
Oct 25, 2017
I made the switch to diet drinks a while back and love it now. Diet Dr Pepper is amazing. Occasionally I'll still have a regular Coke, especially in mixed drinks.


Oct 27, 2017
Southern California
Still better for you than regular soda

That's not entirely true either. I'd say drinking 2 diet sodas a day is probably better than drinking two sugary sodas a day but drinking two diet sodas a day is worse than drinking one sugary soda a week. Added sugar is bad but artificial sweeteners fuck you up too, just in a different way. Ideally, you'd steer clear of both.
Nov 1, 2017
That's not entirely true either. I'd say drinking 2 diet sodas a day is probably better than drinking two sugary sodas a day but drinking two diet sodas a day is worse than drinking one sugary soda a week. Added sugar is bad but artificial sweeteners fuck you up too, just in a different way. Ideally, you'd steer clear of both.

I mean, there's just as many, if not more, studies that indicate there are no long term side effects of artificial sweeteners as there are studies that indicate otherwise. The general scientific consensus seems to be that they're PROBABLY fine. I'd be more worried about the sodium/caffeine you're still getting in diet soda.

Treasure Silvergun

Self-requested ban
Dec 4, 2017
They do to me. If i' want to drink a soft drink, then health concern is not on my list of priorities anyway. So diet soda drinks are a complete waste.
My logic has always been that if you want to eat healthy, eat healthy. If you want something that is sweet and sugary and bad for you, don't adulterate it by getting the version that uses inferior ingredients.

The real question is, "what is the point of soft drinks?".
And the answer is so embarrassing for humanity, we have to resort to sugar VS diet feuds to not admit that every soft drink is just sweetened shit we drink because our tastebuds like it more than plain water and our brain may get a sugar rush out of it.

And yeah, diet versions can taste better if you stay away from the sugar version for a while. I, too, deluded myself that Coke Zero tasted exactly like the real thing. Then I went back to the real thing, tried Zero again after a while, and it's a big fat nope from me, pal. Zero tastes much, much worse in a A/B comparison 100% of the time. The taste it leaves on the back of your tongue is horrendous, too.


Oct 25, 2017
The only diet sodas I've liked were Pepsi One, Pepsi Next, and Dr Pepper Ten. I have no idea why but they all tasted noticeably better than their diet variants. I know the Ten line got a bad rep because their sexist marketing of "manly men don't drink DIET soda!" was really bad but when those were around I drank them and I tried to switch to diet when they were discontinued and just can't. I just try to drink as little soda as possible now.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't drink pop (soda, whatever) anymore, but when I did, I would drink it for the taste. No other reason. I loved the taste of Coke.

Artificial sweeteners taste like chemical shit to me, absolutely disgusting. I personally don't understand why anyone drinks them. When I'm thirsty and I'm not drinking alcohol, I'm always just going to drink water.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Weren't most sodas created to be dessert items, then they started marketing them as beverages during meals and such later on? For some reason I seem to remember that but I could be entirely wrong lol

Bob Beat

Oct 25, 2017
That's not entirely true either. I'd say drinking 2 diet sodas a day is probably better than drinking two sugary sodas a day but drinking two diet sodas a day is worse than drinking one sugary soda a week. Added sugar is bad but artificial sweeteners fuck you up too, just in a different way. Ideally, you'd steer clear of both.
I think this is key. You have to get off that shit. I drink water and maybe a soda or two a month. I only drink it if I have no option. No sweet tea? No water? Sure, I'll go with soda. I think you have to get away from it and just drink water. You won't miss it.

I used to drink it always, then switched to diet when I decided to cut back. But eventually, I got off of it.

#team water

Yeah, this thread didn't age well. I'm not a fan of the conspiracy theories but I will say I don't trust profit driven companies.
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