
Oct 27, 2017
Damn, people saying FFXV must only play really good games if that's the worst thing you've finished.

My answer is Mass Effect Andromeda.


Oct 25, 2017
Resident Evil 6. All it took me was four years, buying the better PS4 version and a reason to do it since RE7 was just about to come out.


Oct 26, 2017
I did finish a playthrough of one of Resident Evil 6 characters, so maybe that? I don't think i ever finished an objectively bad game.

Sgt. Demblant

Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Either X-Men Destiny or Godzilla PS4. The sad thing is that I got all the achievements for X-Men and I'm still working on the platinum for Godzilla, lol.

And as a kid, I was also quite fond of Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge but I never managed to beat it until last year. God, what a shit game.


Oct 25, 2017
The only one that I can think of off the top of my head is the most recent Thief.i finished that on the hardest difficulty too.

It felt soooooooo long too. It's not the worst game ever, but it's extremely average.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn, people saying FFXV must only play really good games if that's the worst thing you've finished.

My answer is Mass Effect Andromeda.
Well, one the one hand yeah it is a pretty high bar they've got if XV is their worst experience, but given this is asking games people finished, I can see why some real dumpster fires may not show up as often as another thread. At least they beat it. No accounting for games people thought were rubbish and dropped early.


Oct 27, 2017
Literally feels like it's running at 5 fps at times


I wouldn't say it's worse as it actually runs properly but I hate Crisis Core even more


Oct 28, 2017
Final Fantasy X-2. My first experience and my last experience to the Final Fantasy games. It was such a slog, I hated the random encounters, I hated the class system, I hated the mini-games. It was the first game to make me question why I was even playing it.


Nov 29, 2017
I got 2 that I consider bad games and that I bothered to finish:

Flatout Head On for PSP

The racing physics and mechanics were quite good, but the AI was HIDEOUS! No story in the story mode, too easy, it really overshadowed the other great aspects for the game like the deathmatch mode in which you battle 6vs cars in an arena and the fantastic stunt mode where you crash the car and launch the freaking driver through the front crystal to play bowling or many other things with him. I recommend the game for this mode, BRUTAL.

The Sims 2 Castaway for PS2:

This game was SUCH a step down from the previous games and from my favorite Sims 2 game, the PSP one (go try it, it's actually a pretty good point and click game without the point and click), loading times were a little bit too long for my liking, game controlled like hell, and when I finally got all and wanted to go home, I expected a cut scene with my sims going back home, at least as a little reward. BUT NO, IT WAS A FREAKING FLASH ANIMATION THAT LASTED AROUND 20 SECONDS WITH 5 or 6 STILLS TOP. Such a disappointment.



Jan 7, 2018
God of War 3. I'd bounced off the first two and was determined to actually finish one, but in hindsight it was ten hours of my life wasted.


Oct 29, 2017
I've played a lot of shitty NES, PC and Amiga games back in the days... that would take the cake but that's no fun since there was so much crap and that's what you played back then. Of more modern games from the last 2-3 years

I'd go with Crash Bandicoot 1 remastered.

What a load of crap, I wish I had kept my memories from it since I was a kid instead of ruining the game forever by playing the remaster.


Very low key
Oct 25, 2017
Probably something from my childhood, like Ghostbusters for the Sega Master System. Game was trash.


Oct 25, 2017

This is a hyper linear game with little outside its awful, awful campaign.

And it...it...doesn't even have a chapter select. So if you want the achievement for killing every animal type in the game, sucks for you, because you probably missed like one or two, and you have to suffer through the whole thing again. Oh, and I think it has collectibles too. Beehives that blend in with the scenery. So if you missed those, you have to play through it again every time you miss one.

The only reason I played these awful games is because back in the day I had nothing else to play, so I had to borrow or scrounge around for something. Thank goodness Games with Gold was a thing.

Funny enough the sequel, Dangerous Hunts 2011, was actually kind of enjoyable. The shooting galleries especially were really intense, and achievement for lasting over 7 minutes in one of the survival galleries is one of the toughest I've ever completed. Really fun. Like I've showed it to a number of people and they're like...yo this is actually really fun!

Shame the dev got kinda shafted making a dying genre. Which, I should point out, they didn't make the attrocity you see above. 2009 was made by FUN Labs. Everything they make is just, so lame. But they continue to make full sized games. Cauldron, who made DH2011, is now left making mobile games.
Oct 28, 2017
Prince of Persia 2008. It is so ridiculously simple that the game seems to run on autopilot. Pong is a complex work of art compared to POP 2008.

Deleted member 29237

User requested account closure
Nov 1, 2017
Battlefield 4 single player, absolutely. I have no idea how that all went so wrong but it was just boring as hell. Had to finish the last level 3 times to get the MP unlocks as well!

Strangely enough I quite enjoyed BF3 single player.


Oct 25, 2017
Same here, kay ?

But also : Everybody's Gone To The Rapture.

I played only to get to the ending and because the soundtrack was so fricking awesome. Liked the story, hated the gameplay, probably one of the worst modern game I ever played.

