
Oct 27, 2017
Kickstarters - U Turn Orbit turntable
Patreons - Myke C Town, Dead End Hip Hop
Gogetfunding - for our member Talal

That's it, I think.


Oct 27, 2017
Beat Metal T-Shirt - Fan project for Backloggery. Really nice shirt, but I've still yet to wear it.
Double Fine Adventure - I paid to have my name in the credits of this beautiful train wreck.
Reincarnation: The Root of All Evil - 6+ years into production, still rolling along. I can wait.
The Fall of Nemesis: Clash of the Kaijujin - What a mismanaged mess. Project was cancelled a few months ago. Creators seemed to think this was the PS2 era, where they could just slap any old thing in a box and people would buy it.
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night - Just...finish the fucking thing, I don't care about fanart updates.
Yooka-Laylee - Strangely...average.

Psychonauts 2 - Take your time, Tim. Don't fuck us on this.


Oct 27, 2017
Shenmue the second the announcement was made. That ended up being my first Kickstarter, I usually just wait till games actually hit retail to buy.

Since then I've backed a few non gaming items starting with Tuxy which looks amazing, as well as a couple of convenience items I've basically forgot about which were a travel pillow and a key ring thing. Still waiting on everything since the campaigns ended relatively recently.

No Patreons yet, but thinking of doing the Sobro smart side table on Indiegogo before it ends.


Oct 26, 2017
Das Keyboard 5Q. It has been a mess... they kept promising delivery dates and would then miss the deadline, probably happened like 10 times. 2 years of delays.

Then this February they finally ship (Only those who paid extra for expedited shipping) and lucky for them they arrive with all sorts of issues. So Das halted shipping again.

What I find absurd is that they asked for more money a few months after the project was funded from all backers for shipping, that was like a year ago. Yet the damn thing didn't ship then either.

Still waiting...
Oct 25, 2017
A statue to Félicette, the first cat in space.


LightSail: A Revolutionary Solar Sailing Spacecraft

both of which I've already received my items for
Oct 27, 2017
I got some Mango Hot sauce from Kickstarter and had it delivered.

Have your Kickstarter or Patreon delivered?

53 backed. 51 successful. 1 cancelled. 1 unsuccessful.

Of the 51 successful, 49 actual delivered on the products. 1 couldn't deliver but I did get a refund, the other didn't deliver and couldn't say when they can deliver refunds. I ate a 5$ reward.

Of the 49 that actually delivered, I was happy with almost of them except one. The good thing is the one was only a 3$ investment so again, came out pretty well.

Grim Dawn: great game
FTL: great game
Wasteland 2: Really good
Project Eternity: Really good
Torment: Really good
Shadowrun Returns: Really good
Banner Saga: Really good
Defense Grid 2: Really good
Broken Sword: good
Castle story: ok
Elite Dangerous: Really good
Star Citizen: lol


Robb Benson and the Shelk
The Cloves
Amanda Palmer
Sarah Gerritson
Kate Lynn Logan
Naomi Wachira

The antler boy and other stories
To be or not to be: that is the adventure
Larry Elmore: the complete art book
Science Abridged

Local Interests:
Anthem Coffee expansion
How Pickle got out of a jam-food truck
Save the Blue Mouse theater
Save the Skyline Drive in theater
Lady yum/macaron parlor
South Tacoma little free library
The wheel-in movie motor: going digital
Seattle cookie counter-vegan ice cream
Sea wolf Bakery

Media (movies, podcasts, tv shows etc)

John K's 'can without labels'
Veronica Mars Movie
Cast of kings podcast x3
Reading Rainbow
Dirtbag: The legend of Fred Bickey

Everything Else:

Une Bobine -IPhone charger
Pocket Monkey -utility tool
Goonies playing cards
Passion Planner- digital planner
Kinderperfect- cards for humanity for parents
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Oct 25, 2017
I support my favorite erotic Spider-Man fanfiction creator on patreon. Y'all know who i'm talking about.
And a dude making a Fate/Stay fanfic I like.

