
Oct 25, 2017
I want to know what you guys prefer generally in your games. Would you rather have games with an amazing narrative but the gameplay is just alright, or the tightest most fluid gameplay but the story is just alright. Now I'm going to list some examples that I think fit into each category to give everyone an idea of what I'm talking about.

Great gameplay, alright story:

Breath of the Wild:
Now this game is fucking amazing there is no denying that. It innovated open worlds games as we know it, and hopefully, a lot of developers take inspiration from it because it's amazing. Let's be honest though, the story is just all right. There's a lot of good moments in it like the characters but the overall plot is really simple, the main point of this game is to explore, and it does that spectacularly.

The evil within 2: Now the overall plot of this is intriguing and actually pretty interesting, but man some of the dialog is cheesy as fuck. Whenever Sebastian talks to Kidman I cringe because that is not how someone would talk to that person after the situation. "Hey kidman you there". "Yes I never sleep". "I miss my family". Like its so hamfisted and corny. It succeeds in the gameplay department though with again an innovated open world for survival horror games, and some amazing set pieces. I haven't finished yet and am on chapter 13 but damn it's a great game.

Great story, alright gameplay:

Wolfenstein 2:
I like first person shooters, but the overuse of stealth sections and similar environment types made actually playing this game a slog sometimes. HOLY SHIT THOUGH, this is one of the best story's in first person history. The beginning half with gut punch after gut punch. The way they would mix in the most absurd humor ever into this serious story was fantastic. The doctor and super seesh are the stand outs for sure. Seriously if you like story driven games get this. The Hitler scene alone is the single best cutscene but into a video game.

The Witcher 3: Now I liked this combat more then most on here I assume, but I still have to admit it's not the strongest when compared to other open world games. I loved the strategy of making formulas for fight, but the actually flights were always good but not great. The story though, made my 300 hours of play time fly by. The overarching plot is interesting and intense, but even the most tiny side quest like collecting a pan the most interesting thing at that moment. Also Bloody Baron do I need to say more...

For me I fit into story over gameplay. Now I really do love both types of games with Mario and Zelda in high ranks for game of the year, with persona being number 1. But looking at the games I have finished this year, I realized that I do value story over gameplay and story drives me more to finish your game. I can go through boring gameplay as long as I'm invested in the story. If the story isn't the best though, then I can love the game but get my feel and just move on.

Deleted member 9486

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Oct 26, 2017
Great story, alright gameplay for me. I liked Witcher 3 way more than BOTW for instance.

That said, being great on both fronts is best as rare as that is. That's why Horizon Zero Dawn is my game of the generation. I loved the story, characters and graphics, and also loved the combat and different ways to take down the machines. Similarly I love Naughty Dog games as I love the stories, but also enjoy exploring for collectibles and like the combat in Uncharted and TLOU. Same with the Infamous games.

But I'm kind of seeing my hobby interest shift more back to books, movies and tv shows from gaming as I get older so that's important context. I have little patience for challenging game play so it's mostly easier story driven stuff, or fun/charming mostly easy Nintendo gameplay focused stuff for me.

Deleted member 19813

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Oct 28, 2017
BotW didn't innovate anything.

I like both a good story and good gameplay, but if I had to choose one, I'd choose gameplay.
Oct 25, 2017
Gameplay. Story can compliment it, but the gameplay should be the first priority.

For example: I think DOOM is a looooot better than Wolfenstein TNO and TNC. Even though I liked both.


Oct 25, 2017
I grew up learning English from videogames, which is another way to say that I haven't understood a word of half of the retro games I played

So gameplay has a huge priority to me.

Deleted member 4037

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Oct 25, 2017
Story, it can make minimal gameplay great. Gameplay is what makes something decent imo, story is what pushes it into my favorites

Deleted member 1659

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Oct 25, 2017

I'm in the school of thought that it's impossible to tell a good story from video games so I don't bother with story.

Deleted member 4037

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Oct 25, 2017
BotW didn't innovate anything.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
I have no preference, i want to play all kinds of games and will take what they have to throw at me without prejudice.


Nov 4, 2017
Gameplay always, but try to not make the story distractingly bad either (looking right at you, Diablo 3)


Oct 27, 2017
Similar thread to atmosphere vs mechanics huh

My answer will be the same - some of the best games ever made - Planescape Torment comes to mind - don't have amazing gameplay, but they are amazing for the story and atmosphere.

But gameplay should never be bad enough to actively harm the experience. Fortunately that is quite rare, my favourite games of all time all have good gameplay, but I love them for their story/atmosphere/characters.

