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Dec 18, 2017
I really feel like this topic is just spreading FUD from particularly inaccurate exit polling that's catnip to confirm some people's priors. Someone needs to at least change the title.


Bigotry, racism, and bias aren't reserved only for Whites against Blacks. The lashing out at Latinos on election day and the days after was disgusting. Not just in posts but several articles with misleading headlines made it seem like the Latino vote swung heavily towards Trump, when it actually seems to be about 68-70% for Biden. Break it down to youth voting and that vote favored Biden more heavily. Break that vote into Western states and it continues to favor Democrat/Biden more heavily.

The very notion of lumping all Hispanics and Latinos together is itself symptomatic of a lack of acceptance and understanding amongst the East Coast political machine and news media outlets that dictate the narrative of this nation. Cubans are not Mexicans are not Puerto Ricans. You can't assume that because they're a minority they'll vote Democrat, give almost no outreach to their communities or leaders to secure their votes, refuse to "signal boost" any significant Hispanic politicians, do nothing to address the abuse and hardships Latino working class voters face, and on and on.

The Democratic party needs to do better in consolidating the already favorable hold they have on Latino and Asian communities because if they don't they face a fracturing of that electorate across the political spectrum. If they do, they may secure a leftward push in this nation, from a Hispanic population expected to nearly equal the white population in numbers by 2060 and with an Asian population pushing towards 10% of the US demographic.


Oct 27, 2017
It's too early to tell right now.

I think Florida aside (assuming the early data is correct) this was a turnout election. Biden still won the Latino and Black vote overwhelmingly, but when turnout is high, yes you're going to get more people who maybe normally don't vote coming out and they may not be passive 'progressives' but full throated Trumpers. I think the assumption that non-voters are all Democrats is probably wrong. A lot of people don't engage with the political system because they feel disenfranchised by the political system and Trump's rule breaking and disregard for norms excite a lot of those types of people who dislike the old duopoly. Trump may be a Republican but he essentially ran a Perot like third party platform.

The amazing thing is that despite Trump turning out a lot of non-voters who felt energized by his style Biden still beat him decisively on the popular vote, by a larger margin thanHillary and Biden obviously also won the elctoral votes.


Jun 11, 2020
This position might make sense if they weren't voting for a man who to this day still wanted the Central Park 5 executed, calls BLM rioters and looters and actively suppresses monitories.
It doesn't really have to make sense, people are voting for trump for culture war/"anti-sjw" reasons even if the result negatively impacts them. The Crime bill directly effected them/their community and in turn they then vote the other way or don't vote at all.
A lot of people still think Trump did well on the economy which also makes it easier to vote for him on top of the other grievances they have of Biden and Kamala.
Oct 27, 2017
the majority of those 70 mil+ trump votes were still white men, and there have always been cornball idiots everywhere else

Didn't like the crime bill so they voted for the guy who called for the execution of 5 wrongly accused black men

sounds smart
Did the dems do any attack ads about that? I know I saw daily ads about Biden and kamalas crime polcies. The majority of trump ads tout the jobs and economy and attack Biden for being in office for decades and also both of their crime records. Now granted that only worked on like 18% of black men and 9% of black women, but it still worked


Oct 28, 2017
how do people get away with labeling Hispanics "hey its their machismo culture and thats why they love trump" isnt this kind of offensive...


Unshakable Resolve
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'd be willing to bet money college educated black and Latino voters swung to Biden just like their white counterparts. I want to see more research and polling on it.
Mar 18, 2020
Did the dems do any attack ads about that? I know I saw daily ads about Biden and kamalas crime polcies. The majority of trump ads tout the jobs and economy and attack Biden for being in office for decades and also both of their crime records. Now granted that only worked on like 18% of black men and 9% of black women, but it still worked

Nothing I saw.

dems were definitely too soft and they need a change in leadership and tactics, but supporting trump should not be forgiven

Senator Toadstool

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if this is largely people who would have voted for him last cycle but didn't think he could win or were embarrassed jumped back in because they saw he could, boosting his margins


Oct 25, 2017
You will want to wait for the Catalist data whenever it comes out for a good idea.

