Oct 25, 2017
Title says it all.
EDIT: changing my vote to these:
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Dec 9, 2017
Candy corn, for sure.

Never was a fan of the stuff as a kid and never knew anyone who liked it.


Jul 5, 2018
Reese's Cups. I know I'm in a very small minority but I find peanut butter disgusting and child me was very much annoyed at how many houses passed out candy with peanut butter lmao


Nov 10, 2018
Tootsie Rolls and Mike and Ike's. I don't want to work to eat some goddamn candy.

Whoppers are a close third.


Definitely not shooting blanks
Jan 5, 2020
Wow this is embarrassing so far.

Reeses cups is A list candy. Having it as the worst Halloween candy should be ban worthy.

Candy corn is beyond disgusting. Tons of people love peeps so I think we leave those alone. Raisins are crap just because who the hell wants to get raisins as a kid when snickers, Kit Kat,skittles, etc exist. I actually like raisins but come on trash stuff.

I've got candy corn at the bottom. But kudos to whoever said butterscotch discs. You got that shit from the 80 year olds when I was a kid in the 90's or disgusting Werther's Originals which is another old person candy.

One thing I've noticed the last few years is if we hold out the bowl and say take two please or something most kids do that. But some kids just grab a fistful and get out of there. We never tried that shit when I was a kid. Ballsy little shits.


One Winged Slayer
May 22, 2018
I don't even understand why Tootsie Rolls are a product that people would buy

Cipher Peon

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Reese's Cups. I know I'm in a very small minority but I find peanut butter disgusting and child me was very much annoyed at how many houses passed out candy with peanut butter lmao
This is exactly how I feel. Peanut butter is gross. I'd just toss the cups I get.

I didn't go trick or treating last year but a friend bought me a huge bag of candy corn and I savored it for months. Underrated!