
Oct 27, 2017
The WTC7 owner saying they pulled the building basically confirmed to me that they demoed the building, I think because it was no longer structurally sound, not because of an intelligence unit or whatever being in the building. Still weird they don't just admit they demoed it when they basically already did and there are journalists who reported Silverstein sought approval to demo it from insurance on the day it went down.

Jesus, this makes absolutely no sense. They were talking about the pulling the fire crews out trying to save the building. WTC7 conspiracies are the worst.

Deleted member 17092

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
What's up with Tower 7?

In a recorded interview the leaseholder of wtc7 Larry Silverstein said he talked with the fire chief and they decided to pull the building. You can look it up. Also a reporter Scott Shapiro said Silverstein spoke with his insurance that day about pulling demolishing the building. Silverstein later clarified he meant pull the firefighters from the area. I don't believe any of the other nonsense about 9/11 and I'm open to believing it just fell as a result of fire, but the above seems fishy as hell, that's all.


Banned for use of an alt-account
Oct 27, 2017
None, not even JFK. Lone gunman. Simple.

No amount of Oliver Stone movies will change it.

Deleted member 17092

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Jesus, this makes absolutely no sense. They were talking about the pulling the fire crews out trying to save the building. WTC7 conspiracies are the worst.

I think there were later reports though that there were not fire crews actually in the area. Those could be bs though. Why say pull the building then and not pull the fire crews? And has the report on Silverstein inquiring on demolishing it actually been debunked? Did Jeffery Scott Shapiro retract his reporting?

Edit: upon further inquiry, Shapiro article stating that says he was right in the wtc7 area and heard no explosives. Still interesting Silverstein actually inquired on it though.
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Cheering your loss
Oct 25, 2017
The Business Plot. I honestly beleive there was truth in this almost happening and thankfully it didn't.
This one I believe. The 1930s were such a weird time politically. Liberal democracies looked to be failing in the wake of the Great Depression and both fascism and communism actually did seem like viable alternatives, even in Britain and the United States. Having plutocrats turn to fascism in this environment is the only logical path they thought they had to stem off a communist uprising led by FDR.

The only 9/11 conspiracy theory I find even remotely plausible was that the plane headed toward the White House was shot down, rather than taken down by the brave passengers. While I cannot doubt the passengers planned something, had they succeeded in overpowering the hijackers, they could have easily overwhelmed them and used the shortwave to communicate with the outside world. Not knowing what was going on inside the plane, knowing what had just happened in New York, knowing what happened at the Pentagon and not knowing which enemy was attacking or what their follow up plan was, the cold calculus in terms of lives lost, damage done and danger to the nation as a whole if the White House was destroyed makes the decision to shoot a missile at a passenger jet liner far less unthinkable than otherwise. The phone recordings found afterwards and their cryptic references to a plan of some kind could have then been spun as a much more palatable myth than the horrible reality that someone in the military chain of command made the decision to kill all those people.

I'm not saying I believe this one, but it would not shock me, in 2071, to find out that Dick Cheney or someone else made the call. Given the circumstances, it's hard to say if it would have been the wrong call.
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Deleted member 135

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
That last one is interesting, what happened though? Nuke ourselves to oblivion 100k years ago?

I mean basically the the ruins we have today are examples we have today, so it's not really that crazy there are older ruins that are simply gone and forgotten from time.
I don't believe that any would have gotten to our level of technology, or their destruction was so total nothing was left.

This one I believe. The 1930s were such a weird time politically. Liberal democracies looked to be failing in the wake of the Great Depression and both fascism and communism actually did seem like viable alternatives, even in Britain and the United States.
Ad Infinitum.

Harken Raiser

Oct 25, 2017
I still believe that Operation Highjump was really a mission to wipe out a secret Nazi stronghold in the Antarctic after the end of WWII.


Oct 30, 2017
The Bernstein Bears gets me. It's so odd that I can never remember it being Bernstain Bears?

It was a fun night going into the rabbit hole of this is proof that time travel exists.
That's one I've never heard of, but I always remembered them with the full name so it's not a conspiracy I'd look out for. Collective misremembering is interesting regardless.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I'll just say that I used to trust that my parents knew best when it came to politics and that in turn made me believe a lot of the stuff that came out of Fox News. I really don't want to go into specifics.
Oct 25, 2017
I used to be really big on well most if not all of them when I was 16/17. 9/11, JFK, all the fun ones. I was mostly unable to come to terms with the reality of our world and society so finding things that helped explain the world in a way I preferred help cope with that. I was also a kid as well, not a loon anymore at least.