The issue with exit polls this year is that they are all (assuming they are only asking people who voted in person) biased towards people who voted for Trump since in-person voters were disproportionately Trump supporting. But, I don't know if the exit polls were only tied to people who voted in person on the day of the election or not.


Oct 31, 2017
Mexican here, and this anecdotal.

I live in the border with TX. The International Bridge is literally 10 minutes away from my home, and I get to go the USA a couple of times per month for shopping and stuff. Both cities are neighborhood cities, and everyone has relatives and friends in both countries.

The USA city is mostly hispanic people, and they all support Trump. Why? Because hispanic people with mexican heritage and culture don't know a lot of USA politics.

They support Trump because he is popular. And surprisingly, every hispanic person I know living in the USA, they want to leave their Mexican heritage in the past. They are basically ashamed of being Mexicans, and that's why they support Trump's immigration policies. They don't want any more Mexicans in the USA but them ("fuck them I got mine" mentality).

This is merely anecdotal, but this is what I have noticed at least in the border.

Anecdotal here as well - my (former) brother-in-law along with a lot of other "brown" immigrants whom I know are rabidly pro-Trump. Breaks my brain a bit ... but I guess it really is "fuck u, I got mine"


Oct 29, 2017
Conservative media/propaganda works sooo well on the uninformed. So much FUD, and those dumb fuckers believe every word.


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017
Wow, people really want to be blaming the minorities.
I'm not sure why when it was specifically black folk turning out the vote in key cities in MI, PA and GA that helped us win.

I think some of it is anger and seeing just how shit much of the country(and fellow whites) are.

Some of it is just latent/subtle racism. The end of the day, white people enabled this man and they came out in record numbers and voted for him again.


Oct 26, 2017
Knoxville, TN
The lack of people voting third party like they did in 2016 is the main difference if we're looking at it across the board. Obviously black and hispanic voters aren't a monolith if you're looking at specific regions.

It's too early for post-mortems though tbh. Also, don't ever count on Florida.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Wow, people really want to be blaming the minorities.

Its true tho. Look at latino men, aged 36-38, who own a F-150, are between 5'8 and 6'3 inches tall, and like Cheesecake factory. An almost 12% (!!!) increase from 2016 according to our slanted towards GOP day of exit polls.

I mean yeah, as a whole latinos, asians, blacks, overwhelmingly for Biden. But this is the real story.

What, you want to talk about the millions of white people who voted literally for white supremacy at the polls to their own detriment? Not their fault, as I will show in this follow up piece. Meet Matt Vandrell, an undecided voter who went Trump at the last minute. He's your average American; likes his punk metal (fav. bands Burzum and Skrewdriver), says his favorite movie is anything that came out in '88, and likes to play Call of Duty...


Dec 18, 2017
The framing of this article is disingenuous. Trump still had the majority of white votes, even white women who were actually expected to favour Biden still voted mostly as they have for the last 30 years.

Biden still had the strong majority of votes from POC, especially Native American, Latino and Black Voters

Stop blaming POC when whites vote in larger numbers than anybody for this racist piece of shit

We need to talk about the white people who voted for Donald Trump

As the media picks apart the voting trends of people of color, it must not ignore the big constant.

White women had doubts. They voted for Trump anyway.

They said they didn’t like the president’s rhetoric, his handling of the pandemic. But in the end, they came home.


Oct 25, 2017
The lack of people voting third party like they did in 2016 is the main difference if we're looking at it across the board. Obviously black and hispanic voters aren't a monolith if you're looking at specific regions.

It's too early for post-mortems though tbh. Also, don't ever count on Florida.

Yeah, dont even look at Florida. Dont even try to analyze wtf happens with Florida. Not worth it any more.

Build on what Michigan, Georgia, Arizona have archived.


Sep 12, 2018
Maybe the Democratic Party should you know, do things to address the black voters that actually came out and voted for them and the ones that didn't. Instead of going for the white voters who will vote red regardless
Best post in this thread. Dems took black voters for granted. I remember Biden was asked specifically about what he had say to the black people outraged about Walter Wallace Jr's, and he said to stop rioting and looting. On the Hispanic/Latino side of things there's a video where he's asked by a Hispanic voter earlier in the election about deportations during the Obama years and he told the guy to go vote for trump instead. This was all self-inflicted.
Mar 18, 2020
This happened in a previous similar thread too, but some people are conflating voting for Trump (which is what's actually being discussed) with repudiating Biden and getting happy because of it.

no, trading in one perceived flavor of white supremacy for another does not make one politically astute or a freedom fighter.


