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Nov 7, 2017
She was having a hard day. Not everything is personal.


You said sorry immediately, so just stop worrying about it.

Yeah at the end of the day, that is where this ends. If you still feel resent towards her rejection, then there is an issue.


Oct 27, 2017
I probably misread your post, but I thought you were saying she was too distracted by "other things" to notice the valid and compassionate gesture this male roomate was imposing on her.

Women are often portrayed as being victims of their emotions, or having their emotions cloud their judgement.
I was thinking that she obviously had the break up in her mind. That has nothing to do with her being a woman and just with more important stuff currently going on.

No matter how well intentionned his gesture was, her reaction was hers and hers alone, we can't judge her.
I'm not sure I follow this. If someone reacts to you in a manner you perceive as rude surely you can judge that reaction.


Oct 25, 2017
They're not attacking the OP, they're rightly fed up at people's failure to grasp a simple concept: if you're not certain, don't touch!

one of the same people literally posted:

Just so my own position is clear, I think there is a threshold to where it of course becomes socially acceptable. And even then, you know if it's cool or not just based on body language and previous touchyness.

so not that simple after all, huh?

it's like some of you guys literally just argue bullshit to look good.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't know your situation. Have you been a creepier in the past? Theres no way to tell from your description.

Deleted member 835

User requested account deletion
Oct 25, 2017
This woman has been called an arsehole, irrational, over-sensitive, rude, really rude, a not normal grump (more than one in fact called her not normal), someone took a shot at the metoo movement, someone decided her reaction was a sign of the moral decay of manners, another said I can see why her boyfriend broke up with her.

Also this thread's very existence is because the OP after being told not to touch felt harmed enough by it to make a bloody post about it and how miffed he feels that a woman he barely knows, barely talks to simply said don't touch me and moved away from him.

On that note

Did what?
This shit. Don't be touching woman randomly


Nov 7, 2017
I'm not sure I follow this. If someone reacts to you in a manner you perceive as rude surely you can judge that reaction.


But OP saying he was hurt by her rejection shows a basic lack of respect IMO.

Take your licks and think twice before touching people, instead of looking for validation on the Internet.


The Fallen
Nov 30, 2017
Your heart
Context matters, and in the context of walking in on and inserting yourself into the conversation of a roommate you've only had a few conversations with I'd say it was wrong to try to console her at all, let alone physically. If she wants to talk to you about it she will.

I think your heart was in the right place but in this specific situation you were in the wrong and you were right to say you were sorry. She may have been blunt but it's an emotional time and your well-being isn't her priority.

I would never say that what you did was gross or that you as a person are gross, this however:

people that don't like being touched often have emotional problems. physical content is essential to survival.

is totally gross.

You touch a woman and she tells you not to touch her, then you were wrong to touch her. There should be absolutely no attempt to "correct" her, to explain that your unwanted touching is fine and she is wrong to not accept it. Doing this is gross and it makes you a creep, and being touched by creeps is not essential to survival. Jesus Fucking Christ.


Shinra Employee
Oct 30, 2017
Just going to echo the no touching sentiment. Touching someone on the shoulder for example may seem like an innocuous gesture but for folks like me it makes my skin crawl everytime. Ugh.


Oct 27, 2017

But OP saying he was hurt by her rejection shows a basic lack of respect IMO.

Take your licks and think twice before touching people, instead of looking for validation on the Internet.
To be fair, looking at the opening post he seems to ask for genuine feedback, not validation
Nov 17, 2017
This thread is insane. Why is it always one extreme or the other, either a full on creeper or "muh PC gone mad" scenario?

I wouldn't have done the shoulder touch myself to anyone other than a close friend (and probably not even then) and I don't doubt that it was well-intentioned, but given the situation, I can see why she might have recoiled. I don't think the hostility with which she seemingly did so was necessary, but you did the right thing by apologising and not kicking up a further stink about it. Yes, you're probably being a tad overly sensitive about the whole thing but the people implying you're weird for doing so are wrong, just like some people prefer their own space, some people are predisposed to overthinking the most menial shit.

Don't worry about it, OP. You know not to do it again, at the very least with this particular person, and that's that.
Basically this.

I feel like people on this site jump to extremes because it's fun to dogpile on someone. It always happens in these social interaction threads.


Oct 25, 2017
is totally gross.

You touch a woman and she tells you not to touch her, then you were wrong to touch her. There should be absolutely no attempt to "correct" her, to explain that your unwanted touching is fine and she is wrong to not accept it. Doing this is gross and it makes you a creep, and being touched by creeps is not essential to survival. Jesus Fucking Christ.

that post was a direct response to another poster, not the OP. it was in relation to their posts.

the whole conversation is quotable and easy to follow, so idk why you took that out of context the way you did. i know you think you went off but you're arguing against nobody.

quote my posts about "correcting" her.
quote my posts about explaining anything to her.

so idk what this is. my stance has only been that asking before physical contact as a concrete rule is ridiculous. that's all.


Oct 25, 2017
that post was a direct response to another poster, not the OP. it was in relation to their posts.

the whole conversation is quotable and easy to follow, so idk why you took that out of context the way you did. i know you think you went off but you're arguing against nobody.

quote my posts about "correcting" her.
quote my posts about explaining anything to her.

so idk what this is. my stance has only been that asking before physical contact as a concrete rule is ridiculous. that's all.

Your other stance was that people who don't want to be touched have emotional/personal problems. But sure, pretend that you have some moral high ground here.


Oct 25, 2017
Basically this.

