
Oct 25, 2017
Boy, this topic needs some weirdness.

I want a game based on Ruby Thursday.

What kind of game?
Uh...Imagine a cross between Knights In The Nightmare, Odama, and DMC - so a pinball twin stick shooter/brawler. Topdown view for the action, and RT would have two forms. In the first form, she would be beating people up; face buttons for combos, and triggers for shooting from her head. Right stick for determining direction, left for strafing, kinda like a twin stick shooter. Possible to lock onto nearest enemy; until this lockon is removed, RT faces the enemy for all melee attacks, but the right stick - previously used for facing controls - is now able to shoot in any direction from the head. Combos like tentacle based grabs, short range energy blasts, slowing moves, etc.
The second form is when it would get really weird. The head would detach, and Ruby would be able to target it to bounce it off walls and such. She'd be able to hack into the level (via quick, Bioshock 2 style minigames), which would activate - effectively - more and more pinball paddles on the sides/surfaces of the level, which the player would control with another trigger. Basically, this is where the "twin stick shooter" + "pinball" portion comes into play. Aim controls for the head, but any movement would have to be from the level+melee attacks from the body. The body, for it's part, would still be doing short range combos, using lock on to designate which foes to face while the head is free-aiming (although if the head stops shooting, the right stick would revert back to directional controls for the body). The head has the health, but the body can get stunned.
All in all, two entities would be on the screen at once for the player to control: the melee range body, walking/running around, able to hack into things for added stage control and mostly using lock-on to target enemies, and the bouncing head, going from surface to surface as different parts of the level bounce it around, while using a stick to manually aim at enemies.
Most of the time the levels would be top down, but sometimes they'd be sidescrolling/climbing up a series of platforms, for that real pinball-y feel.

Unique gameplay; getting away from standard heros.

How long is the game?
8-10 hours. Like a Platinum type game. A lot of potential for high scores and all that, some fun upgrades, but quick enough to make replays snappy without too much downtime.

Spider-Man, Wolverine, Romulus

Art Direction?
A mix of Cloudbuilt

and Nex Machina

Main Enemies?
Well, she's something of a villain herself, so there could be a lot of enemies, but maybe Wolverine?

Upgradable character (skill tree)?
Yep. One for melee - DMC style combos, grappling with the tentacles from the head (to throw into body punching range as need be), and improving mechanics like evasion or wall jumps. One for ranged - these would be what the head shoots, slow fields, be it be small blasts, one large charge beam, maybe even an emergency blast to help steer. Finally, one for hacking - it would make the live hacking the body does easier, maybe spawns a weak shield around her, adds bonus to the hacking board which activate helper robots or something in the level.
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Apr 27, 2018
All y'all with your basic super heroes. Let's get weird.


Sleepwalker game. Structured like Persona, wherein you play as the human host during the day, tackling university classes and ranking up relationships. Then in the evening (and sometimes during the day) you'll hear/see news reports about bad stuff happening and then have to make choices between going to sleep to summon your alien super hero counterpart or studying to maintain your grades or hanging out with your friends to maintain your relationships.

As Sleepwalker, you go through third person action stages setup like dungeons with super villains and whatnot as bosses. The longer you take on missions, the less time your human host has to do their day stuff, so it's all about balance and being efficient.

And who doesn't want to play as a muscled out alien goober?

Sleepwalker is such an underrated hero.

Personally for me.

Give us this storyline (Age of Apocalypse) and these heroes, especially Jubilee and badass Wagner.
Give us new original mutants to be rescued and found. Give us a storyline with the Summer brothers as villains.



Oct 31, 2017
Moon Knight

Despite my cursory knowledge about the Marvel comics universe, I admittedly know even less about Moon Knight, and I think that goes for a lot of people. I feel like taking on a relatively unknown character (at least compared to all of the ones that are currently in the public awareness thanks to X-Men movies, the MCU, and the Netflix shows) could be both a veritable playground for creators who can sculpt something without having to compare and contrast to myriad other iterations, as well as potentially provide an Iron Man like event (where a relatively unknown character suddenly is re-introduced to a much wider audience) but in a new medium.

