What is your favorite of the trilogy?

  • Rise

    Votes: 22 20.4%
  • Dawn

    Votes: 64 59.3%
  • War

    Votes: 22 20.4%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017

Last weekend I rewatched both Rise and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and finally saw War, since I missed it this summer. I can look back on this trilogy now and I'm impressed how consistently good this series is. Not only that, but the quality goes up with each movie. It's rare to have a series where there's no obvious dip and each successive film just builds on what came before.

- Rise: even though the cgi in this film was already great, the next two movies offer a pretty big leap in that department. Still, even in this first part Caesar's already a very believable character and seeing him come of age and establish himself as a leader was the best part of Rise. After those early happy years with Will, it was painful to see him move to the shelter.

- Dawn: Caesar's conflict and Clash with Koba is fantastic and is what drives Dawn along. The interplay between the apes has become so strong, that the scenes with the humans seem weak in comparison. The relationship between Will and his dad in Rise was done better than anything involving the camp survivors. But everything involving Caesar, his family and Koba more than makes up for it.

- War: even though the title implies plenty of action and there is enough to go around, this film doesn't stray far from the core of the previous movies and still has a strong emotional core. It's impressive how it balances the two and manages to make both the spectacle and character moments work. Here you clearly see influences from Apoc. Now, FMJ and prison escape films. The 'monkey killer' helmets and 'ape-ocalpyse now' grafatti were a bit much, but those are nitpicks. The only real weakness in this film comes from Bad Ape, because his comic relief function is laid on a bit thick. A few scenes with him openly played for laughs and it felt a bit out of place. I watched the Double Toasted review yesterday and Martin said that he liked it as it brought some light into the darkness but I didn't feel it was needed. The moments of despair and agony were done so well that attempts at comedy came off as a bit jarring.

War's conclusion was as predictable as you could get, but I didn't really mind. Seen as a whole this trilogy is an achievement in quality, but it also shows how far cgi has come. Sometimes you have to remind yourself that you're just watching cgi characters and that's astonishing. Especially since it's so easy for effects to take you out of the movie because they're a bit off or just not good enough. This is a series that took pride in that mastery and as a result we have something rare: a trilogy that's delivers from the first movie all the way to the end of the third. It also helps that we're following one character's journey, which makes it easier to stay involved and care about the story.

The trilogy excels in consistency and quality, but at the same I don't feel like it reaches classic status at any point. I never watched the original PotA and now it'd probably feel more dated if I watched it after this trilogy. Have no idea if it still holds up. Have any of you watched all the old movies? It'd seem that unlike this prequel trilogy it peaked with the first and only declined as the series went on.

Now, what do you think of the new trilogy?


Oct 29, 2017
Really good movies that all have really goofy third acts (in a good entertaining way for the most part). I'm still really curious about the franchise's future and how they'll "bridge" into the original planet of the apes movie.

Tophat Jones

Alt Account
Oct 26, 2017
Really good movies that I don't have much of an urge to own or rewatch ever again. Not sure why. Enjoyed each one of them quite a bit, and all for different reasons.

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
The third movie was a bit of a let down after the first 2 were amazing. I feel like a lot of people never gave it a fair shot as they deemed it a dumb reboot.


Oct 25, 2017
The third movie was a bit of a let down after the first 2 were amazing. I feel like a lot of people never gave it a fair shot as they deemed it a dumb reboot.

Yeah even though every entry in the trilogy is probably seen as a success, I think it's still underwhelming when you compare with the quality. These films deserved to bring in a lot more. They have blockbuster qualities, especially Dawn and War, but they're more than that.


Oct 30, 2017
I didn't care for the first one all that much. Loved Dawn and War though. Damn good trilogy overall though.

Fancy Clown

Oct 25, 2017
Improbably good I would say. War was a bit of a let down, but still had some undeniable technical craft from Reeves. Dawn is one of the best blockbusters of the decade, however.


Oct 27, 2017
I really liked the first two, not sure what to think about the third one...

I don't really understand what Woody and the other humans were trying to achieve, if it's set in the current day with modern military equipment, what was the purpose of the wall thing they were having the apes build?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
They are surprisingly thoughtful movies. War was probably the weakest for me, too slow and not a really interesting plot. Woody Harrelson's character wasn't given much to do, and that mute little girl didn't serve much purpose in terms of characterization and story. Dawn was my favorite due to my fanboying for Keri Russell and the human/ape interactions.


Oct 30, 2017
rise was meh

but the second and third were great

the original is still my favorite though


Oct 28, 2017
The first one is one of my favorites only because there is more of a sci fi element. The 2nd and 3rd were excellent action movies though and very smart which was a breath of fresh air after getting stuff like Transformers, Thor, etc.


Oct 25, 2017
I really liked the first two, not sure what to think about the third one...

I don't really understand what Woody and the other humans were trying to achieve, if it's set in the current day with modern military equipment, what was the purpose of the wall thing they were having the apes build?

It was to defend against to the other soldiers that were coming for him, the group that attacked in the end

Deleted member 8593

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Oct 26, 2017
Rise was great. Had a real emotional core built around the relationship between Caesar and Will.

Dawn was also pretty good, the ape side of the film in particular was just fantastic dramatic work, excellently constructing the story of Caesar, Blue Eyes and Koba. Sadly the human side fell completely flat for me. Felt tacked on and like window dressing.

Haven't seen War yet.


Oct 26, 2017
Best trilogy I have ever seen so far of movies

Hmm I really liked Rise upon seeing it in theatres. The trailer made it look like a joke, so seeing a really stellar film made my day.

For Dawn and War, I recently picked them up on bluray for Black Friday, and I went in with the exact expectations that they were two of the greatest films of all time after hearing that they were absolutely masterpieces and essential contributions to film history; honestly, I was impressed with Andy Serkis and the tech, but pretty underwhelmed overall.


