
Oct 28, 2017
I wouldn't care. I haven't played a PS3, Wii U, or 360 game since their successors came out.


Dec 31, 2017
There's a reason why I almost always go for PC releases, and why I hope more and more games come out on PC.

It's a shame games like Nier and Demon's Souls are held hostage by how console generations are handled.

Exactly what I've been doing as of lately, even though I've yet to have a good gaming PC.

At least PC is guaranteed to always have BC.


Nov 26, 2017
Yeah but can you imagine if the PS5 version was the same as the XB1 version running with a better resolution framerate on the next Xbox?

Playstation owners would need to buy the game for the 2nd (or even 3rd) time, whereas anyone who owns the XB1 version could just pop that disc into the new Xbox and play, for free, the version Playstation owners had to shell out 60 dollars for
XB1 doesn't have X enchantments, that is what I'm saying. GTAV is holding off to next gen so they can release it once again.


Oct 25, 2017
yeah, I get ya. But initially at release that concept isn't going to matter as much. The knowledge that you can take all your digital purchases with you will.

It will definitely convert a lot of people who'll be pissed all those digital purchases won't be carried over and suddenly all their PS4 games are stuck to a last gen system.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm fine with rebuying the remastered versions of all the remasters and exclusives I bought this gen.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm of the mind that BC for the previous console has a pretty small audience. BC starts becoming important for titles a couple generations back, because that's when nostalgia really starts kicking in. I'm far more interested in PS1/PS2 titles on the PS4 than I am for PS3. Same goes for the other systems. OG Xbox and GCN games get my attention, Wii/360 not so much.
BC is a pretty big deal. With GaaS and Live Service games publishers and devs want to support these games for years. A PS5 without BC would disrupt that. Also, as always with new consoles, there's not many games to play for the first year. A PS5 that could play the entire PS4 catalog would help alleviate that. And.. Sony has to do it because MS did it for Xbox. No BC won't blow over like it has in the past.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
I don't think it would have the same reaction it have before (none), Xbox also didn't have BC at the time, but now would be a disadvantage. And starting the system life with great "enhanced" exclusives would be a great advantage to PS5.

I would still buy it but not at day one.
Oct 28, 2017
Xbox One doesn't have a lot of games? Sounds wrong. And yes, the new console should primarily be for new games. But, having BC is an easy win from a pro consumer standpoint, especially when your next console is built on a similar architecture. There's really no excuse. It's not like Sony has never offered this functionality in the past.

Well not like the 360 had. There are games sure but most are Just multiplat.

It's exclusives are few. If you're not a fan of halo, gears or forza, there's not much else.

I personally love forza, but it's not for everyone.


Jan 27, 2018
I might skip PS5 if they did that, but they won't, it's an almost given that they will promote PS4 games running at 4K on PS5.
I just hope PS5 gets more support for PS4 games then Pro did, still no Bloodborne or Uncharted collection patch sucks.


Oct 27, 2017
Buffalo, NY
I wouldn't care. I haven't played a PS3, Wii U, or 360 game since their successors came out.

Maybe the reason you haven't played those games is because it's too much of a hassle to use the old system?

If they were right on your dashboard, you'd be more likely to, since you'd just see them as another game on your PS4, rather than an "old game."

Deleted member 36086

User requested account closure
Dec 13, 2017
I think they'd get criticized by publishers and devs since GaaS and Live Service games are the norm now. Imagine how bad Sony would look if people couldn't play games like Fortnite day 1 on PS5. Backward compatibility is a must have requirement on PS5. I'd be shocked and appalled if it didn't have it.

Regarding GaaS, I think publishers would love nothing more than to re-sell you a PS5 version of a game you already own and I'm sure most people who buy a PS5 would prefer to have a PS5 version rather than continue to play a PS4 game via BC.
Oct 28, 2017



tag reference no one gets
Oct 25, 2017
BC is a pretty big deal. With GaaS and Live Service games publishers and devs want to support these games for years. A PS5 without BC would disrupt that. Also, as always with new consoles, there's not many games to play for the first year. A PS5 that could play the entire PS4 catalog would help alleviate that. And.. Sony has to do it because MS did it for Xbox. No BC won't blow over like it has in the past.

