Nov 2, 2017
Don't remember the specs on mine, but Jazz Jackrabbit, some kind of math and reading game that looked like a platformer. Then I had one with Heretic, Doom / Doom II, and Rise of the Triads


Oct 31, 2017
It was a 286.
I remember having drakkhen which was so difficult. I also think of battlechess. But not 100% sure it was on this pc. Maybe later. Impressive game anyway

Edit : and i quicky bought "great courts". Never played more a tennis game since.

City 17

Oct 25, 2017
Pentium with 32MB of Ram.

The original Prince of Persia, Quest for Glory IV, Mad Dog McCree... later to Warcraft II, FIFA Soccer 96, Hardline etc.


Oct 25, 2017
A Packard Bell prebuilt from PC World back in 1998. My cousin then sent me a bunch of PC shooters like Half-Life, Unreal, Quake, SiN and Turok. It had Windows 98, was in a really cheap looking plastic beige case and cam with a Packard Bell branded 15" beige CRT and mouse and keyboard. I can't remember the spec of it but it was above average for it's time. I've been a PC shooter fan ever since. Got into building systems a few years later once I took this one apart to upgrade the GPU.


Oct 6, 2020
Magnavox 286 with a cd-rom drive via cd caddy

The manhole was my first cd rom game. Archon and a few others.

Learned how to use the pc so I can try to play that golf game. Links

Copy con ing that autoexec and config.sys!!!

Started from the bottom now we here !


Apr 27, 2018
First PC was probably the PS1 in 1990 for me personally. My dad had older models.

If we count personal computers then it's Sharp MZ-721.

But on my PC I had preinstalled some Disney games like Roger Rabbit hare raising havoc and others. It also had Sierra and lucasarts games and Sim City.


Oct 25, 2017
My first PC was a shared one between me and my two older brothers. It was a Kmart Blue Light branded PC we got the Christmas of 2000. I remember we got Nicktoons Racing with it, but we also had that 3D Frogger, Tony Hawk 2, and Jazz Jackrabbit 2 installed on it over that first year. Here's a CNN article about the PC:

Per the article, the specs:
Intel Celeron 633-MHz processor
32MB of memory
7.5GB hard drive

The first PC I ever built myself was Christmas 2008, when I was 14. I used my savings from like the past year including birthday and Christmas money, and got an AMD Phenom X4 9600 Black Edition quad-core clocked at 2.3ghz. My GPU was a Geforce 9400GT that I quickly upgraded to a 9500GT. I think I had 4gb of dual-channel memory but I could be mistaken. And with the money I had left over, I bought Left 4 Dead, BioShock, Assassin's Creed, and Prince of Persia 2008 in that Steam winter sale.


May 24, 2018
United States
First computer I gamed on was a Macintosh Performa 636 from around 1992. Motorola 68040 CPU @ 33 MHz, 8 MB of RAM (later upgraded to 36, 4 MB were soldered to the board), 1 MB VRAM, CD-ROM drive, 150 MB hard drive. Favorite games included Marathon, Stellar 7 (remake), Oregon Trail, WarCraft 1, SimCity 2000, Spectre.

First "real" PC was a Dell XPS R450 in late 1998. Pentium 2 CPU @ 450 MHz, 128 MB RAM, ATi Rage video card w/ 8 MB VRAM, DVD-ROM drive, 17 GB hard drive. Thing was a beast at the time! Favorite early games there were MechWarrior 2, Quake, WarCraft 2, StarCraft, Diablo, Half-Life, Myst, Riven (DVD version baby!). But in my mind it will always be remembered as the Diablo 2 box.

That latter PC carried me through with RAM and video card upgrades until WarCraft 3 in 2002, when I scavanged parts for an AMD Athlon based system, which was the first system I ever built myself.
Jan 27, 2019
Fuck off
My first PC was a generic Win 95 PC I got second hand from an office clearance, I never played any games on it beyond the preinstalled minesweeper, solitaire etc.

