
Oct 30, 2017
With recent talk of the perceived value of games like Returnal and its $70 pricing, Skyward Sword and its $60 pricing, and various compilations and collections being released with varying degrees of effort and tweaks (some feeling lazy and others putting in the work), I was having the conversation of which game purchases out there really made you feel you got a satisfying bang for your buck.

This is highly subjective, as I know I'm someone who would rather pay $60 for a super-strong, linear, 7-hour action game over $10 for a super-dull, boring, vast, open-world experience offering hundreds of hours of gameplay, but I know many people who value a high playtime or completion time per dollar ratio. It was one of the arguments I recall EA mentioning for their loss of interest in a franchise like Dead Space, which were often sub-10 hour linear experiences and they felt gamers demanded more bang for their buck, but that meant more open-world games or games with higher replay value.

For compilations, I would be hard-pressed to answer definitively, but I think the gold-standard might just be the Rare Replay collection. It's not just the sheer amount of the games they included, but that so many of them are considered definitive, genre-defining classics all on their own. I remember happily spending $60 on cartridges for Perfect Dark or Killer Instinct or Banjo-Kazooie, and here the vast majority of their best efforts are all bundled together at a ridiculously affordable price. I still boot this up.

And as an old-timer, I felt the same for the Sonic's Ultimate Sega Genesis Collection.

Again, it's not just the sheer amount of 48 games included, but that so many of them are bonafide classics, from the original Sonic trilogy to the epic Phantasy Star or Shining Force RPG franchises to beat-em-up legends like Streets of Rage. It has more hits than misses, by far.

But it's hard for me to disagree when I hear people mention The Orange Box or Halo: The Master Chief Collection (after updates). I also still pat myself on the back for nabbing Metroid Prime Trilogy for a measly $25 at Target right before it became harder to track down.

I've found it amusing reading comments on something like the Mass Effect Legendary Edition, with many comments saying the $60 is too much for three games that all nearly a decade old, but you also see others mentioning that it includes nearly everything - and that current market price for the DLC along often tops $100 in total, and that these aren't just upscaled ports but real effort being put into modernizing and streamlining the experience across all three games. I think that's a great value, but I can't find a comment section that doesn't have someone mentioning they don't think it's worth it, especially if they have the PC versions and can mod them.

When people complain about stuff like ports of Skyward Sword being released at full-price with no mentioned additions or tweaks (that we know of), I do remember acknowledging that there are some games that are just so good that I felt the value of the asking price was still fair.

Skyward Sword may not be my choice, but when Nintendo remastered Xenoblade Chronicles, I jumped right on that, despite having played and beaten the original on both Wii and 3DS, simply because the game is just so big, vast, and rewarding for me to run around in. To me, that's the single game that I almost felt I underpaid for.

And that's the other thing too. Some games may not offer the value you want at $60, but if you pick them up at $10 and really enjoy it, then your value purchase may be significantly higher than someone else's who paid the premium price.

So what game gave you the most Value, in your eyes?


Mar 19, 2019
The Orange Box: yes, lots of people already had Half Life 2 and HL2:Episode 1, even then we got HL2:E2, Portal and Team Fortress 2 (before the switch to f2p) for the price of one game.


Oct 28, 2017
São Paulo - Brazil
I don't know if it counts, but the first thing that came to my mind was getting XCOM: Enemy Unknown for free for purchasing Bioshock: Infinite. Not only I ended up playing that game more than Bioshock, but I became a major fan of the franchise (XCOM2 is a special game).


Oct 29, 2017
I paid for FFX many times (PS2, PS3, Vita japanese version, Vita european version, Switch) and it was worth every penny.


Nov 15, 2017
I purchased a used (near mint) copy of Morrowind for PC for $1. It ended up being one of the most impactful games in my life. It literally made JRPG's go from being my favorite genre to being nearly unplayable due to the taste of freedom and real time combat that I experienced in Morrowind.


Oct 25, 2017
The cliché answer. The Orange Box. Introduced me to HL2 and Portal as well as TF2 which is one of my top three most played games (WoW & Runescape are other two I would wager).


Aug 15, 2018
Honestly, it will be the Mass Effect Legendary edition for me. I didn't get into the series until 2 dropped so I missed out on the collector's edition armor and weapon. It's one of those weird things that always stuck out in my mind as I played them, so feeling like I have all the DLC to one of my favorite games is something that I'm looking forward to. Prior to this announcement, I would've gone with the Master Chief Collection. Way too many memories brought back and new ones forged in that collection.


Nov 1, 2017
I've gotten a bunch of stuff literally free from various subscriptions, promos, etc.

But one that felt really cool at the time was UT2004 for $50 and it came with a Logitech headset and a DVD with a bunch of UE3 tutorials. Plus the game itself came on a DVD instead of a bunch of CDs, which was novel at the time. And that game was packed with content too, including a huge suite of legacy content from UT and UT2003 plus brand new modes, weapons and vehicles (which were new as a concept in UT). Even if it had half as much content it still would have had more stuff in it than almost any MP game at the time. I would have been happy with buying Onslaught mode by itself as a standalone product. That shit was so fun.

Also my headset had some minor issue (I forget, might have been as small as foam flaking off or as bad as one speaker cutting out) and Logitech replaced it no questions asked. Just shipped a new headset to my house, to replace the headset that came in the box with a game.


Jan 16, 2020
CS:GO. Bought it for 15 dollars and I've played for hundreds of hours. Easily one of my favorite comfort games.

I paid for FFX many times (PS2, PS3, Vita japanese version, Vita european version, Switch) and it was worth every penny.

