Do you regularly drink alcohol?

  • Yes

    Votes: 111 24.6%
  • No, only occasionally

    Votes: 153 33.8%
  • No, never at all

    Votes: 188 41.6%

  • Total voters


Oct 27, 2017
I'm in my mid 30s and have very rarely drunk much alcohol. I haven't tasted anything I especially liked so I'd only be drinking to get drunk and would rather avoid learning to like that.

I have enough issues and could see myself becoming dependant on drink to get through them if I did aquire a taste for it. So it's for the best it stays unappealing.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't drink, I don't like the taste of most alcohol and I am on medication which I am not allowed to drink. Even prior to medication I did not drink.

Slime Stack

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Puerto Rico
Very rarely drink. Nice to see so many in the same camp.

Usually get teased for it by my friends for it, bur it doesn't affect me.


Oct 25, 2017
Add me to the "family alcoholics turned me off the stuff" list. Been a decade since I turned 21 and don't have any curiosity or inclination to ever drink any alcohol. Part of me is scared I'll end up like them, the other part becomes ill at the smell of it because of the negative memories associated with it.


Oct 25, 2017
I have a beer every now and then. My fridge is stocked with them, but it's usually months between single beers. On rare occasions I will let loose. Just yesterday I got hammered at Epcot and it was a blast, but I can't do that all the time, the shit wears on you. So I definitely drink, but I tend to avoid it more than not.


User requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
Could someone explain the fun of getting drunk to someone who has never had a lot of liquor before? Is there some positive to waking up in the morning with a gigantic hangover?
So before I get to getting drunk, lemme say that first and foremost I think alcohol tastes amazing — the richness of wine, the freshness of sake, the incredible complexity of cognac and calvados, the refreshing bitterness of beer, the relaxing warmth of chartreuse, the cheerfulness of vodka... And how all these drinks complement food! I don't know how I'd live without these things. But in all fairness, I also can understand how people living in the US might not see it the same way. When I lived there I found good alcohol to be super expensive compared to Europe (or just straight up unavailable). If I grew up in a world where Bud Light is considered a beer, I probably also would've never developed love for drinking.

As for getting drunk, well, first of all it's not like every time you drink you get drunk. Most of the time it's plenty enough to have a couple glasses of wine with your dinner and a class of cognac with a cigar afterwards and feel perfectly fine. Sure you feel some effects, but usually it's just a pleasant relaxation, people letting go, making jokes. It's fun.

But actually getting drunk, it takes a bit of dedication, honestly. I get drunk after maybe ~10 beers or 2 bottles of wine or a bottle of vodka or half a bottle of whiskey (and anything beyond that is wasted, with lapses in memory and such). And to drink so much, you've got to have a good company and a free morning next day. But every time I get properly drunk it's just a lot of fun. People are cracking dumbest jokes (which seem like the funniest thing you've ever heard), the atmosphere becomes warm and super friendly, you're having fun, if you're out you're meeting random weird people. It also becomes much easier to speak foreign languages, which also contributes to the overall friendliness. I mean almost every time I get drunk I have like 10 fun things to remember from the previous evening. Some of the dumb shit I got into with drinking buddies, like, 3 years ago are still among the funniest stories we remember each time we see each other. It's hard to explain properly (especially when you're sober haha), but it's really incredibly fun. When drunk you do stuff a sober you won't think of (and it's not necessarily some anti-social.bad thing you're doing), like laying on friend's bed and listening to several of Mahler's symphonies for 3 hours straight. Sure next morning aint gonna be pretty. But I think spending half a day with a headache isn't too bad (unless it becomes too regular of a thing) for all the fun memories you get out of it. In the past three years or so I had 3 times when I was like "yeah, that was too much, I got more trouble out of it than fun", but normally getting drunk with friends is something really fun.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
I only drink cider and champagne. never liked beer or any of the hard stuff. And I've been drinking less and les over the years because alcohol doesn't go well with antidepressants.


