
Oct 27, 2017
I thought Sigrun, while obviously hard, was made easier by being an amalgamation of every Valkyrie you'd fought so far. If you could consistently block or evade all their attacks well enough to beat them, you already had everything you needed to beat Sigrun; she just had more health and dished out more damage.

For me it was the humanoid bosses of Bayonetta 2 on Infinite Climax. They're a lot of fun on lower difficulties, but on the highest difficulty they all become exercises in tedium due to their input-reading AI. They'll automatically dodge any attack you throw at them in normal speed, so the only way to touch them is to dodge one of their attacks to get Witch Time and then land one or two hits in the extremely short window of slowed time. Rinse and repeat for as long as it takes to whittle down that health bar; there's really nothing else you can do. It's hard to pick out a single one as being harder than the others because they all basically feel like the same fight, but I think Baldur 3 caused me the most trouble because his attacks have such wide coverage and he can chew through half your health bar in moments.
Oct 28, 2017
It has to be Orphan of Kos (Bloodborne) or Fume Knight (Dark Souls II).

Orphan of Kos is the only boss I gave up (after almost beating him with like 1 HP remaining) and I beat all other bosses in every Souls game to date.


Visited by Knack - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
These threads usually suck since most posts are related to games most people have played and those bosses wouldn't be close to being the hardest. In reality, the hardest boss this gen comes from some very niche indie game.

Difficulty is subjective.


Dec 2, 2017
Rodin Bayonetta 2, majority probably haven't fought him but he easily stomps anything mentioned here.
Mar 21, 2018
That I haven't beaten:

Midir/Laurence (NG+)

That I'v Beaten:
Kos (NG+)

Not sure how difficult they are on NG because I always end up playing the DLC when I'm already in NG+.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Jan 10, 2018
Hardest 3DS boss.


Oct 26, 2017
Helsinki, Finland
It's either Pthumerian Descendant of Great Pthumeru Ihyll Chalice in Bloodborne, or Taro Gunkanyama in Let It Die, for me. The former took me ages to beat by myself, and the randomness of the latter made it extremely hard; I had to beat one of the phases without a weapon, and managed to break my armor in the process.


Oct 28, 2017
The Valkyrie Queen in GoW took me a few tries even on the easiest difficulty and with the best gear. It was way harder than any other enemy in the game and I beat other bosses on higher difficulties.

How hard is the Valkyrie Queen on easy diffulty compared to souls game bosses? I always considered playing a souls game but the supposed high difficulty is daunting.


Oct 25, 2017
I died to a big ass frog in The Witcher 3 DLC more times that I did to almost anything else in that game. Played it after beating the Main Game so I guess I felt I was good or something and forgot how to play properly. Bunch of tough fights in that DLC now I come to think of it. Also the end fight to the other DLC - died there too. Huh hadn't realised it but yeah the DLC's for The Witcher 3 had harder bosses for me. Makes sense I guess.


Oct 26, 2017
From what I played (and beat):

Darkeater Midir (Dark Souls III)
Definitely the hardest boss in any of the Dark Souls games. He's big, so the camera doesn't play nice and almost all his attacks are a one hit kill. To further complicate things, the AI summon for the boss is bugged and will fall to her death before the battle even begins. Yay?

Nightmare King Grimm (Hollow Knight)
Take the fastest and most unpredicable boss in the entire game, make him even faster and give him an entirely new moveset on top of his entire (expanded) old moveset and make every hit do two damage and you've got Nightmare King Grimm. He's by far the most insane boss in the game and that says a lot, since Hollow Knight's bosses in general are no slouch.

Grim Matchstick (Cuphead)
Fuck this dragon, fuck him hard.

Special mention

Sub-mission: Everlasting Duty (Nioh)
This might be a bit cheating, but fuck it... this is by far the hardest thing I ever beat in a video game. You fight the two toughest bosses in the entire game (Janomecho and Nine-Tailed Fox) at the same time. Both are incredibly fast, have massive AoE attacks and are capable of almost one hit killing you with pretty much every attack. Oh, and Janomecho actually can deal four different types of elemental damage (his weapon is the only dual elemental weapon in the game and he has two guardians spirits).

