
Alt Account
Oct 27, 2017
That's a component of white feminism.

Here is a bulleted list of some of their actions

  • Ignoring other marginalized groups struggles (until it backfires and you issue an apology)
  • Using people of color as props for your argument
  • Claiming unfounded sexism towards a white woman to mask your intention of objectifying the aforementioned woman (but it is okay because you are doing it!)
  • Silently accepting racists in your camp

Are you trying to argue the merits of white feminism? If so, you should look up the phrase.
I agree with the last one, that's what some white feminists do but the others don't tell me they are feminists, they just want an excuse to hate on John. It doesn't make sense for a feminist to like Reylo lol.

Darryl M R

The Spectacular PlayStation-Man
Oct 25, 2017
I agree with the last one, that's what some white feminists do but the others don't tell me they are feminists, they just want an excuse to hate on John. It doesn't make sense for a feminist to like Reylo lol.
I think we are on the same page. The only difference (if there is one) is that I would argue the bullets I listed cannot be separated when describing this shipping group and their actions. So they are perverting feminism and language to call out sexism to promote their toxic fandom


Dec 18, 2017
The romance in the movies is some of the worst content in the films. Finn doesn't deserve anything and neither does kylo (and that kiss was ridiculous). Those scenes in the last movie are some of the most eyeroll.

Instead of reducing Rey to "desirable object" status they should have let her go self empowered (and enlightened) and "don't need no man" territory.

Or maybe they could have written all the characters and stories better. I dunno.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Nov 17, 2017
Wow I really don't think I've become so soured on a ship like Reylo before. Like I've tolerated lots of ships, but I'm just flat out astounded by lots of Reylo shippers. Especially with that tweet post.


Oct 25, 2017
I understand going through puberty crushing hard on celebrities.

I don't understand wanting fictional characters not written to be together, to be together like some weird virtual doll play.
It varies, but one thing to keep in mind is that the audience/shippers will often project themselves on one of the characters.
Dec 12, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
I understand going through puberty crushing hard on celebrities.

I don't understand wanting fictional characters not written to be together, to be together like some weird virtual doll play.
Unless you are gonna parlay that into fanfic and parlay that into millions like E.L. James did.

Which is also weird, especially considering how many shippers are adults.
Taking it to the extreme like people do in the anime community is weird but people have been trying to get characters they like to form a relationship since forever


May 26, 2018
You really can't just #NotAllReylos this situation into existence. I've been in this fandom since TFA and I've seen them be actively racist towards people who love Finn/John Boyega. This recent shit is nothing compared to the past five years of repeatedly having to watch reylos shippers talking about how they wished Poe would die, having popular reylos on twitter talking about how they hate men of color, saying that John Boyega and Oscar Isaac are queerbaiting with finnpoe, and other just gross awful shit. Now that TROS came out and it isn't what they want it to be, and John Boyega is rightfully putting them in their place for the BS he's had to deal with for these past 5 years now it's the time to let everybody know that reylos are totally not complicit in this shit?

Like no lie there is definitely a subset of the fandom that are just alt right trolls but you can't just sweep the racism Reylos have typically portrayed in fandom spaces under the rug because of it. We not doing that. I mean back when i ran a tumblr account I recalled multiple people being harassed and being sent shit like this in their inboxes by reylo fans and mind you this was literally 5 YEARS ago




I'm glad that you understand that they need to be called out, but it's not even remotely true that right now since the PR has started for this movie Reylos have made John Boyega enemy number one for no discernible reason when his castmates have literally said several of the same things he's said. It's garbage as hell how they're trying to twist themselves to come out like victims in this situation and I'm glad the spotlight is on them so people can really see how toxic, nasty, and racist some of them can be.

I don't follow any asshole shippers, but I follow some nice ones who regularly call out that bullshit. And I've seen many of them who loved the character of Finn and supported John, and who had zero involvement in any of this, but are now receiving death threats and getting their personal lives invaded. All I do is lurk on Twitter, and it's alarming the level of violence that they're being threatened with.