If I consider replayability into the argument of value then I'd probably include a ton of JRPGs lol. Easily hundreds of hours for so many games, FFX included. That post game is so beefy and blitzball is so fun
Jan 18, 2021
Probably a CoD from 4 to current. I pkayed CoD4 MW until MW 2 came out. I know people dont like to give the CoD games their due but for $60-70 bucks the teplay value is insane


May 7, 2018
Either Smash Brawl for 60 or Enter the Gungeon for under 10 I think. Both dollar to hour ratio was very good


Oct 25, 2017
I bought The Orange Box for $25 a month after it came out and I've played TF2 for almost 3000 hours and counting (though I did spend more money on it lol).


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, thinking it over, it's Orange Box, without any competition. Some of the greatest single-player games ever with Half-Life 2 (+ episodes) and Portal, and TF2 is still my most played Steam game with ~500 hours. I got it for sale on Steam for like... under $10, for sure. I miss Valve.

Other than that it's probably one of the Civilizations. Probably IV? I put literally untold hours into that game, nevermind all the years of modding that added to it.


Apr 5, 2018
Steam says I've played MGSV for 400 hours. Single player only. Guess I liked it

Obligatory Witcher 3 + dlcs mention ofc
Jul 26, 2018
I think I only hit more than 200 hours in Minecraft and The Division 2 only, so those would be my safest bets in terms of time spent and quality/enjoyment.

Edit. Got to the 100-150 hour range with many games like Oblivion, Diablo 3, Minecraft Dungeons, Stardew Valley, No Man's Sky. But it seems most games wear me down after the first 100 hours and only a few kept me hooked after that point. No game I have ever picked up for second time also.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
I adore KH and rebuying the collection on PS4 had brought a ton of enjoyment for my dollar. Have hundreds of hours in the PS4 versions alone.

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Oct 25, 2017

Not only did I spend a ridiculous amount of hours into this(mostly because of TF2) but it's probably the only collection where I thought every component of it was just high quality. Especially that 3 out of the 5 components(TF2, Portal and Episode 2) were new releases at the time.
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Oct 26, 2017
That Mega Drive collection would've been great if the emulation wasn't absolutely atrocious lol.
For me, I'd say Brawl or any of the TimeSplitters games, the original mainly though. Just so much content and fun to be had both solo and multiplayer, and both back from an era before unlocking things in multiplayer games and levelling up was the only reason you'd choose to play it, and not just because it was fun. In terms of prices, TS was £15, TS2 was £20, TSFP was about £36, and I assume Brawl was £35. In terms of hours, I'd say it was easily approaching 3,000 hours between all of them.


Dec 28, 2017
Final Fantasy XIV. $30 Complete Edition on sale, $120 in subscription time so far, about $30 spent on the item store.

So all told, $180 for just over 900 hours of playtime.


Aug 31, 2019
I bought Transport Fever 2 for $30 and I have played 1,243 hours, according to Steam.

It is my comfort food game. It is like the model railroad I always wanted and never got. Ok, it is not a great game, but dang.


Oct 30, 2017
Probably Diablo 2 or Warcraft 3

I've been playing D2 for 20 years, but mostly just for stints here and there. I mean I am currently playing my first fireclaws werebear druid and I'm about to beat normal difficulty, but I've got plugY so he's pretty twinked out and NM should be pretty easy. Don't know how hell will be, might farm for a 4os eth feral axe for Oath because why not.

Warcraft 3 I played solid for basically all of highschool lol (mostly custom games). I went back recently and beat the campaign normally (I used to just use cheats cuz I was bad at RTS) and I'm actually thinking about playing the campaign again if my CDs will actually work.


Oblivion and Skyrim I played the shit out of. You know thinking about it, I have a lot of games that I just played again and again justifying their purchase again and again. I'm one of those people who really enjoys (and possibly prefers) to experience the same thing again because it's something I have knowledge about and this knowledge adds to the power fantasy and efficiency of my play. Just thinking about some games I had great experiences with makes me want to go play them again right now.


God help us the mods are making weekend threads
Jul 30, 2018
United States
In terms of quantity/quality of hours, Persona 5. Got it for $40 and put over 200 hours into it across two playthroughs.


Feb 13, 2019
A relatively recent example for me is TLoZ:BotW. I bought it with my Switch on launch day and played for 400 hours. Factoring in the cost of the game and system together I paid less than $1 for every hour of enjoyment.


Nov 1, 2017
Cyberpunk recently. I've done 2.5 playthroughs for a total of 150+ hours and plan on starting a new one this month as AC: Valhalla is pissing me off (I'm about 15 hours in).

Street Fighter 5. That game has helped me make it through many a drought over the last 3 or 4 years. I have played about 14,000 matches so far.

Fallout: New Vegas. I've done about 20 runs and will do more.


Oct 27, 2017
The bang for buck list would be like:. Diablo 2, Pokemon, WoW, Monster Hunter, BOTW


Oct 26, 2017
SNES Classic. Even without Chrono Trigger and a couple other gems, still the most amazing value for $80 MSRP.


Oct 25, 2017
Probably either Left 4 dead 2 or FTL.

L4d2 was full price, but I played it almost every night for like a year. FTL kept me busy for a long time for $10.


Feb 15, 2018
I played 1,000 hours of PSO2 without spending any money. Then dropped $300 on the US release and spent another 1,000 hours on it. Puyo Tetris is also up there.


Nov 10, 2017
It's Rocket League, and it's not close. I probably have over 1000 hours on PC and Playstation apiece, and the PS version was free via PS+.

Makes me so sad they were bought by Epic.