Which flop system are you the most fond of?

  • Sega Dreamcast

    Votes: 1,557 49.6%
  • Nintendo Wii U

    Votes: 817 26.0%
  • PlayStation Vita

    Votes: 1,123 35.8%
  • Virtual Boy

    Votes: 58 1.8%
  • Ouya

    Votes: 25 0.8%
  • Other (Leave a comment)

    Votes: 128 4.1%

  • Total voters


Oct 27, 2017
I was a backer of Ouya on Kickstarter, don´t even remember how much it was, including customs and stuff (I live in Brazil). Played for some time but the dream didn´t last for long, was really happy that I could sell it to another person.


Oct 25, 2017
The Dreamcast wound never healed, even when i bought it knowing it was DOA. Not my fav system, but sure its on my top 5.


Oct 27, 2017
DC first, Wii U second.

DC made the biggest impact on me for a console in terms of graphical wow factor plus the variety and inventiveness of its games for the time, Genesis a close second. It was probably the last console I bought that still had that magical feeling surrounding it that only a combo of youthful euphoria/impressionability and a big leap in visuals from what came prior can instill. After that it was a steady jaded downward trajectory :P

Wii U felt special in part due to the fantastic first party support, and also since no one seemed to be playing it lol. Great memories playing Mario 3D World, NSMBU, MK8, Zombi U, BOTW, and especially Pikmin 3, which might actually be my favorite game on the system. Good times were had with the mp levels with the missus.


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
IMO, Saturn is not quite a flop, at least in Japan it was very popular.

Anyways, for me its a toss up between Dreamcast and Vita. Both great platforms with many great titles and potential, but killed too early. Got whole bunch of games, US and Japanese (and PAL for Dreamcast) for the platforms. I'd probably say Vita edges Dreamcast out by a sliver... but its a very minute difference.

Got 2 Dreamcasts, 2 Vitas and PS TV :).

I do want to get a Saturn, but those game prices.....


Oct 25, 2017
Dreamcast is the only system on that list that flopped not because of the system itself , but rather the mistakes the company did prior catching up to them.


Oct 28, 2017
Easily Virtual Boy for me, but that's like 99% nostalgia.

The more objective answer is Dreamcast, then Wii U.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
I'll never consider Dreamcast a flop. It wasn't on the market long. Sega killed it not because it flopped, they just couldn't financially support what they were doing.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll never consider Dreamcast a flop. It wasn't on the market long. Sega killed it not because it flopped, they just couldn't financially support what they were doing.

If Sega was in a healthy state , I could honestly see it selling better than the Gamecube and Xbox.

They coulda targeted newer markets with their low price and took a lot of the PS1 sales away from Sony. IIRC PS1 was selling quite well even after the PS2 came out.


Oct 25, 2017
For me it's the Vita, easily.

It just does portable play so well. The screen is fantastic, it is comfortable, and I really love that it has trophies. Plus, all things considered it has a very strong games library. I hope they keep PS+ and trophy support up for it. I intend to keep using mine for a long while yet.


Oct 31, 2017
Yeah and at least 2 out of 3 Amiga's where sold in these 2 countries and 90% of them were the small machines. And we didn't trade word processor's on the school yard back then. Commodore sold around 4-5m in 9 years, that's far less than any of the top 3 did in a far smaller time span. Commodore was never really healthy in the Amiga age and they were never really big.
Again, why are we comparing sales numbers for a personal computer line to those of consoles? Amiga was absolutely successful and could have continued were it not for Commodore's ineptitude. It's not like they were sold at a loss, like consoles typically are. Their business model was completely different. It was Commodore's focus on PCs, their obsession with keeping the C64 alive by all means with all kinds of failed models and their lack of investment into Amiga R&D that killed them.

Despite the fact that it wasn't a "gaming system", over 4,000 games were released on the platform, many game-centric Amiga magazines were produced, and major European development studios and publishers started and found success on the Amiga, including DMA Design (aka Rockstar North), Digital Illusions (aka DICE), Reflections, Core Design, Team 17, Bullfrog and Psygnosis (aka Sony Liverpool). The fact that we're arguing that a platform that lasted that long and had that influence was a flop is laughable.

The CD32, on the other hand, was both a gaming system and a flop.


Chicken Chaser
Jan 21, 2019
I'm a big fan of the Fosbury Flop system. Lot of great jumpers have used it to great success.


Truly Gargantuan

Still doesn't have a tag :'(
Oct 25, 2017
It's really hard to vote between the DC and Vita. Both were such amazing systems with certified classics in their catalog.
You can't make me choose between my two favorite misunderstood children 😭


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Dreamcast for sure. The system as severely under appreciated in it's time.


Visited by Knack
Oct 25, 2017
I have some lovely nostalgic feelings towards the Dreamcast. I can still remember seeing Crazy Taxi and Wacky Races running on a demo unit at my local game store ("Software Today") and being amazed by how crisp the visuals were and how smoothly they ran.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
Wii U. Some truly great exclusives (even if most of them are on Switch now), provided the prototype for Switch portability, and a nice healthy Virtual Console all in all.

I got a Vita years after the fact and I never felt it was that special.


Oct 9, 2019
Saturn was such a failure that it was ignored even by the OP.

It's the best, it was an incredible system for 1994. The library was really strong too, at least in Japan.
Oct 25, 2017
Dreamcast was such a cool system. I remember being blown away as a young kid seeing Sonic Adventure for the first time at my cousin's house.

