
Oct 30, 2017
I can eat like a black hole.

I am thoroughly convinced that if I had no self-control, I could eat myself to death in a matter of a week or 2. There's literally no stopping me.

It usually starts with my first bite of the day. So I typically skip meals. Because as soon as I have something it begins.

It's not fierce hunger pangs. It's just these little suggestions. It's too easy to snack my way to......well not to satisfaction. Because I'm always hungry. I'm typically going to sleep hungry.

Maybe it's not normal.

I need a quick, cheap, food that fucking kills this hunger. It doesn't need to taste good. I'm tired of being hungry.


Oct 25, 2017
Eat a whole baguette. That'll fill you up good. And make ya shit like a race horse. Always works for me.


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Oct 27, 2017
Two double doubles animals style with an animal style fries usually does it for me


Oct 27, 2017
Boiled potatoes, eggs, oatmeal, fish, soup, etc. That's a quick Google search btw.

I don't know if you like boiled eggs, but if you have 2-3 of them for breakfast with a fruit you won't be hungry for several hours.


Oct 27, 2017
Refried beans. Dry as hell and makes you chase it with water. That plus the fiber will make you fill up


Oct 27, 2017
The three P's. Pizza, pasta and


Oct 27, 2017

Eat beans. Not fucking potatoes.

Beans are actually good for you and a big part of a healthy diet. Potatoes are just starch.


Aug 22, 2018
Oh man, I have this same problem. I am either very careful and only eat healthy food, or I do down the rabbit hole and eat like a garbage truck.

Also, everyone who isn't Ziggy read this next part. Remember, no Ziggys allowed:
I eat almonds as a snack between lunch and dinner because it works really well.
Oct 28, 2017
I think you should go to see a doctor.

Other than that, animal fat lasts very long for your body to absorb, but unhealthy in long term.


Oct 27, 2017
Yep, potatoes. Unfortunate that they take so long to prepare, so they don't really count as quick. You could also consider stuffing yourself with leafy vegetables, which will take up a lot of physical space inside you for very few calories, but it's not exactly the most appetising thing. A high fat, low carb diet helps with hunger, because the richness of all the butter and coconut/olive oil you're going to be slathering everything in will do a number on your stomach.

I'm the same with being able to demolish food and having no 'full' state, and the way I manage it these days is basically... just suffering through it, to be honest. I do eat a lot of potatoes, but I still get hungry in between every meal and there's not really anything I can do about it, beyond just eating more and getting fat. I drink cups of tea and look forward to the next time I get to eat.


Oct 27, 2017
I mentioned it in the eggs thread like a week ago. But, I can do a few eggs and a handful of tater tots in the morning and it'll keep me full until dinner.


Oct 28, 2017
I can eat like a black hole.

I know what you mean. I really have to use a kitchen scale and measure food not to eat way too much. I still do on occasion to indulge myself.
So I have found some things that help. Some you will find disgusting. Because they are disgusting.
Lets get the worst out of the way.
Psyllium husk and protein shake. A heaped teaspoon of psyllium husk and a scoop of whey protein powder mixed with a large glass of water. Taste is pretty bad and it is basically slime you are eating. Protein and fiber. Warning this will kick your stomache into overdrive if you are not used to fiber. 150 calorie (if even that) and it will fill your stomach.

Otherwise cabbage and other vegetables of the same family. Broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts etc. Low calori but filling. I like to dip cabbage in peanut butter. Adds a lot of calories so mostly when I need something quick with energy before exercising.

Drinking something hot and filling get me through some days at work. Coffee with cocoa powder and whey protein. About 20 grams of chocolate whey proteinpowder. 5 grams of extra cocoa powder, a little bit of milk, some sweetener (I use aspartam), sometimes a bit of cayenne and a large cup of coffee. 150 calories. A ton of protein. And I really like the taste of it. The protein being warm help me feel a bit full. Warning though. Too hot coffee and whey protein does not mix well. It can cause it too coagulate.


Oct 28, 2017
Make a scramble with eggs, cheese, and some kind of precooked processed meat (smoked sausage, ham).

If you could swing it, a ribeye is a great choice because it cooks fast and is filling. But they're not cheap .