Which generation do you consider yourself to be a part of?

  • Baby Boomers: mid 1940s to early 1960s

    Votes: 7 0.3%
  • Gen X: mid 1960s to late 1970s

    Votes: 378 16.9%
  • Millennials: early 1980s to early 1990s

    Votes: 1,711 76.7%
  • Gen Z: mid 1990s onward

    Votes: 136 6.1%

  • Total voters
Jan 2, 2018
I know a lot of people have different definitions of what these mean. The Pew Research Center defines them as such:



I'm using that and will vote Millenial. I was born 1996.
Mar 4, 2018
I'm using that and will vote Millenial. I was born 1996.
There's a lot of factors at hand here. Which era of your childhood cartoons did you enjoy more - early-mid 2000s (late millennial era), or mid-late 2000s (early gen z era)? Some examples: Samurai jack vs chowder, pre-movie Spongebob vs post, Jackie chan adventures vs Skunk fu, Xiaolin showdown vs Johnny test, Megas XLR vs Secret saturdays, Transformers cybertron vs Transformers animated, Yugioh vs Bakugan, Teen titans vs Ben 10, etc.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm from 88, so a millennial. I love how everything seems to exist to appeal to my generation(at least games/anime wise), I wonder when that will stop haha.
Oct 25, 2017
Born in 82, so I'm just on the edge of being a millenial.

That gap for Millenials is way, way to big.
Nod, and it has nothing to do with the term. Its just there is probably one of the largest differences between someone born in 1981-83 and someone born 1993-96. Ask someone born in the early 90s what a pager is, dial up internet, fall of the Berlin wall, 9/11, etc etc.

I don't personally have a memory of the fall of the wall, but I do distinctly remember watching my parents and seeing their reaction. I also remember exactly where i was in college when 9/11 happened. Comparing that to someone born in the early-mid 90's...yah nah. I didn't have my first Nokia brick phone till I was out of high school.
Mar 4, 2018
Nod, and it has nothing to do with the term. Its just there is probably one of the largest differences between someone born in 1981-83 and someone born 1993-96. Ask someone born in the early 90s what a pager is, dial up internet, fall of the Berlin wall, 9/11, etc etc.
I'm 24 and definitely remember pagers (Didn't use one, but i do remember older people carrying them), dial up internet, and 9/11. Berlin wall no.
Jan 2, 2018
There's a lot of factors at hand here. Which era of your childhood cartoons did you enjoy more - early-mid 2000s (late millennial era), or late 2000s (early gen z era)? Samurai jack vs chowder, pre-movie Spongebob vs post, Jackie chan adventures vs Skunk fu, Xiaolin showdown vs Secret saturdays, etc.

I'm German, so perhaps it differs a bit, but I'll answer!

Samurai Jack vs Chowder - I don't know either of those.

Pre-movie Spongebob vs post - I watched it before the movie came out, but also watched it for a little while after it was out.

Jackie Chan Adventures vs Skunk Fu! - Jackie Chan of course! I never heard of Skunk Fu though.

Xiaolin Showdown vs Secret Saturdays - I know the first one, but haven't watched it. I don't know the second one.

Additional: I watched The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air , Home Improvement, Quincy, M. E., Columbo, Magnum and Murder, She Wrote and The Cosby Show as a kid on TV. I don't know if those were all re-runs or if they release so late in Germany.
In terms of Anime, my first one was Detective Conan, followed by Pokémon Indigo League, Yu-Gi-Oh, Inuyasha and One Piece.

So, what is your verdict? :D
Oct 25, 2017
I'm 24 and definitely remember pagers (Didn't use one, but i do remember older people carrying them), dial up internet, and 9/11. Berlin wall no.
You were seven when 9/11 happened, I was in college. No offense, you had no idea what was happening. 9/11, the move from pagers-cell phones-smart phones, dial up-broadband, etc. these are generational defining moments. Shit isn't remotely the same. Was born 1981.
Mar 4, 2018
You were seven when 9/11 happened, I was in college. No offense, you had no idea what was happening. 9/11, the move from pagers-cell phones-smart phones, dial up-broadband, etc. these are generational defining moments. Shit isn't remotely the same. Was born 1981.
Well I don't even consider 81 millennial as i mentioned before. I feel like 83-84 onward is more true millennial.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm a millenial but i don't like social networks, emojis or avocado toast.


