Pick all that should count:

  • Ports

    Votes: 210 16.5%
  • Expansions / Major DLC

    Votes: 559 43.9%
  • Remakes (significant graphical and gameplay updates)

    Votes: 1,077 84.5%
  • Remasters (up-res)

    Votes: 173 13.6%
  • Early Access

    Votes: 331 26.0%
  • Unfinished Episodic Series

    Votes: 348 27.3%
  • None of the above

    Votes: 146 11.5%

  • Total voters


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 26, 2017
Something I have been thinking about as GOTY season approaches is how the games that are actually eligible just gets muddier and muddier.

I actually lean towards only allowing expansions. I think overall we should only reward wholly new art that is as close to as finished as we can get in the modern games industry the right to be considered in Game of the Year discussions. But I wanted to see what others thought!

I hope I included almost every edge case possible in the poll. Pick as many as you like!

And try not to come in here saying year end awards are pointless if possible.
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Oct 25, 2017
Any game I play during the year, regardless of release date, is eligible in my own personal selections. RCT2 is constantly near the top of my lists.


Oct 25, 2017
I think overall we should only reward wholly new art that is as close to as finished as we can get in the modern games industry the honor of being considered in Game of the Year discussions.

This is placing laughably more importance on any game of the year "award" than is warranted. They are subjective glorified popularity contests usually awarded by organisations and entities are in compromised at best, incestuous at worst relationships with the awardees.


Oct 27, 2017
A remaster, re-release or any content which requires a base game (i-e not stand-alone) is not eligible to be GoTY, IMO.


Oct 25, 2017
Significant expansions and full on remakes count, although "significant expansions" is on a case-by-case. Unfinished episodic games and Early Access count the year they are finished. Remasters and ports are not new games.


Dec 12, 2018
For me, my GOTY is whatever game or DLC I most enjoyed playing that released in the year. There's no rules or "eligibility" for what can or cannot be my favourite game of the year. If it's some remaster of an old game then so be it, sounds like it was a shit year.
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Ghostwire: BooShock
Nov 6, 2017
Unequivocally, from that list: remakes

the others I can see arguments for either case


Oct 30, 2017
I agree with the Era GOTY rules which I believe is a majority of those. This shit ain't complicated and no reason to make it that.


One Winged Slayer - Formerly Undead Fantasy
Oct 25, 2017
Only remakes from that list.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 26, 2017
Bonus question: What is Persona 5: The Royal?
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Oct 25, 2017
Whatever the best game I played that year that released that year. It doesn't matter what kind of game it is.
Great write-up from former Voting Thread runner


No Fear, Only Math
Oct 25, 2017
back when i ran the voting threads, one of the biggest concerns was console warring. this was partially because i would keep the vote tally updated (and anyone can really check in and do that if they wanted to), but as the threads grew and grew, it was less of a concern. it was also very north american-centric, and while japanese releases were fine to vote on, europeans would sometimes be left out.

additionally, games back in 2004-2008 were mostly released once and that was it. re-releases were compilations or a rare port from something that was a few years old, but games were mostly played on their initial release by people born in the late 70s and through the 80s, and it was a shared experience among a generation.

today? today there are way more options, and more people playing. form factor is a consideration too. i wouldn't play the witcher 3 on my ps4, but i might play it on nintendo switch. if i play it on nintendo switch, it's because i can play it on the go, which offers a fundamentally different experience than on my couch at home. there's also a difference in the game's performance and content that i am not getting if i were to compare it against the 2015 release. the same is true for really any other kind of port. if golf story was ported to ps4 next year, then that person playing it for the first time, because they prefer the experience ps4 offers (trophies, share button), should not have their experience discounted. this extends to other ports. people might be enjoying certain super nintendo games for the first time because they own a switch, and the streaming service through nso, and the online multiplayer it offers is a different experience than needing a super nintendo, a television, and two controllers. or someone might have enjoyed the xbox 1 release of final fantasy ix because they were too young to experience the game in 2000, or they might not have even been born yet - but in 2019, it's a new experience on a modern platform.

so i say everything should be counted. was it released in a calendar year on a video game platform or service? then count it. everything else is just gatekeeping. it won't have a major effect on the overall standings, and it might be interesting to see what pops up when everything is allowed.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
How many votes there are for Expansions and Early access games blows my mind. Why not have a category for best dlc and why not wait till the game releases. I only voted full remakes.


Nov 8, 2019
Full blown remakes? Absolutely yes.
Expansions are fair game too. Especially something like say "Torna the Golden Country"

data west

Oct 25, 2017
I think the amount of effort plays a role in it.

Like the amount of work that went into WoW classic and P99 Green should absolutely qualify it.


Oct 27, 2017
Any content released from Jan 1 - Dec 31 is eligible IMO. That's how I'll vote. If something doesn't get counted, so be it, but at least I stood behind my choices.


Oct 25, 2017
Only remakes.

Maybe big expansions but I haven't seen a case where an expansion could be good enough to be considered a GOTY contender (compared to the rest of the GOTY contenders).

Can't see why old or unfinished/incomplete games should qualify.


Nov 6, 2019
That's the one category I'm unsure of.

I think that REmake 2 is definitely a new game. It has the original as a base but it changes the whole way you play the game. And I didn't even liked the game, but it's a whole new experience

The Link's Awakening remake that is just a new visual and same easy of use changes I'm more unsure...


