
Oct 27, 2017
Just something I thought about after playing Crash Bandicoot 4, the platinum relics are no joke. Devil May Cry 5 is pure insanity and I'm never touching that. I've done Sekiro but it's not that hard once you know the bosses, just need to grind through all the endings and items. Pure time investment.

Share your thoughts below!


Quick glance at Powerpyx and their trophy guides.

Devil May Cry 5
  • Estimated trophy difficulty: 10/10 – among the hardest platinums
  • Approximate amount of time to platinum: 60 Hours+ (entirely skill dependent how many tries you need to S-Rank Hell and Hell difficulty, rest of the trophies are doable in 30 hours)
The first thing you're probably wondering is why this platinum is a 10/10 difficulty. What makes it so challenging is that you must gain S-Ranks on Hell and Hell difficulty. Hell and Hell difficulty means you die in one single hit while enemies have the same amount of health as in Son of Sparda (which is 4 times the health they have on Human difficulty). If you take only a single hit it will void the S-Rank since you lose the no-hits and no-continues damage. Furthermore, the game grants you only 3 retries per mission. You can't revive with red orbs or your gold orbs like you do on lower difficulties. If you die 3 times you have to replay the mission from the start, there are no checkpoints. To get an S-Rank the only option is to not take a single hit. To make things even worse, you aren't allowed to use the Infinite Devil Trigger unlock because it reduces ranks by -80% and makes S-rank unobtainable. Enemies not only have much more health and kill you instantly, they also attack faster, more enemies spawn, stronger enemy types spawn earlier in the game. Even just beating Hell and Hell is hard enough but doing it without a single hit is a true challenge. Without Hell and Hell you can still earn 82% trophies which will be the endpoint for most players and takes about 30 hours to do. If you go for platinum there's no telling how long it will take since it's entirely skill dependent. On top of that, you must repeat the S-Ranks on all other difficulties except Heaven or Hell.

Crash Bandicoot 4
  • Estimated trophy difficulty: 9/10
  • Approximate amount of time to platinum: 50 hours+, it's entirely skill-dependent (depending on how many replays you need for the Relics)
Crash Bandicoot 4 features 43 levels (5 of which are boss levels and 38 are Normal Levels). The 38 Normal Levels each have a Platinum Time Trial Relic (=Speedrun) and N.Sanely Perfect Relic (=Get All Clear Gems, except Hidden Gem without dying). There are also 21 Flashback Levels, which you unlock by collecting the Flashback Tapes in Normal Levels without dying. Additionally, the 43 main levels must all be replayed in N.Verted Mode (this mirrors everything horizontally left/right and changes the graphics colors). Some levels must be replayed in different timelines with other characters. There's a lot to do and you'll have to absolutely perfect every level, earn every Relic and get 106% game completion for doing everything possible in the game. It's a highly skill dependent platinum.

  • Estimated trophy difficulty: 7/10
  • Approximate amount of time to platinum: 50 hours+ (depending on skill)
The platinum for this game wants you to get 100% completion: see all endings, beat all optional bosses, and find all upgrade items in the game. It's an open world and you can fast travel between areas at any time. Search all areas carefully for there are many upgrade items to be found. If you get stuck with a boss or don't know where to go, refer to the full Walkthrough. If you missed out on anything you can do it in New Game+. After beating the game for the first time it will transfer your collectibles, unlocked skills, upgrades etc. over to the next playthrough.
Jan 3, 2019
Super Meat Boy requires you to beat every world without dying.

According to PSNprofiles the game I own with the least platinum achievers is Crypt of the Necrodancer (0.03%, 7 people) and I can vouch for its difficulty.

Rayman Legends isn't particularly hard, but require you to get a predetermined amount of points in the daily challenge levels, which if you only get gold trophies in them, should still take like 3 months.
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Oct 27, 2017
Sekiro isn't that hard.

Something like Star Ocean 4 is probably the 'hardest' just because it's absurdly inane:


On top of the actual trophies, there's technically an additional 900 ingame ones that you need to get (100 per character) to achieve a silver. These are obscene, like 'kill 15000 enemies while controlling this character in battle', 'hit for 348291' (I made up that number, but you literally have to hit the exact random-ass number the game specifies), etc.

Also, you have to put up with Star Ocean 4 in general, where the lead character is named Edge Maverick, and other names include:

Meracle Chamlotte
Arumat P. Thanatos
Welch Vineyard
Stephen D. Kenny
Crowe F. Almedio

Etc. What a terrible game/ordeal. We actually have a few members on here who have done it. I'm not sure if I'm proud of or worried about them.
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Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
Star Ocean: The Last Hope has an estimated time of 450-1000 hours.

