Oct 29, 2017
This is gonna sound really embarrassing but Thomas and the Magic Railroad.

I was like four years old when it came out and my parents took me to the theater to see it because I was OBSESSED with Thomas the Tank Engine as a kid and I distinctly remember being utterly terrified of the villain train, Diesel-10. If I'm remembering right, every time he showed up I'd tell my dad that I needed to go pee to try and avoid seeing him if I could, so I obviously missed parts of the film.

I didn't actually see the whole thing until later that year when I got it on VHS for Christmas.


Oct 27, 2017
Powell, Ohio
Deadly Friend...


I was 6 years old when I watched it and OMG, I remember being so scared at that part where they ressurected Samantha with a computer chip or w/e it was... It's a trash classic but omfg, I couldn't sleep for days lol... Today I'm a fan of the horror genre!


I was in my teens when I rented this, so I wasn't scared in the traditional sense - however, the scene where it's looking in the mirror trying to figure out why it looks like this girl creeped me out a bit. Just the idea of not recognizing your own appearance.


Oct 28, 2017
Alien was on primetime network TV (FOX) in the 7pm timeslot when I was in 4th grade. I watched it. Regular nightmares for 3 months. I think the xenomorph is the most terrifying movie antagonist/creature ever created.

To this day I'm still terrified and fascinated my the Alien movies and the xeno. I had to play through Alien: Isolation on the easiest difficulty with the lights on.


Oct 26, 2017
Alien was on primetime network TV (FOX) in the 7pm timeslot when I was in 4th grade. I watched it. Regular nightmares for 3 months. I think the xenomorph is the most terrifying movie antagonist/creature ever created.

To this day I'm still terrified and fascinated my the Alien movies and the xeno. I had to play through Alien: Isolation on the easiest difficulty with the lights on.

The xenomorph is a fantastic horror movie staple in the same way the dinosaurs from Jurassic Park are. It's not vindictive, there's no hidden motive, no reasoning....it's just looking for things to eat or reproduce with.

First time I saw it I think I was about 7-8 years old, and it was the part where they're tracking it in the vents.....and it's just THERE. No gore, no spectacle just another person missing and the crew getting more and more freaked out.

I love the Alien series now but as a kid it seriously freaked me out.


Oct 31, 2017
The melting masks from Halloween 3 :


One more day till Halloween
Halloween, Halloween
One more day till Halloween
Silver shamrock


Apr 28, 2018
Disney's "The Watcher In The Woods" - I was about six years old when I saw it, and I had nightmares about it.

I'm 41 now; a couple of months ago I remembered this movie (I had suppressed it!) and thought that there is no way it would be scary now, so I searched for a trailer, and it still looks weird and scary as shit.



Nov 5, 2017
No wonder you were scared, you were watching actual horror movies as kids lol. I was never allowed to see them, I had a crash course on horror and action movies thanks to Blockbuster when I reached 14 or so.

That said, Return To Oz is a movie that traumatized a lot of kids, but who could blame the parents? The first movie is classic family fun, and the second is totally different, so drab and depressing and holy shit that crazy lady with the head collection.

A movie no one mentioned, probably because it only scared me, is Darby O'Gill and the Little People. It's mainly a fantasy story based on Irish folklore, but it has some scary moments towards the end: there's a banshee and the scene with the death coach scared the shit out of me. I had nightmares about the coach coming for me.
Oct 27, 2017
The Poseidon Adventure 1972. Trapped upside down in a flooding ship that was on fire. Glass windows breaking and flooding the room with people in it. Explosions causing people to lose their balance and fall to their deaths. What happened to the people that went the other way? Nightmares.
Oct 25, 2017
The Nutcracker Fantasy opening scene with THE RAGMAN

Nice, quiet December evening......new Nutcracker movie on the Disney Channel.......and then this fucker shows up. The rest of the movie didn't get much better from a dark/weird standpoint to a 5 year old.

Made sure to never stay awake too late after bedtime after that Ragman scene ; the fear lasted through all of elementary school
Last edited:


Nov 10, 2018
Nothing except for jaws.
I started with horror\gore movie at 3 years old so i'm kinda insensible now.


Teyvat Traveler
Nov 9, 2017
E.T. The Extra Terrestrial TERRIFIED me from ages 3ish-13.

Nowadays I genuinely love the movie, but man, as a lad, that movie messed me up. When you think about how the first act plays out, it's pretty creepy. You see E.T. and his family scavenging in the forest, the shot where they encounter him through the reeds and he screams, Elliot throwing the ball into the shed and it bouncing back.... stuff like that. Once E.T. came into the house, I was more ok, but as a kid I would either hide or skip the part until E.T. is fully in the house and gets introduced to Elliot's siblings.

As I got older I could get through the first third relatively ok, but then once the third act approached, E.T. got lost on Halloween and the faceless Astronauts showed up, I'd usually nope out.


Aug 3, 2018
Independence Day. The scene with the alien flailing around and killing everyone in the science lab freaked me out.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Ghostbusters was my favorite movie as a kid, opening scene in the library terrified me, same with Louis' getting grabbed by Gozer. I'd watch it with a blanket over my head.

The Labrynth was my sister's favorite movie, and that whole thing skeeved me out.

WHen I got a little older my sister would rent B-tier horror movies, and all of them freaked me out. One that I remember specifically was one of those compilation horror story movies, It had Leslie Nielson in it, and two short horror stories... One of an asteroid landing in this guys yard and he touched it, and it turned him into his hairy monstrous freak. Another one was of a guy who was burried up to his neck in the sand on the beach and drowned as the tide came in. He ended up coming back as a sea monster to kill the guy who killed him, but the burrial/drowning scene really shook me as a ... ~8 year old.

I was also terrified of Cujo (sp?) the Stephen King book turned movie, and Pet Cemetery. Those affected me because I had a dog and I was an animal lover, so both of those were deeply affecting to me... Also, when I Was a kid in the 90s in the northeast corridor there was a massive rabies outbreak, so rabies was a real fear of mine. I still think about the weird fucking scene from Pet Cemetery where the rip the kid's/guy's face off with a bike tire.

Later, the Amityville Horror and Amityville 2 were really freaky for me. I was a little older when I saw those, 10 or 11 maybe. But there's some fucked up concepts in that movie, like incest and stuff. And I think the dad is the messy guy from You Can't Do That on Television -- another childhood show -- which added to how unsettling it was.

I still can't believe my parents let my sister rent those movies and then she'd force me to watch them.


Oct 25, 2017
I was excited to Howard the Duck as a kid enticed by a cute puppet duck. Traumatized by this and duck titties.



Oct 27, 2017
That episode of X-Files, "Home" with the Hillbillys.

Fucking hell, I know it was banned eventually but how on earth did that make it onto tv the first time?