
Mar 1, 2021
I was banned from school lunch in the cafeteria during highschool for the first week of the new year because I made some sexual gesture like a jerking off motion with my hand or something dumb.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
Someone at my school thought I was a IT prodigy and hacked the school system to do... nothing at all. I still don't get it, but it was probably because I liked playing on the PC a lot (?).

Obviously they couldn't prove it and nothing happened, but I'm still pissed.

Edit: and btw, I'm so good at these things that yesterday I spent an hour trying to connect a controller to bluetooth on my PC.


Oct 25, 2017
being accused of cheating and stealing when i didn't do either and not having those in authority believe me. really shitty feeling.
Oct 25, 2017
In maybe 5th grade I guess I coughed the wrong way when I was drinking from the water fountain in gym class and choked on it. Got a referral for that.

In high school web design class, I was browsing the AdultSwim website. For whatever reason, the teacher thought it was called pre-adult swim and was a kiddie porn site. I had to do a lot of convincing not to get expelled. Maybe the teacher was projecting with that pre thing. I have no clue where that idea even came from.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Clifton, NJ
During lunch in elementary school, I took a spoonful of mashed potatoes and flicked it at someone's sneakers. I had to eat in the Principal's' office for a week or two.


Oct 25, 2017
When I was in first grade, someone brought snacks for the class. I said "Aww, you shouldn't have!" and was given an immediate red card.

I still don't know what I did wrong.

Iori Loco

Nov 10, 2017
Once, when I was like 6, went to a friend's house to play video games and do the homework, which we solved together, thus, we ended up with pretty much the same answers. The next day at school, my teacher thought that it was bad enough to warrant calling my parents to talk in person.

My grandma ended up coming to school to talk to the teacher, who asked me to tell my grandma what did I did wrong. I just didn't knew what to answer, to me having the same homework as my buddy didn't sound like a bad thing, especially since I had finished homework at class before and that sounds way worse than teamwork. I ended up crying because I really didn't knew why did I got in trouble.


Oct 26, 2017
Went to a Renaissance Faire for a school trip during middle school. Security grabs me and I'm being blamed for throwing a rock at some girls eye. I just moved to a new school district so I'm not trying to stick out. They wouldn't even hear my side of the story which is, "I don't know anyone or what's going on" and they just assumed I did it.

I get a month of detention with them telling me how lucky I am to not be suspended. My fucking social studies teacher makes me manually wash his truck a few times as punishment.

That fucking scarred me and I've never fucking trusted authority figures after that.
Oct 28, 2017
High School
There was a fight on the subway platform and me a few friends went up a level to avoid all the bullshit. So i'm climbing up the turnstyle to avoid all the people and a transit cop comes and demands that i move, cool. I went to move but my bookbag was caught in the bars and i was stuck. My man Vic tried to help me get down but then we both got locked up.


Funny thing was if not for that interaction, I would have went into the police academy a few years later. I literally dodged a bullet on that one.

Deleted member 43657

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May 19, 2018
I got loads but there's one that sticks out.

When I was a kid I loved to tear grilled cheese to see the melty cheesy. I'd eat it in small torn chunks.

My dad saw me doing it one day and got furious that I was tearing "God's bread" and began to beat me to the floor with an open fist. I ran to my room crying and I turned on my NES to console myself. Shortly after he barged in, unplugged my NES and threw it at my head.

He was/is (?) a horrible and abusive person.
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May 14, 2019
This was not me but a friend at school. We went to the same high school which was over half Asian, but he was white and his last name was Lee. A substitute teacher was calling roll and called his name and he raised his hand. The substitute teacher got angry cause he insisted, that's me, said no that's not you and sent him to the principal office.

Deleted member 20892

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
This was not me but a friend at school. We went to the same high school which was over half Asian, but he was white and his last name was Lee. A substitute teacher was calling roll and called his name and he raised his hand. The substitute teacher got angry cause he insisted, that's me, said no that's not you and sent him to the principal office.
Woooow lol


Oct 27, 2017
The girl sitting behind me in my 10th grade math class dropped her eraser. I picked it up and at the exact moment I turned around to give it back to her, the teacher saw me. He then proceeded to ream me in front of the whole class, assuming I'd been gossiping the entire time and not paying attention.


Wrong About Cheese
Sep 21, 2020
This one is pretty fucked up.

In 7th grade I got sent to the principals office for trying to dislodge a quarter that was glued to the desk in art class. Fair game, I shouldn't have been doing that during class.

The principal knew me and my friends smoked weed, because we came to school high once, after smoking a joint on the way. We intentionally only brought a pack of matches to light the joint, and threw away the matches afterwards so we wouldn't have anything on us.

I got sent to the office because my eyes were red as fuck. They couldn't prove anything so I didn't get in trouble that day. I claimed I just didn't get enough sleep and they decided I couldn't be suspended for having red eyes.

Anyway, the principal decided to call the police. Because I tried to dislodge a fucking quarter. The cop also knew me because he took my skateboard once for skating at a church, and made my parents come to the police station to pick it up.

I'm sure my principal mentioned the red eyes incident and the cop decides to search me. I had a small vial of a prank powder that you put in a sugary drink and it turns it to gel. I was going to prank anyone who brought a soda that day in my friend group. The prank powder came in a vial and I didn't consider how bad that looked.

I was fucking ARRESTED for having "cocaine" and spent two days in juvenile hall while they tested the powder. We passed by the joke shop on the way and I begged the cop to go see the product I was carrying. He wasn't having it.

When they let me out of juvy, the cop met with me again in a separate room without my parents and had the utter fucking gall to tell me that I deserved the punishment for bringing it to school, and said that I had intended to try to lie to sell it as cocaine to someone at school.

Like I get the confusion, but they had no reason to put a 12 year old in juvenile hall with actual criminals and gang members without testing the substance first. That same cop harassed me for years afterwards, arrested me three more times for skateboarding, once singling me out of a group of 10+.

This one arrest had a domino effect. Because they thought I was trying to sell (fake) drugs, I had to go to court and was put on probation for years, and failed my bimonthly drug test every time (completely stupid of me and obviously my fault). I spent almost every weekend doing "work days" at the juvenile hall (where we worked 8 hours shoveling dirt, moving rocks and other labor tasks).

I was finally given a choice, spend 39 days in juvenile hall, or move from my bumfuck nowhere town to my dads house in the Bay Area. That was a fucking lifesaver. I moved to my dads, and out of that toxic situation. I didn't stay out of trouble, but that move was the best thing that ever happened to me. I don't know where I'd be if I stayed in that methed out town full of neo nazis.

So there at least was a happy ending, but I didn't deserve those two years of harassment. I share some blame for many other things I did during that time, but the genesis of my legal troubles was an absolute farce.


Oct 25, 2017
Back in either first grade or kindergarten, at a Montessori school, I was asked by my teacher to spell "frog". I misspelled it (probably "frawg" or something) and she said, "Spell fro-guh!" or something like that. This sudden extra syllable completely threw me off track and I started spelling it with two syllables. She would go, "No, fur-ro-guh!" speaking it slowly like English wasn't my first language (I'm second-gen Indian) and that just confused things further! The teacher was a white woman, to be clear.

School ended with me still writing out "frog" with two or three syllables, and she made me stay until I spelled it correctly. I just sat there confused about what the hell was going on, struggling to figure out why "frog" was so complicated. Not sure how long I stayed there, but eventually my parents came in to get me and talked with my teacher. I still hadn't spelled it correctly by the time they were able to pull me out.

They transferred me to another school shortly after that. This wasn't the first issue I had with that school, but I don't recall details.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
In 6th grade, there was a very rare total (or might have been annular, technically, but close to total?) solar eclipse was was highly visible in my area. Using safe tools (like filters, projecting the shadow on paper, etc., not directly of course, we aren't dumb), two friends and I looked it during lunch recess because we thought it was cool. When the bell rang, we didn't go to class, which was gym class/phys ed, figuring oh, so what if we are a bit late, this eclipse thing is much cooler, also, science, yay.

The gym teacher was an utter bitch though, and I guess she hated us and was very resentful that we dared skip on her stupid class for cool stuff. So we got in massive trouble and got written up, basically the next step was suspension or even expulsion, which was ridiculous for something so completely benign. I had never been in serious trouble with school before, so while I had to get a parental signature of the note, I went to my mom, thinking that my dad would be furious at me getting written up, and begged her to "not tell dad". My mom was sympathetic and told me not to worry, fortunately, but I couldn't believe we were threatened with suspension over this. (In hindsight, my dad would likely have found it ridiculous and signed the note with a laugh and also tell me not to worry, but at the time I was terrified lol)

But yeah that gym teacher was a power tripping asshole and borderline abusive anyway. I remember her calling a student a "dumb bitch" because the girl had trouble moving some mat around and accidentally dropped it or something. Even back in my day, name-calling students was a no-no, at least this wouldn't fly today.

I didn't get in trouble, but if you want top tier religious bullshit: I once answered every question correctly on an exam in religion class and the teacher graded me 9/10. When I asked her why, she said that "only god is perfect."
lmao, crisse de cours de catéchèse hein?
I actually went and told my mom I'm quitting religion class next year because of that.
"Moral" (the only other choice back then) was a much better class than that shit.
Yeah I did religion in grade 1, found it really stupid, switched to "Morale" as well the next year. Some of our teachers in elementary school were so condescending that they would tell the kids in Religion class to "be nice to the others and not judge them" lol 🙄
Oct 27, 2017
Wearing shorts too short in 5th grade. It wasn't the shorts themselves, it was that they looked short because I was 5'6 lol. Even when my Dad picked me up to change we both shrugged.