Not the hardest, but TLOU 1 trophies suck.


Oct 27, 2017
Sekiro isn't that hard.

Something like Star Ocean 4 is probably the 'hardest' just because it's absurdly inane:


On top of the actual trophies, there's technically an additional 900 ingame ones that you need to get (100 per character) to achieve a silver.

That is indeed an insane time commitment, would you say it's "hard" though?


Oct 28, 2017
Sekiro was hard I have over 40 platinums and sekiro was a real test.

But my hardest was probably Dishonored.


Oct 27, 2017
There are a lot of hard Platinums, as in a difficult gameplay challenge to accomplish, but some of them like that Star Ocean one feel like a whole different level to me. Just spending the rest of your life grinding a bunch of meaningless bullshit. Imagine four-hundred-and-fifty hours being the LOW end of the time estimate.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Persona 4 Golden because it is impossible to tell how many of Rise's lines you've heard


Oct 25, 2017
Classifying it has difficult and not time consuming. Also being bias by ones that I got. Hotline Miami was one that is kind of difficult and I had a ton of fun getting.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Gran Turismo 5 is insane. Easily 500 hours or more based on both modes.
Oct 27, 2017
Sekiro was fairly easy imo, especially if you save scum. Grinding for skill points is simply a time commitment. Devil May Cry 5 is one I wanted to do but I'm simply not good enough to dedicate my time to that.


Oct 26, 2017
If anyone has managed to secure the platinum trophy for Invisible Inc. I would be incredibly impressed.

The game is turned based which lures people in to think well it can't be all that difficult then since I can take my time and plot out my strategy but considering each time you play the game the map layout is randomised it leads to some elements of luck in order to accomplish your mission.

The smallest of things can arise guards suspicion such as leaving a door open and each round that counts down leads to more reinforcements coming along and even if you knock out a guard (a human version that is) then they too have a countdown timer until they wake up and when they do they increase the security level even worse is when you're encountering robotic enemies as they cannot be stunned or disabled as easily.

The game itself is really enjoyable but I tip my hat to anyone who manages to beat the game on the hardest difficulty.

Warhawk would be the other platinum trophy which I don't think many people have due to the sheer grind for some of them.


Oct 25, 2017
Stardew Valley because of the Fector's Challenge trophy. You have to play a bullet hell style minigame with random enemy spawns through to the end without getting hit.


Dec 26, 2018
Define hard?
  • It requires actual skillful knowledge of the move sets and mechanics.
  • It requires a long time of playtime to complete
  • It requires multiplayer


Jan 18, 2018
Wolfenstein 2. You need to complete the whole (quite long) game on the highest difficulty without dying once and no checkpoints.


Nov 29, 2017
speaking stricly single player, I will mention 2 out of my 23 platinums:

The Evil Within 1,
that remains my hardest platinum. Beating the game in the hardest difficutly was brutal, absolutely insane, just don't try it. The hardest difficulty is broken.

The Last Guardian,
one trophy is entirely luck based and you can't do anything to trigger it. That means that if you have bad luck, you'll need to play through the game many many times and the game is nearly a walking simulator with janky controls so you are going to hate being a trophy collector, you most certainly will. there were some horror stories in the forums about 9 playthroughs and still no trophy.
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Oct 27, 2017
speaking stricly single player, I will mention 2 out of my 23 platinums:

The Evil Within 1,
that remains my hardest platinum. Beating the game in the hardest difficutly was brutal, absolutely insane, just don't try it. The hardest difficulty is broken.

The Last Guardian,
one trophy is entirley luck based and you can'y do anything to trigger it. That means that if you have bad luck you'll need to play through the game many many times, and the game is nearly a walking simulator with janky controls so you are going to hate being a trophy collector, youl most certainly will. there were some horror stories in the forums about 9 playthroughs and still no trophy.
I took a look at TLG trophy list after beating it and noped the fuck out of it. I loved the game but it's my go to example of terrible trophy requirements, at least before learning about Star Ocean in this thread.

Majin Boo

Oct 26, 2017
The most difficult platinums that I completed are Vanquish, Metal Gear Rising and Metal Gear Solid 2, each of them has some very difficult challenge/VR missions. I remember Challenge 6 in Vanquish especially well, since back then I really wasn't sure if I have enough skill to finish it.

And can we please get a MGR remaster, I want that so much...


Oct 25, 2017
Vanquish is very hard. Always considered that one that hardest. I never got it.


Oct 25, 2017
I remember Velocity 2X's being a bit difficult to earn. Actually, I think it's literally my single rarest trophy.

