
Oct 25, 2017
Trump's sent out his army of trolls. Right now they're also going after Chuck Todd hard for showing Bill Barr out of context when Barr really just fucking said what he said plain and simple.

Completely made up spin.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Some dumb shit idiots say to make themselves feel better

I remember seeing this all over the internet back during the last election:


How's that prediction working out, assholes??

Oh shit, someone has to mash this up with the Coronavirus death count.

Gotta wonder if Trump suddenly re-remembers who George Papadopolous is, after claiming he didn't know him at all 3 years ago.
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Oct 25, 2017
Bu bu bu but.....Trump can't impact the election, theres nothing to fear they said.........The naivety of some people on here in regards to what all Trump will attempt to do is mindblowing. He will do any and everything to secure this election, and no one is stopping him so he'll keep doing crazier crazier things
These posts are never not obnoxious. You'll grasp at anything that feeds into your narrative and drop these silly "but, but" posts that are beyond obnoxious, but if nothing happened, we wouldn't hear shit from you just the same. Truth is, none of us truly know what's going to happen exactly, so maybe stop trying to rub people's face in something because they might have said trump can't legally cancel statewide elections in the past. Most people never thought trump wouldn't still try to negatively influence the process in some way, so kindly cut the shit. Your random call out isn't necessary.

Deleted member 44129

User requested account closure
May 29, 2018
Fucking Trump was on twitter going "We caught you!" to Obama. Fuck off. You didn't catch him doing shit. You're attacking American democracy and he called you out for it.


Oct 27, 2017
Bu bu bu but.....Trump can't impact the election, theres nothing to fear they said.........The naivety of some people on here in regards to what all Trump will attempt to do is mindblowing. He will do any and everything to secure this election, and no one is stopping him so he'll keep doing crazier crazier things

If you're referring to the "Trump will delay the 2020 US presidential election" comments that get shut down here from time to time, yeah, 45 can't do that.

Of course he can "impact the election", that's what a campaign does.


Oct 25, 2017
It sounds like just Republicans doing what they always do. Saying the same thing over and over and over again until it sticks and people pick it up. Then the investigation is the central point not the basis being made up.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Republicans will just never forgive Obama for being black and successful. It goes against everything they stand for.


Nov 15, 2017
You could have just said
"what the fuck is this nonsense on twitter?"
and the thread title would be equally correct. Best to avoid the site entirely these days unless you use it for business etc


Oct 25, 2017
in the course of human civilization, this current crop of trumpers will go down as one of the most pathetically stupid and abysmal cohorts in all of history.

pure trash
Oct 27, 2017
Bu bu bu but.....Trump can't impact the election, theres nothing to fear they said.........The naivety of some people on here in regards to what all Trump will attempt to do is mindblowing. He will do any and everything to secure this election, and no one is stopping him so he'll keep doing crazier crazier things
Please link us to a single post on that said or implied "Trump can't impact the election". Please.

Why do posters create imaginary strawmen to dunk on, when that energy could be used for anything useful?


Oct 29, 2017
A good summary in the Guardian, anewspaper that you can't really suspect of pro trump sympathies.
Basically, the accusation is that Obama did everything in this power to sabotage the Trump administration right from the start.
It's not really surprising , neither is the fact that Trump is doing everything to make him pay for that.

Trump claims Obama committed 'biggest political crime in American history'

Retweet storm comes after justice department drops Michael Flynn case and Obama says US ‘rule of law’ is at risk under Trump

Nothing in that article says Obama did shit to sabotage trump. This is some low-level 2005 "You won't believe the NYT says this is a HOAX" and then linking to an article that doesn't say it horeshit but you assume that no one will actually read the piece.

The Obama administration (Kerry specifically) was absolutely involved in looking into Russian Interference into the 2016 election. Obama very publicly played down the efforts of the Russians to help Trump during the election which he was well aware of and placed sanctions on Russia post-election specifically because he was attempting to NOT to politicize the Russian interference in the election.

Flynn (a private citizen at the time) then started talking to Russia about how they don't need to worry about these new Obama sanctions because he'll take care of it. He was under investigation by the FBI for that activity. Trump then fired Comey when Comey wouldn't let Flynn off the hook and it turned into TRUMPS OWN DOJ appointing Mueller who arrested Flynn for lying under oath and used him to roll up evidence on others.

This is some high-level gaslighting. Trump is in the middle of politicizing the DOJ by starting a fucking bullshit #Spygate2 nonsense about Obama politicizing the DOJ and HE WAITED FOR A FUCKING ELECTION YEAR TO DO IT WHEN THIS IS ALL 2.5 YEAR OLD 'NEWS'.

Oh, and lest we forget withholding aide to Ukraine in order to get the Ukrainians to start a fake investigation into his political rival.
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Oct 25, 2017
A good summary in the Guardian, anewspaper that you can't really suspect of pro trump sympathies.
Basically, the accusation is that Obama did everything in this power to sabotage the Trump administration right from the start.
It's not really surprising , neither is the fact that Trump is doing everything to make him pay for that.

Trump claims Obama committed 'biggest political crime in American history'

Retweet storm comes after justice department drops Michael Flynn case and Obama says US ‘rule of law’ is at risk under Trump

this account whew

The guardian article briefly quotes a right wing radio host's false claims and makes absolutely no such assertions itself indeed it's listing these conspiracies AS conspiracies.


Nov 1, 2017
I'm forgetting what a actual president looks and behaves like. Like this shit is really fuckin with my mental.

Baji Boxer

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Hiring a bunch of crooks, and a couple of them getting in investigated because they're crooks, equals "sabotage" in the average Rpublican mind.