What kind of game would it be?
An Action-Adventure game that strikes a precarious balance somewhere between the story and gameplay of Spider-Man PS4, the humor and irreverence of Deadpool, and the overall tone of the Batman: Arkham games. Additionally, because of his lesser-known status, could potentially play up some Punisher-esque brutality that might otherwise feel toothless if attached to that character, and its fandom's expectations. Where Spider-Man PS4 tends to set much of its scenes during the day, Moon Knight would invert that ratio and take place primarily at night. This Moon Knight could gain strength with the fullness of the moon (as a previous incarnation did)-- perhaps the wax and wane of the moon could provide a natural arc to the proceedings: for example, if a Full Moon took place during the middle of the narrative, with his power waning towards the end, but he is able overcome his limitations for the final fight. Additionally, would like to see a deeper set of skills, weapon and technology upgrades (and synergies) than what was evident in Spider-Man PS4, closer to something like God of War PS4, where obtaining all upgrades in a single run would be difficult. (Dream big, right? :p)

What is the genre of the game (horror, adventure, sci-fi, etc)?

How long is the game?
30+ hours, the main campaign measuring slightly longer than the average length of Spider-Man PS4 so as to provide a more complete introduction to the character and its world / supporting cast, which are not as familiar as Aunt May, Doc Ock, etc etc.

Potential DLCs (story, costumes, new playable character(s))?
Story: If not addressed in the main campaign, a sidestory that reveals Moon Knight's immortality by way of resurrection by the god Khonshu & dwindling sanity at having to deal with multiple personalities. This is the narrative framework for what is mechanically a 'Hard Mode' ala Rise of the Tomb Raider's Endurance Mode or Prey's Mooncrash DLC where all main campaign progression is wiped and players must try to survive as long as possible, stopping petty crimes to secure the currency needed to rebuild Moon Knight's tech and combat abilities, and subsequently take on the major villains. Set during a persistent (accelerated?) day/night cycle where the challenge is increased during the day / waning moon phases, and players can strategically seek out harder events during full moons where their character is naturally stronger as a result. Failure results in resurrection which affects the subsequent run in a minor, but interesting way, possibly revealing additional world/character lore bits, somewhat reducing the sting of loss, ala Hades.
Costumes: Sure why not?

Spider-Man and Taskmaster to act as a firm tie to the 'Marvel Games Universe' as established in Spider-Man PS4, Doctor Strange & Luke Cage as teases for the future, Wonder Man as a curveball cameo.
Spider-Man PS4 is not part of the Marvel Games Universe. It was said to be its own thing.


Oct 29, 2017
Iron Man in the style of freaking Zone of the Enders makes too much sense but no one seems to want it when they can make garbage instead.

Black Panther (or any melee heavy character) Bayonetta/DMC/Ninja Gaiden like beat em up.

so many more, these properties work well with establish genres or game styles just gotta get someone to do it well. Heck that Green Lantern Beat em up was ok even.


Jan 6, 2018
Hulk (But really Bruce Banner)

Career Stage (Veteran)

Type: Brawler set in a Small Urban open world

Game length 30+ hours with lots of side content and Easter eggs

Upgradeable Skill tree; Yes unlock new and better "Hulk Actions"

Plot: Banner is living a quiet life running an orphanage, however when Manhattan is under threat from a nefarious and underhanded scheme, Banner must leave the quiet life behind and return to the hustle and bustle of Superhero life where it will be a fight to survive in a city being torn apart by monsters of human creation.

Fight as Bruce Banner and build up your Hulk Meter that will leave opponents devastated after the use of Hulk actions.

Cameos Every marvel character that lives in NY plus Eyepatch Thor. Actually could make "Donald Blake aka Thor a dual protagonist)

Planet Hulk x Yakuza


God help us the mods are making weekend threads
Jul 30, 2018
United States
The bike weapon in DMC5 made me wish we had a Ghost Rider character action game.


Oct 28, 2017
I would love an Hulk game with two complete different types of gameplay:
- stealth / persuasion / puzzle game while playing Bruce Banner
- action / destruction game while playing Hulk

Then, it is your choice (like in Dishonored) to go through the game with Bruce Banner without any damage or take the mayhem path with Hulk.