Red Dead 2 was over a year effort because of online and the 100% completion trophy.

I really wish Rockstar would make their online lists separate from the single player ones. I'd platinum RDR2 and GTA V if they had.

As is, I tend to just run those campaigns, maybe screw around for another dozen hours or so in the open world, and then never pick them up again, despite really loving immersing myself in those worlds. RDR2 especially (it's one of my favorite games ever).

The second a game forces hours of multiplayer on your for a plat, I mostly lose interest in even cleaning up all of the single player trophies, cause why even bother at that point? The Last of Us was the sole exception, and that was largely because I actually enjoyed factions. Even then, shit was rough.
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Keeper of the White Materia
Oct 27, 2017
Out of the 155 platinum trophies I have unlocked in my 9 years of trophy hunting, my rarest and most difficult achievement is the Epic Mickey 2 platinum. Auto save and locking pins and other shit behind choices could easily screw up a run and you'd have to start all over. Took me about 6 playthroughs to get the platinum and I was pulling my hair out at the end of it.

There are harder platinums, ones that require you to have actual skill like the Crash 4 platinum, and I can't speak for ones in games that I haven't played but looking through my list EM2 was certainly the worst, most challenging platinum I've ever gone for.

I have given up a lot on trying to get the platinum in a lot of games such as Cuphead, the Yakuza series, Rayman Legends (the time commitment for that is fucking insane), some racing games etc. mainly due to finishing the story or I don't have the time to put into getting the platinum, so I'm sure there's some game on my list which has a more challenging platinum than EM2.


Oct 25, 2017
New Brunswick
Street Fighter V requires players to get into gold league in ranked matches, which only a very small number of players will be skilled enough to accomplish. Outside of this the trophy list is pretty tame, but there's a reason the platinum is at 0.1%.


Oct 27, 2017
The House of the Dead Overkill is definitely an interesting one in terms of difficulty. It definitely requires a move controller for it to be actually doable, IMO. It requires the player to finish the game without continues with only the Magnum, which is hard but doable, but also getting S ranks for all levels, which is a pain since this essentially requires perfect accuracy (or knowledge by heart on when it's safe to reload the shotgun in every level). Quick edit, but just remembered that there's a trophy for killing enemies while holding the controller sideways, and that can only be done on a move lol
Out of the 155 platinum trophies I have unlocked in my 9 years of trophy hunting, my rarest and most difficult achievement is the Epic Mickey 2 platinum.
There's actually a handy guide for this on gamefaqs, of all places.


Oct 25, 2017
Rayman Legends isn't particularly hard, but require you to get a predetermined amount of points in the daily challenge levels, which if you only get gold trophies in them, should still take like 3 months.
The Vita plat for Legends is actually harder - because they changed a couple of trophies round and require you to get a diamond rank once as a separate trophy. As you can imagine, since only the top... 1%? get a diamond rank that's hard enough when the game was new let alone where it is now with just a tiny fraction playing. Thankfully Legends is one of the few games I can actually claim to being good at, so I've managed to plat it (alongside the PS3 and PS4 releases, because its an amazing game) but yeah if your not so great at it then the list is pretty damn long/hard for sure.

Crash Bandicoot 4 is the most recent game that sprung to mind for me seeing as the NSane relics are pretty tricky to get (especially on certain levels) not to mention the plat time trial relics. I'm only a good 35% of the way to the full 106% completion and I can already tell some of these levels are gonna been pains in the ass to perfect. Amazing game though!

A couple of smaller/retro style games that put up a fight for the plat/100% are:
Super Meat Boy (already mentioned above)
Cursed Castilla/Matilda Castilla - its basically an easier Ghouls n Ghosts BUT has one particular trophy that elevates it above pretty much anything GnG asks you to do (unless your mad enough to try a flaming torch only run) - namely finishing the game with your flaming sword. Now that sword is a badass weapon, its strong, great range etc. so really if you had to clear the game with any weapon, that's the one to use. The catch? You can only get it at one single point in the game, early on at the beginning of stage 4 I believe... and if you die, its gone. And while you can keep a save file at the beginning of stage 4 to easily restart your run, it still means you gotta do stages 4, 5, 6, 7 and the secret 8th stage in that single life - and even though its an "easier" GnG that's really not saying much. I've managed it once, and never managed to replicate my success with the separate Vita plat...

Mega Man 10 - not a plat, or even a gold trophy because Capcom clearly hates me, but unlike MM9 which gives you an optional objective to finish the game without taking any damage, MM10 takes that "Mr Perfect" challenge and slaps it into the main trophy list. Now its not all bad news, you can save between levels and play on Easy mode, but you still gotta learn every level inside out, including the penultimate Wily Stage which has you fight 11 bosses back to back (8 robot master refights, 3 phase Wily boss fight).