I can't even remember the specs, I didn't think about it in that way at the time.
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Oct 26, 2017
a Commodore 64 with the greatest hits: Transformers, Ghostbusters, Spy Vs. Spy, Karateka, Kung-Fu: The Way of the Exploding Fist, Rambo

after that my brother got a PC XT with games like: Spider-Man and Captain America in: Dr. Doom Revenge, Airborne Ranger, and viruses like ping pong and stoned :)

Deleted member 76797

Aug 1, 2020
My parents had some Compaq PC when I was a kid. Like mid 90s. First games I really remember on it are Jazz Jackrabbit and Doom.


Oct 27, 2017
United States
A Packard Bell 386sx 20mhz from Sears.
I was big into the Gold Box games then but my friend introduced me to my favorite game then and is still one of my favorites of all time: Ultima VII

Yeesh I am getting old...


Oct 27, 2017
Some Win 95 era Packard Bell with I think a 133MHz Pentium. Came with a bunch of games, the standouts being the mighty CivNet and Batman Cartoon Maker. I was hooked on Civ from an early age.

If we don't limit this to IBM PCs then we had an Atari ST FM before that. Came with something like 30+ games, I loved Bomb Jack and Eliminator the most early on.

Exist 2 Inspire

Powered by Friendshipā„¢
Apr 19, 2018
I had a 486 in the early to mid 90s with a shit ton of games on it. From the top of my head: Sid Meier's Colonization, Grand Prix 2, Duke Nukem II, Sim City, Sim City 2000, FIFA International Soccer, Grand Prix Circuit, Sim Farm, Bleifuss 2, Hocus Pocus, Star Wars: X-Wing, Master of Orion, Prince of Persia, The Lion King, Caesar II and probably i whole bunch i don't remember right now.

I spent every free minute i had in front of that PC, good times.


Sep 28, 2020
I think Pentium 75 8MB RAM/540MB HDD with DOS & Win 3.11 and games like C&C, Dune, Commanche, Earth Siege, Warcraft 1 & 2.....GREAT STUFF


Dec 2, 2017
Mine was a $100 used Pentium 2 866 MHz, I think it had 128mb or 256mb of RAM, a 10gb HDD and a 4mb S3 verge GPU, all of that in the year 2004. It took months convincing my parents to get me a PC and this is what they were willing to buy, while all my cousins got new PC's at the same time. First thing I played on it was Colin McRae Rally that came with the PC, I remember feeling so left out since my PC couldn't run XP and none of the games my cousins were playing, but I had some good times with it, mostly because of the limitations I was "stuck" playing some great classics like Age of Empires 2 and a whole lot of The Sims (I could only have that installed with all the expansions and nothing else lol).
Nov 2, 2017
2002, 2003 ish? A friend of my father's set it up for me and installed Stronghold Crusader and Soldier of Fortune. I still play those every once in a while :)


Oct 29, 2017
my pc was one of these bad boys.

it came with a multimedia remote, but i dont remember anyone ever using it. and first game on it would probably be something like rayman.


Dec 5, 2018
A Pentium 3 450mhz with I believe 32mb ram and a Riva TNT2. Pretty sure the first thing I ran on it was Unreal.

Deleted member 54073

User requested account closure
Feb 22, 2019
I'm in England and my first ever PC was a 'Tiny' branded one who I think shut down about 20 years ago.

I used to play alot of Championship Manager as well as RTS games like Red Alert and Age of Empires. Plus games like TOCA 2 Touring Cars, Diablo, Nocturne, G-Police, Urban Chaos..

Before that though I used to play on my dad's amiga which had Monkey Island, Rick Dangerous, Lemmings, Sensible Soccer, Cannon Fodder, Gods and lots more.


Oct 27, 2017
First PC was also the first one I built back in the mid 90s. 486 DX2 66. Primarily to play Doom 2 as that was my introduction to PC gaming thanks to my cousin. Had a whopping 4 meg of ram and a Cirrus Logic 512k or 1 meg (can't remember) graphics card, a Soundblaster sound card, and a 270 (ish) MB hard drive. I quickly learned how to network PCs so my friends and I could play Doom 2 deathmatch. Some of the other games after that would have been Doom (of course), Heretic, X-Wing, Tie Fighter, Dark forces, C&C, and Duke Nukem 3D.

Then Quake happened and everything exploded from there.


Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans, LA
Our first family PC was a Packard Bell model, I believe it was titled "Legend 2000"

Intel 486SX @ 25mhz
4MB of RAM (I later upgrade to 8MB)
CD-ROM Drive
Windows 3.11

I was all about that shareware lifestyle as a kid. Apogee and Epic Megagames were great, especially Jazz Jackrabbit.

The original Rayman was great, as was the plethora of edutainment titles I had, most notably Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon and Museum Madness.

Again, I remember it having 200MB, but it's possible that it was 170MB and I've just rounded up to 200MB all these years. I do know the front of of it looked exactly like that though and it had "Multi-Media" along with the Intel Inside badge.


Oct 26, 2017
8088XT in 1988 or so. Defender Of The Crown in glorious four colour CGA.

8086 with EGA and two floppy drives here. My first games on it were probably the terrible Shinobi PC port, Karateka, F-19, The Bard's Tale and a couple of Sierra adventures (Space Quest, King's Quest, Larry).

edit: in case anyone's curious to see what Shinobi on PC looked like:

Feb 29, 2020
Back in 2001 I got my first PC, it was a celeron with windows xp, 128mb of ram, 20gb hdd without a GPU slot and with poor onboard video...

I remember playing my PS1 games in better resolution, but 4 games that made me crazy were Battle Realms, Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver 2 (It used to freeze my pc after a few minutes playing :D), Diablo 2 Demo (that one with barbarian only) and Snes emulator.

I was so happy lol...

Also, it was awesome to look for porn (I was 16), because I had to use my dreamcast when I didn't have a PC and my dial up connection was horrible lol... With PC I got my 1st ADSL connection, in sweet 256k/s :D


Oct 27, 2017
I don't remember what it was since I wasn't very computer savvy at the time, it was a Christmas gift to my family from my uncle back in 1999, and we only had it for a little over three years before it fried.

The primary games I remember playing on it were Need For Speed 3, Mechwarrior 3, Diablo, Diablo 2 (which performed horribly), Starcraft, Baldur's Gate 1 and Baldur's Gate 2.


Oct 27, 2017
Our family got a Laser 286 in the late '80s sometime. It wasn't much for action gamesā€”it came with some shitty Atari 2600-tier gamesā€”but the educational game Super Solvers Midnight Rescue! was an early favorite, and I later spent a lot of time playing Civilization, Sim City, Sim Farm, and Kings Quest VI on it.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 28, 2017
san jose, ca
I don't remember the PC but I remember playing the shit out of the Dr. Brain games.
That's a name I haven't heard in a very long time, and now I'm going to watch a play-through on YouTube.

My dad had this very old Gateway PC with the big 5.25" (i think) floppy disks, and I remember Space Quest VGA, D-Generation, and a bunch of Disney games like Ducktales and some Mickey Mouse game. Most of them scared the shit out of me. :(


Jan 9, 2018
Early 1994 dad brings home a PC. I dont remember the "first" game, but they included The Lost Vikings, Commander Keen, Jeopardy, and some Golf game. They could have even been shareware that my dad found, I don't remember. I do remember going to the Babbages at the mall and convincing my parents that I needed Doom 2. I remember reading ever detail on the box as mom shopped and tried on clothes at Dillards. I'm sure I was a little shit, begging to go home and play Doom 2.


Jun 28, 2018
Not my pictures.

First Windows PC was a Packard Bell Legend desktop with Windows 3.11.

Some of the early games were SimFarm, Microsoft Flight Simulator (5.0 DOS), Star Wars Rebel Assault II, SimCity 2000 (Windows 3.x). Oh, and TIE Fighter of course.


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Oct 25, 2017
My father got a 486 DX 40MHz 8MB RAM, 320MB HDD, 17" Monitor for the home office (separate building on our property) in 1993. At the time, every part was ridiculously kick ass, except for 40MHz, he should have gotten the 66MHz back then, but whatever.
A much younger, much lower rank colleague of his built the system and showed us how to use it, I soaked it all up like a sponge as an 12 year old, from the little things like "you need a config.sys, autexec.bat", "the 'dir' command shows you the insides of a folder" and "add /? to a command to make DOS explain how the command works"(in english of course, which I only had for 1 year in school at the time), I learned all sorts of stuff, mainly because my father and much older brother didn't have the time nor the absolute need to figure everything out.
A year later, I was the guy at my class level in school you'd ask to make you a boot disc so you could run some weird "needs this much hi mem", "needs XMS" or whatever to run a certain game.

My first game I got from the younger colleague of my father and it was Loom.

You needed to figure out how to play melodies you heard in the environment to do perform magic. Great game, but kinda old graphics at the time.

My second game was X-Wing, which I played with a mouse and keyboard for a long time (taking the mouse off the mouse pad when it reached the bottom and putting it back on higher up to quickly pull it down again, rinse and repeat do neverending intercept loopings).

This game blew my mind coming from a Super Nintendo that I got 1 1/2 years before for christmas. It was Star Wars, it looked sharp, it had a story, it was a piloting (I loved fighter planes in primary school and build models. Had an X-Wing too, because I loved Star Wars as well).

And my third game was Sam & Max, on disc. We didn't had a CD-ROM drive back then. No voice acting then of course.

Cool profanity in a detective cartoon game with animals that made it look like it's for kids? Hell yea. Didn't get this attitude and fidelity on the SNES. I think this was even before we got the Simpsons translated in Germany. So, this really was a first for me.

All 3 from LucasArts.
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Oct 25, 2017
I was like 7 or 8 - while other kids were getting toys and stuff - I only wanted a computer cause I was curious about electronics and software even at a young age.

My parents bought me a HP pavilion that had windows 98, 4 GB storage and who knows the processor and ram

It was the dark ages (dial up internet and all - I remember my parents being pissed whenever I logged into AOL and they wanted to call me or call someone šŸ˜‚ ) but man had so much fun learning

I got into emulation and my first emulated game was Pokemon red and blue which I got later alongside yellow when my parents bought me a gameboy color a few months later

Only PC games I had were a demo of quake 1 and a demo of duke nukem 1

I played both for hours and multiple times - parents didn't care if it was too violent


My first time to get into actual PC gaming was back in 2011 - some old guild mates from a MMO introduced me to Steam.

I was gifted Terraria , torchlight 1 & 2 (preorder) as my first few games on steam.

Got left 4 dead 2, assassins creed, and ys origins afterwards

Also finally got to play full versions of quake 1 and duke nukem and beat them too šŸ˜‚


Oct 25, 2017
Parents had an 8086XT. I think it had some QBASIC stuff like the gorilla banana throwing game and snake.

I more clearly remember the computer after that, which was a 486DX. We played stuff like Wing Commander 1 and Indianapolis 500 on it.
Oct 25, 2017
Some of the early games were SimFarm, Microsoft Flight Simulator (5.0 DOS), Star Wars Rebel Assault II, SimCity 2000 (Windows 3.x).

My first own PC was a Packard BELL 33MHz SX that looked almost like the one in your picture. It had a Sound Blaster and a CD-ROM drive that came with Mega Race (an FMV OutRun style racing game with a shitty future TV Host). First CD-ROM game I bought was Rebel Assault 1 (no idea why I didn't get 2, maybe it was out in Germany only a year later?!??). Favorite games I played on it were UFO - Enemy Unknown, Sim City 2000 and Jagged Alliance 1 (JA2 later became my favorite game of all time for most of my life).


Oct 27, 2017
I've forgotten, but it was used to help me type. I know I played Half-Life, Starcraft, Doom (no disk, share ware version maybe?), Myst and have disks for Outpost 2, Dark Forces, Lords of Magic, Earthsiege 2, Sim City 2000, US Navy Fighters, Streets of Sim city and some others.


Oct 27, 2017
A 8088 or 8086 laptop with a monochrome display. I think my first games were Alley Cat, Prince of Persia and Grand Prix Circuit.

Yung Coconut

Oct 31, 2017
Pentium Pro with dual 3DFX VooDoo 2s and an ATI 2d graphics card (Mach Series I think?). Played tons of Quake CTF, Team Fortress and Quake II CTF on it.


Oct 27, 2017
Was a Gateway... something or other, that I got from my uncle. Think it ran Windows 95.

First game was a French copy of Tomb Raider II, which I bought when we went on a school trip to France and I had however many francs left over that I didn't know what to do with. So I just went into some electronic store and bought a copy. lol.

I never got past the first level šŸ¤£