I'm pretty sure that while most of the game follows the hard-but-fair ideal, this is just massively unfair. To beat this you need to be incredibly well-versed in the different combo's of your weapons and have an insane amount of luck. I think this took me about a week of relentless trying before I finally beat it.

Deleted member 2834

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Oct 25, 2017
+1 for DSIII DLC bosses. The boss of Ashes of Ariandel is laughably hard. Way harder than S&O for instance. Midir is quite rough too. Hollow Knight probably has the hardest bosses on average though.


Oct 26, 2017
Lake Titicaca
I played 99% of God of War on normal mode, but when I got to Sigrun I had to reduce the difficulty to easy and felt like a massive scrub in the process.

I was prepared as well, I didn't rush into the fight or anything, but whenever I whittled her down to the last few bars of health I got destroyed everytime and I just couldn't take it anymore.


Oct 25, 2017
Rodin from bayo2. No matter how many times I try no matter how many guide videos I watch i cant win


Oct 26, 2017
Hey man I wrote this out for you. Hope this helps:

Armor: *Any armor set that gets you to at least level 6*

Talisman: Amulet of Kvasir (just make sure this is maxed out and just make sure you don't drop to level 5)

Leviathan Axe Runics:

Light Runic: Charge of the White Bear (Max) - Kratos charges with his shield up blocking any incoming attack and follows up with a shield hit and a slam (when maxed out)

Heavy Runic: Frost Giant's Frenzy (Max) - Kratos slams the Leviathan Axe three times, multiple times when mashing R2 (when maxed out). THIS IS YOUR HEAVY HITTER. SAVE THIS FOR OPENINGS.

Blades of Chaos Runics:

Light Runic: Spartan Charge (Max) - Same as Charge of the White Bear but Fire damage instead of Frost. Follows up with a slam (when maxed out)

Heavy Runic: Fire of Ares (Max) - Kratos slams the ground creating shockwaves up to three times (when maxed out)

Atreus: Equip him with the legendary armor set that gives him the ability to sporadically heal you. Set his animal to Wolf.

Resurrection Stone: the one that gives you half health.

Sigrun has the abilities of all the other Valkyries and alternates between their abilities at random. The key to defeating her is to learn her tells. Sigrun has a few tells that she sprinkles in with a few mixups and stances. Here's a list of all of her attacks (i named them as I saw them. I'm sure if you've died to her enough you'll be able to visualize the attack by my made up descriptions)

Sigrun Attacks and Stances:

Stance: Hover
> Homing Blasts - She fires 3 flaming homing bolts.
- Counter by Blocking. This attack can also be parried, or throw Axe at her to lead into stun***

> Depression Disc - She fires a disc blade that can cut your health in half in one hit. This attack is unblockable
- Counter by Dodging, throw Axe at her to lead into stun***

> Sparkle Staff Slam of Death - She twirls this staff in the air for a while and then slams to the ground. This attack is unblockable and will eat up a huge chunk of health.
- Counter by throwing Axe, leads into stun***

> Sky Boom - Probably her rarest attack (as far as I've seen) She pulls out her staff and does this aerial AOE that inflicts Blind to Kratos.
- Counter - She pulls out the staff and it's very noticable, the second she does, throw your Axe at her to lead into a stun***

Hover Stance Mixup:
> Aerial Dash Slam - She flies at Kratos and drags him across the ground if you get caught
- Counter by dodging left/right. She will NOT get knocked out of the sky from this. If you successfully dodge this, she will repeat the attack twice, collectively flying at Kratos up to 3 times. Dodging all three times leads into a short stun***

Stance: Standing-Far
> Blue Cloud Barrage of Bullshit - Sigrun fires off a barrage of icicles and then a massive one at the end of it.
- Counter by blocking the entire barrage, and there's a small break at the end of the barrage that gives away the big one. Dodge left/right to avoid it.

> Black Cloud Rain of Fire - Sigrun makes it rain fire from the sky and lights the path directly in front of her on fire. Standing in this path deals fire damage.
- Counter by dodging left/right.
**LEAD IN** She almost ALWAYS leads into Feather Blades after this.

