
Oct 29, 2017
running or not, this man brought about a movement that was well needed in Washington which inspired and helped a slew of quite progressive democrats.

I'd wish him all the best in any run he does and although I doubt much would happen with this, I believe he has already done good in the American Political Climate.

Absolutely. Same here in France with Melenchon who just missed the 2nd round by 1%. The next generation of politicians will be quite different.


Oct 25, 2017
Not sure if serious? It's an election not a hiring process. People can withhold their vote from a candidate for any reason they like. There should be age limits on the highest positions in all three branches at the least. This is a problem that is likely to get worse.
The person I was replying to was justifying a ban on old people from running for president by appealing to what's implied to be a good example of how to do things--companies not hiring old people for jobs. I was pointing out that that's a bad justification because that is in fact illegal discrimination.

there's an age minimum though
Yes and there are reasonable exceptions just like there exist for other types of discrimination--it wouldn't be illegal to turn away a black man/70 year old to play a white man/20 year old character in a movie. But in general it's illegal.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Can't wait for a third primary season of Bernie's inability to appeal the primary Dem base being mistaken as the system being "rigged against him"


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
How is there not a single Bernie-like candidate from age 35-85?
Because they're hard pressed to either get involved in politics or are prevented from rising in rank to the degree that would let them be considered, because like the job market, folks in politics value experience and previous accolades over substance.

You can take a look at local DEC chapters for how it works in a micro scale.


Oct 27, 2017
This is a classic trial balloon. There might not even be an 'insider' here.

Biden will run again because Harris's numbers are even worse and will get demolished.
Oct 25, 2017
the left in France, the UK and US seem unable to have anyone but cranky old men take hold as their political leaders. If it's ageist to suggest that leadership in congress and the presidency shouldn't be almost entirely helmed by septuagenarians and octogenarians then so be it. there are strong hints of senators with dementia, a president (reagan) very likely had dementia whilst in office. watch a video of trump in 2012 and compare it to now in terms of how he spoke. I'm sure Bernie has stayed sharper than most with his determined vision but regardless of how cogent someone seems at the time, it's too much of a risk to assume the presidency during your late 70s and early 80s onwards.

I really hope someone from the age of 35 - 65 is able to provide a challenge from the left.

I'mma keep it a buck.

Bernie ran a decent challenge to Hillary in 2016.

His 2020 campaign was a clown show that only had Bernie's personal star power going for it, and it showed in his performance. Just unserious.

In a world where Bernie's name is bigger than ever, and he has more influence than ever (he's inspired a generation of progressive thinkers), I don't see the value behind another presidential run that'll be doomed from the start because he's not actually interested in being President.

I see it the other way around. despite a strong start in 2016 he stayed in the race longer than he should have, got hardly any concessions, and while Hilary's campaign (and herself as a a candidate) wasn't blameless his campaign did their part contributing towards the intra party strife that dogged the 2016 election. In 2020 he dropped out when it was appropriate to do so and had far more influence in the DNC's platform and getting progressives elected, even if it seems pretty doomed in the context of a kneejerk mid term election against the democrats.
Last edited:


Oct 28, 2017
No, please no. Nothing has changed since last primaries and you'll lose just the same as before.

Bernie needs to throw whatever influence he has behind a young(ish), progressive candidate. Old guard needs to step aside and build up the next generation rather than trying to stay in the limelight.


Mar 17, 2018
The Dems need a strong no nonsense middle-aged candidate in 2024, Bernie and Biden should both step aside. I'm pretty worried about how that 2024 election is going to go.


Oct 27, 2017
This is a pointless hypothetical because the only thing that will keep Biden from running is death.

That being said, I'd vote for Bernie.

I'm still a little salty that Warren ran and split the progressive vote during the 2020 primaries.
Oct 25, 2017
This is a pointless hypothetical because the only thing that will keep Biden from running is death.

That being said, I'd vote for Bernie.

I'm still a little salty that Warren ran and split the progressive vote during the 2020 primaries.

That's a weird thing to be salty about, because it didn't matter. Her and Bloomberg each only mattered on Super Tuesday and got 10% each, and that combined chunk was Biden-leaning in all. When it got down to Sanders and Biden, it was on track to be a 25+ point catastrophe. Nuances of vote splitting simply didn't matter.

Gyro Zeppeli

Oct 27, 2017

You got this, Bernie. This is revengeance for the Democratic establishment coalescing around Biden in the last primary.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
It can be so frustrating and disheartening reading threads like this. Look at your cities. Pay attention to your local races.