You could also add a "stress meter" and if it goes to high with Bruce Banner, you auto-transform to Hulk.


Oct 27, 2017
Thor. Open space Asura's Wrath blended with Devil May Cry with ridiculous setpieces, all of his weather powers, his Earth manipulation powers, to his Celestial armor cracking Kamehameha.

Send him to the depths of space fighting pan-dimensional beings to Dark Elves in Asgard to Doctor Octopus in New York City for shits and giggles, and then all the way back.

Also, Ghost Recon Wildlands inspired Punisher game, but Sleeping Dogs inspired melee combat.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Honestly, I don't care... just have something.
The lack of Marvel games is baffling, considering the absolutely insane renaissance it had the past decade.


Oct 30, 2017
As few as possible unless Disney or Marvel Studios had less of an influence. There used to be a time when Marvel was open to reinterpretation and not brand *re*-managing.
Jul 13, 2018
Marvel's Blade

-Open world
-Hack and slash gameplay w/ lite rpg mechanics
-Traversal via parkour and motorcycle
-Day/night cycle
-Large arsenal of weapons (swords, guns, etc)
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Oct 25, 2017
You work at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters and your job is to seek out and recruit mutants. You can build a team and fight with them in missions. First or third-person. You can play as one of the existing x-men or your can create your own. Levelling up system, skills trees, etc.
I'd be down for that.


Oct 31, 2017
Black Panther
How do they intersect?
Marvel's Blade

-Open world
-Hack and slash gameplay w/ lite rpg mechanics
-Traversal via parkour and motorcycle
-Day/night cycle
-Large arsenal of weapons (swords, guns, etc)
Me and you both agree on this one. I would like to see something similar to the Shadow of Mordor's Nemesis system in a Blade game. If you fail to kill a higher rank vampire, he/she will come to get you and the people at your base. :P
For me, the first one would be: Blade

Why? The reason for that is simple, we only got mediocre games so far. :(

What kind of game would it be?
An open-world action game (hack-and-slash and can use guns) mostly set at night with a few daylight missions. You hunt familiars left and right to gather information about upcoming raids, turnings, locations of lieutenants. If you fail to kill one of these lieutenants, two things can happen: 1st - The guy/gal is enraged and launches an assault on your base of operation, which you need to clear out before going unto your next mission. 2nd - They team up with another lieutenant to ambush you in small alley during one of your side-quests or one of your rounds of the city.

What is the genre of the game (horror, adventure, sci-fi, etc)? A nice balance between a gory horror game and an action game ala DMC (wihout the style mechanic)

How long is the game? 25-35 hours.

Potential DLCs (story, costumes, new playable character(s))?
Costumes: Blade 1 & 2 movies suits, Earth-616, Blade anime

Cameos? Spider-Man, Morbius and Daredevil.

Visual style (give examples with photos recommended if not clear)?
A mix between Evil Within 2 and Devil May Cry 5.

Original or Exisiting story? Original.

Origin or Veteran? Veteran. Origins is given through lore exposure and certain side-missions.

Main enemy/enemies? The pure-Vampire lieutenants want to unleash a plague on humanity (with a tease for Dracula at the end)

Upgradable character (skill tree)? No skill tree, but unlockable fighting moves and upgradable weapons.
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Oct 27, 2017
Vice City
honestly, as a huge Daredevil fan: the fights in the netflix series spoil you, and make you weep for the lost PS2 game. the radar could really be used to make a dope as game.

a Nick Fury MGS esque game would be so, so dope too

god, even an MUA approach that built towards Hickman's Secret Wars would deliver like domino's

I am disappointed, Era:


5 player co-op action adventure.
Hello. This is my jam.

oh my god, yes: classic Ellis, excellent team & feel too. also i love you McBradders!

Moon Knight

Because fuck you that's why

agreed, Moony is long overdue!

Give us this storyline (Age of Apocalypse) and these heroes, especially Jubilee and badass Wagner.
Give us new original mutants to be rescued and found. Give us a storyline with the Summer brothers as villains.


