What was worse?

  • Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull

    Votes: 502 29.9%
  • Star Wars Rise of Skywalker

    Votes: 1,179 70.1%

  • Total voters

Prinz Eugn

Oct 25, 2017
TROS was almost insulting with how it tried to cover the nonsensical nature of everything happening by just having more stuff happen before you had time to think about it.

Crystal Skull was not great and the special effects choices were so, so, baffling, but was better than TROS.


Oct 27, 2017
TROS is more disappointing and harder to ignore but it still has things I like about it. I don't think there's anything I really like about Crystal Skull, and if there is I like them less than the things I like about TROS.
Oct 27, 2017
Crystal Skull for me. The fridge thing removed me from the movie and Shia was a terrible addition.
Of course, TROS had the whole ridiculous thing with the gazillion Star Destroyers chilling out on the planet so I dunno.

The Bookerman

Oct 25, 2017
Crystal Skull is Horrible from A to Z. Nobody takes the damn thing seriously. Also Aliens in Indiana Jones? Get that stuff outta here.
Cast that seems like they are stuck in a bad Indiana Jones Disney park attraction.
Horrible. Crystal Skull followed The last crusade.

I'm fine with ROTS, I was already off the boat after TLJ's portrayal of Luke.
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Garp TXB

Apr 1, 2020
There are no wrong answers, but for me personally it was Crystal Skull by far, because I was in love with the franchise and had naive high hopes for it. The warehouse scene in the beginning got me so hyped too. Sometimes, if it's available, I'll watch that and nothing else.

I kinda fell out of love with Star Wars a while ago, at least as far as caring about the lore, consistency, and character arcs. My kid loved TROS so I just turned off my brain and enjoyed it through his eyes.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I watched Crystal Skull last week and it still a fun Indy movie. Sure its not on par with the other series but still enjoyable.
On the other hand TRoS just a very very bad movie from start to finish.


Oct 28, 2017
ROTS for sure. KOTCS actually works as a movie when it's not Steven trying to do his best version of Redux Lucas CGI.

ROTS is pure abomination.


"This guy are sick"
Dec 16, 2017
Truth. ToD is just straight up bad, and Kate Capshaw's character is just terrible. TPM is bad, but AotC managed to be both bad and boring, so AotC might also be worse than ToD and TPM.
My feeling with AOTC is that it at least kept going with what it was doing, didn't have quite as much to live up to and also had a ton more lore-driven scenes up its sleeve than TPM being... what it was. With TPM we got good music, a couple of character origins and the rest was mostly garbage. AOTC we got better action, edgelord shenanigans with Anakin, even more/better good music, further proof that Lucas can't write romance for crap and SLJ wielding a goddamned purple lightsaber. Oh and the smallest see of Jedi being too goody-two-shoes for their, and the galaxy's, own good.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Here is the thing.

There is no saving Indy 4. But at least he didn't die.

And now we got Mangold Indy 5 which is honestly the only chance it ever had to be half okay. We'll see, can't be worse.

Rise of shitwalker destroyed the entire saga with petty awful retcons and unsatisfying conclusions, and everybody now looking forward to the PAST (through mando, high republic, clone wars, Kenobi etc..).


Aug 18, 2018
The strength of Spielberg's direction still shines through the weakness of watching an elderly Indy, his dipshit son, and assorted friends that no one wanted. It certainly gets overly goofy, but I can still see someone's vision, no matter how flawed.

The Rise of Skywalker is completely missing that connective tissue. It's just a collection of disconnected moments and fake-outs that feel like nothing more than a soulless board room of executives trying to drag this dead horse towards the finish line. A depressing experience, overall
Oct 27, 2017
My feeling with AOTC is that it at least kept going with what it was doing, didn't have quite as much to live up to and also had a ton more lore-driven scenes up its sleeve than TPM being... what it was. With TPM we got good music, a couple of character origins and the rest was mostly garbage. AOTC we got better action, edgelord shenanigans with Anakin, even more/better good music, further proof that Lucas can't write romance for crap and SLJ wielding a goddamned purple lightsaber. Oh and the smallest see of Jedi being too goody-two-shoes for their, and the galaxy's, own good.

It didn't have as much to live up to, because after TPM people expected the next one to be bad too. And AotC definitely delivered on that front. Luckily RotS saved the PT from being a complete trainwreck.


"This guy are sick"
Dec 16, 2017
It didn't have as much to live up to, because after TPM people expected the next one to be bad too. And AotC definitely delivered on that front. Luckily RotS saved the PT from being a complete trainwreck.
Definitely true.

I think mostly I enjoy AOTC more because it's all kinds of dumb, but I don't take SW seriously ever, so it fit right in. At the time of its release the effects were nice, the action worked and it had lore going for it. ROTS is fantastic for the same reasons, except it's somehow less dumb. The ice cream scoop looking delivery robot at the end kind of gives me wife nightmares, though, hahaha.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
My feeling with AOTC is that it at least kept going with what it was doing, didn't have quite as much to live up to and also had a ton more lore-driven scenes up its sleeve than TPM being... what it was. With TPM we got good music, a couple of character origins and the rest was mostly garbage. AOTC we got better action, edgelord shenanigans with Anakin, even more/better good music, further proof that Lucas can't write romance for crap and SLJ wielding a goddamned purple lightsaber. Oh and the smallest see of Jedi being too goody-two-shoes for their, and the galaxy's, own good.

