
Oct 25, 2017
Silent Hill: Book of Memories was maybe not a fantastic game but it was great for someone studying away from home with a Vita as his only console. The console didn't have many big and grindy games around launch so that one filled a void. I honestly had a great time with it even if I can acknowledge it having flaws.

I also have the platinum in Yakuza: Dead Souls. Great game for its world building and characters and I have no issues with some PS1-PS2-level control jank.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017

Probably spent like 30 hours on it or something, I dunno.

Like usual with Driver it was a fun game to mess around in and have dumb car chases with dumb cop AI. The detailed cities and physics enhanced that. The on-foot gameplay was garbage ass, worse than the unreliable framerate and draw distance, but blooping grenades on the highway was fun and Tanner strutting around on the streets allowed you to do things like jump on top of cop cars so the cops would reverse down the pier and into the sea where they'd just sit around until they drowned and floated up into the sky. People who complain about bugs rarely seem to appreciate when they add to the fun, which they did more often than not in this game. But I suppose your mileage may very.

One of the few games to feature a replay editor. So you could have fun with too, making dumb videos with forklifts and whatnot. I still insist that all games ought to have a replay editor.

The soundtrack was pretty good too.

Can't remember a single thing about the story or missions. It was all about Take A Ride.
Oct 28, 2017
Wasn't super poorly received, but I put dozens of hours into PlayStation All-Stars. Got the platinum and got multiple characters to level 300+.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
The best sports arcade game there is.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 31, 2017

I just got done playing a shit ton of the PS4 Godzilla game. It's kind of ass, but I really adore Godzilla as a franchise and frankly this is a really good adaptation of how the movies feel even if the way it feels to play is really shallow and slow. I'm having fun with it regardless due to that fact alone.


The Fallen
Jan 11, 2018
I love Deadly Premonition, which has a 70% score, but I feel like that's an easy one. I do have the platinum for it though.

The worst game that I can think of that I've played a fair bit is probably Spectal Force 3 on Xbox 360 with a 55%. I was spending the week at a friends house and wanted a game to play and impulsively thought "I like tactics games." It wasn't miserable, but I wouldn't recommend it as some hidden gem.

Also, I beat Magna Carta: Tears of Blood (66%). That game is actually worth playing despite the pacing being atrocious. The combat system is pretty interesting, though super flawed in implementation. Fan service is offputting though but what can you do?


tag reference no one gets
Oct 25, 2017
Does Resi 6 count?

I think it's a great game but I'm aware it didn't review that well


Oct 28, 2017
Probably True Crime: NYC, Digimon World and Need For Speed (2015).

I'm not sure how NYC holds up today but it was a blast as a kid: cool cars, cool weapons and you play as a badass detective.

Digimon World was great fun but I never managed to finish it on the PS1, it was a very punishing game but I tried it again on an emulator about a decade later and finally managed to see it through to the end.

Regarding NFS, the cutscenes made me want to vomit and the physics weren't great but it looked stunning and the sense of speed was there.


Oct 29, 2017
I really enjoyed the game Murdered: Soul Suspect and my only issue was not being able to get all the collectibles at the end. It's short enough to where I kinda want to replay it.


Oct 25, 2017
Rain World, one of my favorite indie games of all time. It's super divisive but if it clicks with you, it clicks
Jun 22, 2018
Sea of thieves. I've put well over 100 hours into that game. It's shallow and has no real driving motivation to keep going, but I just have so much fun sailing around, having shoot outs with other boats, and running around islands finding treasure. The extra content they've been adding keeps sucking me back in, too.


Oct 26, 2017
Radical Rex was one of my most played games as a kid. I think most outlets didn't even bother reviewing it but that ones that did weren't kind. I still loved it. It was everything wrong with 90s characters wrapped up into one it was incredible


Nov 10, 2017
Hellgate London (70 MC)
Gotcha Force (56 MC)
Stratosphere: Conquest of the Skies (too old for Metacritic)


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Put around 200 hours in to Let It Die. I'll probably do it again on PC, too.


Nov 7, 2017
MAG had a very mixed reception. However me and a couple of friends played that game almost every night most of the year when it came out.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 28, 2017
Shinobido 2 is definitely a good example.

Other than that I've also played a lot of Yakuza Dead Souls, Mass Effect Andromeda, Metal Gear Survive and Mafia 3, don't remember anything else of the top of my head, but I bet I'd find more.


