
Feb 12, 2018
Yeah, Red Dead II was some sucky shit. Not worst game ever, but worst game experience I've ever had. Not checking out RDR1 now


Oct 25, 2017
Avengers and Andromeda. Recently the Mario strikers game is up there. Ultra barebones and online sucks.
Oct 25, 2017

Spent $50+ to import Goemon DS when it released. The game is still a visual feast (Studio Kusanagi, who designed the backgrounds for Square's PS1 FF games, Xenogears, and more worked on this) and Goemon going back to his roots after the New Age and PS2 fiasco was very encouraging. However, the game isn't fun to play at all with the awkward touch controls and oft-occurring isometric view. More fun to watch videos of than actually play. Sadly this was the last Goemon game Konami produced...


Oct 27, 2017
Kings Quest - Mask of Eternity. I got this dang thing at full price at a time when spending that kind of money was no easy matter. It was a miserable game to play, and plagued with a host of technical issues. I think it took me a few days to figure out how to patch and install, too. I loved the kings quest games back in the day, too, so it was disappointing on almost every level!


Oct 25, 2017
I've always been really good at knowing what I would like before I buy and in all honesty I've never really let myself down.

They're have been a few times that I've been persuaded to by a game that initially I knew I wouldn't like or didn't have a feel for.

Normally I'd say something like FarCry 2. I absolutely loved the first game and it really made the PC I'd built at the time fire on all cylinder. After watching the early footage of 2 my I and gut feeling that I wouldn't like it . A few lads I played with online all said it was great. I bit the bullet and ditched it after a day or two.

On another day it may have been Armarines on the 64, that sucked especially as it was an Acclaim game and they had a decent record at the time.

The absolute worst is Breed lol. Any other game I think of I can find more than a few positives or good points and can see why it would be liked.
Breed on the other hand was fucking disgusting.
Nothing made sense, it was mostly broken and the worst game I've ever bought at full price. I didn't even know it had a single player portion because I couldn't find anything in the menu other than some weird free roam mode.

Fuck Breed and fuck my younger self for ever buying it lol.

A quote i just pulled from MC

""Nearly everything was done half-assed and it shows; Sound cuts out; Graphics are crap for lack of a better word; More bugs than a spider web; Can't even use the disc as a coaster since I pissed on it."


Feb 15, 2018
I'm pretty sure I paid full price for Shadow the Hedgehog, but in my defense I was like 13, and as a 13 year old, I thought the game was alright.


Oct 25, 2017
Sonic 06 and Castlevania Judgment, as I bought them knewing they were bad but wanted to see it for myself.

Sonic 06 is such a uniquely level of terrible it's a classic.


Dec 9, 2017
We happy few. Was all in on that excellent pre-release marketing they did. Fortunately did not go with the collectors edition!
Oct 27, 2017
Sonic Adventure DX on GameCube.

I was so excited for it. I loved SA2, and getting to play SA1 for the first time was something I wanted so much.
Then I finally got it, and it sucked in so many ways. I didn't know for years that the port had tons of stuff stripped out, so I just assumed SA1 was always terrible. I don't think the Dreamcast version is tons better, but I was totally experiencing it at its worst.

I'm sure I've bought worse games, but I was in high school too, so my income was pretty limited, so it hurt a lot to save money for a game that I ended up not liking.

Spook & Spell

Aug 3, 2021
BLOPs 3, I traded in some gems to get it too.

I bought into the hype and wanted to play with friends. The campaign was awful (wanted to co-op) and the competitive multiplayer near unapproachable. I ended up trading it in 3 days later.

Just Great

Oct 25, 2017
Jet Set Radio Future. I bought a whole console for that heap of waste pressed into the form of a dvd. If it weren't for Panzer Dragoon Orta, Gun valkyrie, PGR, etc. I would've been extremely miffed.

Ignatz Mouse

Oct 27, 2017
Same answer whenever this comes up, and extremely obscure.

Pirate's Chase for Bally Astrocade.

The Astrocade had such a tiny library, and released new things so infrequently that I jumped on it. $30 I believe, which was the standard full price back then.

I popped it in, and almost immediately got to the point where I realized the game was pathetically easy. I didn't even finish my first game, since it would theoretically have gone on forever.

Still bitter!



Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Dec 4, 2017
Probably Sonic and the Black Knight, which I still enjoyed quite a bit. I can't think of a game I paid full price for, and straight up didn't like. Buying at full price is something I can't do often, so I don't do it unless I know I'm going to like the game.


Deploying the stealth Cruise Missile
Oct 27, 2017
Too Human or L.A. Noire
Both had enjoyable or impressive aspects, but man they were painful in so many ways.

Brink would be a close third (second), but I felt much of the core gameplay itself wasn't terrible. It just suffered from network issues and map design that could have been fixed had the game not cratered so fast.

If I had paid full price for this turd, this would have definitely been on my list. I got it free with a graphics card.....and I still felt cheated.


Nov 14, 2019
Not sure if this counts as technically I didn't pay for it, but F-15 Strike Eagle for the Sega Genesis was pretty miserable. Extremely poor frame rate, really difficult to tell what anything is thanks to the chunky visuals (pilots parachuting out of planes are literally represented by a straight line), it's just not a good game at all. I feel bad for asking for it from my parents.

As for a game I bought myself, I'm beginning to think it's Switch Sports. It's got only a handful of games, one of which you can't play multiplayer at all without two controllers, and every game controls worse than either of the Wii Sports games, which is truly baffling. It's still got a little bit of fun as a multiplayer game since you're all in the same boat of god awful controls, but that's about it.

Hero Prinny

Oct 25, 2017
For me it was back in high school during the ps3 era. One of the first digital game I ever purchased was Bionic Commando; the thing is, i didnt mean to buy Bionic Commando. I got it confused with Crash Commando. For those that don't know, its a little side scrolling pvp game with guns and the sorts. No refund system back then or anything so I was stuck with a game i didnt want. To make matters worse, i thought the game was so incredibly bad at the time. I was beyond annoyed that i was stuck with a little lame side scroller that I didnt mean to buy, and you couldnt even fucking jump in the game.

To this day its fuck bionic commando 🤣