
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I think the fact that expectations were somewhat high before we learned that it'd basically be the same length as the first game and not really evolve that much, gameplay-wise, played a part in people losing some interest. At least that's what happened in my case. I still got both my Series X and S, so I can resub for a month and play it whenever I feel like it, probably later this year or early next year.


Feb 9, 2022
Two things for me:

1) I'm sick of Norse mythology. Even if I like the game its inclusion puts it down a peg for me.

2) I have seen nothing gameplay wise that interests me in this game. I am watching a playthrough of the first one on YouTube and it seems very niche. I can see why it has a group of rabid fans but I'm uncertain of the broad appeal.


Oct 25, 2017
You can blame marketing but I swear the game has been in every Xbox show for like the last four years

I think its just a niche game compounded by the fact that its not available on the platform where people actually like these linear cinematic story driven games


Nov 24, 2017
I fear for Hellblade 2 and by extension, Ninja Theory. I think a lot people thought the game would have grown significantly in scope but it seems to be a refinement rather than evolution, I personally dislikes the puzzles in the original.

yeah this being the first thing they demo'ed etc. created an expectation of leap in scope to something like gow-answer. i remember those initial threads.
only to be confirmed to be a prettier repeat of the first one just recently. deflated my hype for sure.
they also failed to show any exciting gameplay all the way to release, (most probably because it has none)

its priced pretty absurdly for a 6-hour experince as well, (hell people around here aren't even convinced pop - lost crown deserves $50, let alone this)
its sent to die, and doesnt look too hot for NT afterwards.


Jan 10, 2018
I've not seen very much marketing for this game. And very much enjoyed the first.

With how close it was to release. Would have thought to see more marketing for it. If it wasn't for this place, don't think I'd even know it was about to release.


Dec 2, 2017
I mean, I liked the first one but other than the first reveal visuals I haven't been that fired up about the sequel, first one felt like a one and done tbh.


Oct 27, 2017
Watch when it launches and gets one of those pop-up 'HELLBLADE 2 AVAILABLE NOW' things on the Xbox, people will be outraged they have to click a button to close it lol


Jul 1, 2020
I thought the first one was interesting but I wouldn't say I had a good time with it, it wasn't a fun experience. It also felt like it told a complete story, so I haven't wanted to go back nor do I want to play as Senua again. Talking to my game playing friends it seems like many of them felt similarly about the first: it was a really neat thing, but not something they want more of.


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Oct 26, 2017
I've had literally no interest. I wasn't interested in the first game and to be honest I don't even think I've owned any of NT's games outside of Enslaved. So I am not interested in the studio or the IP.

This isn't insult to them, it just doesn't look like the kind of game I would be interested in. I really enjoy the concept of the character and her story but the gameplay and discussions around the game don't sound like something I would want to spend much time in.

Every time it pops up on some awards show or direct I'm just like patiently waiting for the next game to come up. It feels like they were really pushing it for several months in gamer spots, but they didn't follow through with an advertising budget.

The only hype I've ever seen is really in Xbox dedicated spaces. It feels like a lot of people were banking on this being a big hit and the kind of game that Xbox needed, but those sentiments seem to have gone away in the last six months or so.


Nov 14, 2017
I didn't like the first one from the few minutes I played; from what I recall the gameplay was kinda shallow. I haven't seen any trailers for the sequel, is it supposedly more fleshed out?

I'll try part 2 on Gamepass however


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Well tbh their pedigree ain't exactly stellar. They've done Heavenly Sword, which I adored but was often pegged as a poor man's GoW. Enslaved was kinda average and DmC was the same and not up to the standards of the franchise.

Hellblade had a good story but gameplay left a lot to be desired. I'd expect the hype to be mild, personally I'm seeing it more as their chance to take things up a notch and then future release have more hype behind them


Oct 26, 2017
Well tbh their pedigree ain't exactly stellar. They've done Heavenly Sword, which I adored but was often pegged as a poor man's GoW. Enslaved was kinda average and DmC was the same and not up to the standards of the franchise.

This is ridicoulus. 90% of dev studios would kill to have a release record like this.