AOTC is a fun adventure film and to be honest there isn't much else quite like it. I think expectations of what it should have been crippled it on top of infamous Lucas dialogues (that I find so outlandish they have their own charm but it's a personal opinion).

Cyberpunk Coruscant




Detective Kinobi


My highschool crush



Actually solid cinematography



Oct 27, 2017
Definitely true.

I think mostly I enjoy AOTC more because it's all kinds of dumb, but I don't take SW seriously ever, so it fit right in. At the time of its release the effects were nice, the action worked and it had lore going for it. ROTS is fantastic for the same reasons, except it's somehow less dumb. The ice cream scoop looking delivery robot at the end kind of gives me wife nightmares, though, hahaha.

I haven't watched AotC in a couple of years, but when I last watched it I was just bored throughout it all. TPM at least has all the dumb shit about midichlorians, the pod race, and all the Jar Jar scenes for you to hatewatch, but AotC never really had anything like that to grab my attention. I should probably watch it again sometime.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
I don't care about Crystal Skull whatever. Hated how ROS walked back on the ending of the TLJ, where a kid, a nobody, is looking at the stars, like he could be the next hero of the series.

"No err, there's no message, Rey is a palpatine!"

Wood Man

Oct 30, 2017
Nothing will haunt my dreams more than seeing Shia LaBeouf swinging with monkeys. Point goes to Crystal Skull



The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Seattle, WA
Both are atrocious. I voted Crystal Skull due to a knee-jerk reaction and I don't intend to give these movies much more thought than that.


Oct 25, 2017
Crystal Skull feels bad because the last movie you'd compare it with is Last Crusade. It's a completely OK and fun movie with a dumb as bricks ending.

ROS is a 142 minutes long train crash.


Nov 17, 2017
Though Crystal Skull was worse for me as an experience because I have been a big Indy fan, Rise of Skywalker is worse all round as a movie in my estimation. I can get through nearly the first half or so of Crystal Skull. It is the one DVD from the Indy collection that my kid almost never puts on, so I am not subjected to it very often, but I dont mind the rocket sled or motorbike through the university etc parts, you have a solid 30 odd minutes there I would say. I could not be motivated to watch 30 minutes of Rise of Skywalker again for any reason short of bodily harm to myself or loved ones.


Oct 31, 2017
The one that references a fortnite event to hear the main bad guy's speech automatically loses, all else being equal. BARF.


was promised a tag
Apr 10, 2018
Anybody voting for KotCS is crazy. It's a 6/10 that had to live up to impossible expectations.

TRoS is a legitimate 1/10 movie, it's absolutely fucking terrible.


Oct 28, 2017
I actually like Crystal Skull. There are only really three things in it that annoy me/I could have done without. Everything else was good, solid, Indiana Jones fun.

Whereas The Rise of Skywalker was just disappointing for me all round. More so in that it (and the trilogy as a whole) could have been so much more. I thought TFA was solid, I really loved most of what TLJ was doing, and then TROS just sort of comes along and just craps on the carpet. I can enjoy it as mindless entertainment, but can't help just feel disappointed at the same time.

EDIT: I had to edit this post 3 times because I kept writing Rise of the Skywalker / ROTS lol

Tortillo VI

May 27, 2018
Crystal Skull is enjoyable but a bit disappointing.

Rise of Skywalker is just awful. Throws away everything the previous movie set up and it's filled with cringe, plot holes and retcons. It feels rushed, out of ideas and aimless.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Maybe I have recency and experience biases going on; but I recall Crystal Skull being a way more coherent film than Rise of Skywalker. At least with Crystal Skull, that was a movie that came well after an established trilogy and its story feels like it was written with that reality in mind. It's more of a standalone/episodic story that doesn't really try to step over the previous movies. RoS is now a poster child of trying to have your cake and eat it, a movie that's supposed to round out a trilogy (and bookend a nine-entry saga) but also act as if the events of the immediate second film that came before hardly even existed. It feels like the conclusion to a different ST made in a parallel universe.

And as much as it didn't work out, I'll give Crystal Skull some credit in doing something different with its 1950s/communism setting and having aliens than the weird RotJ rehashing that RoS was doing. Right down to literally asspulling a dead villain back to life, which --again-- was never even alluded to in the previous two films at all. (And I say that while also admitting Palpatine was the most entertaining bit from the movie for me.)

I'd say Rise of Skywalker is much worse, it is still one of the worst written blockbuster/tentpole films I have seen in the theater.

Both are pretty abysmal. I'll pick Thor: The Dark World.

The Era Mathematician's answer.
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Nov 17, 2017
Crystal Skull was trash, but it was competently-made trash. TRoS was just all over the fucking place.

Yeah, it is low praise but Crystal Skull is definitely a bad movie made by people. It is disappointing, the worst entry in the franchise, generally not very good and I could do without seeing it again. However, it was definitely a movie made by people. TRoS doesnt really qualify in comparison because I do not think it is a movie made by people and I suspect it was made by an AI. It felt like something unleashed by the LaLiLuLeLo.


Sep 18, 2018
Crystal Skull is fun but not as good as the earlier films.

TROS' missteps are so bad it's hard to enjoy the few things it does well.