Volgarr the Viking - This is a retro game that throws back to stuff like Rastan. The main game itself is far from a pushover what with incredibly limited checkpoints and some hard to see coming obstacles. So beating the game once feels like an achievement in itself, but getting the best ending and beating the secret level demands more from you - mainly that you need to hit almost every chest you can find, take essentially no damage as you do this (as you need warrior spirits to get to the alternate levels, which are only acquired if you hang onto the flaming sword) and you also cannot continue. Its also strongly advised to never die either since that makes getting more warrior spirits harder. So essentially you need to learn the game back to front and play an almost perfect game - while you can die, you can only do so a very limited number of times and you really dont want to until you reach the last stage, as that's hard enough as it is.


Oct 27, 2017
Rayman Legends (the time commitment for that is fucking insane)
On the Vita, I played the game once a day religiously for a year or so to get that trophy.
I just looked it up, the one from 2015? I can't believe someone had the patience to put that all together. I did it in 2012-2013 with the guide book and it was torture.
And even with guides I had to start the game over once because there's really close to no room for error.

Finale Fireworker

Love each other or die trying.
Oct 25, 2017
United States
I don't know if it's the hardest, but this is one that beat me: Metal Gear Solid 2 HD.

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty HD - Trophy Guide and Road Map While youre here browsing the site, why not sign up and join our community. Section 01. Overview Estimated Trophy Difficulty: 8.75 Offline Trophies: 46 (36(B) 5(S) 4(G) 1(P)) Online Trophies: 0 Approximate time to (P)/100%: 40 - 60 Hours Minimum Number of Playthroug...

This game's trophy requirements are insane. Definitely the most demanding of anything I ever attempted.

MGS 2 has a function where you can sneak up on guards and hold them up. They put their hands up and then you have the option to steal their dog tags as a collectible. Every single enemy has a named dog tag and they have different dog tags on each difficulty. One trophy requires you to play the game five times and hold up every single enemy in the game and collect all of the dog tags.

Another trophy tasks you with clearing all of the VR missions in the game. VR missions task you with completing a specific challenge in a short amount of time and they cover a wide array of gameplay mechanics. This doesn't sound so bad at first, but there are over 500 challenges and some of them are extremely difficult. So even if we are generous and we say you complete them all on your first try in 3 minutes each, that's 23 hours of gameplay in the same exact digital VR environments. I attempted this challenge and got stuck several times on particular challenges sinking dozens of attempts on to completing them. When I finally cleared a challenge I was stuck on for hours, I looked up how many challenges there were overall. I just didn't have it in me.


Oct 29, 2017
rdr 2

i played through the game 3 times, all side missions completed, a bunch of hunting challeneges completed, all the activities played multiple times, collecte a bunch of shit and i played the online like 60 hours

and still nowhere near.

its one of my fav games but i feel like if i 100%d it id end up hating it lol


Oct 27, 2017
Titanfall 2 was pretty hard specifically because of the training time trial trophy where you had to beat a developers best time on the training course.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't know if it's the hardest, but this is one that beat me: Metal Gear Solid 2 HD.

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty HD - Trophy Guide and Road Map While youre here browsing the site, why not sign up and join our community. Section 01. Overview Estimated Trophy Difficulty: 8.75 Offline Trophies: 46 (36(B) 5(S) 4(G) 1(P)) Online Trophies: 0 Approximate time to (P)/100%: 40 - 60 Hours Minimum Number of Playthroug...

This game's trophy requirements are insane. Definitely the most demanding of anything I ever attempted.

MGS 2 has a function where you can sneak up on guards and hold them up. They put their hands up and then you have the option to steal their dog tags as a collectible. Every single enemy has a named dog tag and they have different dog tags on each difficulty. One trophy requires you to play the game five times and hold up every single enemy in the game and collect all of the dog tags.

Another trophy tasks you with clearing all of the VR missions in the game. VR missions task you with completing a specific challenge in a short amount of time and they cover a wide array of gameplay mechanics. This doesn't sound so bad at first, but there are over 500 challenges and some of them are extremely difficult. So even if we are generous and we say you complete them all on your first try in 3 minutes each, that's 23 hours of gameplay in the same exact digital VR environments. I attempted this challenge and got stuck several times on particular challenges sinking dozens of attempts on to completing them. When I finally cleared a challenge I was stuck on for hours, I looked up how many challenges there were overall. I just didn't have it in me.
This was actually a fun platinum to get, IMO. I mean, even back on the PS2 I would get the dog tags just to unlock stuff, and the VR missions are actually a breeze to go through, despite their quantity. You just really need to set a confortable pace (going back and forth with the same file between Vita and PS3 helps, too, as you can get some missions done on the go).