> Feather Blades - She shoots out a quick barrage of black feather blades from her left and right wings (her left is our right, so don't get it mixed up). She usually follows up the Rain of Fire with the Feather Blades. They do pierce through the shield so don't block.
- Counter by dodging left/right
**LEAD IN** She almost ALWAYS leads into Wing Dash after this

> Wing Dash - She dashes at you with her left/right wing dealing unblockable piercing damage. She usually leads in from Feather Blades to this.
- Counter by dodging left/right

Standing-Far Mixup:
> Sky Drop Neck Break - She jumps into the air and falls down onto Kratos from the sky. It is unblockable and deals a crap ton of damage. She will repeat this up to 3 drops if you dodge it.
- Counter by dodging left/right AS SOON AS SHE LEAVES VISIBILTY. My measuring method for this is by locking the camera onto her, and as soon as her feet leave the top of the screen, dodge. If you dodge all 3 drops, she has a short stun***

Stance: Standing-Mid/Near:
> Sparkle Staff Slam of Pain - At mid range, she pulls out the Sparkle Staff and dashes at you to slam the ground followed up by a swing.
- Counter by dodging out of the AOE. The dash slam has an AOE that you need to move out of (it's a very small AOE) and once you move out of that, the follow up swing she does is super easy to dodge.
**LEAD IN** She can lead into the Sky Drop Neck Break, the Wing Dash, or the Wing Attack from this.

> Wing Attack^ - At mid/close range, she will swing her wings at you fairly slowly either 2 or 4 times. This is her standard close range attack.
- Counter by dodging out of the way or blocking. These attacks can be parried as well.
**LEAD IN** She usually dodges out of the way to create distance, follows up with Wing Shield, or Wing Dash after this.

> Wing Shield^ - At close range, she puts up a Shield using her wings, absorbs up to 3 attacks, opening up with a hard-hitting reaching counter on the 3rd OR if you wait long enough she does it anyways.
- Counter - Get up close and double-tap L1 (assuming you unlocked that ability). Breaks her shield and leads into a short stun***

> Feather Blender^ - At close range, she spins like a blender with her feather blades out.
- Counter - Block or dodge backwards to get out of the way.
**LEAD IN** She usually leads into the Sky Drop Neck Break after the blender. get ready to dodge really fast as soon as she's done spinning.

Standing-Mid/Near Mixup:
> Quick Dodge: She will dodge immediately behind you to lead into any of the above stances/attacks.

Passive Ability:
Super Armor - If she is recovering from a stun, she has a very small period in which she can get interrupted from her attacks. Once that recovery period has diminished, she will stand there momentarily and not react to your attacks. This is your sign to G T F O and make some gotdam distance.

That's all for her attacks. Just note that after any attack, if she dodges directly behind you. Press DOWN on the D-Pad to do a 180 and lock back on with R3.


The main trick is to learn all of those attacks and the countering methods to a T. She will mix it up and your job is to just see what she's moving to next. So here's how it works:

1. Use the Axe for the majority of the fight.
2. Amulet of Kvasir makes this entire fight a fucking joke. Any of the attacks that are BOLDED above, if you dodge them at the last second, you get rewarded with a slow-mo opening so long that you can get some solid hits on her. You can punish with a Runic or your regular Axe combos.
3. Any attack that has a stun (marked in the above spoiler list with ***) punish it with Frost Giant's Frenzy. You'll get AMAZING damage on her with this attack, just be wary though, once her Super-Armor kicks in and she's back up, stop mashing R2 and make some distance. If FGF isn't available and is recharging, switch and use Fire of Ares, then switch back.
4. Any attack that has the ^ symbol can be Countered/Punished with Charge of the White Bear or Spartan Charge and you won't take any damage.
5. Dodge Duck Dip Dive and Dodge. Read the Counters for each of her attacks and PRACTICE.
6. Play it safe, don't go for attacks if you don't have enough time. She's too far away and you just knocked her out of the sky? Go gather health.
7. SAVE YOUR RAGE. Your rage comes in handy when you're in a pinch. I usually let myself die if my health is really low and then revive (assuming she's at < 1/4 health), and then use Rage if i'm about to die post-revive.
8. Her mixups become faster and more unpredictable when she has 1/4th health left. You literally have to think fast and react accordingly.
9. Know your distance. She will resort to certain attacks depending on how far you are from her. When I killed her, she didn't even use half of her attacks because I kept her in mid-range for the most part.
10. Use your rage smartly. Rage actually cancels out damage entirely. If you see her leading into an animation of a high-damage dealing attack, Go into Rage, let your rage meter absorb the damage instead of your health. This way her attack has been interrupted AND you didn't take any damage (especially useful for the Sky Drop Neck Break, the Aerial Dash Slam, and the Sparkle Staff Slam of Death.

