
Oct 27, 2017
The story isn't anything you would have expected from the sequel. The story - or better said how everything is put together and comes together in the end - is a work of genius though. It does things I have never seen in a videogame and makes you feel all kinds of emotions. I was rarely invested that much in a game world and the characters.

Also, the game is very pro-LGBT and that is something - even in 2020 - some people really can't handle.


Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
I see a whole lot of hand wringing about violence and how depressive the themes are and its like have none of you played a horror game before? Or watched a horror movie? Or hell even just a movie that had bad things happen and doesn't have a happy ending. How boring is the media that you consume that any story that challenges you is something bad?

Deleted member 49535

User requested account closure
Nov 10, 2018
They dared to make the main character gay, that's a large part of it sadly. What's worse is that if the main character was male and gay it would probably have been even worse.


Oct 25, 2017
Dude I've seen the spoilers and made my own judgement. This isn't a game I need right now and I can see why it won't be for everyone.(not counting the alt-right trolls who can obviously piss off.)
Not saying you can't make your own judgement, I'm just saying you're missing a lot of information and context if that's what you think the game is like.


Jun 3, 2019
Dude I've seen the spoilers and made my own judgement. This isn't a game I need right now and I can see why it won't be for everyone.(not counting the alt-right trolls who can obviously piss off.)
If you have only seen a few spoilers then stop spreading misinformation about the game being about a bunch of characters being tortured for 40 hours.


Jan 16, 2018
Yeah this Game sucks, i was unconsciously gritting my teeth so hard during an especially tense combat encounter that my mouth hurts now.
Druckman paid shill of the World Dentist Organization?

Seriously now, def in the Top5 of this gen. Man what a gem. But i need to play something cute after each major story beat XD


Oct 27, 2017
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Semi off topic but even going back to the leaks I've seen tons of memes made by tracing spoiler scenes from the game, even from accounts that are usually cool and non spoilery about other stuff. It's like everyone is determined to ruin the game for everyone else.

Gold Arsene

Oct 27, 2017
Lol. Sometimes life is miserable dude. You can't expect every game to be the pursuit of fucking happiness lol
Ok? Why des that mean I have to like it? Not like I can control ND so I don't see why me not liking this type of game matters so much.
If you have only seen a few spoilers then stop spreading misinformation about the game being about a bunch of characters being tortured for 40 hours.
Wow it's almost like I was using hyperbole to express my opinion or something. No it isn't fucking 40 hours of Saw but it's not a pleasant(emotionally) experience, something even a good chunk of the positive reviews said.


Nov 29, 2017
The game is pointlessly nihilistic and preachy. It feels like they want the players to feel bad about stuff game developers and writers are responsible for.


Mar 26, 2020
Ok? Why des that mean I have to like it? Not like I can control ND so I don't see why me not liking this type of game matters so much.

Wow it's almost like I was using hyperbole to express my opinion or something. No it isn't fucking 40 hours of Saw but it's not a pleasant(emotionally) experience, something even a good chunk of the positive reviews said.
I echo what everyone else has said to you, if you are making your judgement off of leaks alone, you are missing out on A LOT of shit that makes the game enjoyable. Like, its ridiculous to see some of the takes from people who only look at spoilers thinking they know the full story, when they couldn't be further from the truth.


Oct 28, 2017
It is a shame really becuase in a bubble this is a truly remarkable achievement for a game. The stunning attention to detail moment to ment gameplay voice acting and representation plus accessability options places this game at the pinnacle of what we love about this industry.


Oct 27, 2017
Lot's of people seem to be fine taking the leaked story points and watching some Twitch streams and using that to pass judgement on the game because of its cinematic nature. Meanwhile, I'm getting hung up exploring all the detailed locations, letting the smaller intimate moments play out, and trying to take in every point of environmental storytelling and lore. That part of the game can feel as gripping and as a well-crafted as narrative adventure games like Life is Strange or Gone Home. It's amazing that these moments even exist in a game that is primarily known for going all in on the set piece spectacles, chase scenes, and brutal encounters.
Last edited:


Mar 12, 2020
My only problems with the game are narrative, everything else is excellent. That been said, the only reason why i have played this game is the narrative, so it makes my view of the game worst.


Oct 25, 2017
Bigots hate it because it has LGBT people and POCin it.

LGBT people and POC dislike it because of the homophobic/transphobic/racist tropes the narrative employs. Someone described it as misery porn written by and for privilege, and that's pretty accurate specifically when it comes to its treatment of marginalised characters.

Other people just hate it because it's unrelenting misery porn or they don't like the story.
Oct 25, 2017
I feel people going "the game is constantly grimdark a depressing" are the ones who kinda show their ass of "only looking up spoilers" or didn't pay attention to what was happening in the narrative.