Man, I would love to see what this generation would have looked like if the XB1 ditched the motion crap from the get go and sold the XB1 at the same price as the PS4 and had BC announced from the start and didn't try and pull the hugely anti consumer move at all

I mean, the PS4 would still have beaten it, but I think it would have been a lot closer


Oct 27, 2017

There are certain individuals who push this as some type of make or break issue for the PS5. And every time I see that sentiment posted here I chuckle a little. If anybody thinks that PS5 not having support for a last gen game will change, shift, or stifle the PS momentum, here in Europe, is severely mistaken.
Nov 8, 2017
MS are going from Jags to Ryzen, just like Sony, they even had a more troublesome memory set up, and they've already said next-gen will have BC, so Ryzen is not an issue at all, MS have already said they're doing it.

They're committed to putting in the effort, since they're already doing BC on a per game basis. I don't think this means it's "not an issue", as in that it's some kind of utterly trivial task that won't require millions and millions of dollars to get up and running. I expect near-full compatibility to be possible - if Sony wants it and wants to put the effort in. Which they may not.

There are lots of reasons why BC is worth Sony's time:
- MS will have it, so they want it too.
- It will allow them to use titles in PS Now to combat Game Pass.
- It's pro-consumer, and good PR.
- They still get their royalties from sales, and their 30% from digital delivery.
- It makes the transition early in the gen smoother from consumers.
- It saves putting effort in for porting much demanded titles.
- And the big one, GaaS. They get to launch with Fortnite, Overwatch, Minecraft, R6: Siege, GTAV, RDR2, etc.

The only thing on your list that I think is actually possibly going to move them is the final one.

  • Microsoft has BC now, does Sony want it? Not that badly, I think.
  • MS has gamepass now, they have not shown signs of responding (although I expect something eventually)
  • It's already pro-conumser and good PR
  • They would already get sales from it if they had some level of PS3 back compat.
  • I don't think the transition thing is really a big deal for them all things considered, Sony and MS both sold out up front and Sony kept momentup up no problems despite no compatibility.
  • The porting effort was modest and the sales return was excellent in many cases - so I think "not wanting to put in the effort" is a bit of a non-starter justification

Wanting to have Fortnight et al on the system is possibly something they might worry about, but then again, Fortnite gets ported to mobile phones so it's not implausible to expect those games to mostly launch on PS5 day one or not long after it regardless, or whatever future games are hot in the year 2020. I also don't expect Sony to be above the possibility of blundering in some ways.


May 21, 2018
I would call them out for their continual anti-consumer bullshit and I'd disregard Sony platforms entirely. Scratch that, I'll buy a PS5, play the exclusives I want and abuse a return policy.

Imagine the press, even the average consumer would discover that they could've easily done it (but didn't)


Oct 27, 2017
I think the difference is whether to buy the system at launch vs a couple of years later.

If Xbox One came out with BC at launch it would certainly be more popular, especially if it also enhances them like what they do now.


tag reference no one gets
Oct 25, 2017

I 100% agree, I was simply refuting the sentiment that 'It's a PlayStation it's gonna sell regardless'

Sony are more than capable of fucking things up, and just because they have recovered in the past (the PS3) that doesn't mean they don't get it wrong from time to time, and like with your example, when they get it wrong, they really get it wrong
Nov 4, 2017

There are certain individuals who push this as some type of make or break issue for the PS5. And every time I see that sentiment posted here I chuckle a little. If anybody thinks that PS5 not having support for a last gen game will change, shift, or stifle the PS momentum, here in Europe, is severely mistaken.
That was the case before, but now its different.

MS is building a video gaming Netflix. Not only will it be BC with upscaled graphics and improved framerates, but you can get a lot of it for a low monthly fee even if you don't own the games.

It's like comparing Netflix to a system that tosses out every old movie from 2 years ago and no longer works. People moving to all digital purchases are going to be pissed if it doesn't carry over.


Oct 31, 2017
a few posters on ERA or reddit might complain, but it would not affect Sony's sales whatsoever or market position

BC is craply overrated


Nov 21, 2017
They will have bc. They won't take the risk to lose potential sales, they will learn from past mistakes. Also, you can have bc and remasters both. Bc will provide native ps4 performance, and remasters will provide next gen experience


Oct 27, 2017
That was the case before, but now its different.

MS is building a video gaming Netflix. Not only will it be BC with upscaled graphics and improved framerates, but you can get a lot of it for a low monthly fee even if you don't own the games.

It's like comparing Netflix to a system that tosses out every old movie from 2 years ago and no longer works. People moving to all digital purchases are going to be pissed if it doesn't carry over.

You are mistaken. XBOX is non existent here and that's with gamepass as a feature. How do you explain that?