MUA2 danced around it, but man, a few games in? much like the books, this'd be the greatest What If? approach out there, hnnnghhh


Someone is plagiarizing this post
Oct 25, 2017
I'd love an iron man game with unrestricted flight opportunities. Basically I'd like insomniac to make an iron man game.


Nov 12, 2017
a third person action game starring Nightcrawler

I kind of imagine it like playing a more acrobatic Tracer but you can wall run, swing on poles with your tail, and teleport while holding enemies (leading to numerous environmental and physics based attack methods)

Based on the super-fast loading in the PS5 Spider-Man demonstration, you could teleport a hell of a long way.

I'd love a Black Widow and Hawkeye game, myself. I also want a Spider-Man sequel or DLC called Spider-Man and the Defenders.


Oct 27, 2017
Spider-man made me want a Silver Sable game. A linear story action game would suit her I think.

A stealth espionage Black Widow game would be cool too.


Nov 16, 2017
The Punisher OW game.
Melee based on Arkham Series.
Gunplay TPS mechanics based on Max Payne 3.
Cover/crafting system based on The Last of Us.
OW game with linear segments like Spider Man.
Beat Daredevil as a great side quest.


Powerhouse Protector / Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Taskmaster in a Megaman-style action RPG where you gain special moves from every boss you fight as him using his photographic reflexes.


Feb 19, 2019
Power Stone but with a Marvel skin.
So a 3D arena fighter developed by Capcom in a similar style to the Power Stone games but featuring Marvel characters exclusively.

Call it Marvel: Infinity Stones

Or a sequel to Hulk Ultimate Destruction featuring the level of environmental destruction that Crackdown 3 was originally supposed to have.

Or some kind of Silver Surfer game where you're flying around the cosmos on your board.


Oct 25, 2017
A Moon Knight game in the style of Devil May Cry or Bayonetta in which you can equip personas (think Ellis run) and costumes like Dante equips weapons and styles.

Toss it into a larger world like Arkham, and make sure to never, ever, stealth, and it's gold! (Or should I say silver?)

A game like Fire Emblem / X-COM in which you control the X-Men. Dozens of characters to choose from and make squads and you could even create your own mutant avatar.

Okay, this wins.


Nov 15, 2017
A Marvel Super Hero, who never have his/her own game in a video game. I'm tired of the common Marvel heroes, who already have their own games.
Oct 27, 2017
Blade: Either a third person hack n' slasher ala Metal Gear Rising or an open world sandbox Action game developed by Avalanche Studios.
The Punisher: Max Payne style TPS (preferably developed by Remedy Ent.) or an Id Tech developed FPS.
The Hulk: Ultimate Destruction is easily one of my favorite Marvel games so a new game in that vein would be great.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
About that Black Panther game idea...
One of the more interesting decisions that the Black Panther-centric season of Avengers Assemble did was make Shuri queen of Wakanda. I'd love to see a game run with that premise, with Black Panther being free to do his thing both inside & outside Wakanda, while Shuri keeps the peace within her nation using her own high-tech weapons.
The game's structure could be along the lines of Devil May Cry in that Shuri would be the Nero-esque character (the entry point for people who are new to stylish action games, but with enough depth to not be a waste of time to veterans of the genre), while Black Panther would be the Dante-esque character (has everything plus the kitchen sink & a skill ceiling to rival that of DMC5 Dante, with weapons made by Shuri).


Oct 29, 2017
Frankfurt (Germany)
A Captain America 3rd Person Action Game with the same "Axe throwing" mechanics like God of War 2018 did but with Cap's shield. Mixed up with some stealth missions presented as Flashbacks from the 2nd WW. Awesome crazy Boss fights a la MGS2/3. 🤔


Oct 28, 2017
I actually created this pitch for a TV series, but let see if I can adapt it for a game.