Oct 28, 2017
Generations are dumb but if I'm gonna have to go with a label I'm going with Xennial or Oregon Trail Generation.

Baby boomers should start in 1943 or 1944 but shit is so arbitrary that you might as well lump someone born in 1943 together with someone born in 1946 because their experiences probably aren't going to be different. Either way, shit's dumb.

Baby boomers are a direct result of a major historical event...the ending of WWII and with it a huge uptick in birthrates. I'd agree that most generations have a very fuzzy grey line between the except for Boomers.. they're literally the result of that event and the shift in attitudes, culture, and lifestyles are very clear cut from that same event.


Oct 26, 2017
Nod, and it has nothing to do with the term. Its just there is probably one of the largest differences between someone born in 1981-83 and someone born 1993-96. Ask someone born in the early 90s what a pager is, dial up internet, fall of the Berlin wall, 9/11, etc etc.

I don't personally have a memory of the fall of the wall, but I do distinctly remember watching my parents and seeing their reaction. I also remember exactly where i was in college when 9/11 happened. Comparing that to someone born in the early-mid 90's...yah nah. I didn't have my first Nokia brick phone till I was out of high school.

I was born in 82, my ex's daughter in 96. The fact that we're part of the same generation is crazy.

That's almost a 14 year gap.


Oct 27, 2017
Born 1984 so I'm a Lazy Millennial killing industries while eating my avocado on toast (which ironically I really love!).

Deleted member 179

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Millennial/Gen Z. Born in 95 so I'm on the border there, where I remember 9/11, but was very young and also always had internet.


Nov 7, 2017
Just barely a millennial, I don't really feel like I fit in that gen though because growing up with the internet all your life was supposed to be the defining thing about that generation and I didn't have the internet in my house until I was in 8th grade.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm in that weird cutoff of being a millennial but being so close to Gen Z that I'm considered a pioneer since I'm more of a mid generation.

I had a traditional childhood and then spent most of my early tweens trying to explain to my parents that no one plays outside anymore and everyone is on their phones or computer.

Toa Axis

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
'98, so Gen Z. I am a young'un.

Also, pretty neat - though not unsurprising - to see most of the forum consist of Millenials. Destroying America, one avocado toast at a time.


Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco, CA, USA
Very Late 78. I don't identify as Gen X, sorry. Those guys are well into their 50s. I met my first girlfriend online when I was a sophomore in high school. Gen X people -- people around, say, Eddie Vedder's age -- have no concept of what that is like, or in general what my life was like growing up. I also was not into music until heavy alternative stuff started coming out in the 90s; Gen Xers were all into 70s and 80s new wave stuff that I 100% skipped.

I'm a Xennial aka Oregon Trail Generation aka Generation Catalano. I'd happily vote that way if the poll let me, but I ain't touching this one.
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harry the spy

Oct 25, 2017
81. But because I am French, I am like born in the late 70s from the pov of american mass media and 90s from the pov of weebs.

Rand a. Thor

Oct 31, 2017
93, Late Millennial. I think 96 being the cut off is too generous, 95 is the last absolute year for the Millennials and 96 is where Gen Z starts. I'd also argue that 1990-1994 millenials also exist in their own unique sub-generation but that is another arguement entirely. Gen X and millenials blend together and can find common ground, but the cut off point between late millenials and Gen Z is a giant fucking cliff. Anyone born in that 5 year spectrum are the people who literally grew up parallel with technology, we got to experience both the pre-internet boom and the post internet world, while being in tandem too young to experience the early days properly while being a tad bit too old to truly understand and enjoy social media like Gen Z. But yeah, after 1994 the generation gap is definitely the largest it has been in modern western Civilization for a good while.


Oct 27, 2017
Xer. Born in 79 with two older brothers makes me firmly in that camp. Little brother was born in 82 but with three Xer brothers he identifies with us more than millenials.
Depends on where you look, you could easily be a millennial. I've seen many places state GenY starting in 1979.