Follow these with some practice and she'll drop in a flash.

Damn. Thannks mate! :)

Will try to take her out in the weekend. God guides me...


Oct 26, 2017
Helsinki, Finland
The Valkyrie Queen in GoW took me a few tries even on the easiest difficulty and with the best gear. It was way harder than any other enemy in the game and I beat other bosses on higher difficulties.

How hard is the Valkyrie Queen on easy diffulty compared to souls game bosses? I always considered playing a souls game but the supposed high difficulty is daunting.
Same thing I wonder :)

Having healing items to use whenever you want, and being able to summon NPCs and other players to help eases many of the Souls boss fights in comparison to GOW's valkyries. You can even cheese some of them. The hardest are usually optional, and in the DLCs. I'd say the Valkyrie Queen on easy is about as hard as some of the more aggressive bosses on solo in Souls games, that don't leave you much time to breathe.


Nov 4, 2017
neither .-) It´s the true final boss of Nex Machina...

the guy there make it look easy but it is not...and if you fail your whole playthrough is fucked, that is 45 minutes again before you get another chance because the boss only appears on one credit without continue

WOW. Didn't know about this. Regular bosses already are a pain. Wow.


Oct 27, 2017
The Valkyrie Queen in GoW took me a few tries even on the easiest difficulty and with the best gear. It was way harder than any other enemy in the game and I beat other bosses on higher difficulties.

How hard is the Valkyrie Queen on easy diffulty compared to souls game bosses? I always considered playing a souls game but the supposed high difficulty is daunting.

I thought the Valkyrie Queen was easy compared to Soulsborne bosses. GoW gives you plenty of options to deal with bosses including runic attacks, Atreus summons, Atreus arrows+melee, axe throwing, Spartan Rage which grants health and invincibility, etc. Plus, you can attack for as long as you want without penalty. On the other hand, Dark Souls "simplicity" requires greater mastery and concentration. You have to constantly watch and manage your stamina bar and healing itself, while more readily available than GoW, is a risk in itself. So, I'd say even a Dark Souls boss like The Pursuer is more difficult, to me, than Sigurn because it requires total concentration.


Oct 28, 2017

Might not even be the hardest in this game, but that gives a good idea. Avoid watching if you dislike anime girls with non proper outfits.

I'll give a special mention to the final boss in marrow, don't think there's any video with how obscure that game is, as it easily entered the "Dark Fact" category in term of how stupid it is.
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Deleted member 5593

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017

Order of Difficulty for Me:

1. Ni Oh - The Two Kings Tachibana/Honda
2. Bloodborne - Orphan of Kos
3. God of War - Sigrun (Challenge Mode)

Although I think God of War will probably win if I was playing on "Give Me God of War" difficulty.
Oct 27, 2017
North Carolina
If remasters counts, this fucker from Birth by Sleep

All fairness is thrown out of the window; most of his attacks leave you at 1 health, have absurd hit stun which will randomly be followed up by a move with just the perfect amount of start-up to kill you before you can move, he can randomly block mid-attack to heal a big chunk of health, and once you get him down to a certain amount of health he turns invisible and starts stacking abilities on top of each other. If you're looking at which one of them is harder in a straight up fight, it's Vanitas' armor, but purely by value of not being cheese-able, Unknown takes the cake.


Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands
Got to go with Orphan of Kos. Granted, I was playing on New Game+, but I couldn't beat him.

Didn't have too much of an issue with Sigrun in God of War. Sure it took a good few tries to get her down, but I was basically getting her down to the last piece of her health bar from the very first attempt.


Oct 26, 2017
Orphan Of Kos

Probably more, but even as someone who found bloodborne easy because of how absolutely perfect it fits my playstayle, that boss was a kick in the nuts

Probably some others

Nice to see OoK only took 5 posts lol.

Easily my pick too. I personally wouldn't call BB easy either, but it's been pretty manageable and most bosses go down in a few tries, but I must've fought Orphan over 10 times on my last playthrough without getting even close to beating him.