
Oct 27, 2017
oh yeah sorry, i heard the pod. i just don't really see it.

i should relisten some time. ...but now i'm knee-deep in the KH3 pod and i can't turn back.


Oct 26, 2017
i mean botw wouldn't work if the exploration (primarily the gliding + climbing allied to the world design) wasn't satisfying as fuck, and it still doesn't work for some people for some reason, so I can see if any of those elements are worse in DD that that sucks butts

Didn't work for me cause after a while I realized there's so little to actually find. I didn't feel rewarded for exploring and the intrinsic value of exploration itself wasn't enough for me in breath of the wild, unlike other games where the intrinsic joy I get from playing drives me like Devil May Cry or Destiny's shootbang or Bloodborne. All those latter games I have been playing and replaying recently because I just like to play them (Destiny is a weird one cause most ppl I play with sorta need the loot hook going but for me I just enjoy the shooting enough to where everything else is just extra). But Breath of the Wild just... didn't have anything going on in the open world for me. Or rather, the unique events you can run across and find that weren't the authored "dungeons" or Hyrule Castle proper, just felt distinctly unrewarding. The example I always use is the dragon on top the big mountain in south eastish part (near Hetano I think???), it was cool to find and traverse but then I was just given a big flame sword I found three times before then that would break in twenty swings just like the prior three did and another heart/stamina piece. Woo.

I dunno, like I said, the intrinsic reward and feeling of exploration wasn't enough on its own in Breath of the Wild, and the extrinsic rewards are *extremely* lacking and did not make up for the prior's lacking. My favorite parts were the dungeons and Hyrule Castle and it wasn't even close. Those were why I kept playing for 80 hours or something and searching for the authored content in the game. I still enjoyed it but I would largely prefer a bigger focus on the more focused temples and fleshed out shrines. Hyrule Castle was really cool and I'm glad I left it as the absolute last thing I did, as well.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
its weird cos i simultaneously agree and disagree with you. I've been replaying BOTW recently and thought, you know, I've seen this all before, I know exactly what will happen, i don't think i'll get sucked in this time. But that turned out to be exactly wrong - started up a new save file and i'm like probably 30-40 hours in again and just really enjoying it.

Like, I recognise that the mechanics of 'you find this rad corrupted dragon and then you gotta chase and shoot it down' is not that mechanically challenging or really interesting, technically speaking, and that sort of extends to... well, most stuff really. Combat definitely isn't soulsian or DMC levels of challenge in and of itself, there's not really that many opportunities to rube goldberg your way through things, rewards do tend to be Here's A Thing Thats Maybe A Bit Better, the shrines are all fairly basic puzzles and there's never a super difficult 'final test' the way Portal might have, but that's not how I feel about it. I like doing it a lot and in a lesser game I wouldn't. And I can't identify specifically what part of it evokes that feeling - perhaps a combination of the music/aesthetic/looks, perhaps its that the moment you find a korok you look around and see another interesting thing that you don't know what's there yet but you know you can go there and find out.

I guess I'd call BOTW evocative? God, I want to see them iterate on it and see where they go.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
like botw is a game where if i think 'huh that looks interesting' i will just act on that impulse and you can usually straight line your way over to whatever it is and when you get there there's usually something there and if there's not you can see another 5 interesting things right away. it's a game of micro dopemine feeds except you think you're at peace the whole time.


Oct 26, 2017
Breath of the Wild, like Dark Souls before it, has the best macro-scale level design in games. It absolutely perfects the "I see a thing and I will go to it" feel and it works basically anywhere on the map, with color and scale and sightlines all working together to guide you around and led by your whim. It's quite excellent at that. It's just once you start scoping down, the smaller bits and pieces just didn't work for me and all chipped away at the overall experience. Like I said, I put 80-something hours into it and "completed" it. But the most authored and guided content is what I enjoyed most of the game (the shrines and guardians).


Oct 27, 2017
Breath of the Wild, like Dark Souls before it, has the best macro-scale level design in games. It absolutely perfects the "I see a thing and I will go to it" feel and it works basically anywhere on the map, with color and scale and sightlines all working together to guide you around and led by your whim. It's quite excellent at that. It's just once you start scoping down, the smaller bits and pieces just didn't work for me and all chipped away at the overall experience. Like I said, I put 80-something hours into it and "completed" it. But the most authored and guided content is what I enjoyed most of the game (the shrines and guardians).
yeah, I very much feel this, and was actually just thinking about it this morning for whatever reason. the hour-to-hour gameplay is compelling—like, thinking back over what i'd done in a given hour always made for a fun little story about setting out to do something, getting sidetracked, happening across another thing, yadda yadda. but the moment-to-moment gameplay was, to me, totally uninteresting—fighting, solving a puzzle, pushing a block around, it never felt like there were compelling 'decisions' at the level of playing the game in the present tense. it felt like a fun game to have played more than a fun game to play.

I have no idea how much time I put into the game (I was playing it on PC, which I don't think tracks hours played) but I did three divine beasts, closed it down one night, and just never picked it up again.

Salty Catfish

Oct 25, 2017
So it sounds like someone in management made the call to stop Be Good and Rewatch It? Their comments at the start of the "Us" pod were cryptic, but they made it seem like the call came from upstairs to stick more to games.