Character: Taskmaster
Story: Original
Format: Openish levels

Story is told from the villain's(Taskmaster) viewpoint, stalking his prey, learning their every move until he becomes better than them in every way and anticipates their every moves before they make it. Taskmaster is a merc, so you could have him take on different targets at the start, but maybe he begins to realize in the 3rd act that his clients are playing him and are the real, serialized villains. He still works with them, but behind their backs, he is studying them, learning how to take them down. He could fight Supers and as he studied them, your move list expands to incorporate aspects of their fighting styles. Each mission has a degree of stealth while you stalk your prey, like a Hitman game or the early AssCreed titles. You could pull just about any Earth-bound Marvel characters into the game, with the antagonists being the "good guys".


Oct 26, 2017
Before it got canceled, it would have been really cool to see the Netflix Defenders show as a indie-sized 90's styles beat-em-up game where they like Photogrammetried the actors. Maybe they could do that with the Disney+ Hawk-guy show?


Oct 27, 2017
I think an Ant-Man and the Wasp game where shrinking and unshrinking is seamless would be really cool, if possible :) I think that'd have some really cool gameplay possibilities especially if you start involving the ants etc.


Oct 27, 2017
Fantastic Four - their powers really lend themselves to a Videogame

When I first saw Mr Fantastic Stretch on film it looked a bit awkward at first, used to it now after a few years but the cgi still looks a bit off, for a game though having played Streetfighter with dhalsim for years, that stretchy-ness wouldn't feel so out of place in a Videogame setting, given to the right people.

Plus flying around as Johnny would be cool etc etc.

It would be 3rd person open world action adventure game I think.


Oct 28, 2017

I'd love a Black Cat-based stealth action game with immersive sim elements, structured around heists. Basically I see each major level being a heist - with some smaller missions in-between to do setup/more low-key story stuff, plus a hub you frequently return to; think, like, Shadowrun: Dragonfall for the structure - which you'd have to prep for by gathering intelligence, bribing people, developing or stealing new specialised equipment, and so on.

Each heist location would have a number of possible approaches, plus the potential for bonus loot, additional insight into the story, and so on based on how thorough your planning and exploration is. Maybe some minor choice and consequence elements, and you'd obviously need a decent story to give people a reason to want to actually do any of this stuff.

Set it in the same world as Insomniac's Spider-Man, and maybe feature Spidey as a supporting character.

Precisely two people would actually play this game, but I'd be one of them, and I'd love it.

(Sorry for the thread necro, but I kinda wanted to make a thread along these lines anyways.)
Oct 27, 2017
I said this in some other threads — Blade is perfect for a game adaptation:

Seen as we are never gonna get another film. But he is a good match for a game, mechanically speaking.

- Martial arts heavy (so would be well suited to a combat system)
- the game could have detective stuff to do during the day and cool combat during the night.
- It could work well without having to be open world, but also wouldn't be harmed by being an open world game.
- Enemies are vampires
- Valid reasons for the, to have high health / strength
- Valid reasons for different enemy types that have different levels of strength etc & cool bosses
- Blade is strong but not invulnerable which gives good gameplay balance options.
- Part vampireness means they can give him regen health, vision mode, enhanced mobility, rage mode combat options etc etc etc
- He uses a lot of gadgets & weapons, so that has a lot of potential for upgrade mechanics / crafting system
- Gun & sword combat is dope as hell and you all know it, and the game could easily have those OTT finishing moves that the industry adores.
- Being called "Daywalker" is dope as hell and you all know it.
- It's been long enough since the films that they can reboot it, and he isn't in MCU so they don't have to worry about continuity etc.

MCU announcements has given us a new Blade so hopefully this means there is actually more chance of a game with him in future!
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Oct 25, 2017
The Punisher, but not as a linear action game but more like Hitman, where levels are gameplay sandboxes, a villa of a crime lord for example. The game would allow for different approaches. Guns blazing is an option, with MP3 quality gunplay, but so is stealth or brutal melee. You can lay traps and use tons of interactables as weapons.


Oct 27, 2017
I would quite like a Silver Sable spin off game from Spider-Man. She was pretty badass in it and the DLC. I see it as a mixture martial arts and dual wielding gun action game.


Oct 28, 2017
I guess i'm not the first to demand this but the world needs a AAA Howard The Duck game.

Also more Moon Knight.


Oct 28, 2017

Give it to some of the craziest japanese developers like Suda51 or Yoko Taro and make the fucking wildest game ever.