Jun 27, 2019
Mexico City
Mexican here, and this anecdotal.

I live in the border with TX. The International Bridge is literally 10 minutes away from my home, and I get to go the USA a couple of times per month for shopping and stuff. Both cities are neighborhood cities, and everyone has relatives and friends in both countries.

The USA city is mostly hispanic people, and they all support Trump. Why? Because hispanic people with mexican heritage and culture don't know a lot of USA politics.

They support Trump because he is popular. And surprisingly, every hispanic person I know living in the USA, they want to leave their Mexican heritage in the past. They are basically ashamed of being Mexicans, and that's why they support Trump's immigration policies. They don't want any more Mexicans in the USA but them ("fuck them I got mine" mentality).

This is merely anecdotal, but this is what I have noticed at least in the border.

Mexican with Republican relatives in Austin, also anecdotal but this is true in their case as well. It's so sad how a lot of Mexicans, especially white or mestizos, have been conditioned to reject and hate their heritage.


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017
Its true tho. Look at latino men, aged 36-38, who own a F-150, are between 5'8 and 6'3 inches tall, and like Cheesecake factory. An almost 12% (!!!) increase from 2016 according to our slanted towards GOP day of exit polls.

I mean yeah, as a whole latinos, asians, blacks, overwhelmingly for Biden. But this is the real story.

What, you want to talk about the millions of white people who voted literally for white supremacy at the polls to their own detriment? Not their fault, as I will show in this follow up piece. Meet Matt Vandrell, an undecided voter who went Trump at the last minute. He's your average American; likes his punk metal (fav. bands Burzum and Skrewdriver), says his favorite movie is anything that came out in '88, and likes to play Call of Duty...
You see Krazen, all we need to do is give them something and they'll stop being racist.

It's that simple!


Oct 25, 2017
Are we basing this on the same exit polls, that I've heard are supposed to be unreliable this time around? Do we have more data now?


Oct 25, 2017
I think Trump's talent at being a huge conman plays a huge part. Just because you're a minority doesn't mean you're immune to the grift.

Trump was saying and promising almost anything to anyone and if you're vulnerable to that type of persuasion you get stuck in the web along with everyone else.

There was also no shortage of fake shit people put out there to back up Trump and make him look legit too. They paid actors to go to his rallies to make it look more diverse and all those fake groups like Blacks for Trump and the like. It's a mess to process to say the least.
Can we stop calling trump a conman and calling him talented????
Like what the fuck he did absolutely nothing that wasn't predictable in 2016. He conned no one, he lied to everyone constantly and people still voted him, more people voted him in 2020 too despite him not accomplishing his wall and other shit. Trump is just a mirror and magnet that all the racists and dumb people love/d to flock to.
There was no fucking con. I knew this from an ocean away and 20 minutes of googling. This narrative that has started this year about Trump being some genius conman needs to fucking die because it just moves the responsibility away from those that voted for him.

He didn't con in 2016 and he didn't con in 2020 it's a fact that you people just have a shit ton of cancerously stupid and selfish idiots in your country that actually legit want Trump nothing else.


Oct 25, 2017
Although its all phony dog show, Trump's "tough on China" image helped win him many Asian votes.
Amount of memes that "we all need to learn chinese if Biden win' are scary high and spread like wildfire among asian community.


Oct 25, 2017
White folk don't hold a monopoly on voting against their own self-interest. And since I'm not a BIPOC trump supporter I wouldn't even be able to guess at the possible motivations other than he's the guy that I think will put more money in my pocket compared to Biden.


Keeper of the White Materia
Oct 27, 2017
People were drawn to Trump because he was everywhere for the past 4 years. You couldn't go anywhere without anyone talking about him. News, work, ResetEra. It was non stop. He was pretty marketed everywhere and no surprised some people got sucked in. Also, him being a celebrity for most of his life helped. I see the Republican party running more celebrities in the future. They usually have the most luck with those, ex Ronald Reagan, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The Silver

Oct 28, 2017
I keep saying it, if the Republicans can get control of their racism they'd be an absolutely dominating force here. The racists are gonna vote for them regardless, they really don't need to cater to them as much as they do, minorities are FAR more socially conservative than many people want to admit, Republicans are their own worst enemy.