Oct 25, 2017
He had 2 years of Republican-lead Congress to do whatever the fuck he wanted, but 4 years later its all still Obama's fault
Oct 27, 2017
Like Don Lemon said, the big scary black man that's more successful, more intelligent, better educated, is more popular, has a beautiful loving family and accomplished more in life without help of Daddy -- throws racists for a fit.
Nov 27, 2017
Obama had the plan but made trump throw it out
Damn you Obama

Trump just redirects / blamed criticism to everyone but himself
I wonder if he'll bring up H1N1 x those deaths during the debates with Joe Biden


Oct 25, 2017
I clicked on the hashtag to try and find out what it was all about but it's mostly just right-wing loons whining about Obama for a million different reasons. None of it made any actual sense. I don't think even they know wtf it's about. Just something to try and deflect from their dear leader.


Oct 27, 2017
This qanon shit may mean something to die hard Trumpers but I don't think it has any affect on people beyond that. Didn't they try to use this earlier and it didn't really stick? Thought during muller they tried to bring up the Obama admin stuff.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
This qanon shit may mean something to die hard Trumpers but I don't think it has any affect on people beyond that. Didn't they try to use this earlier and it didn't really stick? Thought during muller they tried to bring up the Obama admin stuff.

I think you vastly underestimate the amount of Trumpers and people that believe this sort of folly.

There is a whole news network dedicated to promoting this garbage and it just so happens to be the #1 news network in the country.


Oct 27, 2017
I think you vastly underestimate the amount of Trumpers and people that believe this sort of folly.

There is a whole news network dedicated to promoting this garbage and it just so happens to be the #1 news network in the country.
These trumpers were never going to vote for anyone else. I don't think this will stick or matter outside of that. We know they have a base of around 30-40%.

Deleted member 60295

User requested account closure
Sep 28, 2019
This is what happens when twitter continues to allow the ACTUAL QAnon to have a platform on their site, along with all their lunatic fans.


Oct 25, 2017
It's pretty fucking outrageous, isn't it? While the ring of staff members that tested positive for covid-19 closes around him, this is how he spends his time?
He wants people to think that his inevitable death is actually a deep state conspiracy led by Obama so that when it happens his supporters have a full-blown armed uprising, overthrow the government and install one of his kids as Emperor/Empress for Life.

Garp TXB

Apr 1, 2020
He wants people to think that his inevitable death is actually a deep state conspiracy led by Obama so that when it happens his supporters have a full-blown armed uprising, overthrow the government and install one of his kids as Emperor/Empress for Life.
That implies he cares about what happens after his death, even to his kids.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
This is what happens when twitter continues to allow the ACTUAL QAnon to have a platform on their site, along with all their lunatic fans.
Hopefully QAnon decides to go after the CEO like Alex Jones did. Because that seems to be the only effective method of getting Jack to DO something.

The United States of Crazy. Wtf is wrong with your country?
At some point half the populace decided that the best criteria for a president was "I'd like to have a beer with them"

Deleted member 6730

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
A good summary in the Guardian, anewspaper that you can't really suspect of pro trump sympathies.
Basically, the accusation is that Obama did everything in this power to sabotage the Trump administration right from the start.
It's not really surprising , neither is the fact that Trump is doing everything to make him pay for that.

Trump claims Obama committed 'biggest political crime in American history'

Retweet storm comes after justice department drops Michael Flynn case and Obama says US ‘rule of law’ is at risk under Trump
Is this Poe's Law?


Oct 25, 2017
These trumpers were never going to vote for anyone else. I don't think this will stick or matter outside of that. We know they have a base of around 30-40%.

wonder how receptive they'd be if we dropped this hint in late October:

the fix is in! The deep state is trying to create a close race to prevent the public from knowing it was rigged. But we can expose them! DON'T VOTE! Let the election be so far from their desired outcome that there's no option but to investigate the rigging! We have the power to wreck their scheme. And then litigate in a Supreme Court that's finally restored to patriotism!

But if the election is close, it will look unrigged and that's just what they want! Force an unrealistic blowout. Give Biden record impossible margins! Then we show the evidence and restore through the Supreme Court. Patriots have already gathered evidence of their despicable plan and we can destroy it — simply by staying home in November!


Oct 26, 2017
It's pretty fucking outrageous, isn't it? While the ring of staff members that tested positive for covid-19 closes around him, this is how he spends his time?
He's not the only person that has access to/uses his Twitter account so that shit is unlikely to have all been done by him personally.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Washington, DC
Corruption corroborated by multiple witnesses and participants with substantial supporting evidence: BULLSHIT!

Corruption conspiracy only supported by stringing together "meaning" from otherwise unrelated "clues" dug up twenty-plus layers deep from Tweets, shoe colors, and napkin notes, presented as some cartoon-esque plot to secretly control the planet: LOCK THEM UP!

Rad Bandolar

Oct 25, 2017
It's the "I'm rubber, your glue" stratagem for deflecting attention away from yourself when you're an incompetent fool and 80,000+ have died.

The only thing about this that will be at all interesting will be their claims for one important reason: whatever fantasy they accuse someone else of doing, is what they're actually doing and have been doing.

Since they're corrupt and morally compromised to the bone, they imagine everyone else is as malevolent as they are. Given their limited imaginations, they concoct fantasies that align with their own personal experiences and actions, so what you ultimately see is a window into what they're really doing.


Oct 25, 2017
Going after Obama is a move made only with Trump's base in mind. If it wasn't during a still raging pandemic it might work but this kind of thinking has done Trump and his cronies any favors with people who haven't drank the koolaid. Going on about Obama as people die by the thousands and the economy remains tanked is not a smart strategy if you ask me.


Apr 6, 2020
Distraction from the shitshow going on right now. And because Obama literally calling Trump a chaotic disaster over his handling over this pandemic.

Trump belongs in prison. When Biden becomes President he will get indicted. No pardons for this traitorous scum bag.