Look, it's absolute bullshit what John put up with, and I feel for him getting fed up with all of it. But this situation arose from that first Instagram comment — and it's not "laying the pipe" that was the problem, but rather, the idea that whoever had sex with Rey was the one who "won". As a woman myself, I found that comment kind of gross. People (not just Reylos) took issue with it and responded to him about it, and John took it to be a whole shipping thing and posted stuff about it on Twitter, and then it blew up from there and became an absolute shitstorm because he's got a large following.

As a result, all the racism and insane discourse in the fandom over the past few years are being pinned on a group of fans, made up of primarily women, and most of whom weren't involved whatsoever. I've never seen this level of vitriol directed at the Fandom Menace (you know, the dudebros whose entire identities have revolved around parroting racist and sexist shit about SW for the past several years, and gave Kelly all kinds of shit, and were probably the kinds of people who balked at John's casting). So what gives?

And now I'm seeing a lot of those women, who are already feeling unwelcome in what is a male-dominated fandom, wanting to leave and disengage and being chased out. It's disheartening.

Again, I'm not saying John doesn't have a right to be pissed off when people @ him with shitty comments, but I wish people would be more aware of the context and realize that there's a level inaccuracy in saying that shippers are to blame for all the insanity and racism and overall shit going on in the fandom (not just towards John, but also Kelly, Daisy, etc.), when the vast majority of them haven't participated in that nonsense (and in fact call out fellow shippers who are being assholes), and when you consider that there are groups like the Fandom Menace fully taking advantage of this whole situation for themselves, and who are far more guilty of spreading racist, hateful words, and yet aren't being targeted to nearly the same extent.

Darryl M R

The Spectacular PlayStation-Man
Oct 25, 2017
As a result, all the racism and insane discourse in the fandom over the past few years are being pinned on a group of fans, made up of primarily women, and most of whom weren't involved whatsoever. I've never seen this level of vitriol directed at the Fandom Menace (you know, the dudebros whose entire identities have revolved around parroting racist and sexist shit about SW for the past several years, and gave Kelly all kinds of shit, and were probably the kinds of people who balked at John's casting). So what gives?
If you lurk a lot on Twitter then you would know that one response to your "So what gives?" question is that John is being supported by large groups of black people, and others, who are calling out the racism that this shipping group does not vehemently reject.

This shipping group even had someone who pretended to be black to criticize John. You don't get to keep this type of company and not make strong statements rejecting it. And in mass people who appreciate intersectionality and aren't swayed by white women tears (there was a white girl who legit streamed herself crying for attention) are pointing out how this shipping group only cares about discussing sexism when it comes to John's mild joke and not all of the tweets and imagery treating Rey like an object and a womb for Kylo.

You bring up how this has been typically a male-dominated fandom, but it is also a white-dominated fandom.

I truly believe white women are shocked on Twitter that people outside of their fandom are not defending their womanhood and stances when they themselves use it as a weapon for toxicity. So it's pretty hard to think any cries of sexism are in good faith when your hashtag legit has fanfics of Rey just being a resting place for Kylo. C'mon.
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Oct 25, 2017
Does the Reylo fandom also call out the ridiculous misogyny of the fans who are Stefan Molyneux tier obsessed with Rey womb?


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Look, it's absolute bullshit what John put up with, and I feel for him getting fed up with all of it. But this situation arose from that first Instagram comment — and it's not "laying the pipe" that was the problem, but rather, the idea that whoever had sex with Rey was the one who "won". As a woman myself, I found that comment kind of gross. People (not just Reylos) took issue with it and responded to him about it, and John took it to be a whole shipping thing and posted stuff about it on Twitter, and then it blew up from there and became an absolute shitstorm because he's got a large following.

Except shipping is let's be honest inherently a sex contest.