Oct 25, 2017
Not enough marketing and people are generally less interested in linear single player story driven games on Steam.
This being a sequel doesn't help either since the original game wasn't to everyone's liking.
Jul 1, 2020
Well tbh their pedigree ain't exactly stellar. They've done Heavenly Sword, which I adored but was often pegged as a poor man's GoW. Enslaved was kinda average and DmC was the same and not up to the standards of the franchise.

Hellblade had a good story but gameplay left a lot to be desired. I'd expect the hype to be mild, personally I'm seeing it more as their chance to take things up a notch and then future release have more hype behind them
You're kind of ignoring the fact that they were doing performance capture incredibly early and it shows in how well their characters look and how well they've held up compared to games that released at the same time. Ninja Theory was doing performance capture with Andy Serkis in 2006.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I bought the first game before it came to Game Pass and got tired of it by the end. Too much screaming and annoying puzzles. I did enjoy the combat and atmosphere. I'm not terribly excited about the sequel because it looks like more of the same.

I wish they'd do another game like Enslaved or Heavenly Sword, but that's probably not going to happen.

Sir Lucan

Dec 19, 2023
After the recent Xbox news I removed it from my wishlist. Ninja Theory is going to be dead either way, I don't really want to support Xbox.


Jan 21, 2018
After the recent Xbox news I removed it from my wishlist. Ninja Theory is going to be dead either way, I don't really want to support Xbox.

If I'm honest this sounds silly. If you have a problem with supporting for-profit multinationals in the gaming industry then you'll have a hard time. But maybe you did the same with Sony when they shut down Japan Studio. Or EA when they shut down Westwood or Visceral.

It's shit, but punishing the developers at Ninja Theory for it.. that doesn't seem right either. Because I don't think people playing Candy Crush, Warzone, Minecraft or Forza Horizon will stop playing their games. And then who is winning exactly?
Oct 27, 2017
Very excited for Hellblade 2. Loved the first one.

Everyone is angry with everything recently and i am just excited remembering that in very few days I will be playing again with Senua. Very cool.

Sir Lucan

Dec 19, 2023
If I'm honest this sounds silly. If you have a problem with supporting for-profit multinationals in the gaming industry then you'll have a hard time. But maybe you did the same with Sony when they shut down Japan Studio. Or EA when they shut down Westwood or Visceral.

It's shit, but punishing the developers at Ninja Theory for it.. that doesn't seem right either. Because I don't think people playing Candy Crush, Warzone, Minecraft or Forza Horizon will stop playing their games. And then who is winning exactly?
Sony closing Japan Studio sucked but at least it made sense to me, it had been struggling for years and Fumito Ueda had left. I didn't like it, but I accepted it. I don't want to support a corporation that buys every studio under the sun and then closes them even after making GOTY contenders.

It's not that I want to punish Ninja Theory. It's that I have limited time and money, and a very long wishlist, the vast majority of them indies. So I'd rather support them instead.


Oct 25, 2017
Can't speak for anyone else.. but i really just didn't enjoy playing the previous game. I appreciate what it was trying to do, but the execution just wasn't engaging. I'm interested in what improvements they might have made with this sequel but not enough to risk $70 when I can just re-activate Gamepass for $15 or whatever it is.

R dott B

Oct 27, 2017
Preordered this and Ghost of Tsushima a few weeks ago on Steam. I'm ready for something that finally looks next gen.


Nov 6, 2017
Might come as a surprise to many people, but hellblade 2 was never going to set the charts on fire or anything. And to expect it to is setting the game up to fail.


May 25, 2023
This. I don't get why people are expecting this to be a huge seller. The first one was great but it wasn't exactly a system seller.

Personally, I thought this game was meant to be a mega showcase of what the Xbox Series X can do so I'm a little confused why MS have decided to put in very little promotion.


Mar 28, 2019
People I know that are into PC gaming are all going to play it through Gamepass, 100% of them


Oct 27, 2017
First game wasn't for me, but I certainly appreciate the creativity.

Hope Ninja Theory make it, all this shit sucks.
Jan 19, 2022
Oh boy, Microsoft is setting Hellblade II up to fail and is going to conveniently use its poor sales as an excuse to close Ninja Theory in six months.
Fuck this shit.


Nov 30, 2017
I had no idea it was coming out until this week when people started talking about it in reference to the studio closures and while I have no attachment to Xbox or Hellblade, I am a pretty regular lurker/poster on here. Microsoft's marketing on this one has been bad, I don't even get Youtube ads