In terms of economic politics, Trump has successfully sold himself as being good for your wallet, the left needs to counter this. It can't be understated how much "fuck you got mine " resonates.
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Oct 28, 2017
Trump making any headway with Asian Americans is the most baffling to me.
That one might make more sense than most imo. His stances against China are actually something some non-chinese Asians have been wanting to see for years. China's not exactly a harmonious neighbor to the dozens of hugely populated countries in Asia. If you're a Chinese person who also fled from communist China before things took off you might have a sort of Cuban-like perspective about your former home country as well. Let's not even touch on the subject with Indians lol.
Blacks won it for Biden big time in my view.
Blacks and hispanics definitely did it for him in Georgia and the rust belt states. Out west Hispanics won him Arizona and Nevada. Native Americans absolutely saved his ass in Arizona, too. The victory margins in Georgia, Arizona, Nevada and Wisconsin are too close for comfort in my book.


Oct 25, 2017
Wouldn't these exit polls skew towards Trump anyways because they are same day voters? Which Trump clearly championed by spreading his lies about mail in voting?

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Noticed very similar behavior with latinos in Miami, especially cubans and venezuelans. A lot of them also have very conservative values and were pretty religious before they moved to the US so theyre not just going to drop their values because they moved to a different country
I think it's fair to say that plenty of conservative Cubans and Venezuelans are indifferent to the deportation and mistreatment of Mexican immigrants. They don't see themselves as the same (rightly, because they are from vastly different cultures/societies) even if white supremacy is ignorant of the difference. Add onto that their already conservative leanings and religious beliefs, etc: and it's no surprise they might lean right wing

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Trump making any headway with Asian Americans is the most baffling to me.
This is kind of the same phenomenon with some of his Latino support. White pundits look at his anti-China fear mongering and apply that to the entire community of Asian immigrants. But this is ignorant and racist in itself. Asia is a massive region with tons of different countries, many different languages, and billions of people. I witnessed 1st generation Korean immigrants repeating his talking points about deporting Chinese immigrants (and even rounding up and detaining them) during the beginning of this pandemic. There is a lot of anti-Chinese sentiment among 1st generation Asian immigrants, for a great multitude of reasons and complicated and lengthy history.

You can't just say "Trump is racist against x Latino group and y Asian group, thus Latinos and Asians will reject him", that's white nonsense, it's ignorant as hell.


Alt account
Nov 1, 2019
Being half hispanic but having grown up in Norway I am liberal but my relatives who live in the US are all staunchly conservatives and die hard maga supporters.

For instance they were concerned with visiting Norway because they heard about us being socialists and were actually scared to visit (yes REALLY).

My mother being Norwegian could not believe some of the things my dads relatives were spouting and how they actually believed some of this stuff.

And she actually explained to them how our system works and still it did not get through, they responded with that sounds authoritarian and could lead to communism basiclly the same old conservative talking points.

I mean AOC for instance is hated by conservative hispanics they cannot stand her as they see her as castro light.


Dog's Best Friend
Oct 29, 2017
The fact that after 4 years of ABSOLUTE FUCKERY, some POCs were like 'oh yeah baby, give me more' should be alarming as fuck to democrats.


Nov 8, 2017
If these exit polls are accurate it might be incumbency and backlash to the lockdowns. Those are two things I can see moving people toward him who normally would not go for him.

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
Minorities/POC can be fascists/right wing authoritarian wackos. There are many more of them in the US than most Americans want to admit. I don't think it's that complicated.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Not speaking about any specific demographics, but I think there will always be this core group of people who don't necessarily like conservative candidates, but who are terrified of a tax hike, and who buy into that lowest common denominator conservative fear mongering. I know several of them up here in Canada, they're all people I would describe as "less politically informed", and while they aren't consistently selfish or prejudiced, they will always put the problems of strangers behind their own. I think those are the moderates who swing to the right when they're scared, often don't bother voting because it all seems so far removed from them, and occasionally swing to the left when they're inspired - or cognizant of a major conservative government fuck up that they feel directly affects them.
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