Which Dead Rising games do you recommend playing? (select as many as you want)

  • Dead Rising

    Votes: 245 83.3%
  • Dead Rising 2

    Votes: 167 56.8%
  • Dead Rising 2: Off the Record

    Votes: 130 44.2%
  • Dead Rising 3: Apocalypse Edition

    Votes: 70 23.8%
  • Dead Rising 4

    Votes: 17 5.8%

  • Total voters


Oct 30, 2017
I enjoyed the original 360 game but never got very far, it's one of those games I've always wanted to go back to. A few weeks ago I was tempted to give this series another shot and as luck would have it, we get a franchise sale on Steam.

I remember a fair bit of controversy surrounding the sequels, especially around being more casual/simplified. A lot of the initial negativity seems to focus on it being different rather than outright bad. The first game was definitely had some cumbersome elements so it's not necessarily a bad thing, but for all I know it might completely undermine the gameplay.

A few years on from any initial backlash, which ones do you think are worth the time?

Cipher Peon

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Dead Rising 3 is by far the best one imo. But I think they're all worth playing, even if 4 was rough. Great franchise.


Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
I was always scared to jump into the first one because of the timer. Just the existence of one gives me anxiety. Sames as with Majora's Mask. I know I can ignore it and work around it, but I just hate that it exists.

Deleted member 4353

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Dead Rising 1,2 and 3 are all great games in their own right. They all stand up especially 2 and 3 with online coop.


Oct 26, 2017
1 and 2 are the best by far. I also recommend playing the short spin offs. Case Zero and Case West. 3 is when the series started to be dumbed down, and 4 is terrible.
Oct 27, 2017
DR1, 2 and Off the Record are worth playing (OTR is more of an alternative story to 2 but with Frank West as the protagonist and with added content).


Oct 30, 2017
I was always scared to jump into the first one because of the timer. Just the existence of one gives me anxiety. Sames as with Majora's Mask. I know I can ignore it and work around it, but I just hate that it exists.

Yeah, I had kind of a love-hate thing with the timer in the original so I'm not totally against the idea of playing the sequels without it. I enjoyed the tension but it was probably why I didn't get too far.

I didn't find it quite as anxiety-inducing in Majora's Mask due to how the resetting worked.
Oct 25, 2017
Dead Rising 1 is an all time great. A very creative and unique game that's aged pretty well, at least I think.
I've only played DR2 of the sequels and it's alright, but the magic and charm of the first game feel somewhat absent.
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, I had kind of a love-hate thing with the timer in the original so I'm not totally against the idea of playing the sequels without it.

I didn't find it quite as anxiety-inducing in Majora's Mask due to how the resetting worked.
While I love the timer and greatly recommend to get used to it as it adds tension, since you are playing on PC it is probably an easy fix if you look into a cheating engine/trainer. That way you can pause the timer if it is absolutely not something you want.

I don't recommend it but it is there.


Oct 27, 2017
1, 2 and Off the Record are all genius.

DR3 had its moments but ultimately very disappointing and 4 is garbage.


Oct 27, 2017
The first game is amazing. Then they farmed the series out and each game moved further away from why people liked it in the first place.


Oct 29, 2017
1 is the best but if im honest for a complete newcomer, it might be a bit of a turn off
they added multiple save slots in the remasters, right? That does go a long way in easing the difficulty as there is some portions in the game that are basically designed to fuck you over with time limits, but with multiple save slots, you can just load an older save and plan accordingly.

2 and OTR are perfect still imo, they are generally better balanced, the time limit can still be quite tense but not nearly as much as in 1, and the generaly combat just feels better. I vastly prefer OTR to 2, mainly because I think that Frank is all around the better character to play as.

I used to consider 3 to be pretty good but eh, nah. It's ultimately a relatively generic open world game and there's so many better open world games now. At least DR3 still has psychos and the story connects to 1 and 2. But the actual gameplay is disappointing.

