
Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
This one's easy: Shallow Hal

If it wasn't for School of Rock, I don't think I ever would have forgiven Jack Black for that.

Runners up are Stuck on You and Resident Evil Afterlife.


Oct 25, 2017
Probably Dark Shadows. I didn't leave because my mom had been really excited for it, but even she didn't like it in the end. Just so completely mindnumbing I can't remember a single blessed thing that happened in it.

Runners up would probably be that Eragon movie and... Inkheart? I think? Tempted to put Suicide Squad (first one) on the list too but that movie is just so fun to take apart and analyze how much it gets wrong that it swerves back into being entertaining again.


Oct 27, 2017
Jeepers Creepers probably, I don't think I've ever been to see anything truly awful


Oct 27, 2017
Age of Extinction.

I felt so incredibly belittled and insulted.

Also Suicide Squad. I think my rant after coming out of the cinema is what made me and my GF realize we weren't compatible as she loved it and was annoyed that I "analyzed it too much".


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Ah fair enough!
I think I have a soft spot for it because part of it was set in Australia which was very uncommon back then and I got a kick out of seeing places I recognised in it.
It has been a long time since I watched it though.

Always a matter of taste. Let's say we were not really the target audience for a slapstick martial arts action flick in that moment lol. I vividly remember a sign in the movie that read "Beware of killer sharks!" and we were speechless. Guess I could laugh about it now in the right mood.


The Fallen
Nov 19, 2017
Not objectively bad since a lot of people like it, but Avatar (2009). I'm sure I have seen a lot of movies at a cinema that rated worse but I actually found at least an ounce of enjoyment from.


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Oct 26, 2017
Kung Pao, which should have been great but is the most miserable experience I've had in a theater, period.

Even worse than my second time watching X3 (after hating it the first time), Rise of Silver Surfer (having never seen the first movie because it looked terrible and this movie was so bad), and all the late 90s teen comedies I was dragged to like She's All That.

I think when I think of all of my worst experiences it boils down to going to a theater to see a movie I do not want to see. There's been a couple times I've been very pleasantly surprise, like dances with wolves and the Prestige, but usually it's me feeling like I'm being held prisoner by people I barely like.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
That's a rough one. I generally don't see bad movies in the theater.

The only ones I can think of are the Transformers movies so Revenge of the Fallen feels like the obvious answer.
Oct 28, 2017
Hard to pick one:
Wing Commander
MK Annihilation
13th Warrior
Batman & Robin
From Hell
The Ninth Gate
Transformers 2


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Man, some of you need to watch more bad films. Some of the choices in this thread are baffling.

While I can agree with the consensus with movies like MK Annihilation, (my dumbass thought it was good when I was 15 but that was probably because I was blinded by the kickass soundtrack)

Steel (my divorced parents left me in the theater alone to probably make out outside).

Looking back, this is probably one of the worst movies in retrospective. (Again, I think I sort of liked it when it came out because my mind just knew it was Speed related but I knew deep inside there was something wrong)


Not even Poor Dafoe could have saved this travesty.

For fun, let's compare..



Man, WTF happened here! Crazy thing it was directed by same director and it totally feels like a cheap TV sequel. Add some PG-13 nonsense and you get something completely divorced from its origin.

Fun Fact: Keanu was offered 12 million ( around 20M now) to reprise his role,saw the script and said NOPE.


The Walnut King
Oct 25, 2017
Washington, D.C.
In the theater? The only two movies I've ever wanted to actually walk out of were The Rise of Skywalker and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. So probably one of those


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
When I was a kid my parents took me to see Groundhog Day and my mom hated it so badly that she made us walk out in the middle of it lol

So I learned pretty early on that you can't make everyone happy. (I later went to rewatch it and I loved it and still give her shit for thinking it was so bad that it justifies walking out.)

