Oct 27, 2017
I never used to like poutine but I can fuck with it now. Especially with pulled pork.

I guess the CFL would be my answer. It just seems sad to me.


Oct 30, 2017
Sausage rolls.

People queue out of the bakery to buy these bloomin' things!

On a more serious note, the Conservative Party are (unfortunately) popular here in the UK.

Why, oh why ... 😔


Dec 10, 2017
St. Patrick's Day. Ugh, I pretend the outside world doesn't exist on that day.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Peru - Shitty super extra shitty tv shows and movies. It's like they don't even try to make something other than a bunch of people going through life experiencies and finding love at the end of the series.

Like come on, we get like one horror movie every 10? 15? years. And that's pretty much the only other genre we dare to touch.


Dec 3, 2018
American football
Soldiers worship
Police worship
Blue collar worship
Reality TV
Trucks as a commuter vehicle
Top 40s music
Privatized health care
Suburban development
City development that revolves around the automobile to get around.
Food that had 900 grams of sugar and salt.
American food portions

Deleted member 62282

User requested account closure
Dec 18, 2019
True I used to do stewarding and I could tell the difference between the real fans and those using it as an excuse to start shit.

Worked a Milwall game once, it was legitimately terrifying. Thankfully nothing happened but every single member of the event security team was collectively crossing their fingers, even the riot squad of cops who were there.

As someone from the US this is somewhat confusing. I feel like you don't hear much about this sort of thing in American football or basketball beyond drunken brawls.

Someone who might be familiar with Association football in countries like the UK and US sports culture might be able to explain this to me. Are they the same? Is there something more violent about soccer fans that I'm just ignorant about? Or is it just a bit of exaggeration?

I will say I'm somewhat disturbed by events like the Hillsborough disaster. I don't think I've heard anything like that happening in the US.


Nov 3, 2018
Collective masochism/insanity ie voting for the same politicians/party who destroyed our country and the future of our young people.

We fought so hard and lost so many lives to finally gain freedom as a country yet we so easily gave it away to crooks, and continued to do so for the last 30 years.

One half keeps voting in the same tribal way like we're still in a communist dictatorship, while the other half watches on. We're losing so many young people to brain drain it's simply unsustainable and the future of our small nation is in serious danger. Who's gonna support the elderly and pay their pensions when young and able people are leaving en-masse?

We can come together and unite behind a noble cause such as a sick child needing an expensive treatment abroad or a poor family needing a place to stay or a house renovation because of poor conditions. Meanwhile any kind of social unrest, strike, protest is met with unwarranted criticism from jaded people and it's just a cycle of negativity and cynicism any way you cut it.

We've got a big warm heart but it's disgraced and tired and will soon flat-line. We had so much potential as a new nation but a handful traded it for short term gain. Maybe we deserve it. Shame.


Nov 24, 2017
Less fun and something I really don't understand: Growing conservatism
A more fun answer: Cricket.


Oct 28, 2017
- The coalition government: in power for 7 years now and completely incompetent.
- Australian rules football: I'm not from Victoria so I don't get it.
- Sausage rolls: Do not taste like sausages, instead like some disgusting stuffing concoction.
- Victoria Bitter: Tastes like piss.
- Gambling: Sick of this shit everywhere, TV, radio, internet, sponsorship of sports teams, stadiums.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
The Netherlands.

Currently fireworks. Not the pretty kind either. The loud kind. People spend hundred to thousands of euros for a few days of mindlessly throwing miniature handgrenades around. Children and adults, but mostly boys and men. The last few days of the year you hear nothing but explosions all day long. I don't fucking get it at all.


Oct 27, 2017

Pro-cycling: in season this shit is on tv all day. Hours upon hours on end of people on bikes. It's so exciting our most famous live commenter (who makes changing gears sound like a heroic feat) is known for doling out Wikipedia-esque info about towns and castles they pass. I hate it with all my guts.

Linked to that: cyclo cross. Same sport, but in a field! So stupid it's basically only done by Belgians. Like the rest of the world saw it and thought: 'nah'. It only takes an hour though.

This. Of this series had run for 2 or 3 seasons it would've been okay. Now it's been a dead horse they have been flogging back to life for years. And people mindlesley gobble it up. I saw my parents atching a rerun (oh, it has endless reruns!) without cracking as much as a smile. When I asked why they were watching they shrugged: "it's de kampioenen"


Sep 28, 2018

Pro-cycling: in season this shit is on tv all day. Hours upon hours on end of people on bikes. It's so exciting our most famous live commenter (who makes changing gears sound like a heroic feat) is known for doling out Wikipedia-esque info about towns and castles they pass. I hate it with all my guts.

Linked to that: cyclo cross. Same sport, but in a field! So stupid it's basically only done by Belgians. Like the rest of the world saw it and thought: 'nah'. It only takes an hour though.

This. Of this series had run for 2 or 3 seasons it would've been okay. Now it's been a dead horse they have been flogging back to life for years. And people mindlesley gobble it up. I saw my parents atching a rerun (oh, it has endless reruns!) without cracking as much as a smile. When I asked why they were watching they shrugged: "it's de kampioenen"
Oh yeah, i also hate cycling-stuff here. Even when it's not on tv, there are a lot of people cycling in special outfits. Thinking they're king of the road. Cyclists are fucking hell in Belgium


Oct 27, 2017
Football for me, too. It's a fun sport but the level of obsession is just weird, frankly.


Oct 25, 2017
Soccer, cash obsession, Oktoberfest and smaller scale versions of that "event"
Oct 27, 2017
Football, baseball, etc. Most team sports are so boring to watch on TV. Basketball is OK.

I wish more people were into individual sports like skateboarding. Street, vert, whatever ... I could watching competitive skating all day.


Dec 5, 2018
Football, mostly. And also fries slathered in stoofvleessaus and mayonaise.

Oh yeah, i also hate cycling-stuff here. Even when it's not on tv, there are a lot of people cycling in special outfits. Thinking they're king of the road. Cyclists are fucking hell in Belgium
If you ask me, mountainbikers are the worst of them. All of the crappy qualities of cyclists, but also add what seems like a baffling disregard for their own safety. Just the number of times I've seen some burst forth from the sides to cross a busy road without slowing down and possibly not even looking for incoming traffic, sem-trailer trucks slamming the brakes to not flatten them, and they just keep going like nothing happened.


Oct 25, 2017
New Zealand.


Like im not a big sports person in general, but at least with Rugby i can kind of see the appeal and have even enjoyed the odd game, or at least some highlights.
But Cricket is just a fucking snoozefest, the games take forever and even the most sudden and exciting developments are still barely interesting.
Jul 19, 2018
It's interesting seeing people say cricket. I totally get it because I felt the same for a long time. I got hooked by the 2005 Ashes. I've been learning slowly ever since. I suspect that part of the reason a lot of people aren't interested is that while the concept itself is quite simple, some of the rules and the nuances of the sport take a while to appreciate.

Once you get past that though, it becomes apparent that every delivery is a psychological battle between bowler and batsman. That momentum and matches can swing in an instant, and that the level of skill required to react to a ball being flung at you at 90+ mph, with fractionally different deviations off the pitch each time, in the knowledge that the difference between hitting a boundary and losing your wicket is a few mm, is astounding. That's obviously just one of hundreds of scenarios, too.

I prefer Test cricket to shorter forms, but the world cup final this year was quite possibly the greatest sporting drama I've ever seen.