Nov 16, 2017
Shallow thinking going on here.

1) Internet complaining and not showing up for preorders defeated the Dracoinian Xbone Plans

2) MS is all in as Xbox as a platform with BC, Sony loses a huge bullet point and feature set

3) It extremely technically feasible, it's still an X86 platform, you're doing more work to disable BC than adding it.

4) GAAS run the industry. Most big titles just might have new iterations for Next Gen, but the ones that don't, you're gonna force devs to release an entire new build instead of just allowing the OG game to play?

5) Soft point, it shits all over the Sony Ecosystem. Majority of PSN users are buying digital games and now you're telling them their purchases don't carry to new hardware? That's dead money. That doesn't help you at all, drives away customers.

Sony would be complete fucking idiots to drop BC

Dog of Bork

Oct 25, 2017
Probably not much. I don't think most people buy new consoles to play old games. I'd much rather have BC and at this point I can't think of a reason why they wouldn't do it, but it isn't a dealbreaker for me if it's gone. I generally keep my old consoles though.


Oct 25, 2017
No one would buy multi-platform games for PS5. Not when the competition is offering total backwards compatibility between generations. Why buy something multi-platform on PS5, when I can buy it on the next Xbox and know I can play my previous games on the last generation and the games I'm buying on the next Xbox even on the next generation after that? It would certainly make it very easy for Microsoft to make a case that the best place to get multi-platform games is on Xbox. Now with digital becoming more and more important, it would be a horrible mistake for Sony.

I think a lot of people are underestimating the importance of backwards compatibility. It's never been as important as it is now with the kind of games coming out and how Microsoft is making it such a selling point with actual upgrades.


Self Requested Ban
Nov 12, 2017
Microsoft has BC now, does Sony want it? Not that badly, I think.
And Sony would have it if they were capable of emulating PS3 games on PS4.
MS has gamepass now, they have not shown signs of responding (although I expect something eventually)
We already know PSNow is getting download support. So they have.
It's already pro-conumser and good PR
I think Sony are going through a bit of a rough spot in terms of consumer good will amongst the core audience right now, and every little helps. But sure, not a big deal.
They would already get sales from it if they had some level of PS3 back compat.
But again, they can't, so? Not really sure what your point is.
I don't think the transition thing is really a big deal for them all things considered, Sony and MS both sold out up front and Sony kept momentup up no problems despite no compatibility.
Right, but XBO didn't launch with BC. It also had a terrible reveal. If they'd both launched identical spec'd machines at the same price, and one played lots of 360 games, and one played no PS3 games, that would hurt them. Not much, but it would. Same this time. Which you seem to agree with as you said the GaaS titles do matter. They're a subset of this point, so I don't know how you can agree with a subset of the library mattering, but not the full library.
The porting effort was modest and the sales return was excellent in many cases - so I think "not wanting to put in the effort" is a bit of a non-starter justification
If it was worth it, we'd have seen it far more. No GoW Ascension, no InFamous, no Motorstorm, no Sly 4, no R&C, no Heavenly Sword, no Killzone, no Warhawk, no Starhawk.

If they were compelled by the financial model of remastering PS3 games, you'd have seen far more of it. They didn't even do Ico and SotC on the platform they finally issued TLG on. And GT6 would have been a very wise way to start the generation, and they didn't do it.

Sony's lust for Remaster cash is absurdly overblown on ERA. They do very little, and people scream out for the stuff too.


Oct 27, 2017
No one would buy multi-platform games for PS5. Not when the competition is offering total backwards compatibility between generations. Why buy something multi-platform on PS5, when I can buy it on the next Xbox and know I can play my previous games on the last generation and the games I'm buying on the next Xbox even on the next generation after that? It would certainly make it very easy for Microsoft to make a case that the best place to get multi-platform games is on Xbox. Now with digital becoming more and more important, it would be a horrible mistake for Sony.
Shallow thinking going on here.

1) Internet complaining and not showing up for preorders defeated the Dracoinian Xbone Plans

2) MS is all in as Xbox as a platform with BC, Sony loses a huge bullet point and feature set

3) It extremely technically feasible, it's still an X86 platform, you're doing more work to disable BC than adding it.

4) GAAS run the industry. Most big titles just might have new iterations for Next Gen, but the ones that don't, you're gonna force devs to release an entire new build instead of just allowing the OG game to play?

5) Soft point, it shits all over the Sony Ecosystem. Majority of PSN users are buying digital games and now you're telling them their purchases don't carry to new hardware? That's dead money. That doesn't help you at all, drives away customers.