DR4 is a fun arcade zombie killing game but it has nothing to do with DR


Oct 27, 2017
The original is still the best. Just oozing with charm.

2 is pretty solid. Off the Record is mostly just more of 2, so if you enjoy 2, you'll likely enjoy Off the Record.

Haven't played 3 or 4. I hear 4 is not great. Didn't hear great things about 3 either but I heard there is some good parts and apparently it references a plot point from the first I did not think would ever be mentioned again.


Oct 25, 2017
I like all of them, yes even 4.

1 and 2 are the must plays. If you like them and the story, then play 3 for sure.

Off the Record is a weird one, its like a remix/arrange mode of DR2. Some would say its the definitive version of the game, and I think it may be from a gameplay and content perspective, but I like base DR2 better. Worth playing if you really dig the series, but not essential.

If you purely enjoy the killing zombies with wacky weapons aspect of the series, then give 4 a spin because it does that kind of thing the best. It's a very flawed game though.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Dead Rising 1 had the best story but I had the most fun with 3


Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
1 is the best but if im honest for a complete newcomer, it might be a bit of a turn off
they added multiple save slots in the remasters, right? That does go a long way in easing the difficulty as there is some portions in the game that are basically designed to fuck you over with time limits, but with multiple save slots, you can just load an older save and plan accordingly.
So what's the best strategy then? It doesn't just repeat the same day like a New Game+? Does it get harder with each repeat?
Oct 25, 2017
So what's the best strategy then? It doesn't just repeat the same day like a New Game+? Does it get harder with each repeat?
The game is designed to get easier with each game over if you choose to start over. Character progression carries over. Most people are stubborn though and reload saves until they win.

Edit: To the OP, I like all of them except 4. 4 is also seen as non-canon or tries to establish new canon after DR1. DR3 ties into the first two, including Case West.
Last edited:
Oct 25, 2017
That sounds like a good way to make the game a chore to play and no fun at all.
I always try and tell people if the game is hard for them just restart with character progress and you'll be fine on your second playthrough. Usually the first wall happens pretty early too so you wouldn't even have to replay that much. The game is fast pace enough with the timeline and cutscenes are skippable.


Oct 25, 2017
1 is a modern classic that you need to play. Think of it as a route planning/resource management game first, zombie game second.

If you like it, try 2 and OTR. Hell, maybe try those even if you didn't like it because they have some nice QoL and control scheme updates.

I have not tried the later entries. They got rid of the time limit, which I view as a negative, so I just ignored them completely. Some people will go to bat for 3 as a different game with some of its own strengths, but nobody seems to like 4.


May 7, 2019
DR1 is a genuine masterpiece and by FAR the best one.

They all pretty much go down in quality as the series progressed.

Seriously, go play DR1.


Nov 8, 2017
I totally forgot they made DR4!

1 is the best and 2 is really good. That's all you need really.


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
The only one I've played is 2 (on PC, so doubly relevant) and I hated it at first, but once I figured out what the game's deal was (it really wants you to be okay with dying/restarting a few times) I grew to love it. Can't say for any of the others but I'd say DR2 holds up at least.


Oct 25, 2017
Orlando, FL
Never got into off the record, but 1 and 2 still hold up well. Just played 1 on PC and had a grand time. Even going as far as going for the genocider achievement.

3 sucks and i'm not even going to waste my time with 4 based on how much I disliked 3.


Oct 25, 2017
Played on Xbox but I think they all hold up in their own way and are enjoyable. The amount of challenge, tension, survival elements and horror decreases gradually across the series while the goofiness, insane weapons and amount of zombies you kill increases with every game. The first one is actually pretty challenging and food and super weapons are almost non-existent. The time limit is also pretty strict.

Dead Rising 1 is essential in my book. If you like it, move on to #2. Off the Record is kind of a remix of DR2 and is skippable if you played it but it's a fun way to replay the game with some differences. Very little new in Off the Record though except some challenges like time trials, "kill X zombies in Y minutes" and things like that.