Nov 1, 2017
I saw the original when I was a kid and it was rewatchable as an adult, but not sure how it will play for someone who only watched the new trilogy. The old movies are cheese and melodramatic. Marky Mark version is also entertaining in a guilty pleasure kind of way.

I get that the new trilogy was serious and addressed major issues like racism and slavery. I really wish they did an all out war though between apes and humans and was disappointed at the lack of war in the movie entitled War for the PotA. I will rewatch the whole trilogy eventually and I'm sure i'll like the 3rd better the second time around.

Angel DvA

Oct 27, 2017
The first one is a masterpiece, the second one is okish, the third one is good. The trilogy overall is really good.


Oct 26, 2017
Arguably the best modern trilogy. One that has a clever arc across three movies in how they portray the central conflict. From Rise, where it was weighted towards to the humans. To Dawn, which saw a fairly equal role of humans and apes. And finally War, the film sticks to Caesar's and the apes point of view.

Dawn is the peak and one of the finest blockbusters in years. War is excellent and falls short not from the technical craft but what type of movie they set out to make. Rise, while the weakest of the three for me, does a great job setting up for what follows.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
All 3 are very good but I think War just edges the other two.

I love Bad Ape. To me he's Jar Jar Binks done correctly.


Nov 1, 2017
I really liked the first two, not sure what to think about the third one...

I don't really understand what Woody and the other humans were trying to achieve, if it's set in the current day with modern military equipment, what was the purpose of the wall thing they were having the apes build?
I thought it was more symbolic imagery because of the serious themes involved but in-universe it might make sense to keep out infected humans. I don't think he expected it to stop the army. It was a last stand.


Oct 27, 2017
Liked the first, LOVED the 2nd, thought the 3rd was ok.

All in all, probably the best sci-fi trilogy of the last decade.


Oct 28, 2017
They were all pretty good, not great movies. Most of them had a poorly developed character or a specific scene that lowered my overall opinion on them.

The generic bad guy in Dawn and the flower scene in War were so awful.

Deleted member 7207

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Oct 25, 2017
I put it up there with Nolan's Batman trilogy for best trilogy of the last 15 years or so. I think part of the reason I hold it in such high regard is because it's a blockbuster franchise that offers something different from the endless onslaught of superhero/comic book movies and consistently delivered my money/time's worth.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
It's about as good as TDK trilogy, the third one starts to show some weaknesses, it gets too ridiculous, even for talking apes, how much cross fire Caesar manage to avoid against a few armed militaries. Still good though but a little disappointing like TDKR and ROTJ. The middle one is clearly the best.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I was disappointed by the third movie, the title is just misleading. I didn't know I was going to watch The Great Ape Escape.

I think the first one might be my favorite. Second one is let down a tad by the human characters.

They're all good and worth watching. Definitely a notch above most other "summer blockbusters" released in recent years.


Oct 27, 2017
I had no expectations for Rise, but it was surprisingly good. Dawn was the best one and made both sides of the conflict sympathetic. War took a step backwards and was far from an epic conclusion. Overall, its impressive how they accomplished breathing life into a dead franchise.

Deleted member 6949

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Oct 25, 2017
I thought it was a decent, consistent trilogy, but they don't touch the original Planet of the Apes movie in any way.


Oct 27, 2017
I think they got better with each film.

Rise was an interesting retool of the series and managed to make me care about and get invested in the story of a CGI ape. Everything with Caesar is great, but the human scenes are kind of 'meh' and James Franco's subplot takes time away from the more interesting scenes of Caesar. Overall it was a good film with interesting ideas flawed by some uneven script and pacing issues.

Dawn expands upon the ideas and themes introduced in Rise, but also suffers from some of the same issues as Rise in regards to its human characters.

War takes what worked in the previous movies and throws out what didn't work, mainly choosing to no longer focus on the humans and instead commit fully to Caesar's story. I'd say that it's one of the best conclusions to a trilogy that I've ever seen.


Oct 27, 2017
I really enjoyed the first two. I have yet to see the 3rd, which is odd, because, as I said, the first two were extremely enjoyable.

I think there is something about the series, both this reboot and the original, that never really hooked me.

But seriously, these are some super entertaining films and I really have to watch part 3.


Oct 30, 2017
One of the best trilogies ever made. The special effects, especially in the 3rd, are the best I have ever seen. I was blown away.


Nov 12, 2017
The story in War for the Planet of Apes may not have had good as in Dawn, but it is still a visually stunning film. With Andy Serkis proving that he is the most underrated actor in the industry


Oct 27, 2017

Seriously, this is one of the all time greatest trilogies. I actually thought each entry was better than the previous one which is pretty much unheard of.


Oct 28, 2017
Outside of the dumbest names that I still confuse myself on the order of, they're really great films.

I thought 1 was great, 2 was a masterpiece, and then 3 faultered. The latest one just had the dumbest fucking guards in a movie I've ever seen. I'm a firm believer in not "questioning the plausibility" of a film. Don't try to poke holes in it. I can get sucked into a fucking Transformers movie without issue. But man, every time we saw someone sneak around inside the base or twenty feet outside of it, I was just laughing inside. I don't know why they presented the scenes the way they did - Everyone I saw the movie with thought the exact same thing. Best, most believable CG ive ever seen, though.


Oct 26, 2017
I liked the 1st movie, hated the 2nd movie, passed on the 3rd.

it's just became and Andy Serkis self celebratory movie.

"ooooo I'm using the same facial expressions for Caesar just like i did for King Kong and Snoke. I just snicker and speak slowly deep voice."

2nd movie made no sense, it was Point A, Point B, Point A, Pont B, Point A, point B, Fight!!! jeez