is meant to interpret "did y'all give up on the antisemitism smears already?" other than an implication that Sanders critics concerned about the health issue have moved on from antisemitic attacks to something else. If that's not what you meant, what did you mean exactly?

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
of all, the ban baiting? Not cute.
Are you saying I'm ban baiting people?

I asked you to give someone a verbal warning, not to ban them?

The reason I was a bit impolite was because I was responding to people I thought were being impolite:
Wow, you honestly think people are going to fall for this okeydoke. We all see what you said, now you're telling us you didn't say what you said.

That's gaslighting, bruh.
Do you think this poster was NOT being an ass about it? Especially after I had already EXPLAINED the exact point I was making and they straight up called me a liar? I try to be nice, but when people are being rude against me (calling me a liar) I tend to get a bit catty in response.

Honestly, I'm very disappointed with how you're moderating this. Someone is accusing me of lying and when I try to defend myself against such accusations you only call out me

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
You posted:

I'm not sure how else one is meant to interpret "did y'all give up on the antisemitism smears already?" other than an implication that Sanders critics concerned about the health issue have moved on from antisemitic attacks to something else. If that's not what you meant, what did you mean exactly?
"antisemitic smears"


"antisemitism smears"

If I wanted to say that people had been using antisemitic remarks I would have used the word "antisemitic", not "antisemitism"

Again KingKong had no problems parsing my post correctly, so it can't be a problem just with how I phrased it


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Are you saying I'm ban baiting people?

I asked you to give someone a verbal warning, not to ban them?

The reason I was a bit impolite was because I was responding to people I thought were being impolite:

Do you think this poster was NOT being an ass about it? Especially after I had already EXPLAINED the exact point I was making and they straight up called me a liar? I try to be nice, but when people are being rude against me (calling me a liar) I tend to get a bit catty in response.

Honestly, I'm very disappointed with how you're moderating this. Someone is accusing me of lying and when I try to defend myself against such accusations you only call out me
Ban baiting is more of a general term for trying to goad people into getting actioned generally.

But yeah, fair enough. File definitely should've been more polite to you as well.

Trying to cover what I can. FILE_ID.DIZ .
That really doesn't clarify it.
He's saying that Sanders was falsely accused of antisemitism, not accusing anybody else of being an antisemite.

Deleted member 38573

User requested account closure
Jan 17, 2018
"antisemitic smears"


"antisemitism smears"

If I wanted to say that people had been using antisemitic remarks I would have used the word "antisemitic", not "antisemitism"

Again KingKong had no problems parsing my post correctly, so it can't be a problem just with how I phrased it

jesus wept

i can't believe you needed to give any further clarification. did americanERA pay zero attention to the UK GE? Or shit, even what's being said about Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib...

Deleted member 3896

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Ban baiting is more of a general term for trying to goad people into getting actioned generally.

But yeah, fair enough. File definitely should've been more polite to you as well.

Trying to cover what I can. FILE_ID.DIZ .

He's saying that Sanders was falsely accused of antisemitism, not accusing anybody else of being an antisemite.
Got it. I completely missed that, my bad, and agree with the sentiment that that's a bullshit accusation to make against Sanders.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
That really doesn't clarify it.
"Antisemitist smears" means that the attacks themselves are antisemitic. That is the wording I would have used had I wanted to say that the people attacking him were antisemites

"antisemitism smears" means "accusations of someone being an antisemite"

Try googling "antisemitism smears" then "antisemitic smears" (in a private window and using quotation marks) and you'd find a clear distinction between search results

Deleted member 3896

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
"Antisemitist smears" means that the attacks themselves are antisemitic. That is the wording I would have used had I wanted to say that the people attacking him were antisemites

"antisemitism smears" means "someone accusing someone og being an antisemite"

Try googling "antisemitism smears" then "antisemitic smears" (in a private window and using quotation marks) and you'd find a clear distinction between search results
Right. In this thread and/or in the last we did have at least one person accusing Sanders critics of being antisemitic so it it was in the air. Sorry again that I misunderstood you.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Right. In this thread and/or in the last we did have at least one person accusing Sanders critics of being antisemitic so it it was in the air. Sorry again that I misunderstood you.
I'd also like an apology for accusing me of lying after my first attempt at clarification:
I find being accused of being a liar a lot more upsetting than just being misunderstood
that's gaslighting, bruh
Yup. And another user was just straight up calling people antisemitic if they're concerned about the health issue. Great stuff.


Jun 1, 2019
Fort Wayne
I apologize. I also retract my statements, given that you clarified. English is not a beautiful language.

In all honestly, I didn't think about reading those words that way, and that's on me.

Also, I don't remember the "Bernie is antisemitic" smears, but I certainly don't buy them. I think he's a lot of things, but not that.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
I don't think I'd say fall in line, precisely. For one thing, I don't think it's possible. Big tent party and all that.

But I think that unless somebody specifically has exposed themselves in a fairly bad way - and no, "I don't think M4A is the best Healthcare policy to pursue right now" and other intra-left disagreements dont count, to me at least, I'm talking Lipinski or Gabbard levels of fuck up), it's probably best not to accuse somebody of just saying stuff to sabotage you. There are genuine, good faith disagreements and debates to be had.

I understand that not everyone who disagrees is a bad faith troll, and I haven't accused anyone of being such in this thread, or the previous thread. But I have genuinely seen people try to dismiss leftists, say we're not "the real left," and whatnot, and it makes me uncomfortable to post at times. This creates a hostile environment where everyone on all sides is itching for the trigger finger. I try to avoid doing that. But I'm not sure if your posts here are your stance as a fellow poster, or as a mod, so I'm not sure how to respond. It's more about the general nature of these discussions than any specific poster or stance.

For me a lot of the ideological disagreements are near impossible to consolidate or find common ground on, so good faith or not, it just feels like a different worldview regardless. I generally try to avoid posting when I feel like I'm going to get particularly upset at a post or other person. It doesn't feel productive.

Right. In this thread and/or in the last we did have at least one person accusing Sanders critics of being antisemitic so it it was in the air. Sorry again that I misunderstood you.

Can't speak for others, but I was met with hostility when asked if it was a good idea to call Sanders a "grifter." I'm not saying anyone who says something like that is actively antisemitic, I don't care if someone hates Bernie, but we can at least try to be a little considerate of the discourse on things like that. I hate having to pull the "I'm a Jew" card when talking about antisemitism, personally.
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Deleted member 15440

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
accusing sanders critics of being antisemitic is generally only useful to contrast the extreme kind of idiot who thinks anyone who doesn't like buttegieg is homophobic

unless it's something like every major american publication simultaneously choosing a picture that looks like the happy merchant meme to run over a sanders headline


Oct 27, 2017
This literally doesn't matter at all. Especially given that mental health isn't included in any of the ways in which candidates are evaluated.