
Dec 7, 2017
From NBC.

The newly obtained documents paint a disturbing portrait of a system where detainees are sometimes forced into extended periods of isolation for reasons that have nothing to do with violating any rules.
Disabled immigrants in need of a wheelchair or cane. Those who identify as gay. Those who report abuse from guards or other detainees.

Only half of the cases involved punishment for rule violations. The other half were unrelated to disciplinary concerns — they involve the mentally ill, the disabled or others who were sent to solitary largely for what ICE described as safety reasons.
A Guatemalan man spent two months in solitary confinement at a county jail in Maryland. The reason: He had a prosthetic leg.


I don't even know what to say about this, I'm livid.


Jan 15, 2018
It's like the us went: "Oh so the Chinese are forcefully reeducating the unghur we can do one better than that!"


Oct 26, 2017
I'm glad people are coming around to Abolish ICE.

Let's take it one step further, send ICE to the Hague for crimes against humanity.


Oct 25, 2017
need a watchdog to come sweep this shit up and hold people responsible. I would like to see an inspector general comb through this and put anyone who broke the law or abused their authority in prison.

Stop letting the B-team agencies like ICE and ATF and DEA and Homeland just be complete fuckup institutions that always make the news with embarassing stupid evil shit.

it all just boils down to US America and her shitty foreign meets domestic policies. Complete fucking piss soaked garbage.

Sweeney Swift

User Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
"But they're not nazis/they must be shown respect"

Insist on candidates campaigning on abolishing ICE immediately or the message is you and they can look the other way on this, and on other acts of cruelty that are happening to us


Oct 26, 2017
The experience, according to those who have lived it, can be harrowing. Some current and former detainees told NBC News that their time in isolation drove them to attempt suicide or commit other acts of self-harm. The detainees described a wide array of suffering, including night terrors, flashbacks, anxiety, depression, insomnia — psychological trauma that lasted long after their release from custody.
"After that first or second week, I lost my mind," Ayo Oyakhire, a 52-year-old Nigerian, said of his nearly seven weeks in isolation at the ICE unit in Atlanta's jail. "Sometimes I feel like someone is choking me. I have flashbacks, like I'm still confined in that little room."

"I am not normal," said Karandeep Singh, a 29-year-old Sikh from northern India who was moved to solitary confinement in the El Paso Processing Center in Texas, after he refused meals to protest his impending deportation.

Singh said that after more than two weeks in isolation, he bashed his head into his cell wall in an attempt to kill himself. "It was mental torture," Singh said.
A suicidal Iraqi man was placed in solitary at a Michigan detention center after he cut himself with a razor. He was ordered to spend 30 days in isolation — not for his own safety, but as punishment for a "weapons offense and self mutilation."
Detainees had lawyers in only 11 percent of the solitary reports. Even for those, in more than 270 instances, ICE did not notify the attorneys that their clients were placed in solitary. This includes six times when detainees were in isolation for more than half a year.
In one of the cases, a detainee jumped from the top of his bunk bed onto a cement floor in an attempt to harm himself. He then tried to strangle himself with a towel. He was sentenced to 15 days in solitary. In another, a detainee was sentenced to 45 days in solitary after officials discovered one anti-anxiety pill hidden in a book he was reading.

One of the most troubling cases was that of a man who had so deteriorated during a year in and out of solitary, that he had to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital. Once he returned to the detention center, she said, he threw his own feces at a guard and was subsequently sentenced to more than 13 months in isolation.
At least 13 detainees who later died in ICE detention have spent time in solitary, according to records dating back to 2011.

An NBC News analysis of ICE death reports shows that the agency acknowledged missteps for at least eight of them. Seven of those committed suicide while in solitary. The eighth died after he wasn't given his anti-seizure medication.
Everybody connected to this farce needs to be fired and prosecuted.


Nov 9, 2017
I wish I was properly shocked, but I think there's a part of me that just naturally assumed they were doing this sort of shit.


Oct 28, 2017
Not trying to be hyperbolic but that sounds straight out of Man in the High Castle.