Oct 27, 2017
Here's the Rewatch It description for convenience,

"Bummer news, Be Good and Rewatch It fans: we're going on a hiatus. We'll be back. Probably. Somebody's gotta rewatch all of Neon Genesis Evangelion, right? But even if this is our final episode, we're going out with a banger. Cado, Austin, Natalie, Rob, and Patrick recently spent time in a theater with the latest horror film from writer/director Jordan Peele, Us, a movie that's impossible to watch without having a strong reaction; it's a movie that will not be ignored. Thanks for supporting Be Good and Rewatch It and everything Waypoint does."


Oct 27, 2017
EXCLUSIVE report from INSIDE SOURCES on why Rewatch It was canceled.

Un-named Executive #1: "They spent 150 hours talking about Pride and Prejudice on a video game website??"


Dec 10, 2018
if only they couched every episode of the p&p recap in covering Jane Austen's role in Saint's Row, instead of mentioning it only once
Oct 27, 2017
deffo feels like one of those situations when you're not given much direction so you start just doing whatever you want and nobody tells you to NOT do it for awhile so you just assume what you're doing is fine no problemo but thats only because nobody is actually paying attention to you.

maybe they can go back to Waypoint 101... though that requires a lot more time sync. Or fast-track Lore Reasons instead.


Dec 10, 2018
good news nobodies, kh3 added in new items with the critical mode update. so we've got more fodder for lore reasons kh3

they can probably stick evangelion into waypoints if they can't resurrect be good in june


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
deffo feels like one of those situations when you're not given much direction so you start just doing whatever you want and nobody tells you to NOT do it for awhile so you just assume what you're doing is fine no problemo but thats only because nobody is actually paying attention to you.

that's when you make your best work


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
yes the limit was 'how long can we get away with talking about pride and prejudice before someone notices us'


Oct 25, 2017
EXCLUSIVE report from INSIDE SOURCES on why Rewatch It was canceled.

Un-named Executive #1: "They spent 150 hours talking about Pride and Prejudice on a video game website??"
Yeah it's probably this but without the snark. It started off well with interesting choices, but seven weeks of Jane Austin stuff was beyond Waypoint parody.

I'm definitely IN for an Eva show.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
I mean I loved that series of podcasts so I didn't exactly have a problem

and I also had the impression it was doing pretty well for them, but maybe I mixed it with something said about Lore Reasons?

good news nobodies, kh3 added in new items with the critical mode update. so we've got more fodder for lore reasons kh3

they can probably stick evangelion into waypoints if they can't resurrect be good in june

did they add new trophies or am I safe
Oct 27, 2017
Has anyone listened to the final Us podcast? I honestly hated Us to the point where I have very little interest in anything related to it, but I am a bit curious what their opinion of it is.


Oct 25, 2017
It's sad that be good and rewatch it might be over. Not enough people must have subscribed to the separate feed. This constant shifting and changing must be so frustrating for the waypoint crew.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
I dunno. Austin was pleading with people to listen to it on a pod a couple of weeks ago.

I mean

was it "pleading", or was it "it's so good and we're proud of it, you should go listen to it"

as that's what I feel they usually do...? and there's a difference there, lol


Oct 27, 2017
I mean

was it "pleading", or was it "it's so good and we're proud of it, you should go listen to it"

as that's what I feel they usually do...? and there's a difference there, lol

Sure, it wasn't necessarily "pleading." But it definitely didn't give me an "impression it was doing pretty well for them."


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
they're probably better off just doing little mini-series for things that are at least in the same circle. Pride and Prejudice is just... too far.


Oct 27, 2017
you can't get much more directly related to gaming than saint's row 4's pride and prejudice.


Oct 25, 2017
Alright, I started listening to Idle Weekend for a reason I can't remember, and it's beginning to seem like I'm going to end up going through the whole thing.

Rob and Danielle are just so pleasant together. Their conversations are a wonderful balance of vulnerable, reflective and conflicted on one hand, and enthusiastic, charming and fun on the other. Beautiful souls, both of them.

Also, I admire Be Good's Pride and Prejudice series a whole lot, and the possibility that the podcast was put on hiatus because of it both amplifies that admiration and frustrates me.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Alright, I started listening to Idle Weekend for a reason I can't remember, and it's beginning to seem like I'm going to end up going through the whole thing.

Rob and Danielle are just so pleasant together. Their conversations are a wonderful balance of vulnerable, reflective and conflicted on one hand, and enthusiastic, charming and fun on the other. Beautiful souls, both of them.

Also, I admire Be Good's Pride and Prejudice series a whole lot, and the possibility that the podcast was put on hiatus because of it both amplifies that admiration and frustrates me.
idol weekend was such a pleasant, thoughtful pod

loved the period where they stumbled into witcher 3 chat for like six episodes in a row


Oct 26, 2017
From the Day's Gone review topic:

Days Gone acts as though it's a game where its narrative and gameplay will meaningfully intersect, complementing and reflecting one another. That's not true, and maybe helps explain why Day's Gone itself is so ambiguous about Deacon's much talked about code; if it was fully explained, the contradictions in gameplay would be even more stark.

Even as a fallback, it's not fun to play! The shooting is mediocre, the driving is mediocre, and you fight the same set of boring, bland zombies who do nothing but run straight in a line and easily forget you exist for half the game. Remember those massive swarms of zombies that have been part of the marketing for Days Gone since the beginning? They're a minor part of the game now, more a collectible than a defining characteristic. (Only once, by accident, did I manage to get a nearby horde to interact with, and subsequently kill, a group of human enemies I was facing.)

It's a pretty biting review-in-progess.


Dec 10, 2018
there's some dark humour in the opening of Patrick's piece

can't believe he killed two kids in the process of these impressions