Oct 26, 2017
I was raised by alcoholics. Functioning alcoholics, yes, but it resulted in a real fear of the stuff. I've been effectively teetotal all of my life as a result.

I wonder how much more sociable I would be if I had a healthier approach to alcohol but, as I definitely inherited an addictive personality, I'll likely never experiment too much with it.
This is me for the most part, but I still drink socially on occasion. In college I think I got a little close to getting dependent on alcohol to have fun, I ended up withdrawing from my drinking circle of friends. I'm 33 now, and I've pretty much lost that acquired taste for beer. I wouldn't say that I flat out don't drink, but I can count the amount of times I get buzzed per year on one hand, and I don't think I've been drunk drunk in almost 10 years.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I binge drank a lot in college. Completely burned out of it. Don't touch any alcohol really, neither beer nor liquor. Not even occasionally. I can go an entire year without drinking. I really like it this way, honestly, and have no desire to increase my alcohol consumption.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Texas, USA
30 and never touched the stuff. I don't have a problem with anyone who does, unless your idea of a good time is "let's get so fucked up we don't even remember tonight". I quickly stop hanging out with folks like that.


Oct 25, 2017
37 and never drank. Like others here, I just can't stand the taste of alcohol. Then I'll hear people say "juts try x drink, you can't taste it at all" and that's a load of nonsense. I can taste it every time, and it tastes awful. It's made it basically impossible for me to make friends because everyone just want to hang out and drink.

You can also add me to the list of never smoked nor done any drugs.
Oct 27, 2017
The fun is mostly there for people who are normally ruled by their anxieties and non-reasonable inhibitions (hang-ups about rejection, being publicly scrutinized, etc.). The alcohol lets them behave as if they weren't keyed up from the knees up.

It's less fun for people who only have reasonable inhibitions (like not taking a shit on a coffee table), as the things you do while drunk become significantly less "life of the party" and more "never come to my house again".

This is absurd. Genuine nonsense.

What always bothers me about some people who don't drink is the air of superiority often on display. Plenty of valid reasons to abstain from alcohol, but some of y'all take it too far with showing how much better you are than those alcohol-drinking commoners.


Nov 6, 2017
On a very rare occasion I might indulge, but that might be once a year or less. I don't see much of a point. I try to be healthy in what I consume, and drinking alcohol doesn't contribute to that lifestyle in the least. I feel like I'm over it. I can have a good time without it.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm a light drinker. I only drink alcohol that tastes good and I've never been drunk. I'll never understood the appeal of drinking stuff that tastes terrible to get hammered. But a good cocktail or glass of wine with a meal is delicious.
Oct 26, 2017
New York
I love being anything but sober at any given time but the taste of alcohol and the nausea/headaches that come with it often stop me from going with drinking. Id have to be really miserable with no other option to go with booze.


Oct 25, 2017
I never have ever. I just dont want to or have any reason to.

Is there a reason why some people look down on people that don't drink though?

This is absurd. Genuine nonsense.

What always bothers me about some people who don't drink is the air of superiority often on display. Plenty of valid reasons to abstain from alcohol, but some of y'all take it too far with showing how much better you are than those alcohol-drinking commoners.

There was a guy on the first page saying that people who don't drink aren't normal, so it goes both ways.

Deleted member 29676

User Requested Account Closure
Nov 1, 2017
On a very rare occasion I might indulge, but that might be once a year or less. I don't see much of a point. I try to be healthy in what I consume, and drinking alcohol doesn't contribute to that lifestyle in the least. I feel like I'm over it. I can have a good time without it.

Moderate alcohol consumption may provide some health benefits, such as:
  • Reduce your risk of developing and dying from heart disease.
  • Possibly reduce your risk of ischemic stroke (when the arteries to your brain become narrowed or blocked, causing severely reduced blood flow)
  • Possibly reduce your risk of diabetes.

Guidelines for moderate alcohol use

Moderate alcohol use for healthy adults means up to one drink a day for women of all ages and men older than age 65, and up to two drinks a day for men age 65 and younger.

