
Feb 11, 2019
My backlog is huge. I try not to worry too much about it, but my next to tackle/high priority are:
Demon's Souls, Assassin's Creed 4, Bugsnax, Crash 4, Ghost of Tsushima, Pikmin 3 Deluxe, and Super Mario 64


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
I see my "backlog" more like a collection.

Like, I bought The Zork Anthology at Steam, but I don't have the intention to play them seriously until the end. I was just curious and wanted to try.

I also get 10+ games every month from Humble Choice, and about 7 from PS+ and GwG. The ship of finishing a backlog has sailed lol


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
I used to worry about it all of the time, nowadays I don't really care, I just play what I want.


Dec 1, 2017
I decided to delete my previous Steam account, gave up on certain consoles´ backlogs and now I am on 19 unfinished. I am happy.
Jun 20, 2018
It's hundreds deep and I love it. I never buy games on day 1, I don't need to when I have so much to play, and then when a game I want is down around the £10 level I pick it up and add it to the backlog. I know I will always have something to jump into next.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 20, 2018
Too huge and usually sad if not anxious.
I should definitely try to see most of it as a collection rather than an actual backlog (even for digital games).


Aug 3, 2020
That's a cute list, OP.
I envy you ...

I have 182 games in my backlog (that includes DLC and episodic games are logged individually).
And I think those are not even all games. I only log my Xbox games, stopped caring about my Steam library a while ago.

It makes me feel anxious at times but then again, it makes me feel good because I don't have to get every new game that comes out and grab them when they're cheap.
So, it's a win-win-situation ... somehow. I don't have FOMO so, I am good.


Feb 4, 2020
Probably a couple hundred, all-in across all platforms. I buy lots of games then just... never play them.

I bought God of War (2018) literally the day it came out, took it out of the shrinkwrap, and... have never played it, for some reason, lol. Come at me bro.

Deleted member 9241

Oct 26, 2017
I've beaten perhaps a hundred or so games on my raspberry pi. It has 27,000 games on it.


Nov 3, 2017
My backlog is beyond manageable at this point.

Sales are a bad time usually as I can sometimes buy 3-4 games and then be lucky if I get the time to play 1 of them.

I guess I'm expecting one day I'll suddenly find the time to play all these games... right?


Dec 9, 2017
My backlog :

Shovel knight
spyro reignited trilogy
Doom 64
Doom 3
Doom 2016
Thimbleweed park
Bugs Fable
Xenoblade 2 and dlc
Final fantasy 7
Final fantasy 7 remaster
Final fantasy 15
Persona 5
Evil within 2
Bioshock 2 and 3
Trover saves the universe

And a bunch of ps plus games that I don't care about.

The big jrpg games are taking forever to complete and its really slowing me down. I think now I prefer 8-12 hours of story driven games anything else is too much for me...

Deleted member 59261

User requested account closure
Aug 16, 2019
I used to have a huge backlog, but then I asked myself how many of these games do I really want to play and then I removed almost half of it. Now I think twice before buying something. Here is my cute little backlog:


Oct 29, 2017
Bristol UK
My backlog is pretty ginormous but I don't let it worry me. The likelihood is I won't get round to playing all of them but it is what it is.

I look at it that I will never have a shortage of games to play, which I love the idea of


Oct 31, 2017
I have:

Myles Morales
Ghost of Tsushima
Fire Emblem Three Houses

These are physical games that I can see and know I want to play. I have various digital games that I get in sales ps+ etc, but I don't keep track of those.

I will always have something to play, and choose only to limit my purchases to those which is will play now or soon for physical and exceptionally cheap prices for digital. I find it's better than stacking up physical games for the sake of it.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I have a couple, mostly on my switch:

- Ni No Kuni (this will probably be my christmas time JRPG)
- Tales of Vesperia
- Bayonetta 2
- Astral Chain
- Hyper Light Drifter

That's pretty much it I guess.


Oct 26, 2017
I was checking my backlog yesterday and it's about ~30 games, not bad tbh.
Mostly short horror games and indies tbh.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
List is too big. I still have PS1 games on my shelf I never touched.

