Ox Code

Jul 21, 2018
While I agree that most of the things the Steam Controller does could be lifted, the one thing that sets it apart is control customization for each and every game. It would be seriously disappointing if the next consoles didn't do that.


Oct 29, 2017
The OP requests sound like it'd have a battery life of 5 minutes, and also be big.

I'm fine with the same dualshock, but an actual good battery life to it

Oh, I was moreso just tossing out a few popular points of discussion than providing my own wishlist. Just wanted to get the discussion started.


Oct 27, 2017
Paddles absolutely need to be standard. They give you so many control options that make certain movements or input sequences much more manageable.

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Oct 26, 2017
A decent battery and no gimmicks is fine by me.

And knock it the hell off with whatever the new 'Start' and 'Back' icons turned into on the Xbox. I have to look down at my controller 100% of the time to figure out where their stupid failed multitask icon is.


Oct 28, 2017
Basically I'd like an Xbox one controller with an improved d-pad that's great for fighting games, better placed shoulder buttons, built in gyro, headphone jack, and rechargeable battery from the start. That's my perfect controller.


Feb 12, 2018
DS4 touchpad/lightbar/speaker are all useless gimmicks imo, so none of those please. XB1 impulse triggers should be standard. Removable paddles would be cool.
Jan 3, 2019

Gyro which is used as a standard aiming option.
I've been sold on this since Uncharted: Golden Abyss.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm a firm believer in, "Keep it simple, Stupid."

  • A usable D-pad in the primary position
  • Comfortable to hold (Gamecube controller says hello)
  • Back paddles
  • No vibration as it is a useless gimmick that eats up battery life, increases costs, adds weight, and is a point of failure
  • Speaking of, no proprietary battery. It must have easily replaced AAs to assure that it can still be used in ten years
  • Get rid of the useless screen capture/social media "feature." What a waste of a button
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Oct 26, 2017
Removable Batteries
Quick Charge
KEEP THE HEADPHONE JACK (since that seems to be disappearing from everything nowadays)

And this one is more an OS side thing, but:

The ability to remap buttons at the OS level.

I think all three console makers have hit on almost perfect controllers in their own ways. I don't really need any major hardware revision. Extra paddles and things like that are meh


Oct 29, 2017
  • Get rid of the useless screen capture/social media "feature." What a waste of a button

I think I can say with absolute certainty that Sony will definitely not get rid of the Share button and if anything will look to build upon it somehow. With sharing and streaming of media being only more and more commonplace it's been a very popular feature. Personally I only use it occasionally to grab a cool screenshot or clip but I'm so glad it's there and is quick and easy to use.


Oct 25, 2017
While the touchpad on the DS4 is under-used and imho pointless, i could see a smaller 'touch area' working as a means to add at least 4-5 additional buttons (via gestures ... swipe up, swipe down, ... as well as click) within a relatively small area on the controller.
I loved how many games already used the touchpad like that - each individual swipe gesture leading you straight into a specific menu, like up is map, down is inventory, etc.

Also, keep the share button but make it way more snappy within the OS.
Or just let us allow to bind a specific input (like click-and-hold, or double click) to "save screenshot / video clip and upload right away"
I always upload (as visible "only me") all my 15 minutes clips and do curation after the fact.

Like, the DS4 is pretty decent. Shrink the touchpad, enable us to turn off the LED altogether and maybe remove the horrible tiny speakers and we're getting somewhere.


Oct 29, 2017
Ok say they did put a screen into a controller for a second screen when playing games and also remote play, what size would it have to be? Something the size of the DS4 touchpad is just too small to play a game on. The diagonal for that touchpad is 2.24 - 2.4". The Vita screen is 5". I can only imagine how big the controller would wind up being with a 5" screen, so maybe a 4" one?


use of an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Angola / Zaire border region.
Hoping next gen controllers are sets of two smooth, featureless spheres, one held in each hand. Games are controlled purely through motion, grip pressure changes, and palm warmth variance.


Apr 4, 2018
Something that makes aiming more precise. I dont know what can it be done,but going from gaming mouse to controller im having so much trouble adjusting.