One Winged Slayer
Dec 2, 2017
From experience, the 7/10s and 8/10s aren't the hardest. They're still tough, but you can really feel the difference between a PSNProfiles/PlayStationTrophies 8/10 and one that's 9/10. For instance, the leap from the Crash Trilogy, which was already hard, to Crash 4 is almost n-sane.

Gran Turismo, Street Fighter (starting from 4, at least), and Wipeout are series that consistently have deadly requirements. Personally, Killzone 2 and Super Meat Boy were hell and I I gave up on those.


Prophet of Truth
Jan 7, 2018
The Last Guardian,
one trophy is entirely luck based and you can't do anything to trigger it. That means that if you have bad luck, you'll need to play through the game many many times and the game is nearly a walking simulator with janky controls so you are going to hate being a trophy collector, you most certainly will. there were some horror stories in the forums about 9 playthroughs and still no trophy.

which achievement?


Oct 26, 2017
Seeing Vanquish reminds me I need to go for the Platinum on it.

I would say Killzone 2 and Killzone Shadowfall, which I both have. Killzone 2 required you to be in the top 1% of online participants in a given week. At its peak, it was impossible to obtain. Even then, you had other online trophies that were taxing but not too bad. Also, you had to beat the campaign on Elite difficulty, which had its own challenge.

Killzone Shadowfall because of Jack of All Trades trophy. I actually did the trophy legit without boosting at launch and it took me about 6 months to do it.

Gran Turismo 5, Grand Theft Auto IV, The Evil Within, Final Fantasy XIII, Chronicles of Riddick Assault on Dark Athena, Binary Domain, Alien Isolation, and Aliens Vs. Predator are all pretty challenging.
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Finale Fireworker

Love each other or die trying.
Oct 25, 2017
United States
This was actually a fun platinum to get, IMO. I mean, even back on the PS2 I would get the dog tags just to unlock stuff, and the VR missions are actually a breeze to go through, despite their quantity. You just really need to set a confortable pace (going back and forth with the same file between Vita and PS3 helps, too, as you can get some missions done on the go).
You're a stronger soul than me. I didn't have it in me. I liked MGS2 a lot, but unfortunately just not that much. If it was just the dog tags I would have went for it. But the 500+ VR missions were too much. I'd still be playing them to this day, gray as a mule, my best years behind me as I still can't complete the sniping missions.


Oct 27, 2017
Muramasa Rebirth is definitely a tough but fair platinum. It's a forgiving game in terms of checkpoints and whatnot, so you won't be pressured with redoing long levels, but getting the plat definitely requires mastery of the game's systems and great knowledge of the bosses.
as I still can't complete the sniping missions
Oh god, I had to watch a video or two to get those done. And could only do them on the PS3, they were too hard on the Vita.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 1, 2017
I'm pretty pleased with my The Wonderful 101 platinum.

You have to fully complete the game three times (normal, hard, 101% hard), partially complete it on very easy and easy to do all the secret missions (as they don't stack across difficulties), as well as get all platinum ranks on one difficulty (which isn't too bad on the easy difficulties), as well as get a whole bunch of collectibles.

Some of the secret missions on hard/101% hard are a pain in the ass too. Doing the Punch-Out boss without taking a hit sucks.

I know the game is niche as hell but it still only has 25 achievers on PSNprofiles.

Beth Cyra

Oct 26, 2017
I don't have many, and none where particularly hard.

Dark Souls 3 and farming the mats from the silver knights are the worst, but still very do able.


Oct 28, 2017
The hardest one I've got is either Wolfenstein 2 or Super Meat Boy; I've got the platinum's relics for all the last four worlds' levels in Crash Bandicoot 4, so I'm still slowly working on it, but so far it's not near as hard as the ones I've previously mentioned
Super Meat Boy requires you to beat every world without dying.
Actually, you only need to beat each world on its own without dying, so basically finishing all the 20th levels of a world, then it's okay to die in the next, then you'll have to do the exact same which is beating its 20th levels without dying, so it's not that bad, but still needs a lot of practice

According to PSNprofiles the game I own with the least platinum achievers is Crypt of the Necrodancer (0.03%, 7 people) and I can vouch for its difficulty.

Out of which have proven to be possible, this one must be the hardest platinum to earn, tho I haven't tried it out yet myself and don't intend to, lol

Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Plus

Good luck
Lol, it's just impossible due to the broken A.I, so nobody have legally gotten it