Deleted member 24118

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Oct 29, 2017
There are exactly three video game stories that I think are particularly good: Mother 2, Mother 3, and Sunless Sea.

So I'm going to say "gameplay."
Nov 6, 2017
Gameplay. Every fucking time.

Though, I can't deny that there have been plenty of games with poor or mediocre gameplay that kept me hooked because the story was good and engaging.

I like a good mix of both of course.


Oct 27, 2017
For me its down to the mood i'm in. If i fancy being lazy and being absorbed into something, then story all day long. If I fancy a challenge or want to grind to get better at something then league of legends etc is great.


Oct 27, 2017
Gameplay should always be front and center. That said, if you try and neglect a story, can might have people questioning, "What the hell is going on?" whenever you remind them that there is some kind of plot.


Oct 30, 2017
Rationally, I would say that games are about gameplay first and foremost.

...but I'm a sucker for good writing and a good story, and I can forgive not-so-great gameplay if the narration is good. But I absolutely can't forgive a dumb story and bad writing.
Oct 25, 2017
Gameplay. Stuff like Tetris or Pac-Man is replayable forever. Games to me are about the play. The best stories in gaming are the ones that are not shoved into your face and are seamlessly intertwined with the gameplay without sacrificing said gameplay (Soulsborne, Team ICO).

If I just want a good story, I'll read a good book.

Salty Rice

Oct 25, 2017
Pancake City
I prefer a great story as long the gameplay isnt complete garbage.

A game with great story has it easier to be more memorable and becoming a game i love.

Great gameplay can do the same but its not as easy.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't see it as a binary choice. Games don't just have a finite amount of skill points and can only put so much into each category

My answer is they both have to be interesting enough to keep going.

Just gameplay isnt enough. I want the characters, the motivations, the drive. And the gameplay getting there needs to be serviceable and fun enough to see those beats

Sometimes some games do better In one area over the other but they both need to be at least descent for me to see it to the end.


Account closed at user request.
Oct 25, 2017
I usually don't care much about the story in a game. In fact, when a cutscene is too long, I have a tendency to skip it and lose the story altogether. So gameplay is more important to me.

I loved the story in games when I was a bit younger though, so I guess my preferences changed.


Oct 27, 2017
I can handle a good story and okay gameplay

But if the gameplay is bad, it really doesn't matter how good the story is. I'd rather just read or watch a movie with a good story at that point.


Oct 25, 2017
When I look at most of my favorite games, it's clear that gameplay wins out. There are times where I think the story is handled so well that the gameplay matters less, but those are a rare occurance.


Oct 25, 2017
BOTW is my game GOTY for 2017 but TW3 was my GOTY for 2015. So I guess I like a balance of both. Maybe in certain genres I lean more towards gameplay. Last year it was a tie between DOOM and Inside for my GOTY.

Also, Wolf2 has pretty good gameplay for an FPS.


Ghostwire: BooShock
Nov 6, 2017
It's not that story > gameplay every single time, but a good story with meh gameplay is much more appealing to me than good gameplay with meh story, and I would argue that it's the case for many others even if they wouldn't think so.

Games like NieR or Spec Ops: The Line have a lasting legacy and it isn't because of their gameplay.


Oct 27, 2017
Gameplay is first and foremost, but story does give a game a sense of purpose. The gameplay in the Arkham series, for example, is awesome, but the story adds objectives and direction. These stories don't have to be expertly crafted narratives, but good writing certainly doesn't hurt.


Self-requested ban
Nov 2, 2017
Absolutely gameplay though I do enjoy story focused games even with minimal interaction if I like the characters (Tales from the Borderlands or Wolf Among Us come to my mind). Moment to moment action is what I need.
Oct 25, 2017
Great gameplay supported by decent plot ( reason to keep playing) is ideal.

Some games transcend this though and stand on one aspect. Botw for gameplay and the witcher for story.

Bloodborne and Metroid Prime are games that excel at both.


Oct 27, 2017
Gameplay >> Story

All good stories are taken and done don't bother with good stories in games anymore in videogames gameplay is more important and main part of the fun


Visited by Knack - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Gameplay. Story was never a strong point in games and even the best game story can't match with what literature and films have. But that doesn't mean I haven't enjoyed a few stories from games, some bad and some good.


Oct 26, 2017

I usually need a decent narrative hook in order to fully commit to a game.

It's why most Nintendo games don't interest me, outside of Xenoblade.

Monty Mole

Alt Account
Oct 27, 2017
Gameplay. I've been playing games since 1985 and there hasn't been a single videogame story that I could give a shit about, it's just a way of justifying going from A to B.

And hence my frustration with so many modern games with endless fucking cutscenes.