As for Kickstarter I've only backed Blue Omen so far.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
So many kickstarters

The bad games
Mighty no 9
Yooka Laylee

The good games/tbd
Shenmue 3
Shovel Knight
Both Shadowrun return games
Heartforth Alicia
Tex murph project fedora
Wasteland 2

And the board games
Gloomhaven 2nd print
Resident Evil 2 board game
Mega man pixel tactics
Werewords Deluxe
Fireball Island
Batman gotham city chronicles
Argent the consortium 2nd edition
Exceed season 2
Dinosaur Island 2nd print
Tiny epic zombies
Tiny epic quest
Tiny epic galaxies beyond the black
Temporal Odyssey
Ghostel Expansion
Tiny Epic defenders 2.0 and expansion
7th continent
Vegas wits and wagers
Deception undercover allies

And other stuff
Vision of escaflowne dub/blu ray
Hush album

Patreons I just support gamexplain and weekly manga recap

Quantum Leap

Oct 25, 2017
I've backed 6 physical products and 2 of those (some headphones and some glasses) still haven't been fulfilled after 2 years. I also ordered a wallet and while I did get it delivered it was really shitty quality and had such a strong chemical smell that I had to throw it away right out of the box.


Oct 27, 2017
I supported the production of the English dub of the French cartoon Wakfu on Kickstarter. I was pleased with the rewards, but I was really more interested in watching the show in French with English subtitles. While they did include that option, they ended up dubtitling it, and I never actually watched the show.
Jan 5, 2018
Bloodstained (Late but we'll see if it's any good)
Some wood/metal wallet thing (on time, but less practical than I imagined)
Pressy - and android button addon (a little late, but far less useful that I imagined)
Exploding kittens (on time, was ok the 2 times I played it)

But the one that I backed that actually turned out great was the Baubax jacket:

I got the blazer and it works great. Also it doesn't look quite as douchey as the guy in the pic

Oct 25, 2017
Patreon: Only Easy Allies. I probably wouldn't spend a dime on any other creators but EZA needs to exist so I support.


- bloodstained (not even into the game that much but got caught up in hype)

- Shenmue 3 - once again never played these games but had to do it for Michael Huber from eza.


Oct 25, 2017
My only Kickstart to this date is Shenmue 3.

For Patreon I've given to Easy Allies since they started and also a bit to Red Letter Media and Mark Brown's Game Maker's Toolkit. But mostly just EZA.


Oct 28, 2017
Wirral, UK
About three games and thirty board games I think. Some of the best games I got came from Kickstarters, so it's been a success for me.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm currently at 44 backed projects on Kickstarter, all in the 'Games' category. 2 were digital games (Bloodstained, so I could get a physical copy of it, and a digital version of Boss Monster), the rest are all tabletop games/expansions. The biggest projects I've backed, in terms of the amount of money I put into them, were Rising Sun, BattleCON War: Remastered (because I backed for the $220 tier or however much that let you get everything they had currently released), Yomi Second Edition Deluxe Edition, and Zombicide Season 3.


Oct 25, 2017
Only one Kickstarter.

Ghost Song - game made by a gaffer iirc, back in maybe 2013ish.

I got burned and given up, in the time since then:

1) I've graduated uni
2) Don't even have a PC anymore to play the game on
3) The Metroidvania draught it was banking on is filling up, you got Hollow Knight, Bloodstained, even Metroid itself of the top of my head
4) It has a Wii U version of the game as a stretch goal
5) NeoGAF imploded

Should it ever come out, I'll just put it on the b/s/t thread.
Oct 28, 2017
Ages ago, I backed a hardware Kickstarter for a handheld device "GCW Zero" or something. Though I eventually got it, I will never back any hardware project again.

Then a few games, of course only lowest tier to get the game (digitally):
The Bard's Tale
Underworld Ascension


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I kickstarted "Elysian shadows" over four years ago, but besides that nothing. I've done my own crowdfunding rounds on other platforms more than I've bought into other ones. I'm doing one now actually


Oct 27, 2017
Came from a place of not even preordering much, so potentially not receiving anything for my money seemed crazy for me.

But then saw the option of getting my hands on a new Chris Roberts single player space combat game (could not give less of a shit about Star Citizen) and put 30$ into Squadron 42 and another 5$ when they changed from Kickstarter to their own page.

Still waiting for the results of that. But it is starting to look like I might get to try it in this decade.


Oct 25, 2017
Kologeon (still waiting and they'll probably never deliver)
Dark Devotion
Flynn: Son of Crimson
Crystal Chameleon
A Light in the Dark

Playing Cards:
Dia de los Muertos Second Edition
Artist Playing Cards in Ink Tea and Alcohol
Heroes of Japan

Never supported anyone on Patreon.