There are genuine moments of kindness and love in the game. Yeah, the "depressing" moments hit fucking hard because they undermine those moments by removing them from happening again (these moments still happen, but circumstances change and I am being vague to avoid spoilers)

Saying "It's bleak all the time" is a lie


Oct 25, 2017
I feel people going "the game is constantly grimdark a depressing" are the ones who kinda show their ass of "only looking up spoilers" or didn't pay attention to what was happening in the narrative.

There are genuine moments of kindness and love in the game. Yeah, the "depressing" moments hit fucking hard because they undermine those moments by removing them from happening again (these moments still happen, but circumstances change and I am being vague to avoid spoilers)

Saying "It's bleak all the time" is a lie

This - 100%

Gold Arsene

Oct 27, 2017
I echo what everyone else has said to you, if you are making your judgement off of leaks alone, you are missing out on A LOT of shit that makes the game enjoyable. Like, its ridiculous to see some of the takes from people who only look at spoilers thinking they know the full story, when they couldn't be further from the truth.
I had a big rant here but frankly I'm tired and just wanna take a nap. The short version is this is not a happy game even compared to the first one and I don't need this shit right now. I know what happens and I don't need it, so all of you can stop trying to push it on me because I don't wanna play a game you like.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Nov 4, 2017
I personally think the game is too long for such a straightforward story and clickers still suck yo encounter.

I still like the game overall, but I'm starting to get fatigued 20 hours in.


User requested ban
Dec 13, 2019
I had a big rant here but frankly I'm tired and just wanna take a nap. The short version is this is not a happy game even compared to the first one and I don't need this shit right now. I know what happens and I don't need it, so all of you can stop trying to push it on me because I don't wanna play a game you like.

No one is telling you to do anything. Urging someone to gain additional context on story beats instead of watching them completely out of context is just common sense. If you don't want to do so and don't want to play the game, why would anyone care? You can not want to play this game for any number of reasons and that's a personal choice. The problem for me would be if people start making presumptions on the game based on random out of context information like this:

I dunno what they're specifically talking about (because they didn't specify), but I did see a GIF of a pretty gross sex scene in the game, so it could be referring to that.

The scene in question is pretty damn tame. Again whether or not you like it, whether it fits the story for you, that's all up to each of us, but to say it's perverted I think is a bit far.


Dec 26, 2017
There are legitimate criticisms to be had with the pacing/padding and the game isn't for everyone. It's ok to not like things.

Deleted member 60772

User requested account closure
Oct 21, 2019
I think a lot of people dislike the game because it makes them uncomfortable... for a variety of reasons.

It challenges gender stereotypes. It empowers characters who are never normally given any. It forces the player to confront their biases about certain main characters, and throws everything into extremely uncomfortable shades of grey.

There are no heroes in this game. Some people just don't like their narrative tropes, cliches and unwritten rules challenged as much as they are with TLOU2.

Not everyone likes being told shit sucks and watching a bunch of miserable characters being tortured for some 40 hours, shocker.

Nothing sadder than someone who has no real knowledge of something, passing judgement on it to put off others. Smh.


Alt Account
Mar 26, 2020
It feels like there's a real mob mentality. The negativity generated by the man children has infected the discourse. Even people who are critical of the game for valid reasons are adding fuel to the fire.

Of course the solution isn't for people to stop being critical. I appreciated Jason Schreier pushing back against the "Schindler's List" comparison that one reviewer made. I haven't played the game myself, so I'm not sure what I would think of it, but I appreciate reading thoughtful takes on the game.

But it seems like people with no skin on the game, who previously were uninterested TLOU II, are now uncritically accepting a narrative that the game is terrible and a blight on the world. The spread of misinformation reminds me of Gamergate. Even people who are not transphobes now seem to think that Abby is trans, even though that's a lie cooked up by insecure dudes over the fact that there's a woman who just looks like she does cross fit. It's wild.


Oct 28, 2017

It's amazing.

OMG hahahaha.Theres no way this shit is real


Oct 31, 2017
I honestly am starting to think the massive amount of hate is entirely fueled by the alt-right. It makes no sense, and the vast majority of people I've seen haven't played the game.

You can not like the game, but the criticisms I see are extremely shallow and basic, or just pure LGBT hate.


Oct 27, 2017

not typing nonsensical, untruthful, posts about games you've not played seems like an easy way of avoiding getting quoted about said nonsensical posts

Gold Arsene

Oct 27, 2017
I think a lot of people dislike the game because it makes them uncomfortable... for a variety of reasons.

It challenges gender stereotypes. It empowers characters who are never normally given any. It forces the player to confront their biases about certain main characters, and throws everything into extremely uncomfortable shades of grey.

There are no heroes in this game. Some people just don't like their narrative tropes, cliches and unwritten rules challenged as much as they are with TLOU2.

