
Oct 25, 2017
Not directly gaming related but I figured HD DVD would trump blu ray by name recognition alone, thus I thought the PS3 was going in on some struggle discs or something that would screw them over.

Thought HD DVD would win the battle because DVD was in the name and people wouldn't know WTF Blu Ray is

Hey, this guy gets it!
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Oct 27, 2017
On one hand, the PSP. Basically a notebook GPU stapled to a big battery and screen. Also a shitty but nonetheless usable analogue stick. Sure, it's a bit pricey and wtf is it with those umd and memory stick things, but hey. Look at that sleek fucker. LOOK AT IT.

On the other hand: the DS. Hilarious low rez screens driven by outright antiquated ARM cores and a super esoteric GPU setup (c'mon, scan line rasterizers are super unique). Can't even talk WPA. Plus, the phat is ugly as sin and there's no analogue input.

Like, there's no real contest, is there? Right?

Still bought a DS at launch. And a psp for MonHan waaay later. 🤷‍♂️


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Bought a 2080 Ti in July and thought it was good value
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Nov 19, 2017
After seeing Killer Instinct, Cruisin' USA, Mario 64, Zelda 64, and the FFVI demo, I thought the N64 was going to dominate. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Oct 28, 2017
That PC gaming would die off in the face of really good console appliances I guess. Let's see how next gen plays out though, cause last gen they were kinda shitty for the time!


Oct 27, 2017
I thought Mighty No. 9 would be awesome, and would become a successful long-running series since Capcom would obviously never make another Mega Man game.
In retrospect, I sure am glad I was wrong.

(Still haven't seen a whisper of that 3DS version of MN9 I backed the kickstarter for, btw, Comcept)


Oct 27, 2017
After seeing Killer Instinct, Cruisin' USA, Mario 64, Zelda 64, and the FFVI demo, I thought the N64 was going to dominate. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Well who can blame you, it had SGI and 133Mhertzs at 64bitz and RAMBUS Ram and was the successor to the SNES. No way Nintendo would botch that. I was sorely tempted as a youngster, but somehow barely managed to avoid that particular trainwreck.

(Also, don't forget that dolphin swimming around. That was a neato tech demo.)


Dec 12, 2017
I thought xbox would not last more than a generation.

in my defense i lived in Europe then and the first gen xbox was almost unseen in europe.


Oct 27, 2017
I thought the Dreamcast was going to be a massive success but Sega's past failures and the release of the PS2 doomed the console.


Oct 28, 2017
At some point i thought the Steam Machine would be as relevant as Sony/Nintendo/MS stuff.

Dawngate would be totally the next big moba. Game was cancelled before getting out of beta lmao.

Was also betting hard on both Evolved and that online game based on Legacy of Kain.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 29, 2017
I predicted that next gen consoles would have reasonable specs, prices and a traditional console form factor/sub 200w TDP. I didn't anticipate how little Sony and Microsoft care about stuff like that and I expected them to take a look at what makes the Switch so successful since it is easily running away with this gen sales wise.

Instead they are doing the exact opposite of what the market leader is doing. It'll be interesting to see if that pays off for them, my guess is it won't.

But hey at least I was right about 36 CUs in PS5 before it was cool to predict that.


Oct 27, 2017
I said covid19/coronavirus would have zero impact on the videogame industry.

Probably that.

When it was announced, I thought Xbox was gonna flop. Who'd want a games console from the makers of Windows 95?
A lot of people, it turned out.


Oct 25, 2017
Not US
I thought Arkham Asylum would suck, like almost every comic book game. I'm glad I was proven wrong.

And I thought for some time that Vita would have a comeback during it's second year, it didn't last long :/


Oct 25, 2017
I thought that Kinect would become a household staple.
This. Honestly, throughout last two gens, I thought various peripherals would take off and become relatively permanent in the gaming ecosystem -- motion controls, plastic music instruments, the Wii Fit balance board, etc. All of them have dissipated.

Another bad take from me was to do a 180 and predict VR would then also bomb and disappear. To my credit, I don't think it's caught fire to anywhere near the degree Era thinks it has, but it isn't going away, either.


Nov 3, 2017
The day of Sony's last show I was talking shit on this very forum about FFXVI not being announced and even if it was, we'd just get a logo.

Never been happier to be wrong though.


Oct 30, 2017
I thought the Vita would be a hit and dominate the 3DS.
Then 3DS lowered its price. And then Monster Hunter on 3DS happened. That was the end.
Sony also made some poor decisions with it...

However I love my Vita and I think it's a great console.
I eventually got a 3DS (a few years ago) and it's definitely one of the worst consoles I got (I'm not talking about the games on it)...


User requested ban
Dec 13, 2019
As a kid I thought Sonic was better than Mario and thought Sega would end up "winning".


Oct 25, 2017
That the PSP would bury the DS. I didn't mind being wrong though because I was a Nintendo fanboy at the time.


Nov 19, 2017
Well who can blame you, it had SGI and 133Mhertzs at 64bitz and RAMBUS Ram and was the successor to the SNES. No way Nintendo would botch that. I was sorely tempted as a youngster, but somehow barely managed to avoid that particular trainwreck.

(Also, don't forget that dolphin swimming around. That was a neato tech demo.)
I can't call it a train wreck as it gave the world the blueprints for 3D platformers and console FPS. But if you bet solely on N64, you might not have had that good of a gaming generation.
I was fine as I got the PS1 and SS well before the N64 so it was a nice addition in that generation.

Oh, I also got the Lynx after the GB. That didn't work out but there were some fun ones on there, too.

David Kjellson

Oct 27, 2017
I made an avatar bet on NeoGAF in which I was certain that Mallo from Pushmo/Pullblox would be a fighter in Smash 4.

I really don't know what I was thinking.


Oct 27, 2017
At some point i thought the Steam Machine would be as relevant as Sony/Nintendo/MS stuff.

Same. I bought into the hype the Steam Controller would be this revolution in game controls that would marry the precision of the mouse with the easy accessibility of the controller. After buying one I could never get used to it and now it's just collecting dust. I seriously thought Stream machines and the Linux OS it ran would replace PC gaming.

However, my biggest worst prediction was that 3D gaming would never catch on. I saw the early 3D games like Virtua Fighter and wondered why anyone would want to play something ugly like that when we were in the heyday of beautiful pixel art. My young brain would never have been able to conceive how quickly technology would advance and how lifelike it would end up looking.


Oct 26, 2017
Town adjacent to Silent Hill
I rationalised paying for PSN by thinking it would subsidise improving their infrastructure. Not only was that as naive as it was wrong, I foolishly fell for it again later on Switch. Years later, and my gigabit internet still barely gets ISDN speeds on those services.

That the 'Metal Gear Solid Legacy Collection' would be ported to current generation consoles.
Same. Shouldn't have been too much effort, even for Konami. Still surprised it never happened, honestly.
Oct 27, 2017
That the Wii would be a dud due to it being weak and being focused on casual gaming for grannies and Nintendo fans only. That didn't exactly go according to keikaku :p