Oct 26, 2017
The Banner Saga
FTL: Faster Than Light
Wasteland 2
Project Eternity
Shovel Knight
Anamanaguchi - Endless Fantasy
Shadowrun: Hong Kong
Broken Reality
Genesis Noir
The Good Life (Still on)
HUB - Mechanical Keyboard Key Caps (Still on)

Easy Allies
and more...


Oct 27, 2017
I love me some Kickstarter, here's an essay (sorry)

Board Games:
Japanese: The game (a card game to help with learning Japanese, I haven't really used it much)

Kingdom: The Angelic War (a solid 1v1 card game where you try to move your angels across the board to damage an opponent.)

Draco Magi & expansion - A great little card game with absolutely beautiful artwork, you play dragons onto an area then make them fight each other to try and conquer said area.


Chaosmos - So uh...this was one of the first Kickstarter games I backed and I've still yet to play it. It's real pretty and I love the concept of it, just haven't gotten it to the table yet.

Oddball Aeronauts - Basically a more tactical version of Top Trumps with really great steampunk art. I love this one a lot, it doesn't need a table either so it's good for keeping in your bag and playing when you're out and about.


Nightlight - A wave based defence card game with beautiful artwork where you play as a kid's toy defending them against nightmares. The game is pretty shit, but gosh is it pretty.

Bright Future - A survival game set in a Metro-esque underground post apocalyptic world. where you're travelling around trying to find a cure for a virus which is wiping out humanity while fighting off mutants. It's pretty great and writing this is reminding me that I should really play it again.

Retreat To Darkmoor - Great little cardgame that combines elements of some of my faves, mainly Guillotine and Smash Up. Basically you're a bunch of monsters trying to escape into a fort to hide from the heroes who are hunting you down. You do this by queuing your minions up outside the forts they're trying to get into and when a certain number reach it, everyone gets in. However, heroes will be drawn to big crowds of minions and start murdering anyone at the back of the queue. It's goofy and fun and I recommend it a lot.

Quests of Valeria - I got this because it was cheap but haven't actually played it.

Fugitive & Hardback & Paperback expansion - Tim Fowers is the best and can do no wrong. Buy all these games.

Steal this Game - A game made by a board game company after someone stole everything from their booth at a board game convention. They also did deals where you could buy this game bundled with a couple of the things they were intending to sell at that convention so I picked up a few of their other games.

Tao Long - Basically multiplayer Snake but with Dragons? It's really pretty...

SUPERHOT the card game - Surprisingly decent single played deck builder that uses the SUPERHOT theme pretty well.

Rising Sun - good. Beautiful miniatures, lots of negotiation and betrayal and handling battles with bidding money is just perfect.

Billionaire Banshee's Expansion - Not out yet, but gosh I love that base game a lot.

The Shipwreck Arcana - Another "it was cheap and pretty" purchase. Uses Tarot style cards and basically it's like a co-operative Mastermind. Players draw two numbers between 1-7 and then place one of them on a tarot card giving a clue as to what the remaining one is (ie: If the number is 1,2 or 3 play the other number on this card) It's fun, not great though.

Consentacle - A card game about the love between a human and a tentacle monster. Idunno, I heard it was really good. Not out yet.

Chronicles of Crime - Also not out yet, it's a VR game - board game hybrid where one played looks at a crime scene in VR and describes it to other players. Reminds me a lot of Mask of Anubis which had a super limited release outside of Japan.

Video Games:
Koe - An RPG with the intention of helping learn Japanese. Still isn't out yet, 3 years after the estimated date has passed. But it does an Alpha version on Steam that they are updating pretty frequently, they just massively underestimated how long it'd take.
Frog Fractions 2 - Worth every penny.
Drift Stage - Awesome looking faux-retro arcadey racing game. Still isn't out yet, they keep going silent for months then popping back up going "any day now we'll have an Early Access build on Steam" then going silent again. Game is rad though, I hope they pull it off in the end.

Pebble Time - I really like this watch, it's a real shame that Fitbit killed them.

I use Patreon a whole lot less so I just have:
Astonishing Legends - A podcast about urban myths and conspiracies and legends and supernatural stuffs. The hosts have a good balance of giving every theory a fair shake and calling out complete nonsense as complete nonsense. Also I got a cool mug from it.