I randomly booted up my FF13 save from years ago (2011! WHAT) so I could finally get around to Platinuming it. Been surprisingly fun to get back into it over the past couple of weeks. Almost there too lol


Nov 20, 2017
It's too big and it stresses me out.

I'm missing out on so many games and honestly I've come to realize I just don't have time for many of them. Moving forward pretty much exclusively limiting myself to ~20 hour games. I just don't have the time or willpower to commit to massive JRPGs and things of that ilk.


Feb 11, 2020
I've always got a sizeable backlog but I view it as a good thing; it means that I can typically always find a game to play whatever mood I'm in.

Deleted member 79517

User requested account closure
Aug 31, 2020
I suspect it's small relative to a lot of the backlogs here, but it frustrates me. I feel like I have made a handful of expensive impulse purchases that cost me money that would've been better spent elsewhere.

It's not really healthy to fixate on, though, so I'm trying not to ruminate on it too much.


Oct 27, 2017
It is massive. But this year I played more games than I bought this year.

So far I spent around 50% less than last year. A big thing was reducing FOMO and not buying games I don't like.

No more: hard as fuck indie games, Souls games, open world games like Assassin's Creed, Driving Simulators like Dirt Rally.

So no Valhala, Demons Souls, RDR2 or GoT for me. That saves a lot!

I'm fine never touching some games in my library. I have already spent the money, I don't need to waste time with something I don't really like.


Nov 10, 2017
In reality it's over 1000 games, mainly from buying bundles and claiming pretty much all the free games from numerous store fronts.

But practically, it's probably in the teens or maybe 20s for games that I actually want to and will play.

What criteria is there for a game not being considered part of the backlog? Just playing it once, spending significant time with it, completing it, 100% completion?

I generally just have 1 or 2 games on the go, one is usually Destiny 2 and then something else. And maybe the odd indie here and there.


May 9, 2018
Couple of years ago I got rid of the idea of "backlog." I try to play a game I started or don't finish it at all. I usually have a "backgound game" the I'm slowly chipping away at that I come to between games.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't worry about it anymore. Games come so fast and so cheap (often free) with all the flash sales and monthly free games that I just play what I want for however long I want. So much better that way.


Oct 25, 2017
I call it my personal library - it is numerous and I'm glad to have a wide variety of titles available to me.


Nov 6, 2017
My backlog is bigger than I'd like to be. Overall my collection is a good amount of games, but over the years I've whittled that down to a good selection of probably 50-100 games that I would still really like to play through.

I view it a little like a challenge, but also a bit of a bummer. All these games and yet I still buy more. All these games I want to play yet I'm playing X game right now. And when I'm usually told, "just play what you want to play and have fun," I'm generally a little dumbfounded. Yes, I am playing what I want which is why I'm playing X game right now; that doesn't mean I don't also want to play Final Fantasy IV, Resident Evil 3, DQXISEOAEADE, Heavensward, KotOR, Demon's Souls, etc. etc.

Too many games and too little time.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
It's incredibly massive but I don't really think about most of it. I definitely keep a few games in mind that I want to go back and finally actually play but for the most part, it's easy not to think about and the few games that remain in mind seem perfectly plausible to revisit one of these days. Right now, those games are Nier Automata, Yakuza 0, Judgement and Dragon Quest XI.


Mar 31, 2020
I gave up on caring a long time ago. My backlog is way too long to ever finish, even if I never bought another game again. Now I just play what I feel like and don't feel guilty if I never finish what I'm playing. Maybe that's why I like Game Pass so much.


Jan 10, 2018
It's not that bad. I let a few games lapse into "I'll never play it unless my business goes bankrupt or I sell it at a price I can't refuse". I should have my plat for MM&bugsnax this weekend, then it's DS time. After that GoT, followed by Day's Gone, then the Horizon DLC and then Nier Automata. So a great winter of gaming ahead.


