
Jan 26, 2021
They were more alive back in the the late 90s/early 2000s.



Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
This form of entertainment seems heavily tied to toxic masculinity and society at large in the first world has moved away from that energy


Oct 25, 2017
WCW went bankrupt
WWE stopped having serious competition
Vince McMahon became the character he played on tv (or worse than, even)

Personally nothing beats nwo era wcw. I have been watching it on peacock from their formation and about a year in so far
Oct 26, 2017
The business changed, and so did people, so did American culture. That kind of wrestling boom might not happen again in our lifetimes.

Ashes of Dreams

Fallen Guardian of Unshakable Resolve
May 22, 2020
A lot of people grew out of it and it didn't take with as many younger people that would need to replace them. It's entire aesthetic and vibe is heavily rooted in the 90s and early 2000s, I feel. But it's not like it's dead or anything. It's just not a massive phenomenon. A lot of places in America have local wrestling scenes, from what I understand.


Apr 24, 2018
It's a change of the times. Same thing with concerts. People would rather just whip out their phones and record or be on their phones instead of being in the moment.

Derbel McDillet

â–˛ Legend â–˛
Nov 23, 2022
Crowds tend to be louder on more special appearances, occasions or for hometown favorites. Fewer and further between, but it's not hard to find a modern example of a loud crowd.


Oct 26, 2017
When WCW went out if business, around 3 million people stopped watching. No joke. There is historical proof and lots of data.

And with WWE as the only mainstream US player in the game, their quality went down, their biggest stars left, and people stopped watching. Now its getting on average 2 million per week instead of the 6+ it was getting previously.


Oct 25, 2017
This form of entertainment seems heavily tied to toxic masculinity and society at large in the first world has moved away from that energy
plenty of lively crowds in mma and boxing. from what i've listened to people in the audience for wrestling these days pretty much get bored since there is very little wrestling and a whole bunch of down time. since wwe is pretty much only catering shows for tv they don't really care about the audience attending as much as they did in the past.


Oct 30, 2017
The WWE product has just been absolute garbage for the past decade or so, at least.

Just the same matches between the same people ad nauseum without ever giving anybody a reason to care. In cases where the audience did latch onto someone who was actually charismatic or put in the effort to stand out, their toxic management either fucked them over because they weren't something "they created", or took a more hands-on approach with them and killed the potentially-golden goose.

They've driven out anybody who wanted to see something good and now it's mostly people going out of a sense of nostalgia or obligation. Everybody knows you're not actually going to see anything noteworthy when you go to a show, because they've abandoned any kind of actual storytelling.


Oct 25, 2017
When WCW went out if business, around 3 million people stopped watching. No joke. There is historical proof and lots of data.

And with WWE as the only mainstream US player in the game, their quality went down, their biggest stars left, and people stopped watching. Now its getting on average 2 million per week instead of the 6+ it was getting previously.

it's crazy to think that for a while there 10 million people were simultaneously watching wrestling on Monday nights

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
People show up and get louder for a better product. Wrestling was at its peak back then.


Nov 11, 2017
I think the atmosphere was destroyed by a couple things.

People understand how the camera works, so most people only make signs if they'll be seen so wide shots look dead. Also for better or for worse, signs get confiscated if its not something they want shown.

No more flash photography really killed big moments because you used to be able to physically tell when people thought something cool was happening.

The camera work and presentation is much different. Wwe's camera work is Taken 3 levels of hectic and the environment is as sterile as a surgeons table. So it comes across less than before.

The shows are also just longer with less wrestling. And most of the time there's a pre show. So 10:30 RAW might already be 3.5 hours deep into sitting. It's hard to maintain hype the way they book their shows.


Oct 25, 2017
The wrestlers of today aren't as popular as the ones in the 1990s

Storylines were more intense and entertaining - characters were bigger than life types like undertaker, stone cold, the rock, hulk hogan, sting, Goldberg, etc

You don't have anyone remotely comparable now a days

It's kinda like video games are now - the current wrestlers are the result of being fans growing up watching the legends of the 1990s and before.

They replicate past successes like how bullet club is like a spiritual successor to nwo but are not as peak popular as it was.

Competition was fierce between wwf and wcw but now wwe is in a league of its own with all the sponsorships, etc and aew is nowhere close to it in comparison.

It's just a different era now

Jamie OD

Oct 27, 2017
When WCW went out if business, around 3 million people stopped watching. No joke. There is historical proof and lots of data.

And with WWE as the only mainstream US player in the game, their quality went down, their biggest stars left, and people stopped watching. Now its getting on average 2 million per week instead of the 6+ it was getting previously.

So many former WCW fans became MMA fans when the UFC started catching on with The Ultimate Fighter. I would listen to Sherdog Radio and every once in a while the host would drop a wrestling reference. When he did that it was guaranteed the callers for the rest of the episode would get nostalgic and bring up that they used to watch Nitro but stopped entirely when WCW died. Happened every time he did it.

Jubilant Duck

Oct 21, 2022
I think the rise of MMA took at least some of wrestling's numbers. It's not the same thing but there is somewhat of an overlap of seeing athletic people hurt themselves for your entertainment.

Also a large segment of the populace still didn't know it's was choreography - kayfabe was still there.

With that gone, the remaining crowd is one that appreciates the technical artistry behind the illusion which is by nature smaller.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
I miss the visual of the sea of sign and maybe older but the flashbulbs going off in the crowd. Im sure that was actually annoying as shit if you were in the crowd trying to watch but it looks amazing on TV.


Oct 30, 2017
I miss the visual of the sea of sign and maybe older but the flashbulbs going off in the crowd. Im sure that was actually annoying as shit if you were in the crowd trying to watch but it looks amazing on TV.

was going to say, how did anyone in those crowds actually watch the wrestling.

and yeah not to sound like a boomer but it's definitely phones. this is what sports crowds look like now:



Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, SC
When WCW went out if business, around 3 million people stopped watching. No joke. There is historical proof and lots of data.

And with WWE as the only mainstream US player in the game, their quality went down, their biggest stars left, and people stopped watching. Now its getting on average 2 million per week instead of the 6+ it was getting previously.

Yep. I was one of them. I ate and fucking slept wrestling back then. WCW died and that part of me went with it because WWE just seemed like they were trying to be edgy for the sake of being edgy back then for me.