Because there are young, idealistic and leftist/progressive voices up and down the Democratic Party even today.

Doing the hard, thankless work. And getting no attention.

Because they weren't knighted by Bernie.

They didn't come from the House of Bernie.

Well, you know what? That's fucking on Bernie.

If y'all are waiting for the next loud white guy to scream and shout at a rally and have the proverbial torch passed by that man? Well, keep on waiting, but don't act like there aren't already progressive folks on the ground, doing the damn thing.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Some real shitty ageism going on in here. He's more progressive than the majority of politicians under 40 ffs. If no one else as progressive as him is throwing their hat into the ring then he needs to run just to bring the public discourse as far left as possible.

Essentially my feelings.

Will vote for Bernie any time he decides to run, his message is too important for our Country...even if he doesn't stand a chance winning in this climate .


Dec 6, 2020
It can be so frustrating and disheartening reading threads like this. Look at your cities. Pay attention to your local races.

Because there are young, idealistic and leftist/progressive voices up and down the Democratic Party even today.

Doing the hard, thankless work. And getting no attention.

Because they weren't knighted by Bernie.

They didn't come from the House of Bernie.

Well, you know what? That's fucking on Bernie.

If y'all are waiting for the next loud white guy to scream and shout at a rally and have the proverbial torch passed by that man? Well, keep on waiting, but don't act like there aren't already progressive folks on the ground, doing the damn thing.


Oct 25, 2017
What happened with the promoted successor of Bernie Sanders online, Tulsi Gabbard?

Oh yeah, Sanders and his campaign refused to listen to all the people that warned him.

Gyro Zeppeli

Oct 27, 2017
It can be so frustrating and disheartening reading threads like this. Look at your cities. Pay attention to your local races.

Because there are young, idealistic and leftist/progressive voices up and down the Democratic Party even today.

Doing the hard, thankless work. And getting no attention.

Because they weren't knighted by Bernie.

They didn't come from the House of Bernie.

Well, you know what? That's fucking on Bernie.

If y'all are waiting for the next loud white guy to scream and shout at a rally and have the proverbial torch passed by that man? Well, keep on waiting, but don't act like there aren't already progressive folks on the ground, doing the damn thing.

All those young progressive voices rarely find success. You can rant all you want about it, but the fact remains high profile politicians are the ones who gain the most traction. AOC may be viable in the far future, but everyone else who is progressive is background noise. And who exactly do you think is going to stand a chance in 2024 that is a high profile Democrat? (if Biden didn't run again) There is no one left. Kamala would get decimated, judging by her terribly awful performance in the primary. Everyone keeps talking about wanting someone young, but I don't see these young people as being viable to the general populace. Like I said, AOC could be that person, but she has a long way to go until she's ready to run.


Oct 27, 2017
Some real shitty ageism going on in here. He's more progressive than the majority of politicians under 40 ffs. If no one else as progressive as him is throwing their hat into the ring then he needs to run just to bring the public discourse as far left as possible.
Don't get me wrong, I'd vote for him again over any other likely candidates because the party has a shit bench. But there's nothing ageist about being apprehensive with electing an 80+ year old to their first term as president.

The risk of rapid cognitive decline and/or dying in office is just really high at that kind of age. Ideally, I don't think anyone that old should still be in such important positions.

How is there not a single Bernie-like candidate from age 35-85?
Because ever since the 80s, the Democratic Party as an organization has actively selected for and fostered centrist, moderate candidates. While actively blocking prospective candidates who would be more in line with Bernie, and trying to make any who do manage to join the ranks as irrelevant as possible.

The leadership within the party organization is still terrified of Reagan's shadow, and is beholden in some degree to a donor class who is actively hostile to progressive economic positions.

So the handful of younger politicians aligned more with Bernie get side-lined by the party, rather than elevated and groomed for leadership.

This is only going to backfire more and more as millennials become a bigger voting block, while the party is actively hostile to many of their priorities. The party thinks surface level diversity and a young face is enough to placate those voters, while staying in the center and not pissing off the donor class. But when you compare the age breakdown of Bernie vs. Buttigeig voters, that's clearly not going to work.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
All those young progressive voices rarely find success. You can rant all you want about it, but the fact remains high profile politicians are the ones who gain the most traction. AOC may be viable in the far future, but everyone else who is progressive is background noise. And who exactly do you think is going to stand a chance in 2024 that is a high profile Democrat? (if Biden didn't run again) There is no one left. Kamala would get decimated, judging by her terribly awful performance in the primary. Everyone keeps talking about wanting someone young, but I don't see these young people as being viable to the general populace. Like I said, AOC could be that person, but she has a long way to

Let Bernie win a national primary first before we crown him the next Great White Hope.