Examples of one drink include:

  • Beer: 12 fluid ounces (355 milliliters)
  • Wine: 5 fluid ounces (148 milliliters)
  • Distilled spirits (80 proof): 1.5 fluid ounces (44 milliliters)


Oct 27, 2017
I hardly drink, though tbh I don't really know why. lol. Have no problem with drinking and like the taste of most stuff. I guess I just always think of the money I'm wasting and what it's doing to my liver :P


Oct 25, 2017
I'm 33 and while I can't say I would never take another drink again I can say that I don't drink. After my teens to early 20's I started to use other intoxicants that helped me to see how problematic my alcohol consumption was. So slowly it made me stop drinking and helped me to see alcohol as the dangerous and often underestimated drug that it is.


Oct 28, 2017
When I drink, I get a buzz, and start feeling that drinking more will make me feel even better, even though on an intellectual level I know that the good feeling you get from alcohol is limited, and usually caps out at around 5-7 beers max. Any more than that is more likely to make you feel worse (It certainly won't make you feel better.), especially the day after.

Sort of like eating chips. Only the first 10 or so provide you with that feel-good-snack sensation -- eating any more than 10 is just going through the motions, hoping to get some more of that feel-good-snack sensation, and don't provide any additional satisfaction or pleasure. Despite this, I often want to finish the bag.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
I don't drink much. The odd beer at night, maybe, but other than that very little. While friends always wanted to get drunk, I often didn't care to or enjoy it.


Oct 28, 2017
Used to drink heavily on weekends up until I was about 24. 29 now and I can count the times I've has alcohol in the past year on one hand.


Oct 27, 2017
I think that when you ask if you drink, the assumption is that it's the type of drinking that makes you black out and puke to be considered "real drinking".

I personally have 1 or 2 beers in a restaurant, having food means I never get drunk. I've never experienced blackouts and they are so easy to avoid I'm a bit baffled it seems to happen all the time in parties.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Getting drunk? Nah don't like it never did, it's awful, but drinking 1 or 2 Beer or a Glass of Whine from time to time? Sure.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Never have. Honestly I'm too scared that I wouldn't be able to handle it. I can have a tendency to get easily addicted to things. So I just full stop stay away.


Oct 25, 2017
I am depressed and spend a lot of time alone. I am worried that if I get in the habit of drinking alone, it will be detrimental to my health. I drink sometimes when I am with friends, or if I am alone and not feeling well I might have a drink or two to relax but I never have got drunk since I was a teen.


Oct 25, 2017
It's pretty hard for me to get drunk or hungover, so I don't mind drinking a glass of bourbon regularly. Helps with my anxiety and shit.


Oct 25, 2017
I haven't drank anything for at least 6 years now.

I always enjoyed the feeling of being high alot more then being drunk and alcohol was always a dick to my stomach anyway.


Oct 26, 2017
Never had a drink until I was 25. Now at 33, alcohol has become the salt of life, if I don't pour a bit here and there life feels bland.


Persona Central
Oct 25, 2017
Never had alcohol. Knowing myself, I'd probably become addicted, too.

I do have an interest in how it would be like to get drunk, though. Maybe I'll find out one day.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm 42 and haven't had a drink since the champagne at my wedding 21 years ago.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
I still drink, but much less than I did in twenties. Only special occasions. Kinda got tired of it honestly.


Oct 28, 2017
28 here. I drink, but not much. Small glass of wine 2 times a week maybe. And a beer or two max when I'm out with friends. Something stronger (shots) only... I don't know 2-3 times per year.

I have no idea how some people can drink more than 3 beers and not just throw up. Weird. But it's cool that 2 is my limit (not because I'm already drunk after 2, it's just I feel like I can't pour more into myself :P). My wallet likes it.


Oct 25, 2017
Me. 29, gonna be 30 in less than a week. I don't like the taste either. Works out great- saves me a shitload of money. :)