But I'll say the worst movie I've ever seen in the theater was The Happening. God I hated that movie. Peak Shyamalan trying to out-write himself and Wahlberg thinking he can over-act the script into being not awful. Yuck. lol


Oct 27, 2017

Went with my gf and her family so it was free, but then I was trapped because I couldn't be that ungrateful guy.
But holy shit it went bad 15 min in.
Just a fucking awful film that kept me scanning the crowd looking for similar reactions to my own


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Warriors of Virtue was the first time I was cognizant of a movie being bad when I was in the theatre.


The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
I think it was called SWAT or something. Feel like it has Colin Farrell maybe.

Also The Incredible Hulk. Only time I've fallen asleep in a theater.

heathen earth

Mar 21, 2020
Island of Dr. Moreau, with Val Kilmer and Marlon Brando. I saw it with my uncle when I was like 12 or something. Halfway through, I asked him "Can we just leave?" He said, "Yeah, this is terrible," and we collected our stuff and walked out. It's still the only movie I've ever walked out on. Although I definitely would have walked out of Attack of the Clones if I hadn't been on a date.


Oct 27, 2017
Vantage Point.

The entire audience was done with the film after like the 3rd rewind. It's one thing for you to think a film is bad, quietly, in your seat. It is a whole other to beautifully watch an entire theater turn on a film.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Either Mission impossible 2 or Crystal Skull. I couldn't believe what I was watching in both.

One expects shittyness from cheap random movies, but those two? Fuck those movies


Oct 25, 2017
There was a point where me and a group of friends would basically go weekly to the movies, so 'worst' could be any number of ones that made basically no impression..your Resident Evils, Transformers..movies like Sucker Puncg, SWAT or Guru which you see in a charity shop bin one day and think, oh yeah I watched this once didn't I.

Batman v Superman was probably the one that stuck with me though, like, I watched Transformers 3 and had fun with how bad it was, but BvS was one of the only times I've felt frustrated in a cinema, there was nothing to enjoy in that dour, joyless mess. It's closest I've ever been to walking out of a movie.


The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018
Actually? I think Grown Ups was worst. At least TLA had decent music and effects. 1.5/10

The sequel will get ac1 out of me even if I've never seen it before.


Nov 7, 2017
It is either Matrix Resurrections or the Evil Dead remake for me. I have probably seen something worse, but I can not recall at this point.


Oct 27, 2017
I know it's pretty well-liked, but I didn't realize that until recently and for years Falling Down was like a running joke in my family as a movie we absolutely despised in the theater. Totally a me/us thing.


Oct 25, 2017
I never watched a really awful movie in Cinema, because I don't go that often, but Collateral Damage and Gone in 60 seconds were probably the worst.


Oct 25, 2017
I just remembered another one.

Dylan Dog.

I walked out when Kurt Angle turned into a werewolf. I think that was 15 minutes into the movie.
Oct 27, 2017
Oh boy, I saw so many bad movies in the 80s and 90s in the theatre it would be hard to choose.

Johnny Mnemonic
Lawnmower Man
Over the Top

I could go on but take your pick.


Oct 25, 2017
This thread has now reminded me that I did in fact see the last airbender in the cinema, not knowing anything much about the source animated series at the time I could tell it kinda sucked, but it lost that extra level of suck thanks to my ignorant bliss. My friend who dragged me to see it wasn't so lucky, and now having seen the animated series I know his pain.

Yet, YET
The most bored I have ever been in the cinema, is without a doubt Terminator Salvation, I've seen worse movies but they're at least fun to riff on from shit like Blood the last vampire's live action thing to big names like Rise of Skywalker
But Terminator Salvation, as someone with zero investment in the franchise, was the most plodding boring piddle I've ever seen in the cinema, I don't even know how people and especially fans feel about it (it might be like, an underrated cult classic for all I know), I just know I wanted to get out of there and do anything else.


Oct 27, 2017
Pocahontas, I remember as a kid going to see this film. At this point I LOVED the films I saw from Disney in the cinema like Aladdin and The Lion King, so I was excited.

Still the worst film I've seen in a cinema.


Oct 27, 2017
Mortal Instruments: City of Bones.

I remember nothing of that movie, as it's quite literally the only movie I've slept through in theaters.