What's the most dangerous?

  • Not Signaling

    Votes: 64 28.4%
  • Signaling the Wrong Way

    Votes: 78 34.7%
  • They're Both Equally Dangerous

    Votes: 83 36.9%

  • Total voters

T002 Tyrant

Nov 8, 2018
I can't fully decide what annoys me most. I think it's signalling the wrong way, at least with people who don't signal you can be extra cautious around. But the people I see, especially at roundabouts that signal the wrong way can be dangerous and or incredibly frustrating.

Then again people who don't signal at all can be equally dangerous and frustrating. I can't quite decide.


King Alamat

Nov 22, 2017
At least the person who flipped the signal wrong is making the effort, which is more than I can say about assholes in Rams weaving through traffic like they're Toretto.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
Both are equally dangerous but at least there was an attempt with the Wrong Signaling.

No Signaling is in a majority of situations just someone not giving a damn.
Oct 29, 2017
I hate both, but not signaling at all pisses me off way more.

At least I know you're about to turn when you use your blinker, LOL.

At least the person who flipped the signal wrong is making the effort, which is more than I can say about assholes in Rams weaving through traffic like they're Toretto.

Or dudes driving Chargers, or BMW drivers...


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
both are bad, but suddenly veering into traffic in either direction is bad and dangerous, let alone making a turn across the opposite lanes

if i had to choose either i suppose id choose 'wrong signal', as at the very least with a wrong signal im paying attention to they dumbass


Oct 25, 2017
Not signalling. If someone is signalling, I know they can change their mind. At least when they're signalling, they're slowing down, so I can decide in time. If someone is not signalling and cuts into your lane, they're usually going pretty fast and you have no time to decide other than slow down yourself.


Oct 25, 2017
turning on your signals right when your turning. fuck these people. not even looking both ways before i cross works sometimes. dick heads


Oct 25, 2017
Easily not signalling, if they're signalling the wrong way, atleast I know that the person is planning on doing something and they have more of my attention than if they were continuing straight.

The 2 that piss me off more is signalling as they start turning, or the ones who signal left, but veer right before turning left and taking it wide. This happens a lot in my area with elderly drivers, get in a turning lane, then go halfway into the next lane without a care in the world.
Oct 27, 2017
On a highway situation, not signalling at all is worse.

On normal streets I think wrong signaling is more dangerous because I might make a decision based on the idea of your signal. Where if you aren't signalling I might be more cautious because I don't have any idea what you might do.

In any case, use your turn signals. Even if there's no one around you can bet I'm signalling.
Oct 27, 2017
It's wrong signalling for me. Because if someone doesn't signal, you drive with assumption that they could do anything, but when someone deliberately signals their intention to do something, you generally act on that (unless their posture is wildly at odds with what they're signalling).

Though I guess I could biased as all the near-misses I've had have been from people either signalling incorrectly or changing their mind at the very last second (which I think still counts as incorrect signalling).


Nov 2, 2017
As a pedestrian (so mostly local/city circulation), I think the worse is the one that signals the wrong way.

If there's no signaling, I'll automatically watch out more. If there is signaling, depending on the situation I might get baited.

So there's more chance I get run over by someone who signals the wrong way than someone who doesn't signal at all.


Oct 27, 2017
both are obviously dangerous but it infuriates me to no end that people don't seem to understand what turn signals are for

I live right off a three way intersection next to a bunch of other precariously placed intersections and every morning going to work it's like "what the hell. are you TRYING to get into an accident?"


The Merchant of ERA
Oct 28, 2017
Not signaling is more infuriating. It takes almost no effort at all and it could save someone's life whether it's a pedestrian, another driver, or yourself.

Signaling the wrong way could be more dangerous depending on the situation but at least it was probably an honest mistake and not pure laziness or indifference towards other people's safety.


Oct 28, 2017
Both dangerous but I went for not signalling. A wrong signal at least shows an attempt, and at this point with how awful some people drive, I know to prepare and give space in case it's a wrong signal.