Nov 20, 2017
My backlog is at exactly 100 games right now. I'm adding two more games to it by the end of 2020 (physical editions of games I want to play).

Only about 15 of those haven't been touched at all. I've only made significant progress (to the point where I probably wouldn't start over for backlog purposes) in about 20 of them, though. The rest are shortish games I'd want to play start to finish, or games I've only jumped onto long enough to know I wasn't in the mood for them in the moment.

That said, I've completed more than 300 games in my life, so not a bad completion rate all told.

Cousin From Boston

Prophet of Regret
Nov 21, 2017
I've got a decent backlog on PS4 and Switch, but I'm not getting next gen consoles for a little while so I'm justifying the backlog as stuff to play in the meanwhile, plus games to check out on next gen hardware. Most of my purchases are on sale/used, so I don't feel like it's a *huge* waste of money.
Aug 31, 2019
I just gave up playing games that aren't on Gamepass and pretend they don't exist in my backlog.

Focusing only on this section of the backlog (Gamepass) reduces my anxiety by a lot.

The only time I look at my general backlog is when I check whether I have a game I am thinking about playing on Gamepass. If I do have it, I often skip it.

Dance Inferno

Oct 29, 2017
The way I play games is I tend to jump around a lot without really sticking with one game all that long. That's why my backlog is so large. That being said, my backlog has stopped stressing me out once I started viewing it as a way to play whatever game I'm in the mood for at the time. I used to try to "finish" all the games in my backlog, and that was when gaming was stressful and not fun for me. Gaming should be a hobby, not a job.
Oct 25, 2017
Massive. Overwhelming. Paralyzing. I dislike choice so having an endless ocean of games available to me isn't the best. It why I end up playing spelunky instead of trying decide what game I wanna play.


Oct 30, 2017
My backlog is finite, but infinite. I have an actual number of games on the list, but the time it would take me to actually play them all is longer than the time I have left. It's kind of disheartening, so I try not to think about it and play whatever I feel like in the moment.


The Fallen
Nov 1, 2017
Tons of games that I will honestly probably not get around to finishing, but I do want to complete these:

  • Blasphemous
  • Return of the Obra Dinn
  • Super Mario Maker 2
  • Cuphead
  • New Super Mario Bros U
  • Hollow Knight (honestly not sure if I want to finish this or not lol)
  • Doom Eternal (near the end and getting worked to the point where I'm not having fun anymore, so I might not finish this one)
  • Celeste
  • RDR2
  • SW Jedi: Fallen Order
  • Hotline Miami collection
  • Baldur's Gate 3 early access content
I've got a few dozen additional titles on each platform that I want to play but they aren't priorities. How do I feel about it? Fine. I honestly don't think about it apart from trying to decide which game to load up when I have time.


Oct 28, 2017
Doylestown, PA
There are things I want to eventually get around to that I'm waiting for a sale for, but I usually only buy something if I know for sure I'm going to play it right then and there or shortly thereafter. I don't have the time, energy or desire to accrue or maintain a list of unfinished anything, be it movies, shows or games. Adding stress like that to a hobby sort of defeats the purpose imo


Jun 15, 2018
I try to avoid thinking about Backlogs, if a game I bought didn't catch my attention in a way that made me prioritize it over other new releases, I probably should have waited with my purchase. Main goal is to have fun with the time I have to play, and the game that I feel that I want to play is the one I go for. I stopped playing RDR2 because of this, just had more fun with other games.

Ser Ignatius

Chicken Chaser
Apr 15, 2020
I used to have a backlog of games that I just had to play, now it is nonexistent, I play whatever sounds fun in the moment. I don't want playing games to feel like a chore or a checklist.
Sep 7, 2020
I just beat MM. Now working my way through Godfall but I still have Assassin's creed Valhalla to get through (highly unlikely) before cyberpunk. I also am getting tempted by wanting to run through another mass effect series playthrough before the remasters next year. Sprinkle in some NBA2K, Apex, DOTA2, LOL, MK11, and Powerrangers and its looking like I have too much to play LMAO.