Deleted member 3058

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I can't express enough how much I despise ICE.

Reading through this article is sobering.

FUCK ICE and every single person that supports them.



Oct 25, 2017
Strong Island NY
need a watchdog to come sweep this shit up and hold people responsible. I would like to see an inspector general comb through this and put anyone who broke the law or abused their authority in prison.

Stop letting the B-team agencies like ICE and ATF and DEA and Homeland just be complete fuckup institutions that always make the news with embarassing stupid evil shit.

it all just boils down to US America and her shitty foreign meets domestic policies. Complete fucking piss soaked garbage.
If Dems ever get back the WH, I bet they will be like "let bygones be bygones and move to heal etc etc" instead of saying "let's hold everyone accountable, starting with Trump."

But I agree. We honestly need a group that is The Watchmen.


Oct 25, 2017
If Dems ever get back the WH, I bet they will be like "let bygones be bygones and move to heal etc etc" instead of saying "let's hold everyone accountable, starting with Trump."

But I agree. We honestly need a group that is The Watchmen.
the democrats will 100% be all "let bygones be bygones" because i've watched them do it with every democrat victory since. They almost ALWAYS let the republicans keep their victories becuase it would be 'too much work and take too much time' away from their immediate goals. but watch, Trump is taking the time to turn back everything Barack Obama with GOP support, and look how easy it was! Shocking.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 28, 2017
I'm always baffled when people complain about comparisons of America to Nazi Germany. We have an organization who's function is specifically to hunt down & detain a very specific demographic of humans within our borders, and then they get treated inhumanely. The *only* difference is that ICE isn't exterminating said humans in massive numbers...yet.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Apparently Obama as well:
At this point, it's safe to say it's a systemic issue that will never go away as long as the general idea of controlling and punishing "aliens" underpins the mainstream discourse about immigration.

Obviously, Trump's approach has taken this to eleven. Where this is an embarrassing but necessary evil for Democrats, this is a badge of honor for Trump.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm always baffled when people complain about comparisons of America to Nazi Germany. We have an organization who's function is specifically to hunt down & detain a very specific demographic of humans within our borders, and then they get treated inhumanely.
"It can't happen here" is a very strong instinct.

Gaia Lanzer

Oct 25, 2017
What I want done to these ICE fucks might get me banned here, so I'm just gonna leave at "Fuck ICE and all their supporters! The world would be a better place without ALL OF THEM!"


Jan 24, 2018
I cant be the only person who remembers all the documentaries and shows about neo-nazis infiltrating law enforcement from the early 2000s.

Like, TLC ran them like every weekend.

Its hard to believe, but pieces of shit flock to these jobs so they can have power they feel they are owed.

Deleted member 8860

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
PSA: This is what your friends, family, and neighbors who vote Republican want. Remember that in 2020 and beyond.

I think the difference is that Obama is unaware

Just like Obama was unaware of his drone strikes murdering children at weddings, right?

Every American administration has done evil while being fully cognizant of it. The difference is of degree. Trump is worse, to be sure, but Obama was no saint.

It's like the us went: "Oh so the Chinese are forcefully reeducating the unghur we can do one better than that!"

ICE is terrible, but this is nowhere near as bad as the systematic gang rape and organ harvesting that goes on in the Chinese camps (and nowhere near the same scale -- millions of citizens are interned there for years or the remainder of their lives).
Last edited:


Oct 28, 2017
PSA: This is what your friends, family, and neighbors who vote Republican want. Remember that in 2020 and beyond.

Just like Obama was unaware of his drone strikes murdering children at weddings, right?

Every American administration has done evil while being fully cognizant of it. The difference is of degree. Trump is worse, to be sure, but Obama was no saint.

ICE is terrible, but this is nowhere near as bad as the systematic gang rape and organ harvesting that goes on in the Chinese camps (and nowhere near the same scale -- millions of citizens are interned there for years or the remainder of their lives).

Casualties of war is not the same as discriminating people against people for no fucking reason. So no it is not both sides.