Nothing sadder than someone who has no real knowledge of something, passing judgement on it to put off others. Smh.
Oh good I'm being insulted now, great, fucking perfect, that's just what I needed today, thank you so much.


Oct 31, 2017
It feels like there's a real mob mentality. The negativity generated by the man children has infected the discourse. Even people who are critical of the game for valid reasons are adding fuel to the fire.

Of course the solution isn't for people to stop being critical. I appreciated Jason Schreier pushing back against the "Schindler's List" comparison that one reviewer made. I haven't played the game myself, so I'm not sure what I would think of it, but I appreciate reading thoughtful takes on the game.

But it seems like people with no skin on the game, who previously were uninterested TLOU II, are now uncritically accepting a narrative that the game is terrible and a blight on the world. The spread of misinformation reminds me of Gamergate. Even people who are not transphobes now seem to think that Abby is trans, even though that's a lie cooked up by insecure dudes over the fact that there's a woman who just looks like she does cross fit. It's wild.

Absolutely agree with this 100%. The sheer insanity of the negativity around this game blows my mind.

Gold Arsene

Oct 27, 2017
not typing nonsensical, untruthful, posts about games you've not played seems like an easy way of avoiding getting quoted about said nonsensical posts
I can't even I don't need this. Just leave me alone I didn't do shit to you but I'm fuking the lowest fucking being worth insulting because I gave my fucking opinion about a video game but now I'm the bad guy.

I'm sorry is that what you wanna fucking hear? I'm sorry! I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. I don't want to be depressed right now and that's all spoilers did to me but hey I guess I'm just hat stupid.


Aug 1, 2019
Separate from the alt-right stuff I've seen people who never had any intention of playing this game relentlessly shit on it because of the negatives they picked out in reviews (or spoilers they read a month ago). Seeing friends retweet people shaming it for being a never-ending grimdark, edgy, Zack Snyder-like story has been so disappointing.

It's blatantly obvious they've never so much as watched even the first 10 minutes of this game. There's so much levity and emotional depth in this game. I'm 24-ish hours in and it's painfully obvious my own friends got their read on this game dead wrong. And they're people who wouldn't usually jump the gun like that. It's weird and it sucks.
Not everyone likes being told shit sucks and watching a bunch of miserable characters being tortured for some 40 hours, shocker.
This is what I'm talking about in the text above. The game you just described as being The Last of Us Part II doesn't exist. I'm nearing the end of the game at 24 hours and it's obvious you don't have the slightest clue about this game.

How you feel about a fake game you made up in your head after reading spoilers is impossible to have a conversation about because what you're saying is factually untrue. I get not being in the frame of mind to play this game. You could never play this game and that would be fine. Just don't lie about a game you've never experienced.


Oct 25, 2017
I've seen a couple of tweets from Jason and Andrea Renee about murdering people In TLOU and I can't help but wonder why the conversation of killing seems to always come up exclusively with PS/ND games in particular: first with uncharted and drake, now TLOU. I mean even Mario stomps and crushes a helluva lot of goombas and shit, we can't pretend it's not a game mechanic.

Deleted member 60772

User requested account closure
Oct 21, 2019
Absolutely agree with this 100%. The sheer insanity of the negativity around this game blows my mind.

It stars a lesbian woman, and features another muscular woman prominently.

I'm not surprised in the slightest. That's a combination guaranteed to shrink the genitals of every insecure man child out there.

Curt Baboon

Mar 13, 2018
The game is fucking depressing!!!! How is that not fucking true???!! Because that's all I said!!!

Not to tell you how to live your life but considering how you say you feel like shit and don't need the responses it might be a good idea to get your mind off this forum and do something else for a bit. Watch a movie or something.


May 12, 2018
I'm of the opinion all of this is ridiculous. I'm not saying that to put down meaningful causes I mean the level of backlash is just really stupid. Personally TLOU doesn't appeal to me due to the violence and horror setting. However I can appreciate it's a good series and from what I've seen this game I a solid good game.
However I also think it's fair for people to not be happy with the outcome of the story it is a bit jarring from what I've seen and I definitely think the first game could have stood on its own and a sequel wasn't entirely necessary.

My point being criticism is completely fair and fine on the basis that it's not stupid. Hating a game because you play as an lgbt character is ridiculous. Criticising a game for genuine bugs, problems, or for the story I think is fair.


Oct 31, 2017
It stars a lesbian woman, and features another muscular woman prominently.

I'm not surprised in the slightest. That's a combination guaranteed to shrink the genitals of every insecure man child out there.

Of course, but the outrage seems to have spread much much further than I've seen for something like this. Really disappointing.


Oct 25, 2017
If you liked the first one, even if you dislike the story I can't see how you would dislike the gameplay.


Jan 21, 2019
Charleston, SC
I avoided spoilers and can see why people think it's a "miserable" game but... having zero context would probably make it easier to make that judgment instead of y'know... playing the game?