DR3 is the best if you want to kill hordes of zombies using insane weapons and crazy vehicles in co-op and DR4 kind of feels like a bit of a standard action adventure without much of what made Dead Rising special but it's not poorly made in its own rights.


Oct 25, 2017
1 is good, 2 is good and is one of those iterative "we're directly building off the previous game" sequels, and Off The Record is a remake.. thing of 2, and it irons out some of the game's issues while also providing a sandbox mode for you to play around in. 2 and Off The Record both have co-op, and honestly some of the bosses feel like they were designed with co-op in mind because they're pretty rough running solo. they're challenging games, and i feel like especially with bosses it becomes clear how clunky you actually move.

3 dramatically reduced the timer element (now you just get a week to finish the game instead of events having to happen at specific times) and put a bigger emphasis on exploration. while i guess the first two games were open world titles, 3 really leaned into the open world aspect and gives you a whole city to poke around in, and that's... neat? i guess? i don't know, the grey cityscape of Not!LA doesn't really do it for me. it feels really subdued compared to the weird heightened reality of the first game's massive sprawling mall and the second game's casino oasis.

4 is.... hrmm. as someone who has no real attachment to the franchise, you could very well enjoy 4! for like 8 bucks or whatever it is on Steam right now, that's probably fine! it was a very hastily made game, on what i assume was a fairly tight budget and time table. the writing is annoying. the sound track is annoying (they recorded A Lot of original christmas music for this game, and all of it is very competently executed, but oh my god does it grate). a lot of the fun little details and side stuff you could do in the old games is gone. there aren't a lot of cutscenes, instead stuff plays out in game, and it's kind of annoying because frank will comment on stuff but the camera won't actually swing around to show you what he's commenting on.

they did some updates after it was initially released to add in actual survivor side quests (there's like... seven), so i guess that's nice. the maniacs also got unique weapons that they drop when they're defeated, so that's... slightly better than the Literal Nothing they were when it was initially released.

i think dead rising 1 had the strongest story, for what that's worth.

a note on the concept of "do they hold up":
revisiting the series in 2020, there's a lot of stuff that's maybe Not Great, From A Representation Standpoint. 4 is a lot better in this respect, and even though this was a choice the dev team specifically made, you kind of also get the sense that it would have been a lot worse if they had had proper psychopath intros and outros.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
They basically go down in order of essential-ness from the first to the fourth.

1st is the best. A classic. Play it if you haven't.
2nd is a blast. It's very similar to the first.
3rd is fun but loses some of the Dead Rising-ness. No timer is a big step down but there's a lot of fun to be had still.
4th game is pretty inessential. I found it hard to find the fun in DR4.


Oct 27, 2017
Having played them all as they came out, I'd say they are worth playing (minus 4). I'm a weirdo that thinks that the modern animations and controls brought 3 up to what I enjoyed the most. I enjoyed the seemless city exploration and the giant zombie crowds.


Oct 27, 2017
All I want to say is that I had a nasty ass flu in like Nov '19, so I played a ton of Dead Rising 4 on Xbox Gamepass PC, and it was pretty fun. So I mean...holds up fine as a fun game. Not saying it's Dead Rising 1 or anything.


Oct 27, 2017
Dead Rising on PC has iffy aiming controls for firearms, while the animation/melee responsiveness in 2 feels a bit off compared to its predecessor.

But, both hold up fairly well.

Rodney McKay

Oct 26, 2017
Sucks that Case Zero never came to PC.

To this day its the only Dead Rising "game" (or standalone DLC if you prefer) that I've actually gotten into and finished.

Something about the small town setting and the shortness of the game really made the restart/rogue-like mechanic click for me, exploring the town, finding the weapon schematics, secret routes, etc.
The other games just feel so much larger that I never really wanted to restart the game from the beginning over and over to level up.


Oct 25, 2017
All of them hold up fine, except for 4. 4 doesn't even exist and I'll refuse to believe anyone who says otherwise.