One Winged Slayer
Nov 2, 2017
back when i ran the voting threads, one of the biggest concerns was console warring. this was partially because i would keep the vote tally updated (and anyone can really check in and do that if they wanted to), but as the threads grew and grew, it was less of a concern. it was also very north american-centric, and while japanese releases were fine to vote on, europeans would sometimes be left out.

additionally, games back in 2004-2008 were mostly released once and that was it. re-releases were compilations or a rare port from something that was a few years old, but games were mostly played on their initial release by people born in the late 70s and through the 80s, and it was a shared experience among a generation.

today? today there are way more options, and more people playing. form factor is a consideration too. i wouldn't play the witcher 3 on my ps4, but i might play it on nintendo switch. if i play it on nintendo switch, it's because i can play it on the go, which offers a fundamentally different experience than on my couch at home. there's also a difference in the game's performance and content that i am not getting if i were to compare it against the 2015 release. the same is true for really any other kind of port. if golf story was ported to ps4 next year, then that person playing it for the first time, because they prefer the experience ps4 offers (trophies, share button), should not have their experience discounted. this extends to other ports. people might be enjoying certain super nintendo games for the first time because they own a switch, and the streaming service through nso, and the online multiplayer it offers is a different experience than needing a super nintendo, a television, and two controllers. or someone might have enjoyed the xbox 1 release of final fantasy ix because they were too young to experience the game in 2000, or they might not have even been born yet - but in 2019, it's a new experience on a modern platform.

so i say everything should be counted. was it released in a calendar year on a video game platform or service? then count it. everything else is just gatekeeping. it won't have a major effect on the overall standings, and it might be interesting to see what pops up when everything is allowed.

This is my stance too. The number of people who vote for a port to win GotY is going to be small enough that trying to create rules to cover every possible situation is completely pointless.

And if a port does win... well, that says something interesting about the quality of games that year on its own, doesn't it?


Oct 25, 2017
Just remakes.

Remasters are not new games, unlike actual remakes.
Nor are ports.
Unfinished episodic games are unfinished games and could end awful, or never be finished.
Same for early access titles.

Best DLC should be its own award. Not count as a game.


Oct 25, 2017
I think all of them are eligible, although I'd find it a bit odd if someone granted GOTY to an unfinished episodic series, because you never know how it might end.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Remakes and big expansions a la The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine which had more than enough content to be a complete AAA game on its own.

These two for me as well.
Shadowbringers FFXIV is certainly my GotY2019, and it's technically an expansion building off of everything that came before it.

Rogue Agent

Oct 25, 2017
back when i ran the voting threads, one of the biggest concerns was console warring. this was partially because i would keep the vote tally updated (and anyone can really check in and do that if they wanted to), but as the threads grew and grew, it was less of a concern. it was also very north american-centric, and while japanese releases were fine to vote on, europeans would sometimes be left out.

additionally, games back in 2004-2008 were mostly released once and that was it. re-releases were compilations or a rare port from something that was a few years old, but games were mostly played on their initial release by people born in the late 70s and through the 80s, and it was a shared experience among a generation.

today? today there are way more options, and more people playing. form factor is a consideration too. i wouldn't play the witcher 3 on my ps4, but i might play it on nintendo switch. if i play it on nintendo switch, it's because i can play it on the go, which offers a fundamentally different experience than on my couch at home. there's also a difference in the game's performance and content that i am not getting if i were to compare it against the 2015 release. the same is true for really any other kind of port. if golf story was ported to ps4 next year, then that person playing it for the first time, because they prefer the experience ps4 offers (trophies, share button), should not have their experience discounted. this extends to other ports. people might be enjoying certain super nintendo games for the first time because they own a switch, and the streaming service through nso, and the online multiplayer it offers is a different experience than needing a super nintendo, a television, and two controllers. or someone might have enjoyed the xbox 1 release of final fantasy ix because they were too young to experience the game in 2000, or they might not have even been born yet - but in 2019, it's a new experience on a modern platform.

so i say everything should be counted. was it released in a calendar year on a video game platform or service? then count it. everything else is just gatekeeping. it won't have a major effect on the overall standings, and it might be interesting to see what pops up when everything is allowed.
I agree with this. It just makes things more inclusive.
Jan 2, 2018
So, to all the people who don't count ports: Trials of Mana released this year for the first time in the west. Moon will release next year for the first time in the west. Strictly speaking both of those games are "just" ports. Do you count those?


Oct 29, 2017
Any game or expansion that came out that year. My GOTY is easily MH Iceborne and close 2nd would be RE2make.
Oct 25, 2017
All of the above. Was it video game content (whether a standalone game or expansion) released in that year? It's eligible.


Oct 25, 2017
It really shouldn't matter. Personally I exclude early access and unfinished episodic content. I don't buy those games until it's all released anyway tho.
Oct 25, 2017
Ports and remasters are the only things I would exclude. If it's the same game, but just on a new platform or with a new coat of paint, it doesn't count.

It probably doesn't hurt to count them for what it's worth. They are exceptionally unlikely to actually win anything.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Anything released in the year is fine in my book.

You wanna put Trials of Mana (Seiken Densetsu 3) as your GOTY because it never came out in the west until this year? By all means


Oct 27, 2017
Out of those, I allow only remakes but even then on a case-by-case basis. There's a lot of remakes I wouldn't consider.

DLC/expansions are something I'm very on-the-fence about. I don't count them right now, but I feel like I should, because otherwise that's a lot of creative work that goes to waste. Iceborne and Blood & Wine come to mind, for example.

All of this is for my personal selections, mind.


Nov 4, 2017
New games first released in said year, and remakes. Nothing more or less. Keep it simple!