Not signaling is lazy, rude, and leads to unexpected movement which is more dangerous in my opinion. It also seems to go hand in hand with assholes weaving and cutting people off like they're playing mario kart.


Oct 27, 2017
Wrong signal is way worse

People will scoot around someone trying to turn. If someone doesn't signal you're slowed down behind them for a couple moments because you don't know what they want to do. If someone puts on the wrong signal you might try to get by them on the shoulder or on their left and they'll turn into you because they gave you the wrong information


Oct 25, 2017
Danbury, CT
I usually see the wrong signal getting used while people are weaving at high speed, so it may as well just be the same as not signalling.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Not signaling. At least if you're going the wrong way the person behind you still knows to slow and get ready for a turn. Not as helpful to oncoming traffic though.

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
Wrong signal for sure, I always assume someone is fucking around when driving but indicating the wrong way can be extremely dangerous if you are trying to turn in to an intersection


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
They're both equally dangerous but not signaling is typically WORSE because it's an example of the person literally not giving a shit about anyone else on the road. I've wrong-signaled before because my hand twitched or the car forgot to turn off my turn signal after a soft turn, but those are mistakes, not active willful choices.


Oct 25, 2017
It would be bad on a highway but I don't think it's much worse than someone not signalling in that situation. But if someone was in a turning lane, it won't really affect how you would drive around them in a way that is dangerous, if that makes sense. Like maybe you'd see that from behind and think they changed their mind and were going to leave the turning lane. I could see it being a problem for pedestrians at a crosswalk or at a 4-way stop but at least that isn't a high speed situation.

If someone isn't signalling at all, that tells me that it isn't an automatic habit for them. Which means they probably fail to signal quite often.


Oct 28, 2017
Wrong signal is way worse

People will scoot around someone trying to turn. If someone doesn't signal you're slowed down behind them for a couple moments because you don't know what they want to do. If someone puts on the wrong signal you might try to get by them on the shoulder or on their left and they'll turn into you because they gave you the wrong information
What you describe is a case of two wrongs, and while nearly everyone does it, including myself, you're technically breaking a solid line to pass and using the shoulder to do so. Most of the time you're passing on the right as well which I was taught don't do unless it was absolutely necessary (avoid an accident)

I nearly got a ticket for shoulder passing on a person making a left.

I think both can be dangerous in any circumstance. As for people taking wide turns as if they're driving a semi 😤 it's not just limited to the elderly here in NJ.


Charitable King
Oct 27, 2017
I don't drive and just assumed this was going to be about virtue signaling. Very confused for s second

Carry on


Oct 29, 2017
If I'm pulling into a road from a side street and someone approaching has a turn signal on, I just wait until they very clearly slow down or make the turn. No way am I pulling out in front of someone because of a turn signal. Anywhere, really. Sometimes people don't even realize the signal is still on from a previous turn or lane change.


Oct 27, 2017
not signaling for the sheer number. i can run one errand i'll see more non signals than i have seen wrong signals in a lifetime.


Oct 25, 2017
If I see someone with a signal going, regardless of direction, I'm usually made aware of being cautious of their movement so I'd go with not signaling being worse


Oct 27, 2017
Wrong signalling for the reasons stated in the OP. You can never trust the other car to actually make the turn, which is kinda fucked up lol


Oct 27, 2017
Randomly slowing down, THEN putting the turn signal on, THEN moving over into the left turn lane when you're barely going 5 mph.

Should be legal to just knock people who do that out of the way.

Bonus points if they slow down, then come to a complete stop as they half angle into the left turn lane while still blocking the main lane, THEN turn on the turn signal. Yeah, we pieced that one together, dumbshit.


Oct 25, 2017
To the east of Parts Unknown...
Not signaling is always worse. Even if the signal is wrong you know the intent of the person is to move in some direction, instead of just randomly getting cut off by someone who doesn't even try.

Is this one of those "I should be able to speed, it's everyone else's fault" things?