Oct 25, 2017

This game ranges from as low as 42 to as high as 64 on metacritic depending on platform.

I've platinumed it twice, once on PS3 and again on PS4. I really like it even though it can be quite terrible at times.


Jan 3, 2018
I put about 30 hours into immortal unchained recently. It has a lot of issues but I ended up finishing it and getting most achievements for it.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Feb 2, 2018
Shadow the Hedgehog.

GC version 51% in Metacritic.

To my defense, I didn't have too many games when I was a kid.

I still liked it though
My choice as well. Also I noticed that the reviewers repeatedly reviewed games on the PS2 version mentioning bugs and errors that werent on the Gamecube Version


Jun 6, 2018

This definitely didn't get a chance by big reviewers due to the previous games. You can tell because this is the only Starforce game that has a positive User score lol, while the other games the meta score and user score are very close. What Megaman Battle Network 3 was to the BN series, this was for the Starforce series. They nailed the formula with the third game and I wish they had done it sooner so this series could have lived for a bit longer.

I always think of it as Punchout with a Megaman flavoring to it.


Oct 25, 2017
I have about 117 hours in Metal Gear Survive on Steam, and about 50 hours in Sonic Forces on PS4 and Steam combined.... so ... there's that

Deleted member 40604

User requested account closure
Mar 3, 2018
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle on GameCube. Reviewed poorly back then. Didn't care. Still got all 180 emblems and every now and then I'll fire up my GC and do a quick run of the speed stages. I honestly consider it one of my favorite games despite the glaring issues it has.


terminus est
Aug 12, 2018
I played 130 hours to full complete Pathologic Classic HD. That being said, I mostly felt like the (very few published) reviews for that game fundamentally did not really understand it, and most reviewers didn't complete the game, so the scores were sort of arbitrarily limited by that. Especially considering how many that dismissed the original 2005 release never played the new translation.

That's probably the longest I've spent on a divisive game. Maybe my 70ish hours in The Void, also by Ice Pick lodge, count as well.

Edit: oh, I guess I also love Castlevania 64/Legacy of Darkness completely unironically and have played them multiple times.


Oct 25, 2017
Dozens of hours? Nah. I actually tend to find myself pretty in line with the mega-critic voice out there. I don't like all the games the world loves necessarily (like the Bethesda RPGs, or whatever) but I can't think of a single instance where I've legit played and enjoyed and continued playing a game the world reviewed poorly.

Closest would be Final Fantasy XIII, I guess. Some reviewers rightfully outed that dumpster fire and I still painstakingly trudged through its entirety.

I would say FFXV too but it justifiably scored better than XIII.

Silent Hill 4: The Room is another one. I guess. Even then, I only played it once for 8 hours or whatever.


Oct 25, 2017
Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad on 360 is legit one of the worst games I've ever played, but Z2 Chaos was actually good and I think I got every trophy for it except just 1 that wasn't worth the grind. Easy 7/10 and I would recommend it to anyone that likes Stylish Action Games and is looking for something that isn't made by Platinum or Capcom.

Ya, it's not even close to as mechanically complex as Bayonetta, but I liked the "Tag-team" aspect of the combat, as you're controlling multiple characters at the same time, instead of just one.

Last edited:


Oct 30, 2017

This definitely didn't get a chance by big reviewers due to the previous games. You can tell because this is the only Starforce game that has a positive User score lol, while the other games the meta score and user score are very close. What Megaman Battle Network 3 was to the BN series, this was for the Starforce series. They nailed the formula with the third game and I wish they had done it sooner so this series could have lived for a bit longer.

I always think of it as Punchout with a Megaman flavoring to it.

I fucking loved these games idgaf what reviewers say.

I really fckn want Capcom to bring back the Battle Network or Starforce series. So fucking dope.


Oct 27, 2017
I think I have 700hrs in GT Sport. Then again it got reviewed by mainstream media most of which don't even have a racing wheel.

It did get good reviews by sim racing reviewers so that's what matters.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver

It was shit. But I enjoyed exploring and there was some open-endedness to some of the encounters that was fun to fuck around with.

...But it was very much shit.


Oct 27, 2017
Not dozens of hours (not even close lol) but most recently, I really, really enjoyed The Order: 1886. Still hoping we get a sequel at some point. Felt like playing a movie. And it looked dope.