Oct 27, 2017
We need more people like AOC in politics so we could have a larger pool of younger people in congress the senate and possibly able to run for president.


Jun 10, 2018
He's too old (imo so is Biden, but incumbency advantage is a thing -Trump is like only the third president to not win re-election).

Also, IMO, being concerned about age is fine when you look at what happened to Reagan or what is happening to Feinstein and realize we are talking about the president of the united states. This isn't a position where you want to constantly worry about the health of someone.


Oct 26, 2017
I'd vote for him, but there really needs to be something in place to limit age, sorry not sorry.

Not even going for the declining mental health angle. If you've gone for over 4 decades without working a 9 to 5 in any capacity, you're too far out of touch to be a representative of the people. I feel that's what's gone wrong in all sides of the government honestly. /shrug


Oct 31, 2017
That "if" in "if Biden doesn't run again" seems pretty damn important. Last time I checked, Biden said he is and I expect the election to be a complete clusterfuck either way.

The leadership within the party organization is still terrified of Reagan's shadow, and is beholden in some degree to a donor class who is actively hostile to progressive economic positions.
I wasn't around for the 80's, but just looking at those electoral college maps for 84 and 88, but I can totally see how getting spanked that bad back to back would cause a big shake up. That shit was 35 years ago though.


Oct 25, 2017
All this would do is help the republicans. Nothing good can come out of him running. More and more i'm beginning to think my mom is right that Bernie is like the Trump of the left (in that he just cares about the attention and knows how to say the right things even if they aren't true/feasable to make the left happy). And no, my mom is not a Republican/Trumper.. she's very die hard Democrat (and hated Trump when he was a democrat way back in the day. She's why I always saw him as a joke way before he ran for president. I thought it was hilarious he was supposed to represent a good businessman in that reality tv show).

And let me add, I like what he says. At one point I was all for him being candidate. But over time I've been more and more seeing things that say to me maybe my mom is more right than I'd care to admit (and sadly, she's right a lot of times. She predicted Bush would be as bad as he was. I didn't like Bush but I thought she was going overboard with how against him she was even the first time he ran).


Aug 13, 2020
Don't get me wrong, I'd vote for him again over any other likely candidates because the party has a shit bench. But there's nothing ageist about being apprehensive with electing an 80+ year old to their first term as president.

The risk of rapid cognitive decline and/or dying in office is just really high at that kind of age.
Ideally, I don't think anyone that old should still be in such important positions.
Whilst there's nothing wrong with your line of reasoning specifically, that's not the reason most people are bringing up his age in this thread. There's enough "old white man" comments to show that there is a considerable amount of people not liking what he is rather than who he is.


Oct 27, 2017
It can be so frustrating and disheartening reading threads like this. Look at your cities. Pay attention to your local races.

Because there are young, idealistic and leftist/progressive voices up and down the Democratic Party even today.

Doing the hard, thankless work. And getting no attention.

Because they weren't knighted by Bernie.

They didn't come from the House of Bernie.

Well, you know what? That's fucking on Bernie.

If y'all are waiting for the next loud white guy to scream and shout at a rally and have the proverbial torch passed by that man? Well, keep on waiting, but don't act like there aren't already progressive folks on the ground, doing the damn thing.
Agreed with this, absolutely.

I live in Indianapolis, and we have a new State Senate district that will be a safe Dem seat for the state government. There's a competitive primary, and I'm trying to get Karla Lopez-Owens elected (trying to convince anyone I know to vote in the primary for her). If we want a deep bench of good progressives, we absolutely have to pay attention to these local races where they can actually get started. She doesn't have the local party financial backing, but I'm hoping for a lucky win because it would be awesome to have a strong, unapologetically progressive voice like her in Indiana government for a change.

So yeah, people really need to pay attention to these local races, like, yesterday. Local primaries have such little turnout that organized efforts could actually have an effect, and that will eventually feed into the field of candidates running for higher offices eventually.


Oct 25, 2017
I like Bernie but its hilarious that American election is now just between people who should have retired years ago