Sony would be complete fucking idiots to drop BC

I can't believe you guys don't see the state of the market right now with sony not offering any type of gamepass. I don't understand how you can't see the gamepass is a non factor. Gamepass today, next year, and years later will not push console sales. If it did, XBOX would have built some momentum from the feature. But here, and across Europe, the OG cassette walkman has more momentum than the xbox console.


Oct 26, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
It will definitely convert a lot of people who'll be pissed all those digital purchases won't be carried over and suddenly all their PS4 games are stuck to a last gen system.

I'm not sure I fully get this argument about it "converting" people. Its not like their digital purchases would convert to the other console either. If this was my main concern moving forward...I'd get a PC.


Oct 26, 2017
Regarding GaaS, I think publishers would love nothing more than to re-sell you a PS5 version of a game you already own and I'm sure most people who buy a PS5 would prefer to have a PS5 version rather than continue to play a PS4 game via BC.
I think they wouldn't like it. A lot of people use older console as trade in credit towards the new console. Or they put the old console in a closet somewhere because they only have space for 1 in the entertainment center. If publishers don't have games ready day 1 then they'd lose some customers that they may never get back. I don't think publishers would want to scramble to have their games ready at launch.
Nov 4, 2017
I can't believe you guys don't see the state of the market right now with sony not offering any type of gamepass. I don't understand how you can't see the gamepass is a non factor. Gamepass today, next year, and years later will not push console sales. If it did, XBOX would have built some momentum from the feature. But here, and across Europe, the OG cassette walkman has more momentum than the xbox console.
Because a lot of these mid to late gen moves don't manifest in the market until the next system when people are upended from the ecosystem they've invested in. Everyone will take a hard look when they ask people to spend another $400-500.


Oct 25, 2017
Remaster Shaming lmao
Yep, let's make it more trendy and put a hastag on it #remastershaming :) But seriously it's really stupid to complain about remaster when 1. you don't have to buy it, 2. most of the time it doesn't affect any publisher's output (they give it to dedicated studios like Bluehole etc), 3. you don't have to buy it.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't believe you guys don't see the state of the market right now with sony not offering any type of gamepass. I don't understand how you can't see the gamepass is a non factor. Gamepass today, next year, and years later will not push console sales. If it did, XBOX would have built some momentum from the feature. But here, and across Europe, the OG cassette walkman has more momentum than the xbox console.

I don't think Game Pass is meant to push console sales. Microsoft is less focused on console sales and more focused on software and entering their ecosystem with subscriptions. Plus Game Pass is apparently pushing game sales too — both Sea of Thieves and State of Decay 2 have been huge successes for Microsoft.

Because a lot of these mid to late gen moves don't manifest in the market until the next system when people are upended from the ecosystem they've invested in. Everyone will take a hard look when they ask people to spend another $400-500.

This too. It's all about setting up for next gen with the fresh restart.
Oct 25, 2017
Microsoft would tout crossplay and BC to win the PR battle like Sony 2013 and Sony would start stumbling out of the gate.


Oct 25, 2017
I wouldn't buy a PS5 for a few years, if ever. Probably would wait for there to be a good mass of games I can't get elsewhere and a solid price drop.


Oct 25, 2017
I really really want BC because I really like PlayStation and I know there will be a massive backlash if PS5 doesn't have BC with at least PS4 and I'd rather not go through that.

I just hope Mark Cerny took future BC into consideration when architecting PS4, and that there is therefore a very efficient and cost-effective way for PS5 to have BC without increasing the price of the console itself.

If Sony has to make a decision on whether to have a €399 PS5 without BC or €499 with BC, then yeah, I would prefer them to go for the cheaper option, but the fact that this decision would need to be made is an architecting failure in my eyes when the systems will be, by all accounts, so similar.

PlayStation consoles have all included BC to some extent except for the PS4, but then, PS4, according to Cerny is somewhat of a "reset". I feel that BC is part of the DNA of the PlayStation brand and even if I won't use it that much, I still dream of a future console that can play all my PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 disc-based games. I hope PS5 will be that console as I have a feeling that it may be the last disc-based console generation before we move over to purely digital/streaming consoles.


Nov 16, 2017
I can't believe you guys don't see the state of the market right now with sony not offering any type of gamepass. I don't understand how you can't see the gamepass is a non factor. Gamepass today, next year, and years later will not push console sales. If it did, XBOX would have built some momentum from the feature. But here, and across Europe, the OG cassette walkman has more momentum than the xbox console.

