What is your go-to search engine?

  • Google

    Votes: 352 62.7%
  • Bing

    Votes: 68 12.1%
  • Yahoo

    Votes: 1 0.2%
  • DuckDuckGo

    Votes: 107 19.1%
  • Yandex

    Votes: 5 0.9%
  • Brave Search

    Votes: 4 0.7%
  • Other (specify in comments)

    Votes: 24 4.3%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
Title and poll explains it all. Lets find out which are most popular go-to search engines, and why. Question and inspiration of turning it into a poll came from talk, and own experience with Google's sliding performance as a search engine.

If you vote you don't need to shower this weekend. If you know then you know.


Oct 27, 2017
Bing, specifically because Microsoft pays people to use it. I would be using DuckDuckGo otherwise.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't partcularly use one after using the Internet for over 20 years I guess. I either know the sites or use Open AI for searching for answers to anything coding wise. Maybe Google a handful of times a year. Only as it's the default and don't really think about it.


Oct 29, 2017
been paying for kagi for two years now.

Google has been shit ever after Page took over as CEO.


Oct 30, 2017
DuckDuckGo unless I can't find whatever I'm looking for on the first two pages and then I'll use startpage for the Google answers. That's barely ever the case though DDG works for me about 99% of the time

Even if I didn't care about Google being Google I'd use DDG as my default just to take advantage of their "!bang" search feature


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
google, but honestly I've been thinking of switching recently.


Self-Requested Ban
Sep 5, 2021
no matter what people said but google and google + reddit at the end of sentence is still most powerful search engine

bing with chatgeppetto still not accurate yet

what's wrong with google is it's youtube search function its so fucked up


Oct 27, 2017
Google has been giving me Captchas every time on my Apple devices, since the beginning of this year - so that pushed me to switch.
And frankly, Google results are awful these days anyway. Not worth the effort.

Bing seems fine so far as an alternative these days.
I've also found its AI Copilot to be very useful at finding obscure links/information sources based on a description.
I'd never trust any of the data it presents to you though - it is frequently wrong (and confidently so), even managing to contradict the sources it cites at times.


Nov 18, 2017
Google. Habit.

But using it less and less and using ChatGPT more because even the risk of AI hallucinating is better than me having to trawl through the utter garbage Google shows me first.


Oct 25, 2017
google search + reddit, I pretty much only use it to find answers to questions or recommendations.

The days of finding 'websites' through a search engine are long gone.

Tony B

Dec 29, 2018
Google, and purely force of habit, before that it was AltaVista (to give an idea on timeframes with which I switch search engines). I've yet to find a scenario where I've *had* to change search engine to get the results I need in recent years, and until that happens, I suspect I'll carry on using Google until an exponentially better alternative supplants it.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 28, 2017
Muscle memory sends me to google, but i've been trying to use duckduckgo more.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
Just this last week I switched Firefox's default search from Google to Bing to test, since I've been increasingly frustrated by Google.

Literally the worst thing about Bing so far is that it automatically puts you back at the top of the page if you leave the tab and return to it. So open the 12th result in a new tab, close it and go back to Bing, it puts you back at the top of the page for some stupid reason so you have to scroll back down to find where you were.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Google with each search starting with "reddit" because Google Search is absolute garbage now.

I honestly don't even search for things anymore and actually browse through the results clicking on websites that I'm unfamiliar with. If I need an answer to something, the search is always prefaced with "reddit" so I can get all the reddit links.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I was using ecosia for awhile since the ads support conservation efforts but I wasn't particularly happy with the results or the ads so I'm trying out kagi, a paid search engine. So far I'm liking it, though I'm not sure most would feel like it justified the $5-$10 a month


Dec 26, 2017
I was using ecosia for awhile since the ads support conservation efforts but I wasn't particularly happy with the results or the ads so I'm trying out kagi, a paid search engine. So far I'm liking it, though I'm not sure most would feel like it justified the $5-$10 a month

This is what I did as well. Been paying for Kagi for close to a year. I preferred it over Ecosia, because Bing doesn't let Ecosia use all of the features of Bing, like inline results, quick answers, etc. Or at least that's what they said before I made the switch. And while I certainly appreciate the conservation efforts, I realized that I personally didn't want to support the ad industry, and I could find other ways to support conservation.

Having the option to block domains from results, or prioritize some domains is nice. The instant I see one of those AI / SEO farm sites, it gets an immediate block. I have Wikipedia results pinned, and Reddit as a raised result (so you don't have to do the " + Reddit" some people do with other search engines). Plus, the results just feel so much cleaner most of the time, as there's no ads or promoted results anywhere, so I never have the feeling that I'm being pushed a result for a financial gain. The one downside of Kagi for me is that their own indexer prioritizes smaller sites, blogs, substacks, etc. And I've noticed a number of those results are more likely to be a bit conspiratorial? But, regardless, I just block that domain and move on. And I do appreciate it can surface those smaller sites sometimes, instead of always forcing me into a corporate controlled platform every time.

Shiz Padoo

Oct 13, 2018
Recently switched from Google to Bing. Rewards and the resuults don't seem as bad as they used to be.


Oct 29, 2017
I feel like my number of internet searches has been declining and the number of times I bother to try an LLM for something is increasing to the point it's converging.

Asking a Google speaker what the weather is like every morning is probably a large majority of my internet searches.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Google but honestly my standards are pretty low. If I get a wikipedia page or reddit post within a few results I'm good.

The days of actually looking for other specific websites is over.


Sep 13, 2019
Ecosia, and it's actually better these days than Google.

Not including it in the poll is a crime.
Oct 31, 2017
Duckduckgo. I'd been meaning to switch to it properly for a while, but the general enshittification of Google search results has pushed me over to make it my default.


Dec 17, 2017

No search engine feels particularly good to use these days anyways as the entire internet has seemingly gone to shit - and at an increasing rate with auto-generated chatGPT websites. But at least DDG gives you web-results, instead of the google, which is just mostly ads.

Bing used to be fine as well, but I don't like that it uses generative AI these days.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
Still using Google out of pure routine and habit. Should probably change that. I'll go with Duck for the time being.