His joke was in the context of his "ship" having a better chance of winning than Kylo's because you know what happened to Kylo.

You can't divorce this from the context of it's about fucking shipping which is 99% about sex.


Oct 28, 2017
Just read the nerdist article. So apparently the brightest part of the fandom are individuals who fantasise that their hero saves and yes, fucks the world war 2 nazi allegory/mass murderer.

Actually, given that she's a palps, that makes sense.

Can we just pretend that this trilogy doesn't exist anymore please?


Nov 2, 2017
Lol shipping is pretty much all about who bangs who. If it wasn't I wouldn't see so many omegaverse fics when I browse ao3


Oct 31, 2017
Unless you are gonna parlay that into fanfic and parlay that into millions like E.L. James did.

Which is also weird, especially considering how many shippers are adults.
You clearly don't watch or are aware of many RomComs, one women many potential male suitors stories have been happening for centuries and opposite also is very popular. Shipping is a natural and intended outcome of such stories. It's how they get the target market engaged.

Deleted member 60096

User requested account closure
Sep 20, 2019
From a glance through this thread all I'm gonna say is that some of you people need to chill when someone takes issue with his objectification of Rey. It doesn't inherently mean they now hate him, or want to bury him. I can say that he was being a bit sexist when he said it and shouldn't have said it the way he did and still not think he deserved the level of vitriol he received.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
From a glance through this thread all I'm gonna say is that some of you people need to chill when someone takes issue with his objectification of Rey. It doesn't inherently mean they now hate him, or want to bury him. I can say that he was being a bit sexist when he said it and shouldn't have said it the way he did and still not think he deserved the level of vitriol he received.
It's really not sexist. He was (jokingly) responding to people angry about the fact that Kylo and Rey don't end up banging. Why is it sexist for him to jokingly suggest that his character could have sex with Rey, when the entire premise of this comment even being made is shippers being mad that their character died and thus could never bang Rey?

This entire "his comments about fictional characters having sex were sexist" falls apart when you realize that basically all shipping is about imagining and writing fanfic about fictional characters having sex. If you think what he said was sexist, you must think all shipping was which case you'd be better served being irritated about the actual shippers and not the actor in the films joking about shipping after being harassed by shippers.

Deleted member 60096

User requested account closure
Sep 20, 2019
It's really not sexist. He was (jokingly) responding to people angry about the fact that Kylo and Rey don't end up banging. Why is it sexist for him to jokingly suggest that his character could have sex with Rey, when the entire premise of this comment even being made is shippers being mad that their character died and thus could never bang Rey?

This entire "his comments about fictional characters having sex were sexist" falls apart when you realize that basically all shipping is about imagining and writing fanfic about fictional characters having sex. If you think what he said was sexist, you must think all shipping was which case you'd be better served being irritated about the actual shippers and not the actor in the films joking about shipping after being harassed by shippers.
Its not so much the part about them having sex, its the part where he's framing thing as the winner because he gets to have sex with Rey. Like its not some major offense or anything, as I see it, its more the kinda casual sexism that most of us probably commit at times without even realising it. Which is why I'm only bringing up here in a thread about this whole mess rather than tweeting him directly for example. Because its not that big of a deal but it still kinda iffy to me.

And while shipping itself isn't inherently sexist, the way its talked about often is, but shippers are also some of the most vicious people on the internet so nah I'm good without ever bringing it up with them directly. Don't want to get doxxed thank you very much

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Its not so much the part about them having sex, its the part where he's framing thing as the winner because he gets to have sex with Rey. Like its not some major offense or anything, as I see it, its more the kinda casual sexism that most of us probably commit at times without even realising it. Which is why I'm only bringing up here in a thread about this whole mess rather than tweeting him directly for example. Because its not that big of a deal but it still kinda iffy to me.

