El Goom

Oct 27, 2017
This place actually loves pineapple on pizza. That alone makes it an upgrade in every way.


Oct 27, 2017
A forum that I check out gaming news, hype 'bout new release, celebrates games that I like with others, check out the etcetera occasionally, all in silent (still mostly a lurker ;) )


Oct 25, 2017
It's a place where the community I love so much that I gave years of my free time to help foster came back together and decided that it wasn't going to allow itself to be torn apart just because of one person. I'm really grateful for it and excited that we can all stick together and go forward. This community is one of the only communities where I feel safe and welcome, as a female who plays video games.

And it's apparently also a place where I'm doomed to read multiple threads per day about how much of a piece of shit I am and how poorly I moderated the old site and how the community is good despite the heavy amount of work that was put into making it a pleasant place to be, particularly for women and minorities.

ResetEra doesn't mean anything to me, yet. I do already love it though. Let me explain.

The other place was around forever, and with that forever it came with its own feel, its own rhythms, its own in-jokes and history and dark places and nooks and crannies to peek into.

I'll never forget the dumb console wars, the sales age that went with it, the wii announcement, FIVE HUNDRED NINETY NINE DOLLARS, every single dragon quest and final fantasy thread, the hidden secrets in gaming (cloudbush) thread, go ly dow, Shot Themselves In The Foot, and on and on and on. And what they always said was true -- come for gaming, stay for OT -- came true for me as well. I was there while I was in college, before I got married, the day I got married, the day both of my kids were born, and on the flip side many many IRL tragedies too numerous to name.

But through it all there was this spirit, this community, this collective force to generally reject bullshit, stand up for the right things, and in between debate literally the dumbest shit.

So no, ResetEra doesn't MEAN anything to me right now. Hell, I'm still processing what GAF meant to me. I'm still furious that predatory hubris brought it down. But I can say I feel that same spirit and that same excitement of similar tastes and cultural experiences that brought me to the last one. Let's hope it lasts as long.

Time for a new game+.
Thank you both. These were the kinds of responses I was looking to hear about. Really appreciate the insight.


Oct 28, 2017
It's a place I visit when I have some free time. It's a videogames forum and I treat it like that. Nothing more.


Oct 27, 2017
The level of discourse in this community is second to none. The variety of discussions is second to none.

I've been a video game forum dweller since I was 13. That's half of my life. And this place and community is the best I've ever seen.

This place means a lot to me. I can talk about my favourite hobby in ways that I cannot in real life because none of my friends are in to video games to the level that I am. Analysis of games, industry discussion etc. is something I can only express with the people here.

That means an awful lot.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
Hopefully it's a place where the acidity of you know where has been left behind but it appears it's started to seep through again.

Hopefully it's a place where we can talk about why we are enjoying games, rather than topics of uproars of some issues people have and flipping as many tables as possible about it.

And hopefully it's a place where threads created just to ruffle feathers are kept to a minimum.


Oct 25, 2017
A safe place as a female who plays video games on an obsessive level. I love that I made a lot of friends along the way and they're irreplaceable in that experience. :)


Oct 29, 2017
So far tt's a nice place with some very knowlegdeable and helpful folks. The other place was a very good source of gaming news and analysis, looks like this will follow suit,


Oct 28, 2017
United States
GAF, but for better or worse a lot of banned people came back and it has a really shitty mobile interface.

Also has an incredibly enigmatic privilege system that gave thread privileges to an elite that is poorly defined to the outside.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
It means I can shit post between classes and know that some good peeps are still hanging on


Nov 4, 2017
A new beginning.


Deleted member 2834

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Only community worth discussing the political and social dimension of games in. The old place and Era are so far ahead of every other gaming community in terms of post quality, it's not even funny.


Oct 27, 2017
This is my favorite dating site. I keep sending people with cute avatars PM's of my hobbies and such but no responses yet. No big deal, there are plenty of fish in the sea and this users here are only getting larger.


Nov 6, 2017
It is a webpage/forum. Other than that I prefer getting/discussing news like this instead of in the FB format, most news webpages with modern design looks like shit to be honest, and places like reddit etc are just mayhem. I like forums. Joined because The Other Place was obviously dying. Kind of gotten used to having an obvious place for news and discussion during the years.

Boy Wander

Alt Account
Oct 29, 2017
Like the other place but thankfully without the cult of personality around moderation which frankly ruined the other site.


Oct 25, 2017
Absolutely nothing, and that scares me. Sometimes when Reset Era is discussing hot button topics I stand there nodding my head, and smiling, but I'm not really listening. When we make love I think about other forums I used to make love to, and think how much better the sex was.


Oct 25, 2017
Without sounding too sentimental, Era so far has been an answer to everything a cynic about the GAF community continuously tried to belittle - when presented with the situation of rejecting the entire avenue of our news aggregating, gaming discussion, political discussion, drunk thread posting, stealth brag posting (the list goes on), in order to take the stance that what the owner of that old site did, so many people were willing to take a chance at migrating to a site so easily dismissed as a knee-jerk reaction, a site that would lack any real integrity given the drama in which it was conceived with, and those trying to build it and join it examples of a so-called "toxic community" by onlookers, a site doomed to fall into the same trappings as it's predecessor as far as staff and users go.

So far, it has proven each of those notions wrong; it wasn't a knee-jerk reaction, it was a solution, it touts a hard-working spine of staff and admins that are devoted to transparency and progressive views in so many fields, and any toxicity being displayed seems wholly to come from those attempting to bring past baggage here with them. It's also a site that blew up relatively fast - faster than most of us were anticipating. And it's a site that is already keeping the community-led spirit of the old site alive, both in Gaming and Etcetera.

So far, Era is an example that, as long as you care about such communities to begin with, there will always be those willing to make a platform to let said communities nurture and grow.


Oct 25, 2017
A place to fight about discuss Weekly Dragon Ball Super episodes, and occasionally vidya gaems.


Oct 25, 2017
Great community where we can discuss gaming/offtopic stuff AND learn some stuff as well.