Oct 25, 2017
All I need are controller paddles.

Something that makes aiming more precise. I dont know what can it be done,but going from gaming mouse to controller im having so much trouble adjusting.
You want Gyro. It can be used to adjust aim to be more precise. Switch controllers have it and a Dualshock 4 is capable of it but developers don't use it on PS4.


Oct 29, 2017
Something that makes aiming more precise. I dont know what can it be done,but going from gaming mouse to controller im having so much trouble adjusting.

I'm gonna toss something out there. It's not exactly controller related but so many people are talking about wanting more precise aiming that it got me thinking. What if next gen console cameras had this eye tracking tech built into it?

You're in a firefight and want to more precisely target an enemy? Just look at him. Of course that demo had the person sitting a couple of feet away from the sensor and a consumer product would have to track your eyes from upwards of 15 feet away... but the idea seems pretty cool. With Sony so big into eye tracking on their camera and newer time of flight sensors being used in mobiles to accurately measure distances and whatnot, it almost feels like something they could do if they wanted to.


Dec 9, 2017
Basically the DS4, but with additions. Touch sensitive / split bumpers + grip buttons, more accurate gyro.


Aug 20, 2018
Stronger vibration so that i can use them for vibrators when i play Rez Infinite 2..... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Oct 27, 2017
I will never understand some people's desire for paddles. Choice is good and there should be "elite" versions but don't force them on everyone else.

The controllers are not going to change drastically I'd imagine. They'll be refined for sure but I don't expect them to be much different. I think the touchpad on the DualShock will shrink as will the light and a new better material will be used for the sticks. The Xbox controller will hopefully get better bumpers and an improved d-pad.


Oct 27, 2017
For Sony, I want better build quality and an elite variant. The trackpad is fantastic; it needs to stay. For Xbox, add a dedicated capture/share button.

What I don't want is any radical changes. Controllers are just about perfect these days. I'd see removing gyro as a positive. Please don't add any sort of gimmicks like touchscreens. Anyone who makes a split controller will straight up lose my business.
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Jan 6, 2018
Split controllers with more inputs and motion tracking (optional)

Head tracking

Better battery life

Dan Thunder

Nov 2, 2017
Here's my thoughts. Obviously a lot of them will never happen because of the cost but a man can dream!

Gyro - Don't use it myself but I know a lot of people swear by it.

Paddles - Seems like an obvious addition and would clearly be great for driving games.

Better haptics - Sony really lag behind on this but I think given the intervening years since the launch of the PS4/XB1 there must be some great options out there. I'd love to see a controller than can measure things like the players pulse or perspiration levels.

Better battery life - I know the common consensus is that the PS4 life is poor (though I don't play for long enough in a sitting for it to be an issue) so I'd like both they and MS to take a leaf out of Nintendo's book on battery life.

Touch screen instead of touchpad - Obviously a pipedream but I can see far more use for a screen on a controller than I can a touchpad. Let's face it, given the uptake of games that use the PS4 touchpad, developers clearly aren't bothered about it.

Better speaker/inbuilt microphone - I really like the speaker in the PS4 and think in the right circumstance it's a great addition. However I'd love to see a higher quality one incorporated with an inbuilt microphone so that anyone can easily go online on day one without having to plug or sync anything else in.

Better stick wear - This may just be a PS4 issue but the rubber comes off too easily for my liking and I'm not even a hardcore gamer.

Replaceable sticks - I think that MS are really onto something with this. The ability to swap the sticks out to better suit a particular game is a great one, even if the extra ones end up being accessories you have to pay for separately.

Lights on the front - The problem with the PS4 controller is that the lights can be used well in a game but you can never see them. I'd love to see one on the front (or even a screen that changed colour) that games could use. Imagine a racing game where instead of having to check your mirrors a little, clear red light comes on in the corner of the screen that goes from green to red the closer a car gets to you. Or the same in an FPS where you activate some sort of sonar equivalent and it gives you a rough idea where enemies are based on colour and light direction. Then obviously there's stuff like in GTA where it would flash red and blue when you're wanted by the police.

Share button as standard across ALL consoles - Obvious one really.