Deleted member 9932

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Oct 27, 2017

I hate this shitbag way more.
what do you have against the goat?


Oct 28, 2017
This is the most surprising answer so far. Have you seen LA Confidential or Memento?

I've seen Momento. I appreciate the film but I don't really like it. And his presence doesn't improve it. I always feel whatever characters he plays would be better if someone else was cast. I always wonder who they couldn't get. Can alway hear his accent, he's just mediocre.


Oct 28, 2017
Having Jai Courtney in a flick is a surefire way to suck all the charisma and enjoyment out of a movie that's for sure.

Darth Pinche

Oct 27, 2017
Adam Sandler in comedy movies, he is similar to Robin Williams in that most of their comedies were meh , but their serious movies were good-awesome, seriously Robin Williams role in Good Will Hunting and Adam Sandler in Punch Drunk Love are some of the best performances ever.
For a real answer, probably someone who is just typecast a lot (can't think of anyone specifically right now).
In the same vein, I recommend Ricky Gervais in After Life. I normally find him annoying, but his performance here is amazing.

Deleted member 18407

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I don't get that one either. I will purposefully watch terrible films just because he's in them. He makes everything better. Also, how can anyone not like, "Raising Arizona" or "Face Off" ?
Not to mention something like Leaving Las Vegas which is an incredibly well-done drama! Cage is maybe one of the best actors of all time. Definitely a unique style.


Dec 19, 2017
I dont really have anyone like this myself but for my sister it is Matthew McConaughey. I don't even get it really. Something to do with him always using the same voice and her finding it irritating.

Him being in a film instantly kills her interest in seeing it.

Aw, he's been in mediocre stuff but also if you have access, True Detective season 1 is probably his magnum opus and it's among the best performances I've seen. The role of Rust Cohle was perfect for him and he's so proud of it and rightfully so, he gushes anytime someone brings it up. Tell your sister to stop being mean !

Matthew McConaughey talks True Detective

We spoke to Dallas Buyers Club star Matthew McConaughey about his HBO show True Detective. Dallas Buyers Club is in UK cinemas Friday 7 February.

Matthew McConaughey Talks True Detective

Matthew McConaughey talks about "True Detective" and how even HE doesn't know where it's going in one our Free Talks at Film Society of Lincoln Center: http:...


Nov 1, 2017
Pete Holmes and I don't think I have a good reason for it. Barely know anything about him. Just something about his face and his mannerisms.

Probably Kevin Spacey too but I haven't had to deal with seeing him in a movie in a long time.

Other than that, there's plenty of actors I never want to see again but will tolerate if the movie's decent enough. Mark Wahlberg is a good example. Vin Diesel. Jonah Hill.
I was thinking none initially. But if Pete Holmes popped up on screen and started hamming it up, I would physically leave.


Oct 27, 2017
Can't think of an actor without a bunch of exceptions to the rule.

Like, even when Will Ferrell bothers me, I can just go watch Stranger Than Fiction. I don't even mind Will Ferrell, that's an example.


Oct 30, 2017
Jason Clarke. Guy is in literally everything these days, yet leaves absolutely no impression or impact. He's vanilla mayonsise on rye bread, he's just that guy and I usually tune out the moment he appears.


Oct 27, 2017
Brie Larson is awful in literally everything she's in other than Captain's honestly impressive how unlikable she is.


Nov 7, 2017
I can agree with Mark Wahlberg and Adam Sandler, I don't care for them but I don't actively hate watching their stuff either, not sure anyone falls under that.