And while shipping itself isn't inherently sexist, the way its talked about often is, but shippers are also some of the most vicious people on the internet so nah I'm good without ever bringing it up with them directly. Don't want to get doxxed thank you very much
Winner in regards to beating the other shippers, not in regards to treating Rey like a trophy. Context is key, and you are ignoring it.
Oct 25, 2017
Toronto, ON
Re: winning - don't shippers themselves constantly argue and viciously bicker about which ship should "win"? Isn't the whole point of this sort of fandom is that it's often framed as a competition?


Oct 27, 2017
Shipping is about feelings in the same way gamergate is about the ethics of game journalism.
Oct 25, 2017
Shipping is largely about fucking and who gets to fuck who. Hand-wringing over somebody making a sarcastic reference to sex in response to a shipper is wild.


Oct 25, 2017
Shipping is so fucking unhealthy. Fans who are so invested in characters they have no control over need to get help.
Oct 25, 2017
Shipping is so fucking unhealthy. Fans who are so invested in characters they have no control over need to get help.
Eh, it's fine till it's not. it's fine until you start to get into shit like harassment of actors and directors and writers which, same issue as everything else some people don't know how to to fucking act

Deleted member 60096

User requested account closure
Sep 20, 2019
Winner in regards to beating the other shippers, not in regards to treating Rey like a trophy. Context is key, and you are ignoring it.
Neither the comment he was responding to, nor the post the comment was made on, were to do with shippers as far as I know? "My boy after realizing Kylo died so he can date Rey", aka the comment he replied to, doesn't reference shippers but the characters and already treats Rey like a trophy.

Edit: just checked and John Boyega himself responded to claims of sexism by pointing out it was in reference to the character rather than Daisy, which seems to make it pretty clear it had nothing to do with winning against other shippers
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Oct 25, 2017
With regards to shipping being about sex - well, basically yes, but just saying that is an incomplete picture.

The reason it's called shipping is because it's short for relationship. That means it's more about whether characters decide to be together, usually romantically, which yeah, it does usually involve sex, but you could in theory have an asexual shipping where no sex is involved at all. In this case, the reason Kylo Ren 'won' is because by being the one to kiss him, Rey kind of demonstrated that it's him she wants to be with vs Finn who she doesn't want to be with at all.

So, if you want to go full adult with this, then you could have Rey, in a fit where she longs for her long lost Kylo Ren, she decides to use Finn for sexual gratification and treats him as a friend with benefits but no interest in a relationship. In that situation, Finn would be laying the pipe like Kylo Ren never got to, but the Reylo shippers would still have 'won' since it's the Reylo relationship that's treated as desirous whereas Finn is just her boytoy.

Which is what I think people are getting upset about with regards to John Boyega's comment - he's basically reducing the dynamic of whoever is the one that gets to have sex with Rey. I could see why that might annoy people who are more about the characters and who wants to get with who and so forth. It's not that it's not a competition to get with Rey, it's that it's about the romance rather than the raw sex.

Disclaimer: There is precisely one series in which I care about the shipping of currently and it's probably not one you've even heard of, so these are just my outsider observations and comments of the nature of shipping and how Boyega's comments were recieved.

Deleted member 60295

User requested account closure
Sep 28, 2019
Just read the nerdist article. So apparently the brightest part of the fandom are individuals who fantasise that their hero saves and yes, fucks the world war 2 nazi allegory/mass murderer.

Actually, given that she's a palps, that makes sense.

Can we just pretend that this trilogy doesn't exist anymore please?

I already am, at this point. This is the real sequel trilogy:



Nov 2, 2017
I have a feeling Disney is going to avoid touching the sequel and post sequel era for a long time. Given the high republic rumors, and the clear dissatisfaction of several of the key sequel trilogy actors, my guess is that Disney is going to settle for prequel stories until they can find some way to salvage that period.


Oct 25, 2017
There are no good shippers. At best, they're delusional people who want to will their imagination into existence. At worst, they're actively hostile to the very actors and franchises they support.

Nobody but you cares about your imaginary pairings.