
Oct 25, 2017
The ranking of intelligence in marvel universe pretty much goes

Moon Girl
Reed Richards
everyone else

So I'm going with Doom


Oct 25, 2017
It's not even close that I'm wondering how a VS. thread for this was made. It's Dr. Doom.


Oct 25, 2017
Xavier would cheat, that's the kind of man he is.


Oct 27, 2017

You could throw Dr. Doom in a Radio Shack and within 24 hours he'd probably build something that would blow the iPhone X out of the goddamn water.

D i Z

Oct 25, 2017
Where X marks the spot.
BP serves his people for their ends. Doom exploits his for his own ends. Doom always has the crutch of being self serving to a magnificent fault. It's his ultimate limit even when he gains ultimate power.
BP falls short of being a god king, but gets those with godlike powers under control.
Fail up, or fail down.
BP has the better track record for his goals and getting it done.


Oct 26, 2017
Marvel has so many geniuses that, outside maybe the top 5, it gets hard to neatly rank them. I would personally rank T'challa within the top ten, maybe even the top 8, in terms of intellect. But so much of T'challa's character comes from his ability to outmaneuver his opponents and create stratagems that puts him in an advantageous position in a situation. Raw intellect cannot solely be the cause for that.

Sort of off-topic but


I do love how Pym automatically assumes he's not part of the top 6.

Mr. Poolman

The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Where does Stark rank in the marvel universe?
Intelligence levels are off-scale on the Marvel U.

There you have people like Doom, Richards, Pym, Banner, Beast, T'Challa, Stark, Peter Parker, Amadeus Cho, Moon Girl, Valeria Richards, Leonardo Da Vinci, The Mad Thinker, The Leader, Blue Marvel and Iso.

Each one would be a super genius on many fields.
For The record, Batman was confirmed to be the 2nd smartest person on the DC Earth (just after Luthor) and he can't even compare with a single name from my previous list.


Oct 25, 2017
Tchala is smart as heck, but he doesnt have the decades of science feats to match up to doom/reed/pym. Tbf he probably can't match up to Brashear either.

so most fans would say Doom is above T'challa
then whats always bothered me is why is Wakanda much more technologically advanced than Latveria
does Doom not care as much about his people as T'challa does
Latveria was a backwater shithole until Doom took it over some decades ago. Wakanda has a long history of being an Awesome Place filled with Awesome People.
Until Time Runs Out, the people of latveria mostly legit loved Doom. Confirmed by telepaths.

Xavier would cheat, that's the kind of man he is.
Vic is pretty much immune to telepathy and mind control in general. Purple Man and Emma found that out.
BP serves his people for their ends. Doom exploits his for his own ends. Doom always has the crutch of being self serving to a magnificent fault. It's his ultimate limit even when he gains ultimate power.
BP falls short of being a god king, but gets those with godlike powers under control.
Fail up, or fail down.
BP has the better track record for his goals and getting it done.
Vic has barely any use for his people. Dude's ample use of doombots made latveria essentially a post-scarcity society.
Worth noting that valeria also has that rarest of traits: common goddamn sense.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Doom is smarter, but a portion of his brain is dominated at almost all times by his self-interest and (more in the past than nowadays) his infinite hatred of Reed. When he's not focused on Reed, he's pretty much unstoppable, brain-wise.


Oct 25, 2017
Edit - I know double R is supposed to be smart but I heard he fucks up like a lot.
the thing with Reed is that he has no common sense whatsoever. Left to his own devices, he's one of the most dangerous entities in the marvel universe. Thus the importance of the fantastic *four*: they're there to keep him grounded and remind him of how his hubris can harm those close to him.


Oct 25, 2017

I'm still going to say the guy with the Doctor in his name is the smarter of the two. I always viewed BP as a fighter/guardian not some grand mastermind.

Edit - I know double R is supposed to be smart but I heard he fucks up like a lot.

the thing with Reed is that he has no common sense whatsoever. Left to his own devices, he's one of the most dangerous entities in the marvel universe. Thus the importance of the fantastic *four*: they're there to keep him grounded and remind him of how his hubris can harm those close to him.
pretty much an example is something Rick and mortgage stole from something is the Council of Reeds who pretty much abandoned their families (apparently because of some time travel nonsense every single one of them lost their dad's in every reality which made a lot if them assholes because their Dad is responsible of keeping them grounded)

What happens because the council is kinda of a circlejerk they do horrible things "to fix everything" like lobotomise any doom, they find murder people, generally playing God

they also ducked up, one of them was a Nazi Reed who ended up destroying his galaxy in an accident
and oh also ended up almost letting a group of mad celestial ( basically gods) to go to every reality they can and fuck things up

or also when some of them get stuck on our earth they were willing to let the earth get destroyed to get back to their reality

basically Reed needs to be grounded
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
T'Chala may be "wiser", but in terms of intellect, even though Doom has shown a modicum of respect for other minds in the past (like Stark or Xavier I think), the only other he has ever admired in his life has been Richards.

Moon Girl I have no idea, too recent a character so I don't know much about her.


Oct 25, 2017
i think its because wakanda is just much richer in raw materials found there and what not? easier to build a country when you have wealth in the soil than needing to import it

someone can probably go into more detail

Latveria has also only been under Doom's control for about a decade or so. Wakanda has been ahead of the rest of the world for generations.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Latveria has also only been under Doom's control for about a decade or so. Wakanda has been ahead of the rest of the world for generations.
Yep when the rest of the world was trying to figure out bronze they had repeating crossbows with steel arrowheads


Oct 25, 2017
so most fans would say Doom is above T'challa

then whats always bothered me is why is Wakanda much more technologically advanced than Latveria

does Doom not care as much about his people as T'challa does
Wakanda (though it used to be because T'challa used to be responsible for its technology) have pretty much always have been the most advanced country besides maaaaaaaybe Atlantis before T'challa was born

Doom took control like at least a decade depending on comic time and he's an asshole and rather spend time finding ways to annoy reed than anything


Oct 27, 2017
Well if Reed Richards is the smartest man in the world and Doom is mostly able to match wits with him then that means Doom has the greater mind. But Tchalla has defeated Doom in the past So I would say T'Challa is not that far behind Doom.


Nov 6, 2017
Doom of course.
I think even mentioning Black Panther is an odd choice. Great leader, great hero and great character, but great mind? He's no dummy but it seems like there's several Marvel characters who would rank ahead intellectually. Wakanda has a wonderful natural resource, but that doesn't mean it's leader is GOAT.


Started a revolution but the mic was unplugged
Oct 27, 2017
Wakanda (though it used to be because T'challa used to be responsible for its technology) have pretty much always have been the most advanced country besides maaaaaaaybe Atlantis before T'challa was born

Doom took control like at least a decade depending on comic time and he's an asshole and rather spend time finding ways to annoy reed than anything

The man spends more on advanced android replicas of himself and powering his time machine. Latveria is North Korea lmaoooooooo

The Silver

Oct 28, 2017
You know even though I liked Infamous Iron Man I still can't ever ever accept Doom dressing up as Tony, I just take it as another malfunctioning Doombot.