I feel like people on this site jump to extremes because it's fun to dogpile on someone. It always happens in these social interaction threads.


It's a very simple concept that falls on deaf ears too often. The people upset by this are upset rightly. It s something everyone needs to learn, and a little stern conversation isn't going to break anyone.

Don't touch unless you know for certain it's acceptable. Done.


Oct 25, 2017
Your other stance was that people who don't want to be touched have emotional/personal problems. But sure, pretend that you have some moral high ground here.

asking for permission for every touch is insanity. it's not how people work. body language and physical contact are parts of a conversation.

Just don't touch people, hollyyy shitttt.
Stop trying to justify that you have the right to put your hands on people.

you might have a personal problem, really.

your don't touch anyone argument has carried over to grief and consolement. don't you think that's a little extreme? luckily, most people don't agree with you on this and aren't bothered by the slightest physical contact.

what are you doing? that poster even called it a personal attack.

it was purely off what they were saying. not just because a person doesn't want to be touched.


Oct 25, 2017
Don't touch people. And don't make threads about you being offended that someone was uncomfortable with your hands on them.

Bobson Dugnutt

Self Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
An article to do with this subject.

Strokes and hugs are being edged out of our lives, with doctors, teachers and colleagues increasingly hesitant about social touching. Is this hypervigilance of boundaries beginning to harm our mental health?

When I see some of the posts this in topic and in (and others on this subject that sprung up on here post metoo) it only reinforces to me that being this dismissive and negative as we are (and continuing to be ever more so) about non sexualised social touching really isn't going to be great for us in the long run. well meaning I'm sure, but missing out on some of the possible implications of this.

tc was well intentioned, but chose a poor time to do it as someone who isn't that close with this woman yet with her being in the emotional state she was. pending her speaking to you again about it at least you know where you stand on this matter now though. You're only a douche if you do this again and/or treat her negatively for it. As it stands if everything went down the way you said it did It's probably not in the top 10,000 of faux pas made by users on here this week.
Last edited:
Nov 17, 2017

It's a very simple concept that falls on deaf ears too often. The people upset by this are upset rightly. It s something everyone needs to learn, and a little stern conversation isn't going to break anyone.

Don't touch unless you know for certain it's acceptable. Done.
Why live life so uptight?

If someone touches my shoulder and I don't want them to, I just tell them. It's not the end of the world. I could understand some other physical interactions but a brief 1-second shoulder touch is so benign. OP is not a creep for doing it even if they are overreacting by posting this thread.
Oct 25, 2017
This woman has been called an arsehole, irrational, over-sensitive, rude, really rude, a not normal grump (more than one in fact called her not normal), someone took a shot at the metoo movement, someone decided her reaction was a sign of the moral decay of manners, another said I can see why her boyfriend broke up with her.

Also this thread's very existence is because the OP after being told not to touch felt harmed enough by it to make a bloody post about it and how miffed he feels that a woman he barely knows, barely talks to simply said don't touch me and moved away from him.

On that note

Did what?


Shit, that sums it up perfectly.


Oct 25, 2017
Why live life so uptight?

If someone touches my shoulder and I don't want them to, I just tell them. It's not the end of the world. I could understand some other physical interactions but a brief 1-second shoulder touch is so benign. OP is not a creep for doing it even if they are overreacting by posting this thread.

That's you. People in this thread have told you they don't like it, so you have to assume that's true of everyone until you find out.

It's not a huge sacrifice... this is like people who get bent out of shape because they don't agree with certain pronouns for gender identity. It's not going to hurt you to be a little more considerate and just hold back on the touching until you get to know the person in question, much like it won't hurt anyone calling a person by their chosen identity.

And I've never called OP a creep. I think his OP was an example of being inconsiderate and a little selfish, sure.
Oct 25, 2017
Why live life so uptight?

If someone touches my shoulder and I don't want them to, I just tell them. It's not the end of the world.
I could understand some other physical interactions but a brief 1-second shoulder touch is so benign. OP is not a creep for doing it even if they are overreacting by posting this thread.
Is that not what the person described in the OP did?


Oct 25, 2017
Why live life so uptight?

If someone touches my shoulder and I don't want them to, I just tell them. It's not the end of the world. I could understand some other physical interactions but a brief 1-second shoulder touch is so benign. OP is not a creep for doing it even if they are overreacting by posting this thread.

It's what the woman in the OP did lol did you not even read the OP?


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
Why live life so uptight?

If someone touches my shoulder and I don't want them to, I just tell them. It's not the end of the world. I could understand some other physical interactions but a brief 1-second shoulder touch is so benign. OP is not a creep for doing it even if they are overreacting by posting this thread.
Why put anyone in a position where they have to say they if it isn't necessary? Touching someone else without their consent isn't necessary. Especially for women, it's an uncomfortable position to put them in.


Oct 27, 2017
Could have been still in an emotional state where she didn't want to be physically consoled. Everyone's different. Some welcome it and appreciate it, while others do not and like to cope in other ways.

You didn't do anything wrong and you apologized so just leave it be.


Oct 25, 2017
they do often have emotional problems.

that's different from saying if you don't like being touched then you have an emotional problem. but it is more likely.

and that wasn't a stance, it was all directly responding to that one poster.

Do you even read what you type? What do you mean that's not a stance while you double down on said stance?


Oct 25, 2017
Do you even read what you type? What do you mean that's not a stance while you double down on said stance?

are you telling me those sentences are the same thing? yours is an absolute blanket statement.

you know that.

if what i said was offensive, let me know how? actually explain yourself.
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