It was a console that had such a strong identity. While I never owned one myself, I look back on it really fondly.


▲ Legend ▲
Sep 18, 2020
Dreamcast was the only one I had so that one I guess.
The games I remember most were the unique but flawed ones like Toy Commander and Ecco the Dolphin.
My little brother had a WiiU but I didn't care much for it and the games it had that I liked got ported to switch so.


Oct 26, 2017
Again, why are we comparing sales numbers for a personal computer line to those of consoles? Amiga was absolutely successful and could have continued were it not for Commodore's ineptitude. It's not like they were sold at a loss, like consoles typically are. Their business model was completely different. It was Commodore's focus on PCs, their obsession with keeping the C64 alive by all means with all kinds of failed models and their lack of investment into Amiga R&D that killed them.

Despite the fact that it wasn't a "gaming system", over 4,000 games were released on the platform, many game-centric Amiga magazines were produced, and major European development studios and publishers started and found success on the Amiga, including DMA Design (aka Rockstar North), Digital Illusions (aka DICE), Reflections, Core Design, Team 17, Bullfrog and Psygnosis (aka Sony Liverpool). The fact that we're arguing that a platform that lasted that long and had that influence was a flop is laughable.

The CD32, on the other hand, was both a gaming system and a flop.
They saw a certain regionally and temporarily success with the A500 and it's variants and what had to happen from that point was an expansion of that success, but what happened in reality was that no other model was even able to repeat this limited success. This success was enough short time, but it would have never been enough to carry it long time. You also can't just look at the units, if my only gauge for success is the amount of units i move i put one in every happy meal and call it a day. Commodore's financial numbers were always horrible in comparison to Apple, IBM compat.- or even the console makers - that's why they died so fast. They died 2 years after reporting the 2nd highest revenue in their history and while still reaching ~60% of that revenue, because they never really made money. This is like a Sega situation, the difference that Sega would already have been the Sony/Microsoft of Commodore.

The reason why this all worked out for these companies is because creating a game back then was cheap as hell. Single people could create full price games in their bedroom.
A game selling 100K for the Amiga would probably put you in the All-Time Top10, a full price retail console game selling 100K today is a complete disaster and even back then would have been seen as a colossal flop for a "AAA" console game.


Oct 25, 2017
Dreamcast was Sega's best designed system and second best for the generation. I'd only give Xbox the up. It also had dozens of hits right off the bat. It was a damn good system.


Oct 27, 2017
Saturn only flopped in the west. It flourished in Japan and nearly all of it's best games are Japanese exclusives.
Saturn and Dreamcast sold nearly the same amount of units globally and Dreamcast was on the market for half the time. They were both flops even if Saturn did do better in Japan.

….also my vote is the Saturn. Obviously.


Sep 19, 2019
Despite never having one growing up, I'll always have a place in my heart for that little Sega Saturn. Just something about the strange energy in so many of the games speaks to me. Same with the Dreamcast, but to a slightly lesser extent.

Total Cereal

Oct 28, 2017
I'm fond of the experiences I had with the Wii U, but not with the system itself. I played through Zelda BotW on Wii U before buying a Switch and that's one of my greatest gaming memories. I also have loads of memories playing Splatoon, Mario Maker, the Zelda HD remasters, and so on.

What I don't have fond memories of is the console itself. It was always very slow and clunky to use, adding an additional hard drive to it was awkward since it didn't have USB 3.0 ports, not to mention wired ethernet. Plus you had to use up two USB ports for the Gamecube adapter if you wanted to play Smash with GC controllers, plus the extra charger for the gamepad. It was an absolute mess.

My motto for the Wii U is that it's a terrible console with some really great games. Though most of the best Wii U games now have Switch ports that are as good or better than the Wii U versions, so my hope is that it will eventually become totally obsolete so I never have to use it again.


Alt Account
Feb 4, 2022
The Saturn was my first console, so that. However I did hold it down on the Nintendo side as one of the 12 people that owned a Wii U at the time so that has a soft spot as well.

fixing ranger

Aug 24, 2021
Wii U – I love gimmicks, and the thing has great experiences. Asymmetric multiplayer is fantastic, really liked Rayman Legends on that thing. Overall, second screen is great for me, I used it everywhere and for everything I could. Too bad the resolution was too low so text was pretty blurry.

Vita is just a great handheld. However, the funny thing is that for me PSP games + PS1 games on a better screen > Vita games. But I just love that little system. It was already too big to be truly portable, but it was great as a bed device. Now I am waiting for my Steam Deck to replace it.


Nov 15, 2017
I'm still mad at the way Sony of America basically forced the Vita's demise and also at the pass Sony got from Gaming media and enthusiasts for the bizarre way it ended in North America. They just stopped stocking shelves with the system even though there were plenty of gamers trying to get their hands on one and also developers releasing games for it and it had a very high attach rate. It was like an entire year of Vita's coming in stock and instantly selling out at Walmart, Gamestops and Target. When has a system ever went out like that?

It might not have set the world on fire but it obviously could have had an installed base in the 35+ million if Sony didn't sabotage it.


Oct 25, 2017
Tie between Dreamcast and Vita

Dreamcast would have probably continued its life cycle had Sega not lost a boat load of money with the Saturn