Auralnauts - You've probably seen their Bane Outtakes/freestyle rap videos or their Starwars stuff. They're the best and their Patreon hasn't been super successful so I felt like I needed to throw money at them.

Sword and Laser - Book podcast with Veronica Belmont and Tom Merritt. I've been listening to it for ages so figured I should start giving them money for it.


Oct 27, 2017
None. I'll put my money up when I know for certain a final product will actually be released.


I left my heart on Atropos
Oct 26, 2017
The Yogscast (complete waste of money / boycotting their content ever since)

Singletrack Sampler (Mountainbike focused content)
Seth's Bike Hacks (Mountainbike focused content)


Oct 26, 2017
Paris, France

Tropes vs Women in Video Games
Extra Credits (in the early days, their artist had health issues which hindered production so I chipped in and got a T-shirt)


(Since he's doing pretty well I've since redirected that money to Malmrose Projects)
Kim Justice
Noah Caldwell
Todd In The Shadows

Invicta Fide

Oct 28, 2017
I've never done a Patreon, but I've backed two projects on KS.

Ticwatch 2- My wife fell in love with that smart watch.

Street Fighter Miniature Game- Angry Joe's new game that just went live yesterday.


Oct 27, 2017
I backed 2 projects on KS:
- Zombicide: Green Horde
Got the (board) game already, it's awesome. I should get my backer rewards in approx. June and I can't wait!
- Cthulhu Dark
A tabletop RPG with a huge focus on the narrative (there doesn't seem to be a lot of options for combat) which seems great, but I yet have to play it. Also my D&D group is rather fond of combat so that might be difficult. Already received that aswell.
Oct 25, 2017
Kickstarted things that came out:

Pillars of Eternity - worth ever cent
Broken Age - eeeeeeeeehh
Wasteland 2 - Pretty good
Divinity Original Sin 2 - one of the best games I've ever played
Yooka-Laylee - Decent

Not out yet:
Star Citizen - lol
System Shock - :'(
Pillars of Eternity 2 - Looking pretty good

Never done a Patreon
Oct 27, 2017
  • The Good Life
  • system Shock (regrets were made)
  • Infinite space (never even downloaded it)
  • Satellite Reign (MAC Beta instantly crashes. Never even bothered downloading full version)
Patreon = I find the concept just too weird to engage with.


Oct 27, 2017
Kickstarter I backed:

Bloodstained - waiting for this
Muv-luv - great, still waiting on my extras to be shipped
Re:legend - waiting for this
History of final fantasy vii - waiting for this

Patreon I only backed one guy who just hit by a claim so now I don't have any.


Oct 26, 2017
Divinity OS 2
Battlechaser: Nightwar
And the new Mech game from Harebrained Schemes.

OS 2 was amazing, Nightwar was ok and I'll play the last game this month. No bad experiences so far.

I think i prefer Early Access to Kickstarter overall though.

Crow Pudding

Nov 12, 2017
A few hundreds of kickstarters, until now only 3-4 are really failing, the rest usually have some delays, but overall almost all of them are happening and ended in my hands.
Most of them are videogames, some board games, and a few of design products.


Oct 25, 2017
Kickstarter: Lots. Highlights:

Board games:
The 7th Continent (in the second KS, so with the expansion)
Tammany Hall
Dinosaur Park (I think? It doesn't seem to be in my Kickstarter account. Might have slacker-backed it)
Mint Delivery

Mystery Science Theater 3000
Veronica Mars
Mai Mai Miracle
Rifftrax Live (2015-2018)
Digitiser: The Show

Brawl in the Family
Commodore Amiga: A Visual Compendium
SNES: A Visual Compendium
NES: A Visual Compendium
Crash Annual
The Maze of Games
The Untold History of Japanese Game Developers

The Northerner
FF6 Fan Album (OCRemix)
Video Games Live (3)

