
Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
I stopped wearing it after my family has been fully vaxxed, boostered and the mandate ended. Haven't done any flying or public transportation though.
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Oct 27, 2017
Possibly never in public settings. I don't want your germs, and I actually prefer having my face covered. Lets people know I'm not interested in getting close to you.

Whether I wear a mask in other settings outside my household is situational.


Oct 27, 2017
My partner got Covid in March of 2020 and again last week. With her long Covid issues and everything else, going maskless makes me super nervous; I'm not sure when, but it won't be for a long time.
Oct 25, 2017
We've started going back to the office one day a week so I wear it on the bus. I'll also wear it if I'm going somewhere and it's kind of cramped/crowded. Generally, though, I've stopped for most places unless I'm with my wife who will scold me for not wearing one. Almost everyone we know has gotten it, but we still haven't caught it once so I generally do what she says.


Oct 25, 2017
Richmond, VA
I have slowly stopped wearing one. Doctors office and airplanes, I still wear one.

On a work trip right now in New Jersey and nobody is wearing one. Like 1 out of 50.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
When i feel like it which for me means
- when it feels safer for sure
- When i don't have to worry about being on a vacation or trip within the next two weeks (being sick on vacation with ANYTHING sucks)
- when people chose to give space and not be stank mouth breathers
- when it's not cold / flu season
So in other words mask will always be around me going forward covid or not. When i don't wear them will be circumstantial but as of now I'll always wear or at least keep one in my car, pocket or bag


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
I already have. If I have to fly on a plane I'll still wear one, but I live in a county in Oregon with single digit case counts per day (the last 7 day average was 6.9 cases per day) so wearing a mask isn't really accomplishing much.


Oct 25, 2017
Long as I feel like wearing it. Not even overly cautious, I like not being exposed to the nasty asses in stores and in general. As with the poster above, I already knew some coworkers from Asia doing this for a couple years before, so I'm just taking a page out of their notebook. If I happen to forget it, I'd still just go in a store without worry, just my preference at this point.


Oct 30, 2017
The last time I wore a mask was when I was riding the CTA while visiting friends in Chicago.

I absolutely hate wearing a mask, so if I'm not required to wear one, I don't. The only time during the entire pandemic I wore a mask outdoors was while visiting my girlfriend in Bogotá where you were inexplicably required to do so.


Nov 13, 2017
Miami, FL
I already did for the most part. I am vaccinated and boosted and transmission rates are currently low.

If a new variant pops up and starts spreading like wildfire again I have no problem going back to mask wearing until it calms down. But I'll follow the CDC recommendations on that one.

Also if someone requests I wear one because they are immunocompromised or whatever, I have no problem doing so.


Oct 27, 2017
I only wear them at work as its required seeing clients. Everywhere else I generally don't anymore. I keep one with me in case I feel like I need to put one on in a very crowded area.


Oct 25, 2017
Stopped wearing them voluntarily after last summer, unless mandated. Granted, that was basically everywhere up until last month given where I live (Canada) and the places I like to travel to, but the point remains that I do not wear a mask unless required.


Oct 27, 2017
Massachusetts (USA)
I'm a *slightly less strict with myself these days. BUT, I do put one one in places where large groups congregate indoors. Like supermarkets etc. I keep an eye on pandemic trends going on across the world. I will stop wearing a mask when the large waves of infections finally simmer out for a prolonged amount of time. Not a minute before. We keep getting into these situations where people get comfortable way too quickly and infections start spiking all over again.


Prophet of Regret
Jul 4, 2018
Depends on where I am, really. I will probably be wearing a mask to some extent for the next few years I imagine.
Apr 17, 2019
I haven't caught a cold/flu or even sneezes and sore throat issues since I've started regularly wearing them in public spaces when this pandemic started.

Don't see any reason to stop now, it's minor inconvenience at worst. 2 years + straight of clean bill of health is worth it imo


Oct 26, 2017
I'll stop wearing them daily when I run out of my current ones (I have about 30-40 KF94s left), but I'll continue to wear them if I'm feeling under the weather or on a plane for awhile.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I've slowly been wearing it less and less over the past month. I keep it on me for places that absolutely require it, but otherwise the only place I've worn it lately that doesn't require it anymore is the grocery store.

Gunny T Highway

Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Only really wear them at work which is a school. Other than that unless it is super crowded I have been wearing it less and less.


Oct 27, 2017
Already have, unless I happen to end up somewhere where it's still mandated. I'm vaccinated; that's enough for me.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Never. Besides the two weeks I had covid (from my daughter who caught it at school) I've been in the best health of my life. No colds, no snuffles, no allergies, nothing. Having a mask block a lot of the bullshit I'd be breathing in is great.


Oct 25, 2017
I only wear mine when mandated. I work at a train station newsstand on the weekends. Hopefully they aren't required there soon.


Oct 27, 2017
No idea. We watch data pretty closely and maybe a month ago I discussed with my partner starting to remove my mask at the gym. Then we both got new jobs where she's commuting on public transit and I'm attending events, and our area's cases are on the uptick again. Just feels silly to put a timeline on it because every time I've said out loud "maybe it's time" something happens that throws it into whack.


Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
I work in a hospital, so I will still be wearing it at work for the foreseeable future.
For the rest, I will mask up if CDC changes my county from low risk. I've had the vaccine x3 and my family all had the vaccine. I haven't seen nearly as many COVID hospitalizations compared to last year. Our unit actually tests everybody coming through the door for antibody and you'd be surprised how many people are antibody positive.
I'm optimistic that things will continue to improve, barring some horrible mutation to the virus that both evades vaccination and worsens spread and severity, but the same goes for flu.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I currently wear my mask in situations where I am forced to be in close proximity to other people. Which right now is pretty much taking my kid to or from school. But otherwise, I'm not around large groups of people very often, and cases have been on the decline in my area.


Oct 27, 2017
I think I'll just wear it forever. It's usually only when I'm shopping anyway.

My experience is the same as some others, haven't had a cold since I've been wearing a mask.

Wooden Robot

Oct 27, 2017
I only wear on public transportation, not sure if I'll stop because I haven't had a cold in 3 years, use to have 2-3 a year and I'm pretty sure it was from being on a crowded train where someone else was sick.


Oct 27, 2017
Immunocompromised person with an Immunocompromised spouse and two kids under vaccination age — I'll be masked for potentially forever. When transmission becomes low/not a pressing concern, I'll fall back to masking during cold/flu season. I have enjoyed not being sick for the last 2+ years.


Nov 13, 2017
I went maskless last summer after getting vaccinated, but quickly put it back on when it became apparently that vaccination wasn't stopping the spread.

I'm in an area of low spread currently so I don't stress if I forget my mask, but I still bring it with me 95% of the time. I will likely keep it up until we get a vaccine that can really prevent infection. I'm hopeful that some of the multi-valent candidates work out, or we get a nasal vaccine that produces a good antibody response in the nasal cavity.