Deleted member 11157

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
CERN's dimensional gateways, CIA black ops/reptiles, Ancient Astronauts and older civs, missing years in the Christian calendar, body doubles, Von Neumann probes from other galaxies, Vatican vault, all that interests me.

How are ancient civilizations, whether they exist or not, a conspiracy theory? Like who's covering it up?
As far as any scientific discovery that changes the heirarchy where religion is no longer top dog as well as any discovery that changes the scientific paradigm as we know, scientists agree to convene as a board to meet before disclosing it to the public, if ever.


Oct 27, 2017
In a recorded interview the leaseholder of wtc7 Larry Silverstein said he talked with the fire chief and they decided to pull the building. You can look it up. Also a reporter Scott Shapiro said Silverstein spoke with his insurance that day about pulling demolishing the building. Silverstein later clarified he meant pull the firefighters from the area. I don't believe any of the other nonsense about 9/11 and I'm open to believing it just fell as a result of fire, but the above seems fishy as hell, that's all.
that building has a lotta splaining to do


Oct 28, 2017
JFK wasn't solely killed by Lee Harvey Oswald, but it was a Secret Service agent misfiring a rifle.


Oct 25, 2017
GOP leadership know much more about Trump's relationship to Russia than they let on

GW Bush's motivation for going into Iraq was not WMDs

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
i still believe moon landing to be fake, and i'm not hurting or offending anyone by believing that so i'm gonna continue.


Oct 25, 2017
None. The Universe and it's associated physics and maths is quite complicated enough without us tiny little nothings on a tiny little nothing of a planet in a tiny little nowhere galaxy being up to anything other than mundane shit. Read Sci Fi if you have a penchant for conspiracy theories - they tell stories of the fantastical and generally tie them up all neat so you can go about your day in peace.

Deleted member 11157

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
i still believe moon landing to be fake, and i'm not hurting or offending anyone by believing that so i'm gonna continue.
You should watch Operation Avalanche, it's a faux documentary taking place during the 60s about three filmmakers who stumble upon the gov't's need for a moon landing to beat the Russians; And they're


Nov 5, 2017
Alex Jones is a lizard person.

Both Kennedy assassinations
The Bilderberg Group to some extent
Oct 29, 2017
This has nothing to do with aliens, but that the Area 51 base everyone knows about was a real base, but it is now refurbished to be little more than a misdirection that helps take eyes away from real secret bases.

Deleted member 225

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The problem with most conspiracy theories like the moon landing or JFK assassination is that no one is truly that smart to pull this shit off. People aren't villains in a James Bond movie.


Oct 27, 2017
I dont get the moon landing one. Didnt they make multiple trips? They faked all of them and the american flag thats still there?

And if it was fake wouldnt russia be the first ones to blow the lid and not some random american blogs?


Oct 27, 2017
When I was a Fundamentalist Christian, I believed that the scientific community actively covered up evidence for young earth creationism, and created hoaxes to prove evolution and cosmology; all because they wanted to hide the truth that God created the universe, and had some kind of pact with Satan / or were being manipulated by him in some way.

Fuck Ben Stein.

Jon Carter

Oct 27, 2017
I used to believe in some 9/11 theories. I don't know what I believe now, but you know it's shady in some way when the 9/11 commission itself is not satisfied. So I guess that's one event about which I find the idea of some sort of conspiracy pretty convincing.


Oct 25, 2017
West Yorkshire, UK
When I was a young teenager I was big into UFOs. I used to watch all sorts of crappy YouTube videos and get completely sucked in by them.

And I wouldn't say it's quite 'belief in a conspiracy' but I think it's entirely possible that somebody else was involved in the JFK assassination other than Lee Harvey Oswald. I believe Oswald was the lone gunman but I'm definitely open to the possibility that somebody put him up to it.

And I think the McCanns know more about their daughters disappearance than they let on.
I actually agree with this one, the McCanns are pretty suspicious to me.


Oct 27, 2017
I think that JFK was accidentally killed by one of his Secret Service agents in the chaos. Oswald got the first shot in his throat and the agent accidentally got the one in his head.

Yup, this is the one I believe.

I used to love the craziness of JFK conspiracies but once I stumbled across this one it just sucked the wind out of the whole thing. The most boring conspiracy ever, covering up their own incompetence.

JFK wasn't solely killed by Lee Harvey Oswald, but it was a Secret Service agent misfiring a rifle.

That was completely debunked a while ago.

A little here:

And here:

Case in point, another news story that circled the globe recently – and God only knows why. This one surrounds the 21-year-old claim that Secret Service agent George Hickey, riding in the car immediately behind the presidential limousine, accidentally shot Kennedy's head off when he grabbed an AR-15 automatic rifle to defend the chief executive.

The fact that this story ran – again – raises the question: Does the news media know about Wikipedia?

George Hickey, who died in 2009, sued St. Martin's Press in 1995 over the outrageous claims made in Bonar Menninger's 1992 book Mortal Error only to be told that he had waited too long after the book's initial publication to file against the publisher. Hickey later settled with St. Martin's Press, who apologized.

Now comes Aussie police detective Colin McLaren, whose revival of the Menninger tale will get airplay in November on cable channel ReelZ's "JFK-The Smoking Gun."

If the earlier Hickey lawsuit wasn't enough to dissuade the news media from treating this creaky story seriously, one only had to do a little research to find out that nine Secret Service agents were within a few feet of Hickey and all testified before the Warren Commission or gave statements about the day's event and yet not one of them said they saw or heard Hickey's AR-15 fired that day.

Indeed, author Bonar Menninger himself notes that Kennedy aide and close personal friend Dave Powers, riding in the car with Hickey, said, "Someone a foot away from me or two feet away from me couldn't fire the gun without me hearing it." [4]

All of these facts are easily accessible except, apparently, by world's news media.

We wonder if ReelZ will show the amateur film of the assassination made by Charles Bronson, which shows Hickey seated at the moment of the fatal head shot? Perhaps they'll be able to explain how Hickey was able to accidentally shoot Kennedy through the windshield of the Secret Service follow-up car without leaving a trace. Now that's a magic bullet!


Oct 29, 2017
Oh, that they found Mohammed Atta's passport in the debris of the WTC. That has to bullshit regardless of the reasons.


Oct 25, 2017
Western Canada
JFK, UFO's, Hitler possibly making it to South America. However, the older I get the more I'm leaning away from UFO's. I believe they exist, as in it's military aircraft. However, I do not believe we're the only advanced species in all of the cosmos. The math wouldn't add up.
When you enter time into the equation, the math gets a lot more solid. Humans have been around for about 0.001% of the history of the universe. If the entire history of the universe was one year, then humans would have evolved at about 11:55pm on Dec 31st.

If there was another advanced species out there somewhere, odds are they all died billions of years ago.


Oct 25, 2017
This, for sure. I've followed the case quite closely and to this day, there is plenty of evidence implicating them and there is still absolutely zero evidence to support a break in at the apartment.

I don't believe either of them for a second.

I actually agree with this one, the McCanns are pretty suspicious to me.

Leaving your 3 kids alone, unattended in a foreign country with no lock on the door or security is just really damn odd.

The fact the father claims he 'sensed' someone was hiding behind the door when he went to check on the kids but did nothing is also too hard to believe.

Personally I think there was an accident and they covered it up.

Oh, that they found Mohammed Atta's passport in the debris of the WTC. That has to bullshit regardless of the reasons.

Not necessarily, I don't want to get too graphic but there were lots of things from the plane and on the floors that were directly hit that were blown out of the building and survived surprisingly intact, so it's not impossible one of the terrorists passports could've remained intact and been found.


Self Requested Ban
Nov 12, 2017
Literally none, they're all really dumb.

However, I think governments tastelessly cash in on every single tragic event in order to tighten their grip on the populous.

The day following the first van attack in London, the PM is using it as a platform to protest the government's lack of access to our WhatsApp messaging. It's sickening.

And it does lead to a paranoid thinking that from time to time, if society is getting too wayward in the eyes of the government, that letting an attack slip through could be beneficial in terms of using it regain some order. Or even beyond that, to encourage an attack if none seem impending.

I don't believe that has happened in the UK or the US, but in some countries, or eventually? Maybe.


Oct 25, 2017
It was literally impossible to fake the moon landing with 1960's technology.
Yep. Furthermore, the reflectors left at the moon landing sites are still there
One other simple reason why it couldn't have been fake were the live broadcasts from the moon which could be received around the world. The Soviets would not have kept quiet about it if they had come from any other location.
Knowing this and still believing the moon landing was faked makes you an idiot.