Mighty No. 9
Project Phoenix
Shovel Knight
Wasteland 2
Torment: Tides of Numenera
Thimbleweed Park
Double Fine Adventure
Pinkerton Road Studio (Jane Jensen)
Shadowrun Returns
The Banner Saga
Diamond Trust of London
Project Fedora (Tex Murphy)
Pinball Arcade (Twilight Zone, Doctor Who, The Addams Family, T2: Judgement Day)
Broken Sword 5
Dreamfall Chapters (The Lost Journey)
Project Eternity (Pillars of Eternity)
90's Arcade Racer
Star Citizen
Divinity: Original Sin (and 2)
Massive Chalice
Psychonauts 2
Hyper Light Drifter
Cosmic Star Heroine
There Came An Echo
Night in the Woods
La Mulana 2
Frog Fractions 2
Underworld Ascendant
The Bard's Tale IV
Shenmue 3

Patreon (Or rather, Drip):


Yes, I know that's a lot - there's even more that I haven't listed (and I've markedly cut down in the last year or so). Some successes, some failures, but overall I feel I've had a very positive experience; I'm still very much open to continuing to donate should the right project come to my attention.
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The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Mostly a ton of board games:

Dinosaur Island: Back from Extinction
Palm Island - Portable Card Game
Endeavor: Age of Sail
The Red Dragon Inn 7: The Tavern Crew
Western Legends
Simulacra Games: The Wilson Wolfe Affair
Mountaineers - A 3D Board Game
Detective: City of Angels
THE 7th CONTINENT – What Goes Up, Must Come Down.
Mint Delivery - The minty fresh pick up and deliver game
Vegas Wits & Wagers
Culminus (Vol.III) Playing Cards
ROLL PLAYER - Monsters & Minions Expansion (+ Reprint)
Zombicide: Green Horde
Dead Man's Doubloons
Morels Foray: the Morels Expansion
Ember: Mage Nights - an Epic Expansion of Creature Conjuring
Gloomhaven (Second Printing)
Necroboomicon: the first expansion for Two Rooms and a Boom!
Tao Long
The World of SMOG: Rise of Moloch
Light and Dark: an Ember Expansion with Supercharged Rules
Mythic Battles: Pantheon
Dodgy Dealers - The Black Market Art Dealing Card Game
Midgard Playing Cards
Sentinels of the Multiverse: OblivAeon
THE 7th CONTINENT - Explore. Survive. YOU are the hero!
Shenmue 3
Exploding Kittens
Pinball Arcade: The Twilight Zone


Oct 27, 2017
The one i supported the most is the kid who came up with the Ocean Cleanup Array. Brilliant Dutch guy.


Oct 25, 2017
Mostly a ton of board games:

Gloomhaven (Second Printing)

Annoyed that I missed this, but I intend to pick it up at retail.

While understandably there's more focus on the video games side of Kickstarter, the board games line has a ridiculous amount of interesting stuff in it. Not necessarily all good, but definitely interesting!


Nov 24, 2017
Mage the ascension 20th anniversary
Demon the decent
Shenmue 3
wasteland 2

A few others I have forgotten about.

The only real shitshow has been Luma lamp. I must have backed it in 13 or 14 and since then all of its features have become available on lamps in Ikea. They added features never mentioned like aromatherapy or something and last week they sent me a final survey, that was supposed to include options for power supply but included none of that.

I expect the thing to come with a US plug now.


Nov 5, 2017
Bunch of Kickstarters:
  • Bloodstained
  • yooka laylee
  • Michael J Sullivan books (death of dulgath and disappearance of winter's daughter)
  • Battle Chasers
  • Tokyo Dark
  • Cyanide and Happiness Card game
Patreon, none so far, but I'm considering backing Star Wars Explained, I really enjoy that youtube channel.


Senior Game Designer
Feb 6, 2018
Patreon: Easy Allies since day one, I was devastated when Gametrailers was shut down


- Hyper Light Drifter, best Kickstarter I ever backed, love that game
- Battle Chasers Nightwar, still waiting for the Switch release
- Shenmue 3
- Yooka-Laylee, which left me quite disappointed and the late Switch release certainly didn't do it any favor
- Paradise Lost: First Contact, backed it 4 years ago and still waiting (well, not really)
- Adventures of Pip
- Double Fine Adventure alias Broken Age
- Mighty No. 9 (never even downloaded it)

Haven't backed a Kickstarter for quite a while, got my fingers burnt one too many times.


Nov 15, 2017
Shenmue 3

I tried to Kickstart Shadow of the Eternals, but it didn't fund...

My spouse has kick-started a lot of art and art supply, and stationary Kickstarters, though.