I didn't say anything about gamepass?
I agree tho, gamepass doesn't matter, it's just a nice service, tiny bullet point


Oct 28, 2017
If it can't run the physical discs, I think that would be fine, but If I don't have access to my digital library, I'd be pissed. Wouldn't effect the market at large, but I might move over to playing games exclusively on PC. It's just hard to justify buying into a library that goes away when Steam exists.
Oct 28, 2017
Isn't it mostly third parties doing the remasters? Xbox has remasters too like the MCC, gears ultimate edition. It's also getting dmc remastered, tales of vesperia remastered, so not sure why ppl are saying it's only Sony. ?


Oct 25, 2017
Shallow thinking going on here.

1) Internet complaining and not showing up for preorders defeated the Dracoinian Xbone Plans

2) MS is all in as Xbox as a platform with BC, Sony loses a huge bullet point and feature set

3) It extremely technically feasible, it's still an X86 platform, you're doing more work to disable BC than adding it.

4) GAAS run the industry. Most big titles just might have new iterations for Next Gen, but the ones that don't, you're gonna force devs to release an entire new build instead of just allowing the OG game to play?

5) Soft point, it shits all over the Sony Ecosystem. Majority of PSN users are buying digital games and now you're telling them their purchases don't carry to new hardware? That's dead money. That doesn't help you at all, drives away customers.

Sony would be complete fucking idiots to drop BC

"But I personally don't care and Era isn't like the world!"

I'm still maintaining the position that pricing will dictate how the next gen starts. I imagine that Sony aims for $400 again and comes ready with a GaaS plan as it will be a major revenue driver.

Selling enhanced versions of PS4 exclusives that are running at true 4K over checkboard 4K would be fucking idiotic. You cannot sell at that. Maybe a remaster at 60fps could work, but it would be an insanely harder sell than some of the PS3 to PS4 upgrades. PS4 is putting out shit like TLoU 2. Diminishing returns are going hard here and create a different situation.


Oct 28, 2017
Maybe the reason you haven't played those games is because it's too much of a hassle to use the old system?

If they were right on your dashboard, you'd be more likely to, since you'd just see them as another game on your PS4, rather than an "old game."
Much more likely is the fact that I can barely keep up with new games. There's always something that wants my attention, and if I didn't play something when it came out, I'm probably not interested in it now. Only my very favorites get revisited, and usually those ones get remastered.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not sure I fully get this argument about it "converting" people. Its not like their digital purchases would convert to the other console either. If this was my main concern moving forward...I'd get a PC.

Yeah but going forward it'll piss them off knowing anything they might buy on one machine won't be forward compatible, whereas the competition not only carries all the previous gen's titles, they'll also make them playable on their next machine too.


Oct 28, 2017
Yep, let's make it more trendy and put a hastag on it #remastershaming :) But seriously it's really stupid to complain about remaster when 1. you don't have to buy it, 2. most of the time it doesn't affect any publisher's output (they give it to dedicated studios like Bluehole etc), 3. you don't have to buy it.
We'll see about next gen but the annoying thing in the current gen was the amount of excitement over remaster when compared to the relative silence on BC. Maybe after launch it was not feasible to implement or something but who knows how willing they will be to implement BC when this past gen has shown them how willing people are to re-purchase titles.


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't say anything about gamepass?
I agree tho, gamepass doesn't matter, it's just a nice service, tiny bullet point

I didn't say anything about Game Pass either (I was quoted with you so I'm not directing this at you haha).

It's a service that will help, but there's a lot of services and features being offered from Microsoft right now that Sony doesn't yet offer that'll be what can matter for next gen.


Oct 25, 2017
Isn't it mostly third parties doing the remasters? Xbox has remasters too like the MCC, gears ultimate edition. It's also getting dmc remastered, tales of vesperia remastered, so not sure why ppl are saying it's only Sony. ?
Because a remaster is a lot different when it's an OPTION. You can buy Gears remastered yeah, but you can also just play the gears you already own. You can buy MCC remastered, but you can still put in a Halo disc and play it as well. Also, these remasters you're mentioning are VERY SIGNIFICANT upgrades. Most 'remasters' that other games have gotten are barely some token resolution upgrades. Significant remasters (Like SOTC) will always exist, BC or not.

It's a big difference to say "Hey you can play your old games, and we might do a remaster for something people want" versus "Hey, if you want to play your old game, buy it again, with some token improvements"