Everybody's Gone to the Rapture is my choice too. The game looks good and the premise is interesting but everything else was terrible. The walking speed was atrocious and it was really hard to follow the story. With Dear Esther, there's only one character narrating the whole time. With Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, there's multiple characters talking in most scenes. You never actually see these characters though and you have to identify them purely by their voice. When I finished the game I barely had any idea what happened because I couldn't follow it.


Oct 26, 2017
Hmm, not sure whether to choose Sonic 06 or Jak II.

One one hand, Sonic 06 is a broken, unplayable mess, but I would be lying if I said I didn't get a bit of enjoyment out of it from all the laughs.

Jak II, however, is just not fun to play at all. A completely different game from the original where all the edge just ruins it, but at least it is somewhat playable.


Oct 27, 2017
Småland, Sweden
Valkyria Revolution is still fresh in my mind. I kept reading about how bad it was, but it was a spin-off of Valkyria Chronicles, so how bad could it be? So I kept giving it a chance, over and over and over, and forced myself to continue to play cause at some point something good must happen, but nope, never happened. Everything in the game is mediocre, or simply plain bad. Not even the soundtrack by Yasunori Mitsuda was good, it was "ok".

And despite being a fairly recent game, I'm still inclined to say it's the worst game I ever played that I actually finished.


Oct 25, 2017
Prince of Persia 2008. It is so ridiculously simple that the game seems to run on autopilot. Pong is a complex work of art compared to POP 2008.

I completely forgot about this game. I thought the no dying complaint was mostly bullshit (especially when very few games use a lives system now instead of checkpoints) but I get the complaints when it came to combat. I'm a little tempted to put this above Everybody's Gone to the Rapture for my least favorite game I've completed though because of the bullshit ending unless you bought the DLC which came out a few months later.


Oct 27, 2017
I tend to finish every game I start even if it sucks, Assasin's Creed 3 is definitely one game that I forced myself to finish. Hate it.


Oct 27, 2017
final fantasy 13.

and that's because I had to bring it in for a better game at games top, so I decided to complete since people said it 'gets better'

spoiler alert :it never does


Oct 27, 2017
I'd say Halo 2. I forced myself to finish it because it was Halo, but I was so sick of the game towards the end that I just wanted to reach the credits.

Deleted member 426

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Star Ocean 3 and Final Fantasy XIII. To be fair I do only really play good games, so only Star Ocean 3 is bad.

Deleted member 22585

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
I don't finish really bad games so Batman Arkham Knight is the worst game I completed.

Hated the combat, the story was a mess, they cramped too many villains and characters into the world, Batmobil was annoying, the Riddler stuff was the worst etc.
But I finished and enjoyed the predecessors, so I somehow felt obligated to play it to the end. It was over a long period of time, I upgraded my GPU three times so a big part of it was to come back and check out those amazing visuals. Also got it very cheap because of the abysmal PC launch.


Oct 27, 2017
Spider-Man 2 on Xbox.

I wasn't even really enjoying it, still don't know why I kept playing. I remember fighting some mechs near the end and it was shittastic.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Dec 4, 2017
Devil May Cry 2. The game is way to easy and very boring but I still beat it for some reason.

EDIT: Sonic 06 would objectively be the worse game I ever beaten but I actually had fun with that game despite how bad it is.


Oct 27, 2017
Assassins creed 1 or Watch Dogs 1, can't decide between them which was worse, probably AC


Oct 27, 2017
Quest 64. For some reason, multiple times. I even still have a copy of it. It's in my Nintendo 64 as we speak. But it's so fucking terrible. All you folks posting FFXV, if you want a truly terrible RPG, play Quest 64.


Oct 25, 2017
Uh..... I didn't like Oblivion and its shit level scaling and leveling scheme all the way to the end
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Deleted member 16039

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture is my choice too. The game looks good and the premise is interesting but everything else was terrible. The walking speed was atrocious and it was really hard to follow the story. With Dear Esther, there's only one character narrating the whole time. With Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, there's multiple characters talking in most scenes. You never actually see these characters though and you have to identify them purely by their voice. When I finished the game I barely had any idea what happened because I couldn't follow it.

Personnally, I got most of the story right, on my playthrough. The end of the first chapter was great, with the priest crying and insulting God, (and the song at this moment, "For Ever", fits perfeclty). This moment almost made me cry (and I'm atheist).

I too, got lost tons of time because of that stupid pattern, did hours (yes, HOURS of SLOW WALKING while CRUSHING the hell out of the R2 trigger to WALK "faster") because of a bug that forced the pattern to stay around zones where I already saw every scenes. I had to progress blindly.


Oct 28, 2017
God of war 3, to be fair I don't finish many games. With every chapter I grew to like Kratos less and less...
Oct 27, 2017
If they're absolute hot garbage I generally drop them.

Trying to think of something I rented for the NES or SNES back in the day that was just terrible, rented, beat, and never thought of again until this moment.

There's gotta be examples.

The thing that keeps coming up in my head right now is KotOR 2. The ending half of that game was such an incoherent mess, just ruining the quality of anything that came before.