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Oct 25, 2017
Gained : respect and love for glorious Nippon. I would like to move there someday and work in videogames.

Lost: respect for western games. They're not creative and their gameplay sucks. All they care about is presentation. Thank god for Glorious Nipponese games.
Dec 14, 2017
I sometimes wonder whether handheld and mobile gaming is to blame for my reading so few books in my 20s. I'm glad I read more these days.
Handhelds are indeed a powerful replacement for a lot of things you'd normally do. I currently have a long commute and instead of bringing my Switch I've been reading more frequently, have gone through several book already. But now that I think about it, I never had a huge portion of my life where I didn't read semi-frequently.

Jonathan Lanza

"I've made a Gigantic mistake"
Feb 8, 2019
- Friends
- A career
- Memories that'll last a lifetime

- The ability to focus on important things that actually matter that do not concern friends, family and my career
- Literally everything else that could possible be deemed useful


Mar 13, 2018
Friends, fun, and skills. I've learned more English from games than in I did in six years of high school. I wrote for several magazines about games for about ten years, which was an awesome hobby during university. Then I got a PhD in video games (that had hardly anything to do with my current job). Now games just give me entertainment and relaxation.


Dec 10, 2017
Lost years of my life I